School of Business and Economics

What's new on studying?

Information event on the focus areas

The information event on the focus areas took place on February 3, 2025. The presentation of the event can be found here.

Research semesters

"For certain research and development projects [...], professors may be released from their other duties in whole or in part (studio semester, repertoire semester, research semester or practical semester), leaving their salaries as they are. The proper representation of the subject in teaching as well as the carrying out of examinations must be guaranteed. As a rule, leave of absence can only be granted for one semester and at the earliest four years after the end of the last period of absence."

§ 49 State University Act Baden-Württemberg, Paragraph 6

The following research semesters are planned:

Students should check with the relevant professors at an early stage to find out what effects the research semesters have on medium-term teaching planning. This is often announced on the pages of the research units.

Retirements and farewells or professors

  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler will retire at the end of the winter semester 2025/26. All the best! His professorhip has been filled early by Prof. Dr. Ralph Lütticke.
  • Prof. Dr. Werner Neus will retire at the end of the winter semester 2024/25. All the best! His professorship has been filled early by  Prof. Dr. Monika Gehde-Trapp.
  • Juniorprof. Dr. Theresa Veer substitutes a professorship for Technology and Innovation Management at the University of Regensburg and is on leave in Tübingen for the winter semester 2024/25.
  • Juniorprof. Dr. Jan Riepe has accepted a professorship for Finance and Accounting at the University of Paderborn as of October 1, 2024. His position in Tübingen was temporary.
  • Juniorprof. Dr. Philip Yang has accepted a professorship for Sustainable Human Resource Management and Leadership at Paderborn University with effect from 1 October 2023. His position in Tübingen was temporary.


B3X1-B3X5 Banking and Finance I-V

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, container modules are offered in the Banking & Finance  area of advanced undergraduate studies in the future. Students can fill each of these container modules with a course. In the winter semester 2024/25, there will be the following offering:

  • B300 Kapitalmarktprodukte (6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B310 Banken und Börsen (neu mit 6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B314 Rechnungslegung von Finanzinstrumenten I (6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B360 Banken- und Risikomanagement (6 ECTS-Credits)

In the summer semester 2025 there will be the following offer (B3x1-B3x5):

  •     B301 Corporate Finance (6 ECTS credits)
  •    B361 International Financial Management (6 ECTS credits)
  •    S321 Applied Econometrics (6 ECTS credits)
  •    E334 Topics in Crypto (6 ECTS credits)
  •    E333 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies - A hands on lecture (6 ECTS credits)

B3X6-B3X7 Banking and Finance VI-VII

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, container modules are offered in the Banking & Finance  area of advanced undergraduate studies in the future. Students can fill each of the above mentioned container modules with a course.

In the winter semester 2024/25, there will be the following offering:

  • B300 Capital Market Groups (6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B310 Financial Markets and Institutions (neu mit 6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B314 Accounting for Financial Instruments I (6 ECTS-Credits)
  • B360 Bank- and Risk Management (6 ECTS-Credits)
  • S324 Computational Econometrics using Stata (3 ECTS-Credits)

For B3x6-B3x7 there will be the following offer in the summer semester 2025:

  •  B303 Sustainable Finance 1 (6 ECTS credits)
  • B414 CFA Level I-II (6 ECTS credits)
  • S310 Applied Quantitative Methods in Economics and Finance (6 ECTS-Credits)

B321-B323 Aspects of Marketing Management 1-3

Please note that you can only complete the three modules B321-B323 Aspects of Marketing Management, so you can only choose a maximum of three courses from this offer.

In the winter semester 2024/25 you can choose the following courses as part of these modules:

  • B321D Recent Developments in Pricing, Dr. Künnen
  • B321K International Marketing, Dr. Klein
  • B3x1 Entrepreneurship, Dr. Murad

In the summer semester 2025, you can choose the following courses as part of these modules:

  • B321B Brand Management, Prof. Schnittka   
  • B321E Applied Marketing Models, Prof. Keller
  • B321J Consumer Behavior, Prof. Mayer

B331 Specific Topics in Managerial Accounting & Organisation

The module will not be offered in the winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025.

B354 Fundamentals of Business Taxation

In addition to the information in the module handbook, a course on Fundamentals of Business Taxation (6 ECTS credits) will be offered in the summer semester 2025. It will be selectable in the specialization area Financial Accounting & Business Taxation and in Elective Studies.

