Engaging the rich intellectual legacies of Islam’s theological heritage with the demands and opportunities of the 21st century, the Chair of Islamic Doctrine (ChID) aims to cultivate travelled and new ground in the areas of systematic theology and interfaith studies. By creating a dynamic and highly internationalized space for the study of Kalam (Islamic Philosophical Theology), the ChID seeks to promote academic excellence in research, dialogue and critical engagement with classical and contemporary issues in theology and society. We are guided by the principle that theology works best when part of a vibrant scholarly community and thus amongst ChID’s foremost goals is the advancement of scholarship by nurturing new generations of young scholars, welcoming international experts, and encouraging institutional and interdisciplinary collaborations.
The Chair of Islamic Doctrine ...
... is dedicated to robust intellectual inquiry where traditional theological studies engage our contemporary contexts to assess what Islamic theology means in history and in the present day.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lejla Demiri
Professor of Islamic Doctrine
lejla.demiri @uni-tuebingen.de
Jennah G. Sari-Keskingöz
sekretariat-glaubenslehre @zith.uni-tuebingen.de
Rümelinstraße 27
72070 Tübingen