Manuel Dieterich
Scientific Background
since Oct. 2017
Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Sociology, University of Tübingen
at the Chair for Migration and Diversity of Prof. Boris Nieswand
Dissertation project: "Threat, Diversity and Urbanity in Johannesburg"
Research assistant of the CRC 923 "Threatened Orders"
in the subproject E06 "Threat and Diversity in an Urban Context" (Project leader: Prof. Nieswand)
Successful completion of a Master's degree at the University of Tübingen
Master thesis: "Legitimization and Delegitimization of Critique. An empirical investigation of a conflict over the construction of a new refugee accommodation".
Master studies in Sociology with focus on empirical social research at the University of Tübingen
Tutor for various seminars
The topics included: Interaction and Gender, The foreign and the Own, Knowledge sociological discourse analysis, Interview analysis
Bachelor's degree in sociology and political science (minor subject)
at the University of Tübingen. Bachelor thesis: "The Borders of Europe".