Peer-reviewed publications
- Schaper J.L., Zarfl C., Lewandowski J., Cirpka O.A. (2025) VTraFlux − A model toolbox to determine transient vertical exchange fluxes in hyporheic sediments from time series of natural tracers. J. Hydrol. 651, 132520. Read
- Boeckmann M., Siemens J., Heyde B.J., Zarfl C. (2025) Identification of dissipation pathways for pharmaceuticals in soils – a modelling approach. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts. DOI: 10.1039/D4EM00777H. Read
- Buchner M., Nguyen H.H., Angenent L.T., Zarfl C., Usack J.G. (2024) Deployment of power-to-protein technology in Ethiopia to provide drought-related emergency relief and mitigate food insecurity. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 8. Read
- Glaser C., Gilfedder B.S., Zarfl C. (2024) Spatio-temporal variability of hyporheic exchange processes across a stream network. Hydrol. Process. Read
Grimm H., Lorenz J., Straub D., Joshi P., Schuster J., Zarfl C., Muehe E.M., Kappler A. (2024) Nitrous oxide is the main product during nitrate reduction by a novel lithoautotrophic iron(II)-oxidizing culture from an organic-rich paddy soil. Appl. Environ. Microb. 0:e01262-24. Read
- Lehner B., Beames P., Mulligan M., Zarfl C., De Felice L., van Soesbergen A., Thieme M., Garcia de Leaniz C., Anand M., Belletti B., Brauman K.A., Januchowski-Hartley S.R., Mandle L., Mazany-Wright N., Messager M.L., Pavelsky T., Pekel J.-F., Wang J., Wen Q., Xing T., Yang X., Wishart M., Lyon K., Higgins J. (2024) The Global Dam Watch database of river barrier and reservoir information for large-scale applications. Scientific Data 11, 1069.Read (open access)
- Maaroufi L., Hofmann D., Zarfl C., Hüben M., Pütz T., Amelung W. (2024) Non-extractable residues of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in soil. Chemosphere 366, 143422. Read
- Schaper J.L., Cirpka O.A., Lewandowski J., Zarfl C. (2024) Electrical conductivity fluctuations as a tracer to determine time-dependent transport characteristics in hyporheic sediments. J Hydrol. 643, 131914. Read
- Lehner B., Beames P., Mulligan M., Zarfl C., De Felice L., van Soesbergen A., Thieme M., Garcia de Leaniz C., Anand M., Belletti B., Brauman K.A., Januchowski-Hartley S.R., Mandle L., Mazany-Wright N., Messager M.L., Pavelsky T., Pekel J.-F., Wang J., Wen Q., Xing T., Yang X., Wishart M., Lyon K., Higgins J. (2024) The Global Dam Watch database of river barrier and reservoir information for large-scale applications. Scientific Data 11, 1069. Read (open access)
- Maaroufi L., Hofmann D., Zarfl C., Hüben M., Pütz T., Amelung W. (2024) Non-extractable residues of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in soil. Chemosphere 366, 143422. Read
- Grimm H., Drabesch S., Nicol A., Straub D., Joshi P., Zarfl C., Planer-Friedrich B., Muehe E.M., Kappler A. (2024) Arsenic immobilization and greenhouse gas emission depend on quantity and frequency of nitrogen fertilization in paddy soil. Heliyon, 10(16), e35706. Read
- Souza Kuhn C.E., Vieira Reis F.A.G., Furegatti S.A., Zarfl C., Palcheco Peixoto A.S. (2024) Economic impacts of an urban gully are driven by land degradation. Natural Hazards. Read
- Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Tockner, K., & Zarfl, C. (2024). Electricity mix from renewable energies can avoid further fragmentation of African rivers. Sustainable Energy Research, 11(1), 1-16. Read
- Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Kabiri, C., Kaplin, B. A., Tockner, K., Zarfl, C. Sustainable pathways towards universal renewable electricity access in Africa. Nat Rev Earth Environ (2024). Read
- Souza Kuhn C.E., Vieira Reis F.A.G., Lazaretti A.F., Zarfl C., Carvalho Cabral V., Grathwohl P. (2023) The record and trends of natural disasters caused by gullies in Brazil. Environ. Earth Sci. doi: 10.1007/s12665-023-11213-6. Read
- Weyerer F., Weinbach A., Zarfl C., Allhoff K.T. (2023) Eco-evolutionary dynamics in two-species mutualistic systems: One-sided population decline triggers joint interaction disinvestment. Evol. Ecol. doi: 10.1007/s10682-023-10264-2. Read
- Tydecks L., Hernández-Agüero J.A., Böhning-Gaese K., Bremerich V., Jeschke J.M., Schütt B., Zarfl C., Tockner K. (2023) Oases in the Sahara Desert – Linking biological and cultural diversity. PLOS ONE 18(8):e0290304. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0290304 (open access).
