Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) (data center)

Submit a batch job

The batch system, or torque, offers the following commands for job management.

command description
qsub dispatches a job
qstat shows a job's status
qalter edits job attributes
qdel deletes a job
qsig sends a signal to the job

The most important function of the batch system is dispatching a job to moab which is done with qsub. Now a description of the qsub options follows:

option description
-d path sets the working directory. If a working directory is not specified, the current directory will be used.
-q destination selects the queue. This is not required because the batch system chooses a suitable queue according the required resources.
-I starts an interactive job (capital "i"). Essentially the same as an ssh access on any node.
-l resource_list This parameter (lowercase "L") destinates the required resources of the job, e.g. number of nodes, number of cores, walltime, memory, etc.
-M list This parameter declares a list of e-mail addresses, which will get information from the PBS-System.
-m mail_options This parameter tells when an e-mail is supposed to be sent. Thus a=abort, b=begin and e=end. If you want to get e-mail notification when a job is aborted, begun or ended, enter "-m abe".
-N sets the job name. Usually the job gets its name from the script name.
-v variable_list This command edits a variable list which the batch system sets in the working directory.
-V This command takes all current variables and sets them in the batch workspace.

A detailed description of the qsub parameter you will find on the qsub man pages: "man qsub".

Dispatch a simple job

To learn how to write a simple job script, click here.

When you have written your script, dispatch it with "qsub jobscript.sh". It returns a job ID.

Check the status of your job with "qstat".

[<userid>@u-003-scfe03 queuetest]$ qsub jobscript.sh


[<userid>@u-003-scfe03 queuetest]$ qstat

Job id Name User Time Use S Queue

161716.icmu03 jobscript.sh <userid> 00:00:00 R tue-short

The status of a job

Important status of qstat are:

Status Description
Q Queued: waiting
T Transfer: ready to release
R Running
C Complete: completed successfully or with error
H Hold: hold back

How to use hardware resources

The command qsub offers a -W flag, which sets additional job attributes while you are dispatching a job.

Generally the following command is used:

qsub -W attr_name=attr_value[,attr_name=attr_value...]

For a detailed description of qsub and the option -W read man qsub. This section discusses the attribute "depend" with the value "afterok" and "afterany". Usually, jobs are declared with their dependencies with colon-seperated job-IDs.


By means of the attribute depend=afterok you can declare dependencies between multiple jobs. The dispatched job is only executed when all other named jobs have been executed successfully.

qsub -W depend=afterok:jobid[:jobid]


qsub -W depend=afterok:123.big.iron.com /tmp/script

Here you will find information in detail.


Use the attribute depend=afterany to execute your job after another job has ended. The named job can terminate with or without an error

qsub -W depend=afterany:jobid[:jobid]


qsub -W depend=afterany:123.big.iron.com /tmp/script

Details about the depend attribute and about other optional attributes available here.

Hardware resource: storage

When you dispatch your job you can declare required resources with the -l option. you can find a list of the available resources here. This section uses examples to describe the attributes mem and pmem, which sets the amount of the memory requirements.


Giving mem you can set the maximum required physical memory that your job will need. Torque chooses the appropriate node.


qsub -l mem=300mb /home/user/script.sh


Using pmem you specify that each process of your job will be assigned the maximum physical memory needed.


qsub -l pmem=50mb /home/user/script.sh

How you can combine multiple jobs?

Sometimes you need to execute multiple jobs in one job script.

For that, qsub won't be executed multiple times. Instead, a job array takes multiple jobs in an array and dispatches them at once.

Job arrays

Thus a "job array" is a collection of multiple jobs. It is possible to reference the whole array or only one special job in this job array.

The command for a job array is "qsub -t" or "#PBS -t" in a batch script.

With "0-4" or "0,1,2,3,4" you can put multiple jobs in an job array. And "%3" you can limit the number of jobs which supposed to be dispatched simultanously.

> qsub jobscript.sh -t 0-4%3 1098[].hostname > qstat -t 1098[0].hostname 1098[1].hostname 1098[2].hostname 1098[3].hostname

Here you can read more detailed information.