
Our research group is responsible for many of the undergraduate and Master courses relating to sedimentology. Additional information about studying geosciences at Tübingen is available here. The department welcomes international graduate students and offers many classes in English.


Our research group is currently involved in the teaching of the following:

BSc Courses

Erdgeschichte/History of the Earth

A second semester (summer semester) introductory geology course, including a component on regional geology.

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

A 4th semester (summer semester) course on the fundamentals of sedimentology.

Quaternary Geology

A 5th semester (winter semester) electice course focusing on the climate and geology of the Quaternary.


A 5th semester elective course covering the fundamental aspects of hydrology.

Field excursions

Including field stratigraphy and sedimentology. We currently run excursions on the following themes:

  • Modern sedimentary environments and climate modelling in the Mainz-Rhine Valley
  • Clastic sedimentology in the northern Black Forest


MSc Courses

Advanced Sedimentology

A deeper investigation of modern and ancient sedimentary environments, including an overview and practical exercises in modern sedimentology techniques.

Container Modules

We are teaching container modules on the following topics:

  • Quaternary dating methods
  • Dating case studies
  • Remote sensing and GIS of earth-surface processes



2022- Athene Mentoring Programme, University of Tübingen
2017-2021          Mentor to female scientists, Minerva-FemmeNet, Max Planck Society
2010 Discussion and invited seminar on gender issues in science, Institute for Geography, Universität zu Köln, Germany

Representative for Australasian Quaternary Association, Federation of Australian Science and Technology Societies Women in Science Workshop, Parliament House, Canberra, Australia

Report on workshop published as: Fitzsimmons, K.E. (2009) Women in Science in Australia: A workshop to discuss a new report commissioned by the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies. Quaternary Australasia 26, 10-12.

Scientific Communication

Follow our YouTube Channel

2022: Popular lecture, Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte Blaubeuren

2021: Television interview, SWR news, in response to Prud’homme et al. (2021)

2019: Scientific Advisor, BBC natural history documentary “One planet seven worlds”

2018: Television Interview, WDR “Quarks und Co”

2015: Media interest in response to Fitzsimmons et al. (2015) PLOS ONE

  • The Australian (national newspaper) p.3, 18.6.2015
  • Other Australian papers (selection): The Age; Sydney Morning Herald; Brisbane Times. International media: Kurier (Austria); Global Times (China), Shanghai Daily (China)

2013: Media interest in response to Fitzsimmons et al. (2013) PLOS ONE

  • „Das Ende der ersten Europäer“ Spiegel, 7.4.2021
  • “Zeugen der Super-Eruption” Leipziger Volkszeitung, 25.7.2013

2012: Volunteer, Leipzig „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

2009: Radio Interview, ABC Mildura-Swan Hill (Willandra Lakes project)

2007-2009: Regular radio presenter, Fuzzy Logic Science Radio Show, Canberra 2XX FM