Dr. Andreas Dräger

Junior Professor for Computational Systems Biology of Infections and Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens


Department for Computer Science
Institute for Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics
Sand 14 ・ Main Floor ・ Office C108
 +49 7071 29-70459
+49 7071 29-5152
andreas.draegerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Office Hours

Mondays 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.
or by appointment


Google Scholar Profile
NCBI Pubmed Profile
Loop Profile
Web of Science Profile

Social Media

LinkedIn Profile
ORCID Profile
GitHub Profile
Publons Profile


Main Focus

The working group develops and uses computer models to investigate two major topics:

  1. Optimization of biotechnological processes
  2. Origin and course of diseases at the molecular level

By simulating these models, a better understanding of the complex interactions that take place inside living organisms and their microbial ecosystems can be gained. The work is divided into:

  • Systems biology modeling, in particular, the dynamics of biological networks, including metabolic, signal transduction and gene regulatory networks using a variety of technologies including machine learning
  • Development of efficient algorithms for model creation, simulation, and calibration
  • Application and development of open source software, libraries, and standards for the representation and efficient processing of models
  • Mapping of biological data on models for visualization and interpretation of results

Current research projects

Current research projects of the systems biology group can be found at the separate page “Projects​​.”

Completed Research Projects

Completed Projects of the Computational Systems Biology Research Group

Completed research projects of the systems biology research group are listed at the bottom of this spearate page.

Previous Research Projects

Projects funded by the European Union (FP7)
Project funded by the University of Tübingen
Student projects for open-source software
Projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF)
  • The Virtual Liver: A project with the goal of creating a comprehensive model of the human liver (2010 - 2015, funding reference 0315756).
  • National Genome Research Network (NGFN-Plus): medical genome research with focus on the Parkinson's disease (2009 - 2013, funding reference 01GS08134).
  • Spher4Sys: a systems biology-based approach for the preclinical development of lead structures using an in vivo-like spheroid test system. This project contributes to the network of medical systems biology (MedSys, 2009 - 2012, funding reference 0315384C).
  • HepatoSys: Systems biology of the human liver, in particular the detoxification processes in connection with statin treatment (2006 - 2010, funding reference 0313080).
  • NGFN-II EP: Explorative Project for the Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks in the National Genome Research Network (2005 - 2009, funding reference 0313323).
Projects funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg


Current classes, courses, seminars, and workshops on systems biology and related topics can be found on the separate page “Teaching.”

Previous classes

Systems Biology Research Group at the University of California, San Diego

Bioengineering 123 (2 + 2 SWS, winter quart at UCSD 2014)

Cognitive Systems Group at the University of Tübingen

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2024
Professor for Data Analytic and Bioinformatics

at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale)

Junior professor

at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen with focus on computational systems biology of infections and antimicrobiall-resistant pathogens

Awarded the Baden-Württemberg certificate for university didactics

Qualification as a university teacher by the University Didactics Center of the Universities of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Principal investigator and lecturer

in the Chair of Applied Bioinformatics at the Centre for Bioinformatics (ZBIT) at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Kohlbacher

Postdoctoral fellow

in the research group for cognitive systems led by Prof. Dr. Andreas Zell at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Tübingen

Research scholar in San Diego

at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), in Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ø. Palsson's Systems Biology Research Group within the Department of Bioengineering

Junior research group leader

at the Center for Bioinformatics (ZBIT) at the University of Tübingen

Doctorate with distinction

Dissertation Award of the Year of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Tübingen

Visiting Ph.D. student in Yokohama

in the working group of Prof. Dr. Akira Funahashi at the Institute of Biosciences and Computer Science at Keio University in Yokohama, Japan

Research assistant and doctoral candidate

in the Department of Computer Architecture at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Tübingen

Diploma in Bioinformatics

at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale)

Research internship in Chicago

in Prof. Dr. Simon Silvers' research group at the Institute of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Illinois, Chicago

Pre-diploma in bioinformatics

at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale)

Elected student representative

Member of the Student Council of the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Working student in Berlin (Dahlem)

in the research group of Dr. Richard Reinhard at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics

Study of bioinformatics

at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in Halle (Saale)

High school graduation with distinction

High School “Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt” in Hettstedt

Awards and Honors

  1. iGEM bronze medal 2016 as mentor of the team of the University of Tübingen
  2. Award for an excellent presentation of the F1000 journal in Orlando, Florida, USA, for the poster about Escher and the BiGG models data base [ DOI ]
  3. iGEM gold medal 2014 for software development in the team of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
  4. Dissertation award 2011 of the Faculty of Science of the University of Tübingen
  5. High school graduation with distinction by the high school "Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt" in Hettstedt

Science Communication

Media and press coverage of scientific outcomes




SWR Fernsehen
odysso – Wissen im SWR









Corona: Wie wirksam sind neue Medikamente gegen das Virus?





Ексклузивно: Първа стъпка към откриването лекарство срещу COVID-19

С ръководителя на проекта професор Андреас Дрегер, разговаря Цвети Петрунова




Nova BG

СЛАБОТО МЯСТО НА COVID-19: Близо ли сме до победата над заразата?






Ученые РФ и ФРГ нашли способы уничтожать COVID-19





Ученые РФ и ФРГ нашли способы уничтожать COVID-19










RTL – online report and broadkast in "Punkt 12“ at January 11, 2021, as well as in "Nachtjournal“ at January 12, 2021

Enzym gefunden

Forscher entdecken Coronavirus-Schwachstelle - kann die Pandemie gestoppt werden?





Forscher finden "Zielscheibe"

Entdeckung könnte Weg zu Corona-Medikament ebnen






Report starts at minute 14:34.





Neuer Ansatz für Corona-Therapie an Tübinger Uni


Radio broadcasting and podcasts



SWR4 Baden-Württemberg


From the Tübingen studio on by 11:30 a.m.

Researchers from Tübingen are creating a computer program to develop active substances against viral diseases.




Ep. 04 | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Dräger on systems biology and fighting antimicrobial-resistant pathogens



Hitradio Antenne 1


Jetzt könnte ein Medikament gefunden werden


Print media



Reutlinger General-Anzeiger
Tübinger Forscher bereiten sich auf nächste Pandemie vor
Entwicklung antiviraler Wirkstoffe soll beschleunigt werden: Tübinger Forscher suchen im Computermodell nach Angriffspunkten gegen Infektionen


Jungforscher in Nagold
Mit Stolz präsentieren sie erste Ergebnisse
Schwarzwälder Bote

Winter term


Faktor 14 - Studierendenmagazin für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Issue 16, page 27, early 2021

COVID-19-Forschung in Tübingen




c't 2021, issue 3, p. 40

Covid-19-Medizin in der Simulation




Schwäbisches Tagblatt


Durchbruch im Kampf gegen das Virus?





Seit fast einem Jahr liegt der mögliche Schlüssel zu einem Corona-Medikament vor: Darum bekommt eine Tübinger Studie erst jetzt Aufmerksamkeit




Reutlinger General-Anzeiger

Tübinger Bioinformatiker finden Ansatz für Therapie bei Corona




Berliner Zeitung

Suche nach Medikament

Covid-19: Bioinformatiker entdecken Schwachstelle des Coronavirus


Online journals and blogs



India Education Diary

Experts Develop Computer Modeling To Speed-Up The Development Of Antiviral Drugs





Modernized Algorithm Predicts Drug Targets for SARS-CoV-2, Other RNA Viruses





Universität Tübingen: Forscher suchen im Computermodell nach Angriffspunkten gegen Infektionen




Using targeted computer modeling to accelerate antiviral drug development


Nachgefragt! beim Bioinformatiker
Bioinformatiker Dr. Andreas Dräger erklärt uns, wie er mit einem Computermodell Schwachstellen im Virus findet, die dann genutzt werden können.
20 minuten
Bereits etablierter Wirkstoff verhindert schwere Covid-19-Verläufe



Dieser Wirkstoff verhindert schwere Corona-Verläufe




L'essentiel Radio Luxembourg


Bringt uns dieser Fund Corona- Medikamente?





Beschert uns diese Entdeckung bald Corona-Medikamente?




20 minuten


Ist das die Entdeckung, die uns Corona-Medikamente beschert?





Daran forschen die Deutschen

Die Welt blickt auf Impfstoffe - doch andere Covid-19-Mittel sind genauso wichtig





کشف آنزیمی که تکثیر ویروس کرونا را متوقف می‌کند





کشف آنزیمی که تکثیر کرونا را متوقف می‌کند





Прочети повече в

Проговори ученият, който разработва хапче срещу COVID-19





Массовая вакцинация от COVID-19 стартует в России: что нужно знать

Вакцину от коронавирусной инфекции отгружают на заводах крупными партиями.




Schwäbisches Tagblatt

Der Tag in der Region

Live-Blog: Moderna-Impfstoff in Tübingen angekommen: Unterschiede zu Biontech




Deutsche Apotheker-Zeitung


Menschliches Enzym gehemmt: SARS-CoV-2-Vermehrung gestoppt





Німецькі вчені знайшли слабке місце коронавірусу: це допоможе створити ліки

Більше читайте тут:




FRANKFURT LIVE - Das Online-Gesellschaftsmagazin aus Frankfurt am Main

Neue Schwachstelle des Virus entdeckt
Tübinger Bioinformatiker hindern Covid 19, sich zu vermehren






Corona-"Schwachpunkt" entdeckt: Wichtiges Enzym könnte Verbreitung stoppen




Pharmazeutische Zeitung - Die Zeitschrift der Deutschen Apotheker

Antivirale Wirkstoffe

Neues Target gegen SARS-CoV-2 entdeckt






Schlag gegen Corona: Deutsche Forscher entdecken Virus-Schwachstelle - möglicher Durchbruch für Medikament





Schlag gegen Corona: Deutsche Forscher entdecken Virus-Schwachstelle - möglicher Durchbruch für Medikament





Пробив: откриха пътя за лечение на Ковид-19





Откриха ензим, влияещ на коронавируса




Journal Do Brasil


Revelada enzima que influencia propagação do SARS-CoV-2 no organismo humano




Android Kosmos

Featured News

Kommt jetzt ein Corona-Medikament statt Impfung? Durchbruch bei der Forschung zu Covid!