- Vogel A.J., Thompson K.J., Kleindienst S., Zarfl C. (2023). Dosage concentration and pulsing frequency affect the degradation efficiency in simulated bacterial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading cultures. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 30, 59813–59825.
- Glaser C., Escher B. I., Engelhardt M., Liu Y., Krauss M., König M., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Spahr S. (2023) Contribution of particle-associated contaminant transport to river water quality during storm events. J. Hydrol. 621(10):129600. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129600.
- Koch F., Neutel A.-M., Barnes D.K.A., Tielbӧrger K., Zarfl C., Allhoff K.T. (2023) Competitive hierarchies in bryozoan assemblages mitigate network instability by keeping short and long feedback loops weak. Commun. Biol., 6, 690. Read
- Kuhn, C., Vieira Reis, F.A.G., Zarfl, C., Grathwohl, P. Ravines and gullies, a review about impact valuation. Natural Hazards. (2023) Read
- Peters, R., Berlekamp, J., Tockner, K., Zarfl, C.. RePP Africa – a georeferenced and curated database on existing and proposed wind, solar, and hydropower plants. Sci Data 10, 16 (2023). Read
- Cabral VC, Reis FAV, Veloso V, Corrêa CV, Kuhn C, Zarfl C (2022) The consequences of debris flows in Brazil: a historical analysis based on recorded events in the last 100 years. Landslides. Doi: 10.1007/s10346-022-01984-7
- Cabral VC, Reis FAV, Veloso V, Ogura AT, Zarfl C (2022) A multi-step hazard assessment for debris-flow prone areas influenced by hydroclimatic events. Engineering Geology. Doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106961
- Wei, R., et al. (2022) Modeling the Dynamics of Mixture Toxicity and Effects of Organic Micropollutants in a Small River under Unsteady Flow Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. Read
- Schuster D., Holstein N., Axtmann K., Felder C., Voigt A., Färber H,, Ciorba P., Szekata C., Schallenberg A., Böckmann M., Zarfl C., Neidhöfer C., Smalla K., Exner M., Bierbauma G. (2022) Antibiotic concentrations in raw hospital wastewater surpass minimal selective and minimal inhibitory concentrations of resistant Acinetobacter baylyi strains. Environ. Microbiol. Read
- Meierdierks J., Zarfl C., Beckingham B., Grathwohl P. (2022) Comprehensive multi-compartment sampling for quantification of long-term accumulation of PAHs in soils. ACS Environ. Au. Read
- Kleinteich, J., Hanselmann, K., Hildebrand, F., Kappler, A., Zarfl, C. (2022) Glacier melt-down changes habitat characteristics and unique microbial community composition and physiology in alpine lake sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98, 7. Read
- Zarfl, C., Dunn, F. (2022): The delicate balance of river sediments. Science, 376 (6600), 1385-1386. Read
- Schaper, J.L., Zarfl, C., Meinikmann, K., Banks, E. W., Baron, S., Cirpka, O. A., and Lewandowski, J. (2022) Spatial variability of radon production rates in an alluvial aquifer affects travel time estimates of groundwater originating from a losing stream. Water Resources Research 58, Read
- Opperman, J.J.; Camargo, R.R.; Laporte-Bisquit, A.; Zarfl, C.; Morgan, A.J. (2022) Using the WWF Water Risk Filter to Screen Existing and Projected Hydropower Projects for Climate and Biodiversity Risks. Water, 14, 721.
