Institute of Sociology

FAQ for prospective students

Bachelor's programme

What is Sociology?

Sociology is "the science of society". Sociology studies human interaction. With its help we can describe, understand and explain social processes. Central questions of sociology include: How does social inequality arise? How do societies deal with migration? What are men and women - and are there only men and women? In the Bachelor's programme in Sociology, you learn to answer such questions with the help of various theories and methods.

How does Sociology differ from ...

... other Social Sciences?
All Social Sciences are interested in social processes. Unlike Sociology, however, the focus of other Social Sciences is on a specific dimension of social life, such as learning and educational processes in Educational Science.

... Psychology?
Psychology is "the science of human experience and behaviour". An interface of Sociology and Psychology is Social Psychology, which deals with the experience and behaviour of people in a social context, i.e. the influence of society on the individual.

... Social Work?
The aim of Social Work is to solve practical problems. Sociology, on the other hand, does not aim to shape society - it rather provides knowledge about social processes, which in turn can then be used in Social Work, for example.

How is the study programme structured?

Sociology can be studied as a major subject or minor subject. The standard period of study for the major and minor subject is six semesters. 120 ECTS must be acquired in the major subject and 60 ECTS in the minor subject.

At the core is a solid education in sociological theories, the social stratification in Germany and qualitative and quantitative research methods (incl. statistics). After the basic studies in the first three semesters, students can set their own focus. With its four working areas, the Institute covers a broad spectrum of sociological teaching and research:

  • Migration, education and life course
  • Gender - body - knowledge
  • Social inequality and institutions
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods

In the major subject Sociology, the range of courses is supplemented by key qualification courses (e.g. data processing software, English for sociologists, job application coaching). In addition, a work placement of at least six weeks is planned. In the major subject Sociology, the degree is completed with an individual Bachelor's thesis, in the minor subject Sociology with a free academic term paper.

The study plans for the major and minor subject Sociology can be found here.

What are possible minor subjects?

Students who are studying in the bachelor's degree program in Sociology according to the 2018/19 examination regulations can, until further notice, choose the following subjects as minor subjects in addition to their main subject in Sociology, provided that these can be properly studied at the University of Tübingen for a total of 60 credit points (see also §3 the examination regulations 2018/19 for the bachelor's degree program in Sociology):

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences: Historical and Cultural Anthropology (EKW), Education, Political Science, Economics and Business Administration
Faculty of Law: Public Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Geography
Faculty of Philosophy: All established B.A. minor subjects of the former Faculty of Cultural Studies, History, General Rhetoric, General Linguistics, English Languages and Literatures, Computational Linguistics, German Studies, International Literatures, Media Studies, French Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish Studies, Portuguese Studies, Scandinavian Studies, Slavic Studies

Other minors can be approved upon request and with the consent of the other Faculty.

See §3 of the examination regulations 2018/19 for the Bachelor's in Sociology

Students who study the Bachelor's degree program in Sociology as their main subject from the winter semester of 2023/24 are not allowed to study the Bachelor's Sociology minor at the same time. Otherwise, there are no restrictions regarding the minor subject (see §3 Examination Regulations for the Bachelor's Degree in Sociology 2023/24 Special Section).

Is a stay abroad foreseen?

A voluntary stay abroad is possible. Here you can find information on the partner universities of the Institute of Sociology. The professional internship in the Bachelor's major in Sociology can also be completed abroad.

How does the application process work?

All important information on application can be found here.

How are applicants selected?

Information on the selection procedure can be found here.

Information on the admission results of previous years can be found here.

What can you do with it professionally?

The analytical, methodical and career-related competences acquired in the degree programme open up numerous professional fields, such as in the areas of market research, journalism or counselling. More detailed information can be found under career guidance. You will be supported in your career orientation by various events, such as career podiums with alumni, and individual counselling at the Institute of Sociology.

Master's programmes

Which Master's programmes are offered?

The Institute of Sociology offers three consecutive Master's programmes with a standard period of study of four semesters:

How do I apply for the Master's programme in Sociology with a Focus on Empirical Research?

You can find all important information about the application here.

How do I apply for the Master' s programme in Sociology: Diversity and Society?

You can find all important information about the application here.

How do I apply for the Master of Public Policy and Social Change?

You can find all important information about the application here.

Please note that the answers to the questions listed are not to be understood as binding legal advice, but rather as initial assistance and preparation for a counselling interview.

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