
Application requirements

  • a B.Sc. degree with a grade of 2.5 or better (German grading system)
  • for applications with a Bachelor's degree that was obtained in a natural science other than biology: at least equivalents of 30 ECTS credits in subjects relevant to the Master's degree program, i.e. molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, genetics, microbiology, and/or molecular neuroscience
  • evidence of English language knowledge (level B2 minimum):
    • TOEFL (79 IBT or 550 PBT)
    • IELTS 6,5
    • Cambridge Certificate FCE, CAE, CPE, level B2 or higher
    • a recognized higher education entrance qualification obtained in English and in a country whose official language is English
    • BSc degree from a country with English as official language
    • notification of English level B2 or higher on higher education entrance qualification, e.g. Abiturzeugnis
  •  a German language certificate (only international applications, level A2 minimum):
    • Goethe A2
    • Telc A2
    • ÖSD A2
    • German as native language
    • BSc degree with German as teaching language


Application procedure

Please apply via the ALMA application portal

The application portal for the MSc CIB opens in April / early May.

Application deadline: May 31


Admission procedure

  • the admission procedure starts within days after the application deadline
  • bonus points (up to a total of 0.5 points) will be awarded for completed professional trainings / apprenticeships, scientifc achievements like e.g. publications, and involvement in university committees
  • all complete applications are ranked by their B.Sc. degree corrected by the bonus points
  • after approval by the admission committee, the first round of admission starts in June
  • top applications will be admitted in one or several rounds of admissions until 45 students accepted an offered place


Start of classes: mid October 


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