- Jimenez-Fernandez O., Schwientek M., Osenbrück K., Glaser C., Schmidt C., Fleckenstein J. H. (2022) Groundwater‐surface water exchange as key control for instream and groundwater nitrate concentrations along a first‐order agricultural stream. Hydrological processes 36 (2)
- Schaper, J.L., Zarfl, C., Meinikmann, K., Banks, E. W., Baron, S., Cirpka, O. A., and Lewandowski, J. 2022 Spatial variability of radon production rates in an alluvial aquifer affects travel time estimates of groundwater originating from a losing stream. Water Resources Research 58,
- Jaeger, A., Posselt, M., Schaper, J.L. et al. (2021) Transformation of organic micropollutants along hyporheic flow in bedforms of river-simulating flumes. Sci Rep 11.
- Hoehne, A., Lewandowski, J., Schaper, J.L., and McCallum, J. L. (2021). Determining hyporheic removal rates of trace organic compounds using non-parametric conservative transport with multiple sorption models. Water Research 206.
- He F., Thieme M., Zarfl C., Grill G., Lehner B., Hogan Z., Tockner K., Jähnig S.C. (2021) Impacts of loss of free-flowing rivers on global freshwater megafauna. Biological Conservation 263, 109335.
- Mulligan M., Lehner B., Zarfl C., Thieme M., Beames P., van Soesbergen A., Higgins J., Januchowski-Hartley S.R., Brauman K.A., De Felice L., Wen Q., Garcia de Leaniz C., Belletti B., Mandle L., Yang X., Wang J., Mazany-Wright N. (2021) Global Dam Watch: Curated data and tools for management and decision making. Environ Res Infrastruct Sustain 1, 033003.
- Thieme M.L., Tickner D., Grill G., Carvallo J.P., Goichot M., Hartmann J., Higgins J., Lehner B., Mulligan M., Nilsson C., Tockner K., Zarfl C., Opperman J. (2021) Navigating trade-offs between dams and river conservation. Global Sustainability.
- Schmitt, M., Wack, K., Glaser, C., Wei, R., & Zwiener, C. (2021). Separation of Photochemical and Non-Photochemical Diurnal In-Stream Attenuation of Micropollutants. Environmental Science & Technology.
- Cabral, V. C., Reis, F. A. G. V., D’Affonseca, F. M., Lucía, A., dos Santos Corrêa, C. V., Veloso, V., . . . Zarfl, C. (2021). Characterization of a landslide-triggered debris flow at a rainforest-covered mountain region in Brazil. Natural Hazards.
- Niu L., Ahlheim J., Glaser C., Gunold R., Henneberger L., König M., Krauss M., Schwientek M., Zarfl C., Escher B. (2021). Suspended Particulate Matter - A Source or Sink for Chemical Mixtures of Organic Micropollutants in a Small River under Baseflow Conditions? Environ Sci Technol.
- Glaser C., Frei S., Massmann G., Gilfedder B.S. (2021). Tidal creeks as hot-spots for hydrological exchange in a coastal landscape. J Hydrol.
- Peters R.; Berlekamp J.; Lucía A.; Stefani V.; Tockner K.; Zarfl C. (2021) Integrated Impact Assessment for Sustainable Hydropower Planning in the Vjosa Catchment (Greece, Albania). Sustainability, 13, 1514.
- Zarfl C., Lehner B. (2020) Small barriers a big deal for Europe’s rivers. Nature News & Views. (invited)
- Glaser C., Schwientek M., Junginger T., Gilfedder B. S., Frei S., Werneburg M., Zwiener C., Zarfl C. (2020) Comparison of environmental tracers including organic micropollutants as groundwater exfiltration indicators into a small river of a karstic catchment. Hydrological Processes 34(24), 4712-4726.
- Escher B., Braun G., Zarfl C. (2020) Exploring the concepts of concentration addition and independent action using a linear low-effect mixture model. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
- He F., Langhans S., Zarfl C., Wanke R., Tockner K., Jähnig S. (accepted 07.2020) Combined effects of life-history traits and human impact on extinction risk of freshwater megafauna. Conserv Biol.
- Glaser C., Zarfl C., Rügner H., Lewis A., Schwientek M. (2020) Analysing particle-associated pollutant transport to identify in-stream sediment processes during a high flow event. Water 12(1794), 1-16.
- Glaser C., Zarfl C., Werneburg M., Böckmann M., Zwiener C., Schwientek M. (2020) Temporal and spatial variable in-stream attenuation of selected pharmaceuticals. Sci Total Environ 741, 39514.