E384 Economics of Renewable Energy

The new module by Dr. Ritter will be creditable towards Focus Area Managerial Accounting & Organisation (within module E325 Topics in Firms & Markets I), Focus Area Data Science (within module S311 Topics in Applied Econometrics and Statistics), Focus Area Elective Studies, Focus Area Firms & Markets (within module E325 Topics in Firms & Markets I).

B391 Intercultural Management and Ethics

As part of the module B391 Intercultural Management and Ethics, students can choose from the following offerings of the Global Ethics Institute (WEIT) in the winter semester:

  • Financial Market and Ethics
  • All lies? Ways to a value-oriented brand communication (practical seminar)
  • Case Study Seminar "Practical Cases of Ethical Corporate Governance": Opportunities, Risks, Challenges and Dilemmas
  • Transformational Governance: Project Course in Sustainable Organizational and Democratic Development

In the summer semester there will be the following choices;

  • Führen mit Werten - Synercube Leadership Seminar
  • Business Simulation Mastering Global Expansions - Seminar, 3 CP in combination with another WEIT seminar with 3 CP

Please note that you can only fill the module once with one event. I.e., in the focus area International Business only one event of the WEIT (1x 6 ECTS credits) can be added. In the focus area Elective Studies and in the module Professional Skills you can add as many courses of the WEIT as you like.

B394-B395 Innovative Topics in International Business I+II

As part of the modules B394-395 Innovative Topics in International Business I+II students can select B361 International Financial Management in the summer semester 2025.

In the winter semester 2024/25 you can choose out of the following offers:

  • B321K International Marketing
  • B3x1 Entrepreneurship.

BA300, BA301, BA302 Bachelor Thesis in International Economics, International Business Administration and Economics and Business Administration

In the winter semester 2024/25 and in the summer semester 2025 the school will again offer numerous bachelor thesis seminars. Further information on the allocation procedure and the offers can be found here.

DS321 Data Science in Practice

As part of the new focus area Data Science, the module DS321 Data Science in Practice is offered. Here, various offerings can be recognized to the extent of 6 ECTS credits. Gradually, a "white list" has been created. Courses could include offerings from the ZDV, the Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Literacy, and the Department of Computer Science (subject to availability). Please contact us via studienfachberatungspam if you have identified an additional offer, we will then clarify if it can be credited here and give you feedback. The module will not be graded.

E313-E315 Topics in Economic Policy I-III

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, container modules will be offered in the focus area Economic Policy in the future. Students can fill each of the container modules E313-E315 Topics in Economic Policy I-III with one course. In the winter semester 2024/25, there will be the following offerings:

  • E31x Economics of Business Taxation (6 ECTS credits).
  • E380 Social Market Economy (6 ECTS credits)

The following is offered in the summer semester 2025:

  • E310 The Theory and Empirics of Taxation (6 ECTS credits)
  • E333 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (6 ECTS credits)
  • E334 Topics in Crypto (6 ECTS credits)
  • E380D Be ready for your thesis in Empirical Economics (6 ECTS credits)
  • DS320 Introduction to Data Sciencee (6 ECTS credits)

E323 Firms in the Global Economy

As the module took place in the winter semester 2024/25, it will not take place in the summer semester 2025.

E325 Topics in Firms and Markets I

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, container modules are being offered in the focus area Firms & Markets in the future. Students can fill each of these container modules with a course. In the winter semester 2024/25, the module E325 Topics in Firms and Markets I offers the following:

  • E350 Innovation and Technological Change (6 ECTS credits).
  • E384 Economics of Renewable Energy (6 ECTS credits)

In the summer semester 2025, the following course is offered in module E325 Topics in Firms and Markets I:

  • E325 Firms in the digital Economy (6 ECTS credits)
  • E325B Agricultural Economics (6 ECTS credits)

E326 Topics in Firms and Markets II

In the summer semester 2025, industrial economics (9 ECTS credits) is offered as part of this container module.

In the winter semester 2024/25, Innovation and Technological Change will be offered as a 9 ECTS credits option.

E330 International Money and Finance

Contrary to what is stated in the module handbook, E330 International Money and Finance is offered with 9 ECTS credits instead of 6. In future, the module will always take place in the winter semester and will therefore not be offered in the summer semester 2025.

E366 Aspects of Economic History and Development Economics

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, a container module will be offered in the focus area Economic History & Development Economics. Students can fill the container module with one course.

In the winter semester 2024/25, there is the following offering in the module E366 Aspects of Economic History and Development Economics:

  • E380 Social Market Economy (6 ECTS credits).

In the summer semester 2025, there will be no course offered.

E370, E374-E375 Topics in International Economics I-III

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, container modules will be offered in the newly tailored focus area of International Economics in the future. Students can fill the container modules with one course each. In the winter semester 2024/25, there are the following offerings in the modules E370, E374-E375 Topics in International Economics I-III:

  • E320 Firms in the Global Economy (6 ECTS credits).

The following courses will be offered in the summer semester 2025:

  • B303 Sustainable Finance I (6 ECTS credits)
  • E321 European Economic Integration (6 ECTS credits)
  • E331 Imperfect Labor Markets (6 ECTS credits)
  • E340 Globalization and Economic Development (6 ECTS credits)

E371 Theory and Policy of International Trade

In the summer semester 2025, only variant A (6 ECTS credits) is offered.

E376 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor thesis

The following courses will be offered as part of this module in the winter semester 2024/25:

  • E376 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor Thesis in Microeconomics
  • E383 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor Thesis in Macroeconomics

The following courses will be offered as part of this module in the summer semester 2025

  • E376 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor Thesis in Microeconomics
  • E383 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor Thesis in Macroeconomics

Please note that you can only complete the module once with one course.

E380 Current Topics in Economics and Business Administration

Within the module E380 Selected Aspects of Economics and Business Administration the following courses will be offered in the winter semester 2024/25

  • E380Social Market Economy, Prof. Goldschmidt
  • Dialogue Seminar: 75 years of the Basic Law, Prof. Müller, Prof Goldschmidt (3 ECTS)
  • E384 Economics of Renewable Energy
  • E385 Sustainability 101: Sustainable Development for Beginners

Students can choose the following courses in the summer semester 2025:

  • E380D Be ready for your thesis in Empirical Economics
  • E380: Impact Evaluation
  • E3325B: Agricultural Economics

Please note that you can only complete module E380 once and may therefore only take one of these courses.

E381 Practical Aspects of Economics and Business Administration

In the examination regulations 2023 there is a new module E381 Practical Aspects of Economics and Business Administration.

§4 (6) Examination Regulations EcoBA/ §4 (5) IBA/ § 4(5) IEco normal/ § 5 (6) IEco DD/ § 6(6) IEco TD: "As part of the degree program, students shall complete a practical activity (internship) in the area of Elective Studies that serves the qualification objectives of the degree program, amounting to 6 CP outside university teaching formats; the CP are acquired in the module E381 Practical Aspects of Economics and Business Administration. Instead of the module E381, other modules can be from the Elective Studies area may be chosen."

The internship must comprise at least six weeks, be done in an area relevant to economics/Business administration. The module is ungraded; course credit is an internship report.

Content: [...] The goal of the internship is to get to know the changing requirements of the profession by working in a company or an organization/institution and to gain a deeper
and to gain a deeper insight into the professional world and internal company processes. [..]

Qualification goals: transfer economic and social science knowledge to business practice, explain and apply basic economic methods and ways of thinking, assess specialized scientific knowledge against the background of practical experience, develop solutions to practically relevant problems and critically examine the experience.

To have an internship recognized, please contact the academic advisory service. Please send your transcript and an internship report (max. 2 pages about the contents of your internship as well as the role of the company in the economy).

S310 Financial Market Microstructure

As part of the module, S310 Appliec Quantitative Methods in Economics and Finance will be offered in the summer semester 2025.

S311 Topics in Appliec Econometrics and Statistics

As part of the module S311 Topics in Appliec Econometrics and Statistics, you'll be able to choose E384 Economics of Renewable Energy in the winter term 2024/25.

Im Rahmen des Moduls S311 Topics in Appliec Econometrics and Statistics, you'll be able to choose E325 Agricultural Economics in the summer term 2025.

S317 Topics in Data Science

In the course of the changeover to the new examination regulations, a container module will be offered in the new focus area Data Science in the future. Students can fill the container module with a course.

In the winter semester 2023/24, the module S317 Topics in Data Science includes the following offering:

  • Machine Learning for Economists (6 ECTS credits).

In the summer semester 2025 there is the following offer:

  • S317 Machine Learning for Economists (6 ECTS credits)

Unfortunately, this module is not being offered in the winter semester 2024/25.

Please note that you can only complete the Topics in Data Science container module once with one course.

S326 Empirical Analysis of Panel Data

Contrary to the information in the module handbook, S326 Empirical Analysis of Panel Data will not take place in the summer semester 2025.


Specialization Banking turns into Specialization Financial Intermediation - New Core Module

The well-deserved retirement of Prof. Dr. Neus is also accompanied by an important change in the Master's degree programs General Management, European Management and International Business. The former Banking specialization will be renamed to Financial Intermediation. From winter semester 2025/26, the module B466 Financial Intermediation - Theory and Empirics by Prof. Dr. Gehde-Trapp will be creditable as a new core module.

Additional course options in M.Sc. Management and Economics

For students in M.Sc. Management and Economics, there are additional courses available in various areas of study beginning in summer term 2024. All changes are listed in this document.

New module handbook for study year 2023/24

The module handbook for the academic year 2023/24 has been published and can be downloaded here. It lists the crediting options for the new examination regulations 2023. For students who remain in the old examination regulations, the crediting options generally follow the module handbook version 2021/22. This version is also still available for download. If new crediting options have been added in the 2023/24 version compared to 2021/22, students in the old examination regulations can also use these new options.

Additional module options in the European Economics - AMU - Doubledegree (Track Economics)

As opposed to the list on p. 32 of the Module handbook, there are new - much broader - module options for students of the Track Economics in the double degree M.Sc. European Economics with Aix-Marseille University, depending on the course of studies you intend to pursue at AMU. Please contact the Academic Advisory Service for more information.

Credit for Chinese language courses

In addition to the options stated on P.29 of the Module Handbook for external courses, the courses "Chinesisch Elementar I, II and III" from the program "Chinese language courses for non-Chinese-Studies-students" at the Department of Chinese Studies may also be credited in the Free Elective Studies in our Master programs.

B404/B405 Modern Issues in Finance I/II

Within the modules B404 Modern Issues in Finance I and B405 Modern Issues in Finance II Computational Finance in Python will be offered in the Summer semester 2025.

B411 Theory of Banking

Due to the retirement of Prof. Neus, B411 Theory of Banking will no longer be offered from the summer semester 2025.

B412 Bank Management

Due to the resignation of Prof. Riepe, B412 Bank Management will unfortunately no longer take place from the winter semester 2024/25.

B413 Empirical Banking

Due to the resignation of Prof. Riepe, B413 Empirical Banking will unfortunately no longer take place from the summer semester 2025.

B425-B426 Data Science and Marketing 1-2

As part of the modules B425-B426 Data Science and Marketing 1-2, B426 Marketing and Entrepreneurship - Introduction to interdisciplinary research will be offered in the summer semester 2025.

B425 Advanced Market Research will be offered in the winter semester 2024/25.

B430A/B Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis

Contrary to the information found in the module handbook, the module B430A/B Managerial Accounting and Cost Analysis can also be credited in the Specialization Studies in the M.Sc. Management and Economics

B434 Managerial Accounting: Control Systems, Top Executives and Ethics

B434 Managerial Accounting: Control Systems, Top Executives and Ethics will unfortunately not take place in the winter semester 2024/25.

B441 Comparative Employment Relations

B441 Comparative Employment Relations will not be offered in the summer semester 2025.

B451 Unternehmensbesteuerung / Business Taxation

Contrary to the information found in the module handbook, the module B451 Business Taxation can also be credited as a core module in the Focus International Business Taxation in M.Sc. General Management / European Management / International Business; additionally in the Core Studies Accounting in M.Sc. Accounting and Finance.

B452 International Business Taxation

Module B452 International Business Taxation will not be offered in the summer semester 2025. It is expected to be offered again in the summer semester 2026.

B460 Sustainable Strategy and B461 Empirical Studies in Sustainable Strategy

Since Professor Yang is not teaching at the University of Tübingen anymore, B460 Sustainable Strategy and B461 Empirical Studies in Sustainable Strategy will unfortunately not take place anymore.

B463 Strategy & Innovation

Due to the leave of absence of junior professor Theresa Veer in the winter semester 2024/25, B463 Strategy & Innovation unfortunately has to be canceled.

B463B Business Plans for Startups

B463B Business Plans for Startups will unfortunately not be offered in the summer semester 2025.

B465 Specialization in Economic Research

B465 Specialization in Economic Research will unfortunately not take place in the winter semester 2024/25 or the summer semester 2025.

B483 Empirical Accounting Research

Unfortunately, the module will not take place in the winter semester 2024/25 and the summer semester 2025.

B493A Doing Business in Selected Countries and World Regions

In the summer semester 2025 students will be able to choose the following online-courses within the container module B493 Doing Business in Selected Countries and World Regions:

  • Doing Business in China
  • Doing Business in Japan
  • Doing Business in South America

In order to complete the module with 6 ECTS credits, students take two of the courses.

B495-B497 Current Issues in International Business I-III

As part of the modules B495-B497 Current Issues in International Business I-III,

  • B403 Topics in International Financial Reporting and Risk Management

will be offered in the summer semester 2025.

The course B495A Chinese Business Management originally planned for the winter semester 2024/25 can unfortunately not be offered due to illness of the lecturer.

CM5_0X Advanced Topics in...

Within the moduls CM5_0X Advanced Topics in... you will find the following seminars scheduled for the summer semester 2025:

  • B500 Advanced Topics in Finance, Prof. Dr. Christian Koziol
  • B520B Research Seminar in Marketing, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mayer
  • B530 Master Seminar on Personnel Economics, Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull
  • B580 Master-Seminar in Financial Accounting, Prof. Dr. Jörg-Markus Hitz
  • B590 Masterseminar in International Business, Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko
  • E550 Master Seminar in Applied Economic Theory, Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler
  • E580 Topics in International Economic History I: Integration and Growth in the World Economy, Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten
  • E581 Topics in International Economic History II: Development Economics and Economic History, Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten
  • S510/S520 Master Seminar on Econometrics, Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen, Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig
  • S530 Master Seminar on Agricultural Economics, Dr. Matthias Ritter

DS401-DS408 Data Science Techniques 1-8

Within the modules DS401-DS408 Data Science Techniques 1-8, the following courses will be available in the winter semester 2024/25:

  •     Machine Learning Applications in Business and Economics, Aseem Behl, PhD
  •    Practical Deep Learning, Aseem Behl, PhD
  •    Causal Machine Learning, Prof. Dr. Michael Knaus

In the summer semester 2025 there will be the following program:

  • DS404 Big Data Computing
  • DS405B Practical Deep Learning

The courses can be credited in the modules DS401-DS408 Data Science Techniques 1-8 in the specialization area Data Science Techniques as well as in the elective areas of the other M.Sc. programs. Please note that you can fill each module only once with a course.

DS500 Data Science Project

Contrary to the information in the module handbook, the module will also be offered in the summer semester 2025.

E411 Economics of Taxation

The module can unfortunately not be offered in the summer semester 2025.

E412-E414 Be ready for your master thesis in empirical Economics

As part of the modules E412-E414 Topics in Public Policy I-III, E412 Be ready for your master thesis in empirical Economics will be offered in the winter semester 2024/25.

In the summer semester 2025 cou can select E412 Topics in Public Policy and E413 Be ready for your master thesis in empirical Economics.

E421-E422 International Trade I-II

As part of the modules E421-E422 International Trade I-II, E421 Advanced International Trade will be offered in the summer semester 2025.

E421 Global Production and Sourcing will be offered in the winter semester 2024/25.

E432 Advanced Labour Economics

The module will unfortunately not be offered in the summer semester 2025.

E434K Macro Brown Bag

In addition to the courses offered in the module handbook, E434K Macro Brown Bag with 3 ECTS credits will be offered in the winter semester 2024/25 and the summer semester 2025. The credits are listed in the  course description on alma.

E442-E445 Empirical Methods and Data Analysis I-IV

E442-E445 Empirical Methods and Data Analysis I-IV will unfortunately not be offered in the winter semester 2024/25 and the summer semester 2025.

E446 Health Economics

E446 Health Economics will not take place anymore.

E457 Principles of Game Theory

In the winter semester a course E457 Principles of Game Theory will be offered with 3 ECTS credits. Please check the course description on alma for the details elegibility.

S412 - Empirical Asset Pricing

In addition to the options stated in the module handbook, the module S412 Empirical Asset Pricing can also give credit in the Specialization Studies Economics, both in M.Sc. Economics and Finance and in M.Sc. European Economics.

S415 Machine Learning in Econometrics

Contrary to what is announced in the module manual, S415 Machine Learning in Econometrics - Lecture and PC-Lab will not take place in the summer semester 2025.

S416 Topics in Financial Econom(etr)ics

S416 Topics in Financial Econom(etr)ics will not take place until further notice.

S417 Financial Econometrics

In the summer semester S417 Financial Econometrics will be offered with 9 ECTS credits. Please consult alma for further information.

S420 Statistics of Financial Markets

S420 Statistics of Financial Markets will not be offered in the winter semester 2024/25.