Forscher finden Weg, Coronaviren zu stoppen




Berliner Kurier

Vermehrung soll aufgehalten werden

Forscher entdecken Schwachstelle im Virus: Ist das der Schlüssel zum Corona-Medikament?





Обнаружен фермент, от которого зависит распространение в организме COVID-19




IL Mitte - Berlino

Germania, nuovo farmaco contro il Covid-19? Da Tubinga una scoperta promettente





Deutsche Forscher machen Entdeckung
Coronavirus hat eine „Schwachstelle“: Forscher wollen Virus mit Computer-Modell austricksen










SARS-CoV-2-Forschung: Neues Enzym als Schlüssel gegen das Coronavirus identifiziert





Covid-19 - Учени откриха ново слабо място във вируса




Computer Bild

Special > Digital Lifestyle - Corona-Studie

Coronavirus: Deutsche Bioinformatiker entwickeln Therapie





Engañar al SARS-CoV-2 con bioinformática
Los bioinformáticos descubren una nueva debilidad del virus




MTA-Dialog (Deutscher Ärzteverlag)


SARS-CoV-2: Bioinformatiker entdecken neue Schwachstelle




News Medical Life Sciences

Global collaboration provides a COVID-19 disease map





COVID-19 Disease Map: A comprehensive repository


Press releases



Reutlinger General-Anzeiger
Tübinger Forscher bereiten sich auf nächste Pandemie vor
Entwicklung antiviraler Wirkstoffe soll beschleunigt werden: Tübinger Forscher suchen im Computermodell nach Angriffspunkten gegen Infektionen



DZIF – Press Release

Preparing for the next pandemic: Targeted computer modelling to accelerate antiviral drug development




Cluster of Excellence – Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections (CMFI)

Targeted computer modelling to accelerate antiviral drug development: Preparing for the next pandemic: Researchers from Tübingen use computer models to detect targets for infections




University of Tübingen
Targeted computer modelling to accelerate antiviral drug development
Preparing for the next pandemic: Researchers from Tübingen use computer models to detect targets for infections


attempto online
SARS-CoV-2: Ein Computermodell macht mögliche Angriffspunkte von Virus und Virusmutanten sichtbar
DZIF – Press Release
SARS-CoV-2: A computer model to visualise possible attack points of viruses and virus mutants



idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft

SARS-CoV-2: Bioinformatiker entdecken eine neue Schwachstelle des Virus

German Center for Infection Research




innovations report

Biowissenschaften Chemie

SARS-CoV-2: Bioinformatiker entdecken eine neue Schwachstelle des Virus




Universität Tübingen

attempto online

COVID-19: Seltene Zellen im Blut weisen auf schweren Verlauf hin



Universität Tübingen

Potentielles Wirkstoffziel: Wie das Ausschalten eines Enzyms das Virus SARS-CoV-2 stoppen könnte



Universität Tübingen

attempto online

Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Verbreitung des Coronavirus



Universität Tübingen


Neues Software-Tool fördert die Qualitätskontrolle virtueller Stoffwechselmodelle



Universität Tübingen

Pressemitteilungen Archiv

Die Stoffwechsel-Modellierung wird dreidimensional



European Commission

Modelling the essential genes of microbial life




innovations report

Biowissenschaften Chemie

Minimalausstattung für den Mikroorganismus




UC San Diego | Jacobs School of Engineering

Bioengineers identify the key genes and functions for sustaining microbial life


Publications and Talks

Comprehensive bibliographies can be found in the NCBI Pubmed Profile as well as within Google-Scholar, and within the Loop Profile.

Monographs (theses)

  1. Computational Modeling of Biochemical Networks.
    Andreas Dräger. Doctoral thesis, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, January 2011. [ link ]
  2. Automatische und vergleichende Analyse bakterieller Genome mit Schwerpunkt auf Ralstonia/Cupriavidus-Arten sowie verwandten Proteobakerien.
    Andreas Dräger. Diploma thesis, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany, December 2005. [ PDF ]
  3. Suche häufiger Proteinfragmente unter Berücksichtigung von Mutationen und Lücken.
    Andreas Dräger. Project thesis, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, 06120 Halle (Saale), Germany, August 2003.