- Serlet A. J., López Moreira M G. A., Zolezzi G., Wharton G., Hölker F., Gurnell A. M., Tockner K., Bertoldi W., Bruno M.C., Jähnig S., Lewandowski J., Monaghan M.T., Rillig M. C., Rogato M., Toffolon M., Veresoglou S.D., Zarfl C. (2020) SMART Research: Towards interdisciplinary river science in Europe. Front. Environ. Sci.
- Witting A., Brandenstein F., Zarfl C., Lucía A. (2020) Impact of scientific scrutiny after the 2016 Braunsbach flash flood on flood-risk management in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Water 12 (1165), 1-21.
- Müller M., Werneburg M., Glaser C., Schwientek M., Zarfl C., Escher B. I., Zwiener C. (2020) Influence of emission sources and tributaries on the spatial and temporal patterns of micropollutant mixtures and associated effects in a small river. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 39(7), 1382-1391.
- Thieme M., Khrystenko D., Qin S., Golden Kroner R., Lehner B., Pack S., Tockner K., Zarfl C., Mascia M.B. (accepted 03.2020) Dams and Protected Areas: Quantifying the spatial and temporal extent of global dam construction within protected areas. Conserv Lett.
- Moleón M, Sánchez-Zapata J.A., Donázar J.A., Revilla E., Martín-López B., Gutiérrez-Cánovas C., Getz W.M., Morales-Reyes Z., Campos-Arceiz A., Crowder L.B., Galetti M., González-Suárez M., He F., Jordano P., Lewison R., Naidoo R., Owen-Smith N., Selva N., J.-C. Svenning, Tella J.L., Zarfl C., Jähnig S.C., Hayward M.W., Faurby S., García N., Barnosky A.D., Tockner K. (2020) Rethinking megafauna. P. Roy. Soc. B 287, 20192643.
- Maavara T., Chen Q., Van Meter K., Brown L., Ni J., Zhang J., Zarfl C. (2020) River dam impacts on biogeochemical cycling. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. 1, 103.116. doi: 10.1038/s43017-019-0019-0.
- Kleinteich J., Hilt S., Hoppe A., Zarfl C. (2020) Structural changes of the microplankton community following a pulse of inorganic nitrogen in a eu-trophic river. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65, S1.
- Barbarossa V., Huijbregts M., Schmitt R., King H., Zarfl C., Schipper A. (2020) Impacts of current and future large dams on the geographic range connectivity of freshwater fish worldwide. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. 17, 3648-3655.
- Zarfl C., Berlekamp J., He F., Jähnig S.C., Darwall W., Tockner K. (2019): Future large hydropower dams impact global freshwater megafauna. Sci. Rep.-UK. 9, 18531.
- Escher B., Abagyan R., Embry M., Klüver N., Redman A., Zarfl C., Parkerton T.F. (2020) Recommendations for improving methods and models for aquatic hazard assessment of ionizable organic chemicals. Environ Toxicol. Chem. 39 (2), 269-286.
- von Schiller D., Datry T., Corti R., Foulquier A., Tockner K., Marcé R., García-Baquero G., Odriozola I., Obrador B., Elosegi A., Mendoza-Lera C., Gessner M. O., Stubbington R., Albariño R.,…, Zarfl C., Zoppini A. (2019) Sediment respiration pulses in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams. Global Biogeochem. Cy. 33 (10), 1251-1263.
- Glaser C., Schwientek M., Zarfl C. (2019) Designing field-based investigations of organic micropollutant fate in rivers. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 28, 28633-28649.
- He F., Zarfl C., Bremerich V., David J.N.W., Hogan Z., Kalinkat G., Tockner K., Jähnig S. (2019) The global decline of freshwater megafauna. Glob. Change Biol. 25 (11), 3883-3892.
- Dunn F., Darby S., Nicholls R.J., Cohen S., Zarfl C., Fekete B. (2019) Projections of declining fluvial sediment delivery to major deltas worldwide in response to climate change and anthropogenic stress. Environ Res Lett 14, 084034.
- Bittner L., Klüver N., Henneberger L., Mühlenbrink M., Zarfl C., Escher B.I. (2019) Combined ion-trapping and mass balance models to describe the pH-dependent uptake and toxicity of acidic and basic pharmaceuticals in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio). Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 7877-7886.
