Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Guide, Brief Info & FAQ

On this page, you can find our guide on the teacher education program in the Bachelor of Education (B. Ed.) and Master of Education (M. Ed.), which provides detailed information as an information brochure for download. Compact information on important topics can be downloaded in the form of info sheets. You will also find a FAQ section where frequently asked questions are answered. If your question is not included, please send an e-mail to studienberatungspam prevention@tuese.uni-tuebingen.de

Guide and Info Sheets

FAQ Section

1. Subject studies in the B. Ed. (including subject combination, subject change, bachelor’s examination)

Which subjects can I study?
In Baden-Württemberg, you can study the following subjects for teaching at a general high school: biology, chemistry, Chinese, German with study components of German as a second language, English, protestant theology, French, geography, history, Ancient Greek, computer science, Italian, Islamic religious education, Jewish religious education, catholic theology, Latin, mathematics, music, science and technology, philosophy/ethics, physics, political science, Russian, Spanish, sports and economic science. The University of Tübingen offers all of these subjects except music, fine arts, and Jewish religious education.

Which subjects can I combine?
You can combine almost all subjects with each other. However, with regard to employment chances, a combination like Ancient Greek and Russian seems to make little sense. In addition to this, there are following restrictions: the subjects fine arts and music can be combined with all of the aforementioned subjects, but not with each other. The subject science and technology can only be studied in combination with biology, chemistry, physics or geography. For admission to the preparatory service (traineeship) in Baden-Württemberg, a combination of the religions with each other or with philosophy/ethics is not possible. In addition, you must belong to the respective denomination in Protestant and Catholic theology.

Where can I get advice on questions about the content and study of individual teacher education subjects?
If you have any questions regarding the content of the subject, you can contact the subject advisor responsible for you directly.

Is there an admission restriction?
Yes, in some subjects at the University of Tübingen there is an admission restriction for reasons of capacity. You can find out if your chosen subjects are among them in the list of study programs.

How do I apply if there is an admission restriction?
The Student Administration is responsible for applications. You can find further information on this on our page Application for the Teacher Education Program.

Can I change one or both of my subjects during my studies?
Yes, a subject change (if necessary, also for both subjects) is theoretically possible. The transfer usually takes place in the next semester. If the new subject has restricted admission, you have to apply like other students. In many cases, this means that the change is only possible for the winter semester. A subject change usually leads to an extension of your studies. This must be taken into account, e.g., for funding such as BAföG or scholarships. In such cases, please contact the responsible offices in time.

In which subject do I have to write my bachelor’s thesis or is it necessary to write two?
You only need to write on bachelor’s thesis. It is your choice in which of the two subjects you do this. The bachelor’s thesis cannot be written in the Educational Science Program.

Is there an additional final exam besides the bachelor’s thesis?
No, there are only the module exams.

How is the final grade calculated for the B.Ed.?
The final grade of the B. Ed. is composed as follows: 34% of final grade from subject 1 (subject content and subject didactics), 43% from subject 2 (subject content and subject didactics), 9% from the educational science studies, and 5% from the bachelor’s thesis.

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2. Education Science Studies (including orientation internship)

Which parts is the Education Science Studies composed of?
The B. Ed. Education Science Studies comprises two modules with 6 CP each. Module 1 includes the lecture “Introduction to the Study of Educational Science” with an exam (3 CP) as well as the orientation internship (3 CP). Module 2, which can only be completed after successful completion of module 1, consists of two seminars with 3 CP each. The first seminar can be attended either in the area of “Personal Competences in the Teaching Profession” or in the area of “Ethical Competences in the Teaching Profession”. The second seminar “Profession and Professionality II” is mandatory.

When should I do which part of the Education Science Studies?
According to the study plan, the lecture "Introduction to the study of educational science" is attended in the second semester and the orientation internship is completed during the subsequent non-lecture period. Attendance of the seminars is planned for the 4th and 5th semesters. The assignment of individual courses to the respective semesters is a recommendation, but not binding. However, it is essential to pay attention to the order in which they are completed: the lecture prepares for the orientation internship, and module 2 can only be started when module 1 is successfully completed.

When do I have to/should I complete the orientation internship?
The orientation internship is prepared for by the lecture “Introduction to the Education Science Studies” and can be completed in the subsequent non-lecture period. This should be done in the early semesters of one’s studies, since the second module of the Education Science Studies can only be started after completing the lecture and internship successfully.

Can I complete the orientation internship before beginning my studies?
No, in contrast to fellow students in the state examination program (GymPO I), the orientation internship in B.Ed. is part of the program and can therefore only be completed during it.

Where do I have to hand in the certificate of the successfully completed orientation internship?
You should hand in the certificate for the orientation internship at the examination office of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, which is responsible for the examination administration in the educational science program.

What percentage of the overall B. Ed. grade is accounted for by the grade from the Education Science Studies?  
The overall grade of the Education Science Studies is included at 9% in the final grade of the B.Ed. (see calculation of the bachelor’s grade under point 1).

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3. Master’s Program (M. Ed.)

4. Extension Subjects

At what point can I start studying an extension subject?
Since the extension subjects are designed as an additional master's program, the study program can only be started after successfully completing the B.Ed. However, as of WS 2017/18, it will be possible to acquire preliminary credits for an extension subject during the bachelor's program.

Can I acquire preliminary credits in all subjects for later study of an extension subject?
No, it is not possible to acquire preliminary credits in all extension subjects. There are also subjects which are currently not being offered as extension subjects. Please inform yourself about this on the home page of the respective subject or through the responsible student advisory service. You can find more information for the subject educational science on the home page of the Institute of Education.

How can I acquire preliminary credits for later study of an extension subject?
To be able to obtain preliminary credits for an extension subject, you must be enrolled in the B.Ed. and already be in the 3rd semester in at least one of the subjects. You must also enrol in your chosen subject in the Student Administration.

How do I get enrolled to earn preliminary credits for an extension subject?
For subjects with no limit on admission, you can simply get enrolled in the Student Administration before the usual deadline. If admission to your chosen subject is limited, you must apply for it during the summer semester. More detailed information on this can only be provided during the summer semester 2017.

Can I definitely get into the master’s program in the extension subject if I have acquired preliminary credits?
No, obtaining preliminary credits is no guarantee for a later admission to the master’s program in the relevant extension subject.

Does the extension subject require a separate master's thesis to be written?
Yes, since the extension subject is a separate master's program, a separate master's thesis must also be written.

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