Journal Articles

  1. Exploring the metabolic profile of A. baumannii for antimicrobial development using genome-scale modeling
    Nantia Leonidou, Yufan Xia, Lea Friedrich, Monika S. Schütz, and Andreas Dräger
    PLOS Pathongens, September, 23rd, 2024.
    Details | Preprint | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  2. Perspectives on computational modeling of biological systems and the significance of the SysMod community
    Bhanwar Lal Puniya, Meghna Verma, Chiara Damiani, Shaimaa Bakr, and Andreas Dräger
    Bioinformatics Advances, 26th 2024
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  3. Genome-Scale Modeling of Rothia mucilaginosa Reveals Insights into Metabolic Capabilities and Therapeutic Strategies for Cystic Fibrosis 
    Nantia Leonidou, Lisa Ostyn, Tom Coenye, Aurélie Crabbé, and Andreas Dräger
    Microbiology Spectrum, April, 23rd 2024
    [ Details | DOI | Preprint | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  4. Genome-scale metabolic models consistently predict in vitro characteristics of Corynebacterium striatum
    Famke BäuerleGwendolyn O. Döbel, Laura Camus, Simon Heilbronner, and Andreas Dräger
    Frontiers in Bioinformatics, Section Network Biology, October, 23rd 2023.
    [ Details | DOIPreprint | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  5. An integrated systems-biology approach reveals differences in formate metabolism in the genus Methanothermobacter
    Isabelle Casini, Tim McCubbin, Sofia Esquivel-Elizondo, Guillermo G. Luque, Daria Evseeva, Christian Fink, Sebastian Beblawy, Nicholas D. Youngblut, Ludmilla Aristilde, Daniel H. Huson, Andreas Dräger, Ruth E. Ley, Esteban Marcellin, Largus T. Angenent, Bastian Molitor
    iScience, September, 22nd, 2023
    [ DetailsPreprint | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  6. Can Genome Sequencing Coupled to Flux Balance Analyses Offer Precision Guidance for Industrial Strain Development? The Lessons from Carbon Trafficking in Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 21573
    Eldin Kurpejović, Daniel Wibberg, Gülsüm Merve Bastem, Arthur Burgardt, Tobias Busche, Fatma Ece Altınışık Kaya, Andreas Dräger, Volker F. Wendisch und Berna Sarıyar Akbulut
    OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, 27:9, September 14th, 2023.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  7. Advancements in Computational Modelling of Biological Systems: seventh annual SysMod meeting
    Bhanwar Lal Puniya und Andreas Dräger
    Bioinformatics, September 14th 2023.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  8. SBOannotator: a Python Tool for the Automated Assignment of Systems Biology Ontology Terms
    Nantia Leonidou, Elisabeth Fritze, Alina Renz, and Andreas Dräger
    Bioinformatics 2023, July, 14th 2023.
    [ Details | DOI | PreprintPDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  9. New workflow predicts drug targets against SARS-CoV-2 via metabolic changes in infected cells
    Nantia Leonidou, Alina Renz, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, and Andreas Dräger
    PLOS Computational Biology, 19(3): e1010903. March 23rd, 2023
    [ Details | DOI | Preprint | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  10. Genome-scale model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa metabolism unveils virulence and drug potentiation
    Sanjeev Dahal, Alina Renz, Andreas Dräger, and Laurence Yang
    Communications Biology, 6, 165, February 10th, 2023.
    DetailsDOI | Preprint | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  11. Hierarchical modelling of microbial communities
    Manuel Glöckler, Andreas Dräger, and Reihaneh Mostolizadeh
    Bioinformatics, January 17th, 2023.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  12. Computational modelling in health and disease. Highlights of the 6th annual SysMod meeting
    Anna Niarakis, Juilee Thakar, Matteo Barberis, María Rodríguez Martínez, Tomáš Helikar, Marc Birtwistle, Claudine Chaouiya, Laurence Calzone, and Andreas Dräger
    Bioinformatics, September 22nd, 2022.
    Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  13. Towards the human nasal microbiome: simulating D. pigrum and S. aureus
    Reihaneh MostolizadehManuel Glöckler, and Andreas Dräger
    Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2022, August 15th, 2022
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  14. FluxomicsExplorer: Differential visual analysis of flux sampling based on metabolomics
    Constantin Holzapfel, Miriam Hoene, Xinjie Zhao, Chunxiu Hu, Cora Weigert, Andreas Nieß, Guowang Xu, Rainer Lehmann, Andreas Dräger, and Michael Krone
    Computers & Graphics, August 29th, 2022.
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  15. NCMW: A Python Package to Analyze Metabolic Interactions in the Nasal Microbiome
    Manuel GlöcklerAndreas Dräger, and Reihaneh Mostolizadeh
    Frontiers in Bioinformatics, February 25th 2022.
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  16. A Computational Model of Bacterial Population Dynamics in Gastrointestinal Yersinia enterocolitica Infections in Mice
    Janina K. Geißert, Erwin Bohn, Reihaneh MostolizadehAndreas Dräger, Ingo B. Autenrieth, Sina Beier, Oliver Deusch, Alina Renz, Martin Eichner, and Monika S. Schütz.
    Biology, 11(2), 297; February 12th 2022.
    Details | DOI | Preprint | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  17. The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library
    Hemil PanchiwalaShalin Shah, Hannes Planatscher, Mykola Zakharchuk, Matthias König, and Andreas Dräger
    Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 864-865, February 1st 2022.
    Details | DOI | Preprint | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  18. High-Quality Genome-Scale Reconstruction of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
    Martina Feierabend, Alina Renz, Elisabeth Zelle, Katharina Nöh, Wolfgang Wiechert, and Andreas Dräger
    Frontiers in Microbiology, November 15th 2021.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  19. COVID-19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms
    Marek Ostaszewski, Anna Niarakis, Alexander Mazein, Inna Kuperstein, Robert Phair, Aurelio Orta-Resendiz, Vidisha Singh, Sara Sadat Aghamiri, Marcio Luis Acencio, Enrico Glaab, Andreas Ruepp, Gisela Fobo, Corinna Montrone, Barbara Brauner, Goar Frishman, Luis Cristóbal Monraz Gómez, Julia Somers, Matti Hoch, Shailendra Kumar Gupta, Julia Scheel, Hanna Borlinghaus, Tobias Czauderna, Falk Schreiber, Arnau Montagud, Miguel Ponce de Leon, Akira Funahashi, Yusuke Hiki, Noriko Hiroi, Takahiro G. Yamada, Andreas Dräger, Alina Renz, Muhammad Naveez, Zsolt Bocskei, Francesco Messina, Daniela Börnigen, Liam Fergusson, Marta Conti, Marius Rameil, Vanessa Nakonecnij, Jakob Vanhoefer, Leonard Schmiester, Muying Wang, Emily E. Ackerman, Jason E. Shoemaker, Jeremy Zucker, Kristie L. Oxford, Jeremy Teuton, Ebru Kocakaya, Gökçe Yağmur Summak, Kristina Hanspers, Martina Kutmon, Susan Coort, Lars Eijssen, Friederike Ehrhart, Rex D. A. B., Denise Slenter, Marvin Martens, Robin Haw, Bijay Jassal, Lisa Matthews, Marija Orlic-Milacic, Andrea Senff-Ribeiro, Karen Rothfels, Veronica Shamovsky, Ralf Stephan, Cristoffer Sevilla, Thawfeek Mohamed Varusai, Jean-Marie Ravel, Rupsha Fraser, Vera Ortseifen, Silvia Marchesi, Piotr Gawron, Ewa Smula, Laurent Heirendt, Venkata Satagopam, Guanming Wu, Anders Riutta, Martin Golebiewski, Stuart Owen, Carole Goble, Xiaoming Hu, Rupert Overall, Dieter Maier, Angela Bauch, John A. Bachman, Benjamin M Gyori, Carlos Vega, Valentin Grouès, Miguel Vazquez, Pablo Porras, Luana Licata, Marta Iannuccelli, Francesca Sacco, Denes Turei, Augustin Luna, Ozgun Babur, Sylvain Soliman, Alberto Valdeolivas, Marina Esteban-Medina, Maria Peña-Chilet, Tomáš Helikar, Bhanwar Lal Puniya, Anastasia Nesterova, Anton Yuryev, Anita de Waard, Dezso Modos, Agatha Treveil, Marton Laszlo Olbei, Bertrand De Meulder, Aurélien Naldi, Aurélien Dugourd, Vincent Noël, Laurence Calzone, Chris Sander, Emek Demir, Tamas Korcsmaros, Tom C. Freeman, Franck Augé, Jacques S. Beckmann, Jan Hasenauer, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Egon Willighagen, Alexander R. Pico, Chris Evelo, Marc Gillespie, Lincoln D. Stein, Henning Hermjakob, Peter DʼEustachio, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Joaquin Dopazo, Alfonso Valencia, Hiroaki Kitano, Emmanuel Barillot, Charles Auffray, Rudi Balling, Reinhard Schneider, and the COVID-19 Disease Map Community
    Molecular Systems Biology 17: e10387, October 19th 2021.
    [ Details | DOI | Preprint | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  20. SBMLWebApp: Web-based Simulation, Steady-State Analysis, and Parameter Estimation of Systems Biology Models
    Takahiro G. YamadaKaito Ii, Matthias König, Martina FeierabendAndreas Dräger, and Akira Funahashi
    Processes, 9(10), October 15th 2021
    [ DetailsDOI | Preprint | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  21. An updated genome-scale metabolic network reconstruction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 to characterize mucin-driven shifts in bacterial metabolism
    Dawson D. Payne, Alina Renz, Laura J. Dunphy, Taylor Lewis, Andreas Dräger, and Jason A. Papin
    npj Systems Biology and Applications 7, 37, October 8th 2021.
    [ DetailsDOI | Preprint | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  22. Curating and Comparing 114 Strain-Specific Genome-Scale Metabolic Models of Staphylococcus aureus
    Alina Renz and Andreas Dräger
    npj Systems Biology and Applications 7, 30, 29th 2021
    [ DetailsDOI | Preprint | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  23. SysMod: the ISCB community for data-driven computational modelling and multi-scale analysis of biological systems
    Andreas Dräger Tomáš Helikar, Matteo Barberis, Marc Birtwistle, Laurence Calzone, Claudine Chaouiya, Jan Hasenauer, Jonathan R. Karr, Anna Niarakis, María Rodríguez Martínez, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, and Juilee Thakar.
    Bioinformatics, btab229, June 24th 2021.
    [ Details | DOI | Preprint | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  24. Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Infection with SARS-CoV-2 Mutants Confirms Guanylate Kinase as Robust Potential Antiviral Target
    Alina RenzLina Widerspick, and Andreas Dräger
    Genes2021, 12, 796. May 24th, 2021
    [ Details | DOIPreprint | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  25. First Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Dolosigranulum pigrum Confirms Multiple Auxotrophies
    Alina RenzLina Widerspick, and Andreas Dräger
    Metabolites, 11(4), 232, April 9th 2021
    [ DetailsDOI | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  26. FBA reveals guanylate kinase as a potential target for antiviral therapies against SARS-CoV-2
    Alina Renz, Lina Widerspick, and Andreas Dräger.
    Bioinformatics, , Volume 36, Issue Supplelment_2, Pages i813-i821, December 29th 2020.
    [ Details | DOIZenodo | PubMed | YouTube | PDF | BibTeX ]
  27. Computational Model Informs Effective Control Interventions against Y. enterocolitica Co-Infection
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh and Andreas Dräger.
    Biology, 9(12), Special Issue Computational Biology, November 30th 2020.
    [ Details | DOIPreprint | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  28. Longitudinal multi-omics analyses identify responses of megakaryocytes, erythroid cells and plasmablasts as hallmarks of severe COVID-19 trajectories
    Joana P. Bernardes, Neha Mishra, Florian Tran, Thomas Bahmer, Lena Best, Johanna I. Blase, Dora Bordoni, Jeanette Franzenburg, Ulf Geisen, Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding, Philipp Köhler, Axel Künstner, Elisa Rosati, Anna C. Aschenbrenner, Petra Bacher, Nathan Baran, Teide Boysen, Burkhard Brandt, Niklas Bruse, Jonathan Dörr, Andreas Dräger, Gunnar Elke, David Ellinghaus, Julia Fischer, Michael Forster, Andre Franke, Sören Franzenburg, Norbert Frey, Anette Friedrichs, Janina Fuß, Andreas Glück, Jacob Hamm, Finn Hinrichsen, Marc P. Höppner, Simon Imm, Ralf Juenker, Sina Kaiser, Ying H. Kan, Rainer Knoll, Christoph Lange, Georg Laue, Clemes Lier, Matthias Lindner, Georgios Marinos, Robert Markewitz, Jacob Nattermann, Rainer Noth, Peter Pickkers, Klaus F. Rabe, Alina Renz, Christoph Röcken, Jan Rupp, Annika Schaffarzyk, Alexander Scheffold, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Domagoj Schunck, Dirk Skowasch, Thomas Ulas, Klaus-Peter Wandinger, Michael Wittig, Johannes Zimmermann, Hauke Busch, Bimba F. Hoyer, Christoph Kaleta, Jan Heyckendorf, Matthijs Kox, Jan Rybniker, Stefan Schreiber, Joachim Schultze, and Philip Rosenstiel
    Immunity, November 26th 2020.
    [ Details | DOI | MedRxiv | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  29. Community standards to facilitate development and address challenges in metabolic modeling