- Grill G., Thieme M., Lehner B., Geenen B., Tickner D., Antonelli F., Babu S., Cheng L., Crochetiere H., Filgueiras R., Goichot M., Higgins J., Hogan Z., Lip B., McClain M., Meng J.H., Mulligan M., Nilsson C., Olden J.D., Opperman J., Petry P., Reidy Liermann C., Saenz L., Salinas-Rodríguez S., Schelle P., Snider J., Tockner K., Valdujo P.H., van Soesbergen A., Zarfl C. (2019) Mapping the world’s free-flowing rivers. Nature 569, 215-221.
- Seidensticker S., Zarfl C., Cirpka O.A., Grathwohl P. (2019) Microplastic-contaminant interactions: Influence of non-linearity and coupled mass transfer. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (recognized as one of ET&C top 10 Exceptional Papers 2019).
- Müller M.E., Vikstrom S., König M., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Zwiener C., Escher B. (2019) Mitochondrial toxicity of micropollutants in water samples measured by the oxygen consumption rate in cells. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 38(5), 1000-1011.
- Liu Y., Zarfl C., Basu N., Cirpka O.A. (2019) Turnover and legacy of sediment-associated PAH in a baseflow-dominated river. Sci. Total Environ. 671, 754-764. doi:
- Zarfl C. (2019) Promising techniques and open challenges for microplastic identification and quantification in environmental matrices. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s00216-019-01763-9.
- Premier V., de Souza Machado A.A., Mitchell S., Zarfl C., Spencer K., Toffolon M. (2019) Transport processes in the Thames Estuary: Model-based analysis of the metal fate in coastal systems. Estuar. Coast 42, 1185-1201 doi: DOI: 10.1007/s12237-019-00544-y
- Shumilova O., Tockner K., Gurnell A., Langhans S., Righetti M., Lucía Vela A., Zarfl C. (2019) Floating organic matter: A neglected component affecting the ecological and geomorphic integrity of rivers. Aquatic Sciences 81, 25. doi: 10.1007/s00027-019-0619-2.
- Shumilova O., Tockner K., Thieme M., Koska A., Zarfl C. (2019) Global water transfer megaprojects: A potential solution for the water-food-energy nexus? Front. Environ. Sci. 6,150
- Shumilova O., Zak D., Datry T., von Schiller D., Corti R., Foulquier A., Obrador B., Tockner K.,…, Zarfl C. (2019) Simulating pulse-flood events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Glob. Change Biol. 9(1)
- Liu Y., Zarfl C., Basu N., Schwientek M., Cirpka O.A. (2018) Contributions of catchment and in-stream processes to suspended sediment transport in a dominantly groundwater-fed catchment. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sc. 22, 3903-3921.
- Dunn F., Nicholls R.J., Darby S., Cohen S., Zarfl C., Fekete B. (2018) Projections of Historical and 21st Century Fluvial Sediment Delivery to the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Mahanadi, and Volta Deltas. Sci. Total Environ. 642, 105-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.006
- Datry T., Foulquier A., Corti R., von Schiller D., Tockner K., Mendoza–Lera C., Clement J.C., Gücker B., Moléon M.,…, Zarfl C., Zoppini A. (2018) A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways. Nature Geoscience.
- Müller M.E., Escher B. I., Schwientek M., Werneburg M., Zarfl C., Zwiener C. (2018) Combining in vitro reporter gene bioassays with chemical analysis to assess changes in the water quality along the Ammer River, Southwestern Germany. Environ. Sci. Europe. 30(1):20
- Lucía A., Schwientek M., Eberle J., Zarfl C. (2018) Planform changes and large wood transport in two torrents during a severe flash flood in Braunsbach, Germany 2016. Sci. Total Environ. 640–641, 315-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.186
- He F., Bremerich V., Zarfl C., Geldmann J., Langhans S., David J., Darwall W., Tockner K., Jähnig S. (2018) Global freshwater megafauna biodiversity: patterns, status, and threats. Divers.Distrib. 00:1-10.
- Seidensticker S., Grathwohl P., Lamprecht J., Zarfl C. (2018) A combined experimental and modeling study to evaluate pH-dependent sorption of polar and non-polar compounds to polyethylene and polystyrene microplastics. Environ. Sci. Europe 30:30.
