Institute of Sociology

Manuel Dieterich

Research Assistant, M.A.


Office hours

Department of Sociology
Wilhelmstraße 36 (Hegelbau)
1st upper floor, room 110
72074 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29 78381

By email appointment




Scientific Background

since Oct. 2017
Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Sociology, University of Tübingen

at the Chair for Migration and Diversity of Prof. Boris Nieswand

Dissertation project: "Threat, Diversity and Urbanity in Johannesburg"

Research assistant of the CRC 923 "Threatened Orders"

in the subproject E06 "Threat and Diversity in an Urban Context" (Project leader: Prof. Nieswand)

Successful completion of a Master's degree at the University of Tübingen

Master thesis: "Legitimization and Delegitimization of Critique. An empirical investigation of a conflict over the construction of a new refugee accommodation".

Master studies in Sociology with focus on empirical social research at the University of Tübingen
Tutor for various seminars

The topics included: Interaction and Gender, The foreign and the Own, Knowledge sociological discourse analysis, Interview analysis

Bachelor's degree in sociology and political science (minor subject)

at the University of Tübingen. Bachelor thesis: "The Borders of Europe".

Focus of Research / Scientific Interests

  •      Sociology of Morality
  •      Urban research, neighborhood studies
  •      Migration, refugees
  •      Sociology of Critique
  •      Microsociology
  •      Methods of qualitative social research, in particular ethnography, grounded theory and discourse analysis of the sociology of knowledge

Member of the interdisciplinary research network UnKUT

Dissertation project:
Threat, Diversity and Urbanity in  Johannesburg  


SoSe 19: MA seminar "Urbanity in Theory and Practice. Sociological Approaches to the City" at the Institute of Sociology, University of Tübingen

WS 18/19: BA seminar "Microsociology: Ethnography of Urban Interactions" at the Institute of Sociology, University of Tübingen

SoSe 18: MA seminar "Theories of Statehood" at the Institute of Sociology, University of Tübingen

WS 17/18: BA seminar "Microsociology: Interaction and Protest" at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Tübingen



Legitimization and Delegitimization of Critique. An Empirical Analysis of a Conflict about the Construction of a New Refugee Shelter. Master thesis, Institute for Sociology, University of Tübingen. Online: Legitimization and Delegitimization of Critique

Legitimierung und Delegitimierung von Kritik. Eine empirische Untersuchung eines Konflikts um den Neubau einer Flüchtlingsanschlussunterbringung. Masterarbeit, Institut für Soziologie der Universität Tübingen. Online unter: Legitimierung und Delegitimierung von Kritik


Measuring and Dividing. Practices and Discourses of Sharing Digital Self-Measurement Data. Authors: Kaan Atanisev, Lukas Dawgiert, Manuel Dieterich, Thomas Lauterwasser, Max Leckert, Matthias Leger, Alexander Orlowski, Susanne Panzitta, Sebastian Steidle, Maria Tiede. Tübingen: Tübingen University Library. Online: Surveying and sharing. Practices and discourses of sharing digital self-measurement data.

Vermessen und Teilen. Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten. AutorInnen: Kaan Atanisev, Lukas Dawgiert, Manuel Dieterich, Thomas Lauterwasser, Max Leckert, Matthias Leger, Alexander Orlowski, Susanne Panzitta, Sebastian Steidle, Maria Tiede. Tübingen: Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen. Online unter: Vermessen und Teilen. Praktiken und Diskurse des Teilens digitaler Selbstvermessungsdaten.


I Won't See It Until I Believe It. The Paradigm of Cultural Difference Using the Example of the Discourse on Events at Cologne Central Station on New Year's Eve, in: Soziologieblog, 26./29.09.2016,     
Das seh ich erst, wenn ich’s glaube. Das Paradigma kultureller Differenz am Beispiel des Diskurses über die Ereignisse am Kölner Hauptbahnhof in der Silvesternacht, in: Soziologieblog, 26./29.09.2016,


Conference Report: Threat and Order, Existence and Power. An Interdisciplinary Symposium, 24.09.2015 - 25.09.2015 Tübingen, in: H-Soz-Kult, 19.01.2016,
Tagungsbericht: Threat and Order, Existence and Power. An Interdisciplinary Symposium, 24.09.2015 – 25.09.2015 Tübingen, in: H-Soz-Kult, 19.01.2016,

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