    Maureen A. Carey, Andreas Dräger, Moritz E. Beber, Jason A. Papin, and James T. Yurkovich.
    Accepted in Molecular Systems Biology, July 9th 2020.
    [ DetailsDOIBioRxiv | PubMedPDF | BibTeX ]
  30. SBML Level 3: an extensible format for the exchange and reuse of biological models
    Sarah M. Keating, Dagmar Waltemath, Matthias König, Fengkai Zhang, Andreas Dräger, Claudine Chaouiya, Frank T. Bergmann, Andrew Finney, Colin Gillespie, Tomáš Helikar, Stefan Hoops, Rahuman Malik-Sheriff, Stuart Moodie, Ion Moraru, Chris J. Myers, Aurélien Naldi, Brett Olivier, Sven Sahle, James Schaff, Lucian P. Smith, Maciej Swat, Denis Thieffry, Leandro Watanabe, Darren Wilkinson, Michael L. Blinov, Kimberly Begley, James Faeder, Harold Gómez, Thomas M. Hamm, Yuichiro Inagaki, Wolfram Liebermeister, Allyson Lister, Daniel Lucio, Eric Mjolsness, Carole Proctor, Karthik Raman, Nicolas Rodriguez, Clifford Shaffer, Bruce Shapiro, Joerg Stelling, Neil Swainston, Naoki Tanimura, John Wagner, Martin Meier-Schellersheim, Herbert Sauro, Bernhard Ø. Palsson, Hamid Bolouri, Hiroaki Kitano, Akira Funahashi, Henning Hermjakob, John C. Doyle, and Michael Hucka, and the SBML Level 3 Community members: Richard R. Adams, Nicholas A. Allen, Bastian R. Angermann, Marco Antoniotti, Gary D. Bader, Jan Červený, Mélanie Courtot, Chris D. Cox, Piero Dalle Pezze, Emek Demir, William S. Denney, Harish Dharuri, Julien Dorier, Dirk Drasdo, Ali Ebrahim, Johannes Eichner, Johan Elf, Lukas Endler, Chris T. Evelo, Christoph Flamm, Ronan M. T. Fleming, Martina Fröhlich, Mihai Glont, Emanuel Gonçalves, Martin Golebiewski, Hovakim Grabski, Alex Gutteridge, Damon Hachmeister, Leonard A. Harris, Benjamin D. Heavner, Ron Henkel, William S. Hlavacek, Bin Hu, Daniel R. Hyduke, Hidde Jong, Nick Juty, Peter D. Karp, Jonathan R. Karr, Douglas B. Kell, Roland Keller, Ilya Kiselev, Steffen Klamt, Edda Klipp, Christian Knüpfer, Fedor Kolpakov, Falko Krause, Martina Kutmon, Camille Laibe, Conor Lawless, Lu Li, Leslie M. Loew, Rainer Machne, Yukiko Matsuoka, Pedro Mendes, Huaiyu Mi, Florian Mittag, Pedro T. Monteiro, Kedar Nath Natarajan, Poul M. F. Nielsen, Tramy Nguyen, Alida Palmisano, Jean‐Baptiste Pettit, Thomas Pfau, Robert D. Phair, Tomas Radivoyevitch, Johann M. Rohwer, Oliver A. Ruebenacker, Julio Saez‐Rodriguez, Martin Scharm, Henning Schmidt, Falk Schreiber, Michael Schubert, Roman Schulte, Stuart C. Sealfon, Kieran Smallbone, Sylvain Soliman, Melanie I. Stefan, Devin P. Sullivan, Koichi Takahashi, Bas Teusink, David Tolnay, Ibrahim Vazirabad, Axel Kamp, Ulrike Wittig, Clemens Wrzodek, Finja Wrzodek, Ioannis Xenarios, Anna Zhukova, and Jeremy Zucker.
    Molecular Systems Biology, August 26th 2020.
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  31. Systems biology markup language (SBML) level 3 package: multistate, multicomponent and multicompartment species, version 1, release 2
    Fengkai Zhang, Lucian P. Smith, Michael L. Blinov, James Faeder, William S. Hlavacek, José-Juan Tapia, Sarah M. Keating, Nicolas Rodriguez, Andreas Dräger, Leonard A. Harris, Andrew Finney, Bin Hu, Michael Hucka, and Martin Meier-Schellersheim
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, July 6th 2020.
    [ DetailsDOI | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  32. Systems biology graphical notation markup language (SBGNML) version 0.3
    Frank T. Bergmann, Tobias Czauderna, Ugur Dorusoz, Adrien Rougny, Andreas Dräger, Vasundra Touré, Alexander Mazein, Michael L. Blinov, and Augustin Luna.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, June 22nd 2020.
    [ DetailsDOI | Link | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  33. COVID-19 Disease Map, building a computational repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms
    Marek Ostaszewski, Alexander Mazein, Marc E. Gillespie, Inna Kuperstein, Anna Niarakis, Henning Hermjakob, Alexander R. Pico, Egon L. Willighagen, Chris T. Evelo, Jan Hasenauer, Falk Schreiber, Andreas Dräger, Emek Demir, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Laura I. Furlong, Emmanuel Barillot, Joaquin Dopazo, Aurelio Orta-Resendiz, Francesco Messina, Alfonso Valencia, Akira Funahashi, Hiroaki Kitano, Charles Auffray, Rudi Balling, and Reinhard Schneider.
    Scientific Data 7, 136. May 5th 2020.
    [ Details | DOI | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  34. Visualizing metabolic network dynamics through time-series metabolomic data
    Lea F. Buchweitz, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph Blessing, Veronika Kohler, Fabian Schwarzkopf, Zachary A. King, Laurence Yang, Freyr Jóhannsson, Ólafur Sigurjónsson, Óttar Rolfsson, Julian Heinrich, and Andreas Dräger.
    BMC Bioinformatics 21, 130. April 3rd 2020.
    Details | DOI | PubMed | BioRxiv | PDF | BibTeX ]
  35. MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
    Christian Lieven, Moritz E. Beber, Brett G. Olivier, Frank T. Bergmann, Meric Ataman, Parizad Babaei, Jennifer A. Bartell, Lars M. Blank, Siddharth Chauhan, Kevin Correia, Christian Diener, Andreas Dräger, Brigitta E. Ebert, Janaka N. Edirisinghe, José P. Faria, Adam M. Feist, Georgios Fengos, Ronan M. T. Fleming, Beatriz García-Jiménez, Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Wout van Helvoirt, Christopher S. Henry, Henning Hermjakob, Markus J. Herrgård, Ali Kaafarani, Hyun Uk Kim, Zachary A. King, Steffen Klamt, Edda Klipp, Jasper J. Koehorst, Matthias König, Meiyappan Lakshmanan, Dong-Yup Lee, Sang Yup Lee, Sunjae Lee, Nathan E. Lewis, Filipe Liu, Hongwu Ma, Daniel Machado, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan, Paulo Maia, Adil Mardinoglu, Gregory L. Medlock, Jonathan M. Monk, Jens Nielsen, Lars Keld Nielsen, Juan Nogales, Intawat Nookaew, Bernhard O. Palsson, Jason A. Papin, Kiran R. Patil, Nathan D. Price, Osbaldo Resendis-Antonio, Anne Richelle, Isabel Rocha, Benjamín J. Sánchez, Peter J. Schaap, Rahuman S. Malik Sheriff, Saeed Shoaie, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Bas Teusink, Paulo Vilaça, Jon Olav Vik, Judith A. H. Wodke, Joana C. Xavier, Qianqian Yuan, Maksim Zakhartsev, and Cheng Zhang.
    Nature Biotechnology, March 2nd 2020.
    Details | DOI | BioRxiv | PDF | PubMedBibTeX ]
  36. BiGG Models 2020: multi-strain genome-scale models and expansion across the phylogenetic tree
    C. J. Norsigian, N. Pusarla, J. L. McConn, J. T. Yurkovich, A. Dräger, B. O. Palsson, and Z. A. King
    Nucleic Acids Research, gkz1054, November 7th 2019
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  37. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML): Language Specification for Level 3 Version 2 Core Release 2
    Michael Hucka, Frank T. Bergmann, Claudine Chaouiya, Andreas Dräger, Stefan Hoops, Sarah M. Keating, Matthias König, Nicolas Le Novère, Chris J. Myers, Brett G. Olivier, Sven Sahle, James C. Schaff, Rahuman Sheriff, Lucian P. Smith, Dagmar Waltemath, Darren J. Wilkinson, and Fengkai Zhang.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, June 20th 2019.
    [ Details | DOI | Link | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  38. Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Process Description language Level 1 Version 2.0
    Adrien Rougny, Vasundra Touré, Stuart Moody, Irina Balaur, Tobias Czauderna, Hanna Borlinghaus, Ugur Dogrusoz, Alexander Mazein, Andreas Dräger, Michael L. Blinov, Alice C. Villéger, Robin Haw, Emek Demir, Huaiyu Mi, Anatoly Sorokin, Falk Schreiber, and Augustin Luna.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, June 13th 2019.
    [ Details | DOI | Link | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  39. The 2017 Network Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB) Workshop: aims, topics, and outcomes
    Paolo Romano, Arnaud Céol, Andreas Dräger, Antonino Fiannaca, Rosalba Giugno, Massimo La Rosa, Luciano Milanesi, Ulrich Pfeffer, Riccardo Rizzo, Soo-Yong Shin, Junfeng Xia, and Alfonso Urso
    BMC Bioinformatics, April 18th 2019.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  40. Harmonizing semantic annotations for computational models in biology
    Maxwell L Neal,  Matthias König, David Nickerson, Göksel Mısırlı, Reza Kalbasi, Andreas Dräger, Koray Atalag, Vijayalakshmi Chelliah, Michael Cooling, Daniel L Cook, Sharon Crook, Miguel de Alba, Samuel H Friedman, Alan Garny, John H Gennari,  Padraig Gleeson, Martin Golebiewski, Michael Hucka, Nick Juty, Chris Myers, Brett G Olivier, Herbert M Sauro, Martin Scharm, Jacky L Snoep, Vasundra Touré, Anil Wipat, Olaf Wolkenhauer, and Dagmar Waltemath.
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, November 2018.
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | BioRxiv | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  41. Systematic discovery of uncharacterized transcription factors in Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655
    Ye Gao, James T. Yurkovich, Sang Woo Seo, Ilyas Kabimoldayev, Andreas Dräger, Ke Chen, Anand V. Sastry, Xin Fang, Nathan Mih, Laurence Yang, Johannes Eichner, Byung-Kwan Cho, Donghyuk Kim, and Bernhard O Palsson.
    Nucleic Acids Research, August 23th 2018.
    DOI | link | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  42. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML): Language Specification for Level 3 Version 1 Core
    Michael Hucka, Frank T. Bergmann, Andreas Dräger, Stefan Hoops, Sarah M. Keating, Nicolas Le Novère, Chris J. Myers, Brett G. Olivier, Sven Sahle, James C. Schaff, Lucian P. Smith, Dagmar Waltemath, and Darren J. Wilkinson.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, April 26th 2018.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  43. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML): Language Specification for Level 3 Version 2 Core
    Michael Hucka, Frank T. Bergmann, Andreas Dräger, Stefan Hoops, Sarah M. Keating, Nicolas Le Novère, Chris J. Myers, Brett G. Olivier, Sven Sahle, James C. Schaff, Lucian P. Smith, Dagmar Waltemath, and Darren J. Wilkinson.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, March 9th 2018.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  44. Recon3D enables a three-dimensional view of gene variation in human metabolism
    Elizabeth Brunk, Swagatika Sahoo, Daniel C Zielinski, Ali Altunkaya, Andreas Dräger, Nathan Mih, Francesco Gatto, Avlant Nilsson, German Andres Preciat Gonzalez, Maike Kathrin Aurich, Andreas Prlić, Anand Sastry, Anna D Danielsdottir, Almut Heinken, Alberto Noronha, Peter W Rose, Stephen K Burley, Ronan M T Fleming, Jens Nielsen, Ines Thiele, and Bernhard O Palsson.
    Nature Biotechnology, February 19th 2018.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  45. A Padawan Programmer's Guide to Developing Academic Software Libraries
    James T. Yurkowich, Benjamin J. Jurkowich, Andreas Dräger, Bernhard O. Palsson, and Zachary A. King.
    Cell Systems, October 2017.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  46. Evaluation of rate law approximations in bottom-up kinetic models of metabolism
    Bin Du, Daniel Zielinski, Andreas Dräger, Justin Tan, Zhen Zhang, Kayla Ruggiero, Garry Arzumanyan, and Bernhard O. Palsson.
    BMC Systems Biology, 10(1):1-15, June 2016.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  47. Synthetic promoters capable of driving robust nuclear gene expression in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    Melissa A. Scranton, Joseph T. Ostrand, D. Ryan Georgianna, Shane M. Lofgren, Daphne Li, Rosalie C. Ellis, David N. Carruthers, Andreas Dräger, David L. Masica, and Stephen P. Mayfield.
    Algal Research, 15:135-142, February 2016.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  48. ZBIT Bioinformatics Toolbox: a Web-Platform for Systems Biology and Expression Data Analysis
    Michael Römer, Johannes Eichner, Andreas Dräger, Clemens Wrzodek, Finja Wrzodek, and Andreas Zell.
    PLoS ONE, 11(2):e0149263, February 2016.
    DOI | link ]
  49. Coordinating role of RXRα in downregulating hepatic detoxification during inflammation revealed by fuzzy-logic modeling
    Roland Keller, Marcus Klein, Maria Thomas, Andreas Dräger, Ute Metzger, Markus F. Templin, Thomas O. Joos, Wolfgang E. Thasler, Andreas Zell, and Ulrich M. Zanger.
    PLoS Computational Biology, 12(1):e1004431, January 2016.
    DOI | link ]
  50. BiGG Models: A platform for integrating, standardizing and sharing genome-scale models
    Zachary A. King, Justin S. Lu, Andreas Dräger, Philip C. Miller, Stephen Federowicz, Joshua A Lerman, Ali Ebrahim, Bernhard O. Palsson, and Nathan E. Lewis.
    Nucleic Acids Research, October 2015.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  51. Do Genome-scale Models Need Exact Solvers or Clearer Standards?