- Zarfl C, Lucía A, The connectivity between soil erosion and sediment entrapment in reservoirs, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health (2018), doi:
- Kleinteich, J., Puddick J., Wood S. A., Hildebrand F., Dail Laughinghouse IV H., Pearce, D. A., Dietrich D. R. and Wilmotte A.: Toxic Cyanobacteria in Svalbard: Chemical Diversity of Microcystins Detected Using a Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Precursor Ion Screening Method, Toxins 2018, 10(4), 147; DOI:10.3390/toxins10040147
- He F., Bremerich V., Zarfl C., Geldmann J., Langhans S., David J., Darwall W., Tockner K., Jähnig S. (2018) Global freshwater megafauna biodiversity: patterns, status, and threats. Diversity and Distributions 24(10), 1395-1404
- Rehse S., Kloas W., Zarfl C. (2018) Microplastics reduce short-term effects of environmental contaminants. Part I: Effects of bisphenol A on freshwater zooplankton are lower in persence of polyamide particles. Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. He. 2018 Feb 6;15(2). pii: E280.
- Kleinteich J., Seidensticker S., Marggrander N., Zarfl C. (2018) Microplastics reduce short-term effects of environmental contaminants. Part II: Polyethylene particles decrease the effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on microorganisms. Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. He.
- de Souza Machado A.A., Kloas W., Zarfl C.,Hempel S., Rillig M.C. (2018) Microplastics as an emerging threat to terrestrial biodiversity. Global Change Biology 24(4), 1405-1416
- de Souza Machado A.A., Spencer K., Zarfl C., O'Shea F.T. (2018) Unravelling metal mobility under complex contaminant signatures. Sci. Total Environ 622-623, 373-384.
- Seidensticker S., Zarfl C., Cirpka O.A., Fellenberg G., Grathwohl P. (2017) Shift in mass transfer of wastewater contaminants from microplastics in presence of dissolved substances. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51(21), 12254-12263.
- Kleinteich J., Hildebrand F., Bahram M., Voigt A.Y., Wood S.A., Jungblut A.D., Küpper F.C., Quesada A., Camacho A., Pearce D.A., Convey P., Vincent W.F., Zarfl C., Bork P., Dietrich D.R. (2017) Pole-to-pole connections: Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic microbiomes and their vulnerability to environmental change. Front. Ecol. Evol. 5:137.
- Lumsdon A.E., Artamonov I., Bruno M.C., Righetti M., Tockner K., Tonolla D., Zarfl C. (2017) Soundpeaking: hydropeaking-induced changes in river soundscapes. River. Res. Appl. 1-10.
- Carrizo S.F., Jähnig S., Bremerich V., Freyhof J., Harrison I., He F., Langhans S., Tockner K., Zarfl C., Darwall W. (2017) Freshwater megafauna: Flagships for freshwater biodiversity under threat. BioScience 67(10), 919-927.
- He F., Zarfl C., Bremerich V., Henshaw A., Darwall W., Tockner K., Jähnig S. (2017) Disappearing giants: a review of threats to freshwater megafauna. WIREs WATER e1208.
- Grill G., Lehner B., Lumsdon A. E., MacDonald G. K., Zarfl C., Liermann C. R. (2017) Reply to Comment on: An index-based framework for assessing patterns and trends in river fragmentation and flow regulation by global dams at multiple scales. Environ. Res. Lett. 12, 038002.
- Kleinteich J., Golubic S., Pessi I.S., Velázquez D., Storme J.Y., Darchambeau F., Borges A.V., Compère P., Radtke G., Lee S.J., Javaux E.J., Wilmotte A. (2017) Cyanobacterial contribution to travertine deposition in the Hoyoux River System, Belgium. Microb. Ecol. 74, 33-53.
- de Souza Machado A. A., Zarfl C., Rehse S., Kloas W. (2017) Low-dose effects: Nonmonotonic responses for the toxicity of a Bacillus thuringiensis biocide to Daphnia magna. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51(3), 1679–1686.
- Rehse S., Kloas W., Zarfl C. (2016) Short-term exposure with high concentrations of pristine microplastic particles leads to immobilisation of Daphnia magna. Chemosphere 153, 91-99.
- Winemiller K. O., McIntyre P.B., Castello L., Fluet-Chouinard E., Giarrizzo T., Nam S., Baird I. G., Darwall W., Lujan N. K., Harrison I., Stiassny M. L. J., Silvano R. A. M., Fitzgerald D. B., Pelicice F. M., Agostinho A. A., Gomes L. C., Albert J. S., Petrere Jr. M., Zarfl C., Mulligan M., Sullivan J. P., Arantes C. C., Sousa L. M., Koning A. A., Hoeinghaus D. J., Sabaj M., Lundberg J. G., Armbruster J., Petry P., Zuanon J., Torrente Vilara G., Snoeks J., Ou C, Pavanelli C. S., Akama A., van Soesbergen A., Sáenz L. (2016) Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo and Mekong. Science 352, 128-129.
