
This page lists recent and up-coming events of the research group or in which members of the research group are involved. Please also note the program of the Platform "Environmental System Analytics" of the University's Future Concept (3rd Line of the Excellence Initiative).

Up-coming Conferences and Sessions

SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting in Vienna, AU (May 11-15, 2025)

Please consider submitting your abstract to our session! Abstract submission opens Oct. 11, 2024. Link

Track: 3. Environmental chemistry and exposure assessment: analysis, monitoring, fate and modelling

Session Title: Rivers under multiple anthropogenic pressures: from urban pollution to hydroclimatic change (Stephanie Spahr, Christiane Zarfl)

International Conference I.S. Rivers in Lyon, F

Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers (June 30 - July 4, 2025). Abstract submission is open until Nov. 30, 2024. Link