    Ali Ebrahim, Eivind Almaas, Eugen Bauer, Aarash Bordbar, Anthony P. Burgard, Roger L. Chang, Andreas Dräger, Iman Famili, Adam M. Feist, Ronan M. T. Fleming, Stephen S. Fong, Vassily Hatzimanikatis, Markus J. Herrgard, Allen Holder, Michael Hucka, Daniel Hyduke, Neema Jamshidi, Sang Yup Lee, Nicolas Le Novère, Joshua A. Lerman, Nathan E. Lewis, Ding Ma, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan, Costas Maranas, Harish Nagarajan, Ali Navid, Jens Nielsen, Lars K. Nielsen, Juan Nogales, Alberto Noronha, Csaba Pal, Bernhard O. Palsson, Jason A. Papin, Kiran R. Patil, Nathan D. Price, Jennifer L. Reed, Michael Saunders, Ryan S. Senger, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Yuekai Sun, and Ines Thiele.
    Molecular Systems Biology, 11(10):831, October 2015.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  52. SBMLsqueezer 2: Context-sensitive creation of kinetic equations in biochemical networks
    Andreas Dräger, Daniel C. Zielinski, Roland Keller, Matthias Rall, Johannes Eichner, Bernhard O. Palsson, and Andreas Zell.
    BMC Systems Biology, 9(1):1-17, September 2015.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  53. Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 2 Version 5: Structures and Facilities for Model Definitions
    Michael Hucka, Frank T. Bergmann, Andreas Dräger, Stefan Hoops, Sarah M. Keating, Nicolas Le Novère, Chris J. Myers, Brett G. Olivier, Sven Sahle, James C. Schaff, Lucian P. Smith, Dagmar Waltemath, and Darren J. Wilkinson.
    Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 12(2):271, September 2015.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  54. Systems biology definition of the core proteome of metabolism and expression is consistent with high-throughput data
    Laurence Yang, Justin Tan, Edward J. O'Brien, Jonathan Monk, Donghyuk Kim, Howard J. Li, Pep Charusantia, Ali Ebrahim, Colton J. Lloyd, James T. Yurkovich, Bin Du, Andreas Dräger, Alex Thomas, Yuekai Sun, Michael A. Saunders, and Bernhard O. Palsson.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 2015.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  55. Escher: A web application for building, sharing, and embedding data-rich visualizations of biological pathways
    Zachary A. King, Andreas Dräger, Ali Ebrahim, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Nathan E. Lewis, and Bernhard O. Palsson.
    PLoS Computational Biology, 11(8):e1004321, August 2015.
    DOI | link ]
  56. JSBML 1.0: providing a smorgasbord of options to encode systems biology models
    Nicolas Rodriguez, Alex Thomas, Leandro Watanabe, Ibrahim Y. Vazirabad, Victor Kofia, Harold F. Gómez, Florian Mittag, Jakob Matthes, Jan D. Rudolph, Finja Wrzodek, Eugen Netz, Alexander Diamantikos, Johannes Eichner, Roland Keller, Clemens Wrzodek, Sebastian Fröhlich, Nathan E. Lewis, Chris J. Myers, Nicolas Le Novère, Bernhard Ø. Palsson, Michael Hucka, and Andreas Dräger.
    Bioinformatics, June 2015.
    DOI | arXiv | link | PDF ]
  57. SBMLsimulator: a Java tool for model simulation and parameter estimation in systems biology
    Alexander Dörr, Roland Keller, Andreas Zell, and Andreas Dräger.
    Computation, 2(4):246-257, December 2014.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  58. Improving collaboration by standardization efforts in systems biology
    Andreas Dräger and Bernhard Ø. Palsson.
    Frontiers in Bioengineering, 2(61), December 2014.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  59. SBML Qualitative Models: a model representation format and infrastructure to foster interactions between qualitative modelling formalisms and tools
    Claudine Chaouiya, Duncan Bérenguier, Sarah M. Keating, Aurélien Naldi, Martijn P. van Iersel, Nicolas Rodriguez, Andreas Dräger, Finja Büchel, Thomas Cokelaer, Bryan Kowal, Benjamin Wicks, Emanuel Gonçalves, Julien Dorier, Michel Page, Pedro T. Monteiro, Axel von Kamp, Ioannis Xenarios, Hidde de Jong, Michael Hucka, Steffen Klamt, Dennis Thierffry, Nicolas Le Novère, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, and Tomáš Helikar.
    BMC Systems Biology, 7(1):135, December 2013.
    DOI | arXiv | link | PDF ]
  60. TFpredict and SABINE: Sequence-Based Prediction of Structural and Functional Characteristics of Transcription Factors
    Johannes Eichner, Florian Topf, Andreas Dräger, Clemens Wrzodek, Dierk Wanke, and Andreas Zell.
    PLoS ONE, 8(12):e82238, December 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  61. Path2Models: large-scale generation of computational models from biochemical pathway maps
    Finja Büchel, Nicolas Rodriguez, Neil Swainston, Clemens Wrzodek, Tobias Czauderna, Roland Keller, Florian Mittag, Michael Schubert, Mihai Glont, Martin Golebiewski, Martijn van Iersel, Sarah M. Keating, Matthias Rall, Michael Wybrow, Henning Hermjakob, Michael Hucka, Douglas B Kell, Wolfgang Müller, Pedro Mendes, Andreas Zell, Claudine Chaouiya, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Falk Schreiber, Camille Laibe, Andreas Dräger, and Nicolas Le Novère.
    BMC Systems Biology, 7(1):116, November 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  62. Parkinson's disease: dopaminergic nerve cell model is consistent with experimental finding of increased extracellular transport of α-synuclein
    Finja Büchel, Sandra Saliger, Andreas Dräger, Stephanie Hoffmann, Clemens Wrzodek, Andreas Zell, and Philipp J. Kahle.
    BMC Neuroscience, 14(136), November 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  63. The systems biology simulation core algorithm
    Roland Keller, Alexander Dörr, Akito Tabira, Akira Funahashi, Michael J. Ziller, Richard Adams, Nicolas Rodriguez, Nicolas Le Novère, Noriko Hiroi, Hannes Planatscher, Andreas Zell, and Andreas Dräger.
    BMC Systems Biology, 7:55, July 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  64. GRN2SBML: Automated encoding and annotation of inferred gene regulatory networks complying with SBML
    Sebastian Vlaic, Bianca Hoffmann, Peter Kupfer, Michael Weber, and Andreas Dräger.
    Bioinformatics, 29:2216-2217, June 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  65. Precise generation of systems biology models from KEGG pathways
    Clemens Wrzodek, Finja Büchel, Manuel Ruff, Andreas Dräger, and Andreas Zell.
    BMC Systems Biology, 7(1):15, January 2013.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  66. Qualitative translation of relations from BioPAX to SBML qual
    Finja Büchel, Clemens Wrzodek, Florian Mittag, Andreas Dräger, Johannes Eichner, Nicolas Rodriguez, Nicolas Le Novère, and Andreas Zell.
    Bioinformatics, 28(20):2648-2653, August 2012.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  67. CySBML: a Cytoscape plugin for SBML
    Matthias König, Andreas Dräger, and Hermann-Georg Holzhütter.
    Bioinformatics, 28(18):2402-2403, July 2012.
    DOI | link ]
  68. Controlled vocabularies and semantics in systems biology
    Mélanie Courtot, Nick Juty, Christian Knüpfer, Dagmar Waltemath, Anna Zhukova, Andreas Dräger, Michel Dumontier, Andrew Finney, Martin Golebiewski, Janna Hastings, Stefan Hoops, Sarah M. Keating, Douglas B. Kell, Samuel Kerrien, James Lawson, Allyson Lister, James Lu, Rainer Machne, Pedro Mendes, Matthew Pocock, Nicolas Rodriguez, Alice Villéger, Darren J. Wilkinson, Sarala Wimalaratne, Camille Laibe, Michael Hucka, and Nicolas Le Novère.
    Molecular Systems Biology, 7(1):543, September 2011.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  69. Inferring statin-induced gene regulatory relationships in primary human hepatocytes
    Adrian Schröder, Johannes Wollnik, Clemens Wrzodek, Andreas Dräger, Michael Bonin, Oliver Burk, Maria Thomas, Wolfgang E. Thasler, Ulrich M. Zanger, and Andreas Zell.
    Bioinformatics, 27(18):2473-2477, July 2011.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  70. JSBML: a flexible Java library for working with SBML
    Andreas Dräger, Nicolas Rodriguez, Marine Dumousseau, Alexander Dörr, Clemens Wrzodek, Nicolas Le Novère, Andreas Zell, and Michael Hucka.
    Bioinformatics, 27(15):2167-2168, June 2011.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  71. KEGGtranslator: visualizing and converting the KEGG PATHWAY database to various formats
    Clemens Wrzodek, Andreas Dräger, and Andreas Zell.
    Bioinformatics, 27(16):2314-2315, June 2011.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  72. ModuleMaster: A new tool to decipher transcriptional regulatory networks
    Clemens Wrzodek, Adrian Schröder, Andreas Dräger, Dierk Wanke, Kenneth W. Berendzen, Marcel Kronfeld, Klaus Harter, and Andreas Zell.
    Biosystems, 99(1):79-81, January 2010.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  73. BowTieBuilder: modeling signal transduction pathways
    Jochen Supper, Lucía Spangenberg, Hannes Planatscher, Andreas Dräger, Adrian Schröder, and Andreas Zell.
    BMC Systems Biology, 3(1):67, June 2009.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  74. SBML2LaTeX: Conversion of SBML files into human-readable reports
    Andreas Dräger, Hannes Planatscher, Dieudonné Motsou Wouamba, Adrian Schröder, Michael Hucka, Lukas Endler, Martin Golebiewski, Wolfgang Müller, and Andreas Zell.
    Bioinformatics, 25(11):1455-1456, April 2009.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  75. Modeling metabolic networks in C. glutamicum: a comparison of rate laws in combination with various parameter optimization strategies
    Andreas Dräger, Marcel Kronfeld, Michael J. Ziller, Jochen Supper, Hannes Planatscher, Jørgen B. Magnus, Marco Oldiges, Oliver Kohlbacher, and Andreas Zell.
    BMC Systems Biology, 3(5):5, January 2009.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  76. BioJava: an open-source framework for bioinformatics
    Richard C. G. Holland, Thomas Down, Matthew Pocock, Andreas Prlić, David Huen, Keith James, Sylvain Foisy, Andreas Dräger, Andy Yates, Michael Heuer, and Mark J. Schreiber.
    Bioinformatics, 24(18):2096-2097, August 2008.
    DOI | link | PDF ]
  77. SBMLsqueezer: a CellDesigner plug-in to generate kinetic rate equations for biochemical networks
    Andreas Dräger, Nadine Hassis, Jochen Supper, Adrian Schröder, and Andreas Zell.
    BMC Systems Biology, 2(1):39, April 2008.
    DOI | link | PDF ]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Inferring transcriptional regulators for sets of co-expressed genes by multi-objective evolutionary optimization.
    Adrian Schröder, Clemens Wrzodek, Johannes Wollnik, Andreas Dräger, Dierk Wanke, Kenneth W. Berendzen, and Andreas Zell. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2011), New Orleans, USA, June 2011. IEEE. [ DOI | link | PDF ]
  2. Network inference by considering multiple objectives: Insights from in vivo transcriptomic data generated by a synthetic network.
    Sandro Lambeck, Andreas Dräger, and Reinhard Guthke. In Hamid R. Arabnia, Quoc-Nam Tran, Rui Chang, Matthew He, Andy Marsh, Ashu M. G. Solo, and Jack Y. Yang, editors, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, BIOCOMP 2010, volume 2, pages 734-742. CSREA Press, July 2010. [ PDF ]
  3. On the Benefits of Multimodal Optimization for Metabolic Network Modeling.
    Marcel Kronfeld, Andreas Dräger, Moritz Aschoff, and Andreas Zell. In Ivo Grosse, Steffen Neumann, Stefan Posch, Falk Schreiber, and Peter Stadler (editors) German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2009), volume P-157 of the Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 191-200, Halle (Saale), Germany, September 2009. German Society for Computer Science. [ link | PDF ]
  4. Benchmarking Evolutionary Algorithms on Convenience Kinetics Models of the Valine and Leucine Biosynthesis in C. glutamicum.
    Andreas Dräger, Marcel Kronfeld, Jochen Supper, Hannes Planatscher, Jørgen B. Magnus, Marco Oldiges, and Andreas Zell. In Dipti Srinivasan und Lipo Wang (editors), IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pages 896-903, Singapore, September 2007. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Press. [ DOI | link | PDF ]
  5. Comparing Various Evolutionary Algorithms on the Parameter Optimization of the Valine and Leucine Biosynthesis in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
    Andreas Dräger, Jochen Supper, Hannes Planatscher, Jørgen B. Magnus, Marco Oldiges, and Andreas Zell. In Dipti Srinivasan and Lipo Wang, Editoren, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pages 620-627, Singapore, September 2007. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, IEEE Press. [ DOI | link | PDF ]
  6. Inferring gene regulatory networks by machine learning methods.
    Jochen Supper, Holger Fröhlich, Christian Spieth, Andreas Dräger, and Andreas Zell. In David Sankoff, Lusheng Wang, and Francis Chin (editors), Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC 2007), volume 5 of series on Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pages 247-256, 57 Shelton Street, Govent Garden, London WC2H 9HE, UK, Januar 2007. Imperial College Press. [ DOI | link | PDF ]