- de Souza Machado A. A., Spencer K., Kloas W., Toffolon M., Zarfl C. (2016) Metal fate and effects in estuaries: A review and conceptual model for better understanding of toxicity. Sci. Total Environ. 541, 268-281.
- Grill G., Lehner B., Lumsdon A. E., MacDonald G. K., Zarfl C., Liermann C. R. (2015) An index-based framework for assessing patterns and trends in river fragmentation and flow regulation by global dams at multiple scales. Environ. Res. Lett. 10, 015001.
- Zarfl C., Lumsdon A.E., Berlekamp J., Tydecks L., Tockner K. (2015) A global boom in hydropower dam construction. Aquatic Sciences 77, 161-170.
- Zarfl C., Matthies M. (2013): PBT borderline chemicals under REACH. Environmental Sciences Europe 25, 1-11.
- Zarfl C., Hotopp I., Kehrein N., Matthies M. (2012): Identification of substances with potential for long-range transport as possible substances of very high concern. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19, 3152-3161.
- Fries E., Zarfl C. (2011): Sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to low and high density polyethylene (PE). Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19, 1296-1304.
- Zarfl C., Scheringer M., Matthies M. (2011): Screening criteria for long-range transport potential of organic substances in water. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 10075-10081.
- Zarfl C., Fleet D., Fries E., Galgani F., Gerdts G., Hanke G., Matthies M. (2011): Microplastics in oceans (Editorial). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 62, 1589-1591.
- Zarfl C., Scheringer M., Matthies M. (2010): Ferntransport organischer Substanzen im Wasser. Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox. 16(4), 103-105.
- Zarfl C., Matthies M. (2010): Are marine plastic particles transport vectors for organic pollutants to the Arctic? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60, 1810-1840.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2009): A conceptual model describing the fate of sulfadiazine and its metabolites observed in manure-amended soils. Chemosphere 77, 720-726.
- Tappe W., Zarfl C., Kummer S., Burauel P., Vereecken H., Groeneweg J. (2008): Growth-inhibitory effects of sulfonamides at different pH: Susceptibility patterns of a soil bacterium and a test bacterium used for antibiotic assays. Chemosphere 72, 836-843.
- Zarfl C., Matthies M., Klasmeier J. (2008): A mechanistic model for the uptake of sulfonamides by bacteria. Chemosphere 70, 753-760.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M. (2006): Modellierung von Arsen in der Mulde. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 50(4), 169-177.
Special issues
- Jungblut A.D., Cirés S., Kleinteich J., Velazquez D., Padinchati K.K. (in prep.) Digitizing Frozen Earth - Revealing Microbial Diversity and Physiology in the Cryobiosphere through ´Omics´ Tools. Research Topic in Frontiers in Microbiology
Reports and Monographs
Glaser C.; Kunz M.; Spahr S.; Weber U. (2022) Messkampagne liefert einzigartige Daten über Wetterextreme. Wasserwirtschaft. - 112(2022)2-3, 80-81. doi: 10.1007/s35147-022-0973-1
Tockner K., Zarfl C., Robinson C. (eds.) (2021): Rivers of Europe. 2nd edition. Elsevier. ISBN 9780081026120.
Tockner K., Bernhardt E. S., Koska A., Zarfl C. (2015): A Global View on Future Major Water Engineering Projects. In: Hüttl R. F., Bens O., Bismuth C., Hoechstetter S. (eds.) Society – Water – Technology. A Critical Review of Major Water Engineering Projects and Perspectives for Sustainable Water Management. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
Matthies M., Zarfl C., Ehling C., Scheringer M., MacLeod M., Ubl S. (2012): Advancements of Concepts for Identification of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in Terms of the REACH Regulation (Report UBA-FB). German Federal Environmental Agency. UFOPLAN-Ref. No. 3709 65 409.
Zarfl C. (2008): Chemical Fate of Sulfadiazine in Soil: Mechanisms and Modelling Approaches (doctoral thesