Infection Biology and Infection Medicine
Infections are still a major threat to human health and pose an immense economic burden. Within the IMIT, we investigate mechanisms of pathogenicity of bacterial infectious agents to enable the development of novel antiinfective and probiotic therapies. We focus in particular on gastrointestinal pathogens and Staphylococci. In addition, we investigate the role of the human microbiota in immunity and in the development of chronic-inflammatory bowel diseases.
Neben der Grundlagenforschung verfolgt das IMIT die Verbesserung von Diagnostik, Prävention und Therapie von Infektionskrankheiten, um Hygienebedingungen zu verbessern und die Ausbreitung von schwer behandelbaren Erregern, wie z.B. Methicillin-resistenten Staphylokokken (MRSA), zu verhindern
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