Book Chapters

  1. Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling of Escherichia coli and Its Chassis Design for Synthetic Biology Applications.
    Bashir Sajo Mienda and Andreas Dräger
    Computational Methods in Synthetic Biology, Mario Andrea Marchisio (editor), part of the series Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB, volume 2189), pp. 217-229, November 13th 2020.
    [ Details | DOI | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  2. Overview: Standards for Modeling in Systems Medicine.
    Andreas Dräger and Dagmar Waltemath
    Systems Medicine. Integrative, Qualitative and Computational Approaches. Olaf Wolkenhauer (Editor), Volume 3, 2021, Pages 245–353, August 28th 2020.
    [ DetailsDOI | PubMed | PDF | BibTeX ]
  3. Clinical Applications of Metabolic Models in SBML Format.
    Alina RenzReihaneh Mostolizadeh, and Andreas Dräger
    Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier, January 30th 2020
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  4. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation: Current Status and Applications in Systems Medicine.
    Vasundra Touré, Andreas Dräger, Augustin Luna, Ugur Dogrusoz, and Adrien Rougny
    Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier, January 25th 2020
    [ DetailsDOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  5. Insights into Dynamic Network States Using Metabolomics Data.
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh​​​​​Andreas Dräger and Neema Jamshidi. In: Angelo D’Alessandro (eds) High-Throughput Metabolomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, volume 1978, Chapter, pages 243-258. Humana, New York, NY, May 2019.
    [ DetailsDOI | link | PubMed | BibTex ]
  6. Metabolic Networks.
    Andreas Dräger and Hannes Planatscher. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Chapter, pages 1249-1251. Springer-Verlag, Springer New York Heidelberg Dorodrecht London, August 2013.
    DOI | link ]
  7. Parameter Estimation, Metabolic Network Modeling.
    Andreas Dräger and Hannes Planatscher. Encyclopedia of Systems Biology, Chapter, pages 1627-1631. Springer-Verlag, Springer New York Heidelberg Dorodrecht London, August 2013.
    DOI | link ]
  8. Automating mathematical modeling of biochemical reaction networks.
    Andreas Dräger, Adrian Schröder, and Andreas Zell. Systems Biology for Signaling Networks, volume 1 of Systems Biology, chapter, pages 159-205. Springer-Verlag, July 2010.
    DOI | link ]

Technical Reports

  1. MCC: Automated Mass and Charge Curation at Genome-Scale Applied to C. tuberculostearicum
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Finn Mier, and Andreas Dräger
    BioRxiv, November, 22nd, 2024
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  2. FROG Analysis Ensures the Reproducibility of Genome Scale Metabolic Models
    Karthik Raman, Miroslav Kratochvíl, Brett G. Olivier, Matthias König, Pratyay Sengupta, Dinesh Kumar Kuppa Baskaran, Tung V. N. Nguyen, Daniel Lobo, St Elmo Wilken, Krishna Kumar Tiwari, Aswathy K. Raghu, Indumathi Palanikumar, Lavanya Raajaraam, Maziya Ibrahim, Sanjaay Balakrishnan, Shreyanash Umale, Frank T. Bergmann, Tanisha Malpani, Venkata P. Satagopam, Reinhard Schneider, Moritz E. Beber, Sarah M. Keating, Mihail Anton, Alina Renz, Meiyappan Lakshmanan, Dong-Yup Lee, Lokanand Koduru, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Oscar Dias, Emanuel Cunha, Alexandre Oliveira, Yi Qing Lee, Karsten Zengler, Rodrigo Santibáñez-Palominos, Manish Kumar, Matteo Barberis, Bhanwar Lal Puniya, Tomáš Helikar, Hoang V. Dinh, Patrick F. Suthers, Costas D. Maranas, Isabella Casini, Seyed Babak Loghmani, Nadine Veith, Nantia Leonidou, Feiran Li, Yu Chen, Jens Nielsen, GaRyoung Lee, Sang Mi Lee, Gi Bae Kim, Pedro T. Monteiro, Miguel C. Teixeira, Hyun Uk Kim, Sang Yup Lee, Ulf W. Liebal, Lars M. Blank, Christian Lieven, Chaimaa Tarzi, Claudio Angione, Manga Enuh Blaise, Çelık Pinar Aytar, Mikhail Kulyashov, llya Akberdin, Dohyeon Kim, Sung Ho Yoon, Zhaohui Xu, Jyotshana Gautam, William T. Scott, Peter J. Schaap, Jasper J. Koehorst, Cristal Zuñiga, Gabriel Canto-Encalada, Sara Benito-Vaquerizo, Ivette Parera Olm, Maria Suarez-Diez, Qianquian Yuan, Hongwu Ma, Mohammad Mazharul Islam, Jason A. Papin, Francisco Zorrilla, Kiran Raosaheb Patil, Arianna Basile, Juan Nogales, Granado San León, Freddy Castillo-Alfonso, Roberto Olivares-Hernández, Gabriel Vigueras-Ramírez, Henning Hermjakob, Andreas Dräger, and Rahuman S. Malik-Sheriff
    BioRxiv, September, 26th, 2024
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  3. Genome-scale metabolic model of Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 matches in vitro conditions
    Nantia Leonidou, Alina Renz, Benjamin Winnerling, Anastasiia Grekova, Fabian Grein, and Andreas Dräger
    BioRxiv, December 20th, 2023
    [ Details | DOI | Preprint | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  4. Metabolic Modeling Elucidates Phenformin and Atpenin A5 as Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Drugs
    Alina Renz, Mirjam Hohner, Maximilian Breitenbach, Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding, Johanna Dürrwald, Lena Best, Raphaël Jami, Georgios Marinos, Nantia Leondiou, Filipe Cabreiro, Andreas Dräger, Michael Schindler, and Christoph Kaleta
    Preprints 2022, 2022100223, November 30th, 2023.
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | PubMed | BibTeX ]
  5. Standard-GEM: Standardization of open-source genome-scale metabolic models
    Mihail Anton,  Eivind Almaas, Rui Benfeitas, Sara Benito-Vaquerizo, Lars M. Blank, Andreas Dräger, John M. Hancock, Cheewin Kittikunapong, Matthias König, Feiran Li, Ulf W. Liebal, Hongzhong Lu, Hongwu Ma, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan, Adil Mardinoglu, Jens Nielsen, Juan Nogales, Marco Pagni, Jason A. Papin, Kiran Raosaheb Patil, Nathan D. Price, Jonathan L. Robinson, Benjamín J. Sánchez, Maria Suarez Diez, Snorre Sulheim, L. Thomas Svensson, Bas Teusnik, Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Hao Wang, Ahmad A. Zeidan, and Eduard J. Kerkhoven.
    BioRxiv, March 23rd, 2023
    [ Details | DOI | PDF | BibTeX ]
  6. ProDGe: investigating protein-protein interactions at the domain level
    Finja Büchel, Clemens Wrzodek, Florian Mittag, Andreas Dräger, Adrian Schröder, and Andreas Zell.
    Nature Precedings, August 2011.
    DOI | link | PDF ]


