Your studies at the University of Tübingen begin with your matriculation (enrolment). This means that you enrol in your chosen subjects and thus occupy a study place in the respective subject. Enrolment in the teacher education program is only possible with two general education subjects. What many do not know: if your chosen subject(s) has/have open admission, you can enrol directly and do not have to apply in advance. Further information about the matriculation process can be found in the box below.
Attention: if you want to study a subject with restricted admission, you have to apply for a study place in the subject before enrolling.
If one of your subjects has/both of your subjects have restricted admission, you have to apply for a study place in the subject before you can enrol. Enrolment only possible once you have been admitted and thus received a study place. This also applies when only one of your subjects has restricted admission. Matriculation in a teacher education program is only possible when you have been admitted to the subject that has restricted admission. Further information about the application process can be found in the box below.
Attention: With the receipt of your admission letter you have not yet occupied a study place! You still have to actively claim the place granted to you by enrolling. If you do not enrol within the specified period after admission, you forfeit your right to the study place.