Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Academic Affairs and Advising

Do you wish to become a secondary school teacher? Have you decided to participate in the teacher education program at the University of Tübingen? Then the Tübingen School of Education is the perfect contact for you!






In the field of Student Advising and Assistance, we work on the organization of studies within the teaching degree and provide holistic advising to students in more than 25 teaching subjects at the University of Tübingen.

In addition to the individual and needs-based advising of students in the teacher education program, we have established the Transition Work Group, which is led by Prof. Dr. Frank Loose, deputy director of the Tübingen School of Education. This work group supports students during the respective transitions from the state examination to the Bachelor of Education and Masters of Education. The group is also responsible for the development of the study program in more than 25 teaching subjects at the University of Tübingen.

Contacts for Academic Affairs:
Gabriele Kastl
gabriele.kastlspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Regina Keller
regina.kellerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Contacts for Advising:
Gabriele Kastl and Aline Christ
studienberatungspam prevention@tuese.uni-tuebingen.de