  1. Broad-spectrum antiviral agent comprising phenformin
    Michael Schindler, Christoph Kaleta, Alina RenzAndreas Dräger, Mirjam Hohner, Lena Best, Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding
    Witte, Weller & Partner Patentanwälte mbH
    Application Number: EP22170481.0, Filing Date: 2022-04-28
  2. Broad-spectrum antiviral agent comprising atpenin A5
    Michael Schindler, Christoph Kaleta, Alina RenzAndreas Dräger, Mirjam Hohner, Lena Best, Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding
    Witte, Weller & Partner Patentanwälte mbH
    Application Number: EP22170485.1, Filing Date: 2022-04-28

Selected Talks

  1. Computationally Modeling the Human Microbiome of the Respiratory Tract
    Andreas Dräger
    Workshop at the Symposium “The Colours of Biotechnology” at the University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
  2. Systematische Modellierung des Mikrobioms im Menschlichen Atmungstrakt
    Andreas Dräger
    JUNITE – Netzwerk Junge Infektionsmedizin e.V., March 4th, 2023 in Halberstadt, Germany
  3. Model Representation and Exchange in Systems Biology
    Andreas Dräger
    SmartAge ITN Winter School 2023 of the University Hospital Kiel, January 31st, 2023, in Kiel, Germany (via Zoom)
  4. Computationally Modeling the Human Microbiome of the Respiratory Tract
    Andreas Dräger
    1st International Conference on Antimicrobial Computational Pharmacology, December 14th, 2022 in Melbourne, Australia (via Zoom)
  5. Computationally Modeling the Human Microbiome of the Respiratory Tract
    Andreas Dräger
    Part of the Lecture Series ”Modeling Discussion at DTU Biosustain”, December 12th, 2022 at the Danish Technical University at Kopenhagen, Denmark (via Zoom)
  6. Computationally Modeling the Human Microbiome of the Respiratory Tract
    Andreas Dräger
    International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2022, October 9th 2022 in Berlin, Germany
  7. Introduction to SysMod 2022
    Andreas Dräger
    SysMod Meeting as part of the ISMB 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA at July 11th, 2022
  8. SBMLWebApp: Web-based Simulation, Steady-State Analysis, and Parameter Estimation of Systems Biology Models
    Andreas Dräger, Takahiro G. Yamada, Kaito Ii, Matthias König, Martina Feierabend, and Akira Funahashi
    Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Annual Conference 2021, December 2nd 2021
  9. Day 2 closing remarks
    Andreas Dräger
    Virtual SysMod Meeting as part of the ISMB 2020 at July 14th 2020
  10. How Animated Time-Series Data bring Metabolic Network Models to Life e.g. of COVID-19
    Andreas Dräger
    Predictive Analytics World Healthcare, session "Corona Community Special" at May 11th 2020
  11. Modeling the Human Nasal Microbiome
    Alina RenzReihaneh MostolizadehNiklas HenlePia Rautenstrauch, and Andreas Dräger
    Annual Congress of the German Center for Infection Research, Bad Nauheim (November 22nd 2019)
  12. Introduction to SysMod 2019
    Andreas Dräger
    ISMB/ECCB 2019, Basel, CH (July 22nd 2019)
  13. InSilico: an Eclipse-based framework for plugin-development and standards interoperability
    Andreas Dräger, Roman Schulte, and Matthias König
    HARMONY 2019​​​​​​​, Pasadena, CA, USA (March 25th 2019)
  14. Visualizing Metabolic Network Dynamics through Time-Series Metabolomics Data
    Lea F. Buchweitz, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph M. Blessing, Veronika Kohler, Fabian Schwarzkopf, Zachary A. King, Laurence Yang, Freyr Jóhannsson, Ólafur Sigurjónsson, Óttar Rolfsson, Julian Heinrich, and Andreas Dräger, COMBINE 2018, Boston, MA, USA (October 10th 2018)
  15. Representation of ME-Models in SBML
    Marc Alexander Voigt, Colton J. Lloyd, Laurence Yang, Zachary A. King, Oliver Kohlbacher, Kay Nieselt, and Andreas Dräger
    COMBINE 2018, Boston, MA, USA (October 11th 2018)
  16. Model-Based Prediction of Yersinia enterocolitica Infection Outcome
    Janina Geißert, Martin Eichner, Erwin Bohn, Reihaneh MostolizadehAndreas Dräger, Ingo B. Autenrieth, Sina Beier, and Monika Schütz
    COMBINE 2018, Boston, MA, USA (October 11th 2018)
  17. Modeling of Potentially Virulence-Associated Metabolic Pathways in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 Including Experimental Verification
    Alina Renz, Erwin Bohn, Monika Schütz, and Andreas Dräger
    COMBINE 2018, Boston, MA, USA (October 12th 2018)
  18. Visualization and Creation of Biochemical Networks with Escher
    Andreas Dräger, Zachary A. King, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph M. Blessing, Devesh Khandelwal, Ali Ebrahim, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Nathan E. Lewis, and Bernhard O. Palsson
    COMBINE 2017, Mailand, Italien (October 11th 2017).
  19. The JSBML project: a fully featured Java API for working with systems biological models
    Nicolas Rodriguez, Thomas M. Hamm, Roman Schulte, Leandro Watanabe, Ibrahim Y. Vazirabad, Victor Kofia, Chris J. Myers, Akira Funahashi, Nicolas Le Novère, Michael Hucka und Andreas Dräger
    COMBINE 2017, Milan, Italy (October 10th 2017).
  20. Visualization and Creation of Biochemical Networks with Escher
    Andreas Dräger, Zachary A. King, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph M. Blessing, Devesh Khandelwall, Ali Ebrahim, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Nathan E. Lewis, Bernhard O. Palsson
    BioVis Special Interest Group meeting during ISMB 2017 in Prag, Czech Republic (July 24th 2017).
  21. The ZBIT Systems Biology Software and Web-Service Collection
    Andreas Dräger
    Invited talk, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany (November 15th 2016).
  22. The ZBIT Systems Biology Software and Web-Service Collection
    Andreas Dräger
    COMBINE 2016, Newcastle, UK (Setember 21st 2016)
    Folien ]
  23. The ZBIT Systems Biology Software and Web-Service Collection
    Andreas Dräger
    Invited talk, University of Luxembourg, Esch Belval, Luxembourg (September 1st 2016).
  24. Biochemical Pathways and Large-Scale Metabolic Networks
    Andreas Dräger and Nathan E. Lewis
    Lecture day on reconstruction and modeling of metabolic systems at genome-scale Summer School
    Invited talk, SIB Siwss Institute for Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland (August 30th 2016).
  25. Recent Software and Services to Support the SBML Community
    Michael Hucka, Frank T. Bergmann, Andreas Dräger, Harold F. Gómez, Sarah M. Keating, Nicolas Rodriguez, Lucian P. Smith
    First SysMod Special Interest Group meeting during ISMB 2016, Orlando, FL, USA (July 9th 2016).
    [ DOI ]
  26. The ZBIT systems biology software and web service collection
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​.
    First SysMod Special Interest Group meeting during ISMB 2016, Orlando, FL, USA (July 9th 2016).
    DOI | Slides ]
  27. New Standard Resources for Systems Biology: BiGG 2 Database and Visual Pathway Editing with Escher
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Zachary A. King, Justin S. Lu, Ali Ebrahim, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Philip C. Miller, Joshua A. Lerman, Bernhard O. Palsson, and Nathan E. Lewis
    COMBINE 2015, Salt Lake City, UT, USA (October 13th 2015)
    Slides ]
  28. SED-ML in the simulation core library
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
    COMBINE 2013, Paris, Frankreich.
  29. From KEGG to dynamic pathway models: a collection of tools to facilitate the modeling of biochemical networks
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​. COMBINE 2011, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
  30. JSBML—The SBML Java™ library
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ and Nicolas Rodriguez
    HARMONY Workshop 2011, invited talk, New York, USA (April 18th 2011).
  31. Context-based generation of kinetic equations with SBMLsqueezer 1.3
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Sandra Nitschmann, Alexander Dörr, Johannes Eichner, Michael J. Ziller, and Andreas Zell. COMBINE 2010, Edinburgh (October 9th 2010).
    Slides​​​​​​​ ]
  32. Inferring Genetic Networks from Gene Expression Data
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Nora Speer, Christian Spieth, Jochen Supper, and Andreas Zell
    Biotechnica 2009International Trade Fair for Biotechnology, invited talk, Hannover, Germany (October 8th 2009).
  33. Metabolic modeling of Corynebacterium glutamicum: a comparison of rate laws in combination with various parameter optimization strategies
    Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Marcel Kronfeld, Michael J Ziller, Jochen Supper, Hannes Planatscher, Jørgen B. Magnus, Marco Oldiges, Oliver Kohlbacher, and Andreas Zell
    ​​​​​​​ACHEMA 200929. international exhibition congress for chemical technique, environmental protection and biotechnology, invited talk, Frankfurt (Main), Deutschland (May 13th 2009).

Selected Posters

  1. Model-driven Elucidation of Antiviral Drug Targets
    Mirjam Hohner, Maximilian Breitenbach, Alina Renz, Jonathan Josephs-Spaulding, Lena Best, Georgios Marinos, Johanna Dürrwald, Andreas Dräger​​​​​​​, Christoph Kaleta, Michael Schindler
    DZIF autumn school, Lübeck, September 2022
  2. MCC: The automated curation of Mass and Charge Curation in genome-scale metabolic reconstruction
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Finn Mier​​​​​​​ und Andreas Dräger
    7th Annual SysMod Meeting as part of the ISMB 2022 at July 11th 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 
  3. New workflow predicts drug targets against SARS-CoV-2 via metabolic changes in infected cells
    Nantia Leonidou, Alina Renz, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh und Andreas Dräger
    7th Annual SysMod Meeting as part of the ISMB 2022 at July 11th 2022 in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 
  4. Computationally Modeling the Human Microbiome of the Respiratory Tract
    Andreas Dräger
    Joint Annual DZIF Meeting 2022, Stuttgart, Germany, June 1st-3rd
  5. The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library
    Hemil PanchiwalaShalin Shah, Hannes Planatscher, Mykola Zakharchuk, Matthias König, and Andreas Dräger
    ISMB/ECCB 2021, virtual conference
    [ Link ]
  6. Curating and Comparing 114 Strain-Specific Genome-Scale Metabolic Models of Staphylococcus aureus
    Alina Renz and Andreas Dräger
    ISMB/ECCB 2021, virtual conference
    [ Link ]
  7. FBA reveals potential targets for antiviral therapies against SARS-CoV-2
    Alina Renz, Lina Widerspick, and Andreas Dräger
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  8. Computational Model Informs Effective Control Interventions Against Y. enterocolitica Co-Infection
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh and Andreas Dräger
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  9. Tissue-specific reconstruction of constraint-based metabolic models based on ReconX
    Nantia Leonidou, Alina Renz, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, and Andreas Dräger
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  10. Modeling the Microbiome of the Human Respiratory Tract to Combat Infections
    Andreas Dräger
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  11. High-quality genome-scale reconstruction of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032
    Martina Feierabend, Alina Renz, Elisabeth Zelle, Katharina Nöh, Wolfgang Wiechert, and Andreas Dräger
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  12. Integration of Systems Biology and Metabolic Modeling for Power-to-Gas Applications with Methanothermobacter spp.
    Isabella Casini, Timothy Mc Cubbin, Andreas Dräger, Esteban Marcellin, Largus T. Angernent, and Bastian Molitor
    7th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2021), virtual, March 1-2, 2021.
    [ Link ]
  13. A Web-based Visual Analytics Application for Biological Networks
    Michael Krone, Andreas Dräger, Ebru Cobanoglu, Manuel O. Harke, Miriam Hoene, Cora Weigert, and Rainer Lehmann.
    EUROVIS 2020, virtual conference. Editors: J. Byška and S. Jänicke.
    [ DOI | YouTube | PDF | BibTeX ]
  14. Building a reference map of the interaction network in the human nasal microbial community
    Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Alina Renz, Anastasia Grekova, and Andreas Dräger
    ISMB 2020, virtual conference
  15. FBA reveals guanylate kinase as a potential target against SARS-CoV-2
    Alina Renz, Lina Widerspick, Andreas Dräger.
    ISMB 2020, virtual conference
    [ YouTube ]
  16. Visualizing metabolic network dynamics through time-series metabolomics data
    Lea F. Buchweitz, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph BlessingVeronika Kohler, Fabian Schwarzkopf, Zachary A. King, Laurence Yang, Freyr Jóhannsson, Ólafur Sigurjónsson, Óttar Rolfsson, Julian Heinrich, and Andreas Dräger.
    Internationale Konferenz zur Systembiologie (ICSB), Okinawa, Japan
  17. The Systems Biology Graphical Notation: a standardised representation of biological maps
    Vasundra Touré, Alexander Mazein, Adrien Rougny, Andreas Dräger, Ugur Dogrusoz, Michael Blinov, and Augustin Luna
    Internationale Konferenz zur Systembiologie (ICSB), Okinawa, Japan
  18. Representation of ME-Models in SBML
    Marc Alexander Voigt, Colton J. Lloyd, Laurence Yang, Zachary A. King, Oliver Kohlbacher, Kay Nieselt, and Andreas Dräger
    COBRA 2018, Seattle, WA, USA
  19. Metabolic Network Reconstruction of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum
    Silvia Morini, Isabella Casini, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Thomas M. Hamm, Kay Nieselt, and Andreas Dräger
    COBRA 2018, Seattle, WA, USA
  20. Modeling of Potentially Virulence-Associated Metabolic Pathways in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 Including Experimental Verification
    Alina Renz, Erwin Bohn, Monika Schütz, and Andreas Dräger
    COBRA 2018, Seattle, WA, USA
  21. Model-based Prediction of Yersinia enterocolitica Infection Outcome
    Janina Geißert, Martin Eichner, Erwin Bohn, Reihaneh Mostolizadeh, Andreas Dräger, Ingo B. Autenrieth, Sina Beier, and Monika Schütz
    SysMod Special Interest Group Meeting during ISMB 2018 in Chicago, Il, USA.
  22. Visualization and creation of biochemical networks with Escher
    Andreas Dräger, Zachary A. King, James T. Yurkovich, Christoph Blessing, Devesh Khandelwal, Ali Ebrahim, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Nathan E. Lewis, and Bernhard O. Palsson. [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2017, 6(ISCB Comm J):1570 [ DOI ]
  23. New standard resources for systems biology: BiGG Models database and the visual pathway editor Escher
    Andreas Dräger, Zachary A. King, Justin S. Lu et al. [v1; not peer reviewed]. Presented at the BioVis Special Interest Group meeting at ISMB 2016 in Orlando, FL, USA, 6th Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells (SBMC) 2016 in Munich, Germany, the 6th Conference on Modeling Biological Networks (COMBINE) 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT, USA F1000Research 2016, 5:1928 [ DOI | PDF ]
  24. Using Time Course Metabolomics to Elucidate Genome-Scale Pathway Utilization for CHO-S Cell Lines in Batch Culture
    Alex Thomas, Andreas Dräger, and Nathan Lewis. Hackathon on Resources for Modeling in Biology (HARMONY 2015), Wittenberg, Germany (22.-25. April 2015). [PDF ]
  25. Support for Flux Balance Constraints Models in JSBML
    Nicolas Rodriguez, Alex Thomas, Michael Hucka, Nicolas Le Novère, Bernhard Ø Palsson, and Andreas Dräger. 3rd Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis, Charlottesville, VA, USA (20.-23. Mai 2014). 
  26. Modelling IL-6 mediated regulation of ADME genes
    Roland Keller, Marcus Klein, Maria Thomas, Ute Metzger, Markus F. Templin, Thomas O. Joos, Stephanie Hoffmann, Benjamin Kandel, Andreas Dräger, Ulrich M. Zanger, and Andreas Zell. 20th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations, 2014. [ link ]
  27. Modeling and simulating the effects of atorvastatin on the central carbon metabolism of rat hepatocytes using SBMLsimulator
    Andreas Dräger, Ute Hofmann, Roland Keller, Stephanie Tscherneck, Benjamin Kandel, Maria Thomas, Marcus Klein, Klaus Maier, Klaus Mauch, Ulrich M. Zanger, and Andreas Zell. 4th Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells (SBMC), 2012. [ PDF ]
  28. JSBML: a flexible and entirely Java-based library for working with SBML
    Nicolas Rodriguez, Marine Dumousseau, Andreas Dräger, Clemens Wrzodek, Alexander Dörr, Sarah M. Keating, Akiya Jouraku, Nicolas Le Novère, Andreas Zell, and Michael Hucka. COMBINE 2010, Edinburg, UK. [ PDF ]
  29. A Tool for Interactive Comparative Sequence Analysis
    Andreas Dräger, Dietrich H. Nies, and Stefan Posch. German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) 2006, Tübingen, Germany. [ PDF ]

Functions / Memberships

Examiner and mentor in doctoral procedures

  1. Marcus Pöckelmann, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg: „About LERA and the realization of essential requirements for digital tools for collating different text versions of a work“, June 25th, 2024
  2. Oliver Alka, Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen: “Method Development in Metabolomics”, December 13th, 2023.
  3. Chairman: Hadeer Elhabashy, Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen and Max Planck Institute for Biology: “Method Development for Large-Scale Prediction and Modeling of Protein-Protein Interactions”, October 31st, 2023
  4. Niloofar Shahidi, the University of Auckland, New Zealand: “Bond Graph Semantics – Biophysically and Thermodynamically Consistent Integration of Physiology”
  5. Jana Sanne Huisman, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland: “Populationdynamics of infectious agents: antibiotic resistance plasmids and SARS-CoV-2”
  6. Karlis A. Moors, Research Group Medical Systems Biology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany
  7. Nantia Leonidou: “In silico modeling of interactions between pathogens and their host reveal mechanisms of infections”
  8. Alina Renz: “From Nose to Lung: Using Systems Biology to Fight Pathogens in the Human Respiratory Tract”, University of Tübingen, May 13th, 2022
  9. Sahar Aghakhani: “Fibroblasts as therapeutic targets in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and cancer. Computational modeling of the metabolic reprogramming (glycolytic switch) in RA synovial fibroblasts (RASFs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs)”, Université Paris-Saclay, France
  10. Chairman: Benjamin Buchfink, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
  11. Chairman: Isabella Casini: “Integration of Systems Biology and Metabolic Modeling for Power-to-Gas Applications with Methanothermobacter spp.,” Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
  12. Jinxin Zhao: “Systems pharmacology of polymyxins and their synergistic combinations against Acinetobacter baumannii“, Monash-Universität, 2021
  13. Julia Söllner: “Linking gene expression and orthology in mammals,” Universiät Tübingen, June 25th, 2020
  14. Chairman: Laura Weidmann-Krebs: “The Sequence Space of Natural Proteins,” Universiät Tübingen, May 12th 2020
  15. Chairman: Anna Gorska: “Bioinformatics approaches to study antibiotics resistance emergence across levels of biological organization,” University of Tübingen, January 31st 2019
  16. Diana Charles El Assal: “Computational Prediction of Biochemical Compensatory Mechanisms in Subjects at Risk of Developing Parkinson's Disease,” Universié du Luxembourg, June 30th 2018
  17. Alex Thomas: “The importance of proper application of constraints to biochemical networks,” UC San Diego, 2015