Institute of Sociology

Bachelor in Sociology

Sociology can be studied as a major or minor subject. The standard period of study is 6 semesters. Application for the 1st semester is only possible in the winter semester.
The main subject Sociology is free of admission in winter semester 2024/25.
The minor subject Sociology is again admission restricted in the winter semester 2024/25. In the BA minor subject, up to 42 students can then begin their studies each year. A major subject must be combined with the minor subject Sociology. The possibilities in this regard result from the examination regulations of the respective major subject.
Of the 180 credit points, 120 must be acquired in the major subject and 60 in the minor subject. The study of sociology at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Tübingen offers an intensive methodical and diverse content-related education in the following areas of focus

  •  Qualitative and quantitative methods
  •  Diversity, migration, life course
  •  Gender, body, knowledge
  •  Social inequality and institutions

I decided to do a bachelor's degree in sociology in Tübingen because I have a social interest to better understand connections. I find this relevant, especially in times of social changes.

Amelie Kiefer, Studierende am IfSoz


It is only possible to apply for the major and minor subject Sociology for the winter semester and only using the Student Administration's online application site. On the pages of the Student Administration you can find information about the application start date. The application deadline for the winter semester 2024/25 is 15 July 2024.

Major sociology

Sociology as a major subject is open to admission. It is only possible to start studying in the winter semester. You can enroll directly for this course of study. The registration deadline for the winter semester is from the beginning of August to September 30th.

University selection process (minor Sociology): Essay

Satzung der Universität Tübingen für das hochschuleigene Auswahlverfahren in dem Bachelor-Studiengang Soziologie Hauptfach und Nebenfach

For the winter semester 2024/25 applicants can submit an essay on a given topic and thus increase their chances of being admitted to the programme (minor subject Sociology).
The written essay is submitted electronically with the application form to the University of Tübingen via the Alma application portal by the application deadline. It is possible to hand in the essay later, but only until the end of the application period. In this case, please send the essay by e-mail to bewerbung-studienplatzspam, stating the applicant number and the study programme.

The essay topic for the minor is yet to be announced.

The essay should develop an independent, comprehensible argumentation on the given question.

Formal requirements

  • Personal details in the header: Name, first name; date of birth, applicant number and e-mail address.
  • Essay length: maximum 1500 words. The number of words must be indicated at the end. (Header and Declaration of Originality are not part of the essay length)
  • Format: PDF
  • Declaration of Originality: A written declaration must be added after the essay with the following wording: "Hiermit erkläre ich, dass ich den Essay selbständig und nur mit den angegebenen Hilfsmitteln verfasst habe. Zitate sowie den Gebrauch von fremden Quellen habe ich eindeutig nach den Regeln wissenschaftlicher Dokumentation gekennzeichnet. Ein Verstoß gegen diese Grundregeln wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens gilt als Täuschungs- und Betrugsversuch und zieht entsprechende Konsequenzen nach sich. In jedem Fall wird die Leistung mit "nicht ausreichend" bewertet." This declaration must be dated and signed.

Essays that do not meet the formal requirements (personal details, length, format, declaration of originality, signature) will be graded "insufficient".

At a Glance

University degree: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Duration of studies: 6 semesters (regular duration of study)

Start of program: in each winter semester

Application deadline: 15 July (minor)

Applications: Online to the application

Admission requirements: General university entrance qualification or vocational qualification

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