Lab courses offered by the department of Microbial Bioactive Compounds
BSc Biologie, Vertiefung Mikrobiologie, Projektmodul Mikrobielle Wirkstoffe
BSc Biology, special interest in microbiology: “Project module”
You have finished all of your bachelor courses, have developed a particular interest in microbiology, and now you are prepared for starting work on your bachelor thesis? This course gives the chance to work on a 2-months lab project in our group as a warm-up for your bachelor thesis.
MSc Mikrobiologie - Blockveranstaltung: "Wirkmechanismen von Antibiotika" (4179)
MSc Microbiology course "Antibiotic modes of action"
You are currently doing the modules for MSc microbiology and you are interested in aspects that combine bacterial cell function and physiology with antibacterial drug discovery? In our 4-week MSc course ""Antibiotic modes of action" you will get first insights into how new antibiotics are searched for as well as which techniques are currently used to elucidate their potency and mechanism of action.
MSc Mikrobiologie - Flexible Blockveranstaltung: Labormethoden in der mikrobiologischen Forschung / Mikrobielle Wirkstoffe („Jokermodul“) (4175)
MSc Microbiology course “Lab Methods in Microbiological Research”
You have already gained theoretical knowledge and lab experience in microbiology in your master modules, and now you want to work on a more individual project? Then this course allows you to participate in current research topics of our teams during a 4-weeks lab training.
MSc Mikrobiologie / Bachelor Biologie - Schienenmodul: "Molekulare Strukturen und Interaktionen in der Mikrobiologie" (4176)
MSc Microbiology / Bachelor Biology course “Molecular Structures and Interactions in Microbiology” (once per week)
You are interested in novel techniques to investigate molecular interactions and want to understand more about their theoretical background? The techniques covered include atomic force and fluorescence microscopy, cryo electron microscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, plasmon resonance, interference, quarz microbalance, FRET, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, and dynamic light scattering. The tutorial includes an experiment at an atomic force microscope and at a high-resolution fluorescence microscope. This seminar takes place on Fridays during the winter term, a time frame that allows you to do an unrelated laboratory course module (Monday to Thursday) in parallel.
MSc Mikrobiologie: Mikrobiologisches Großpraktikum (Hauptmodul) / Mikrobielle Wirkstoffe (4141)
MSc Microbiology - Advanced Practical Course Microbiology
You have finished all of your microbiology or biology master block modules, where you have gained profound theoretical and practical experience in microbiology, and now you are prepared for starting your master thesis? This course gives the chance to work on a 4-months lab project in our group as a warm-up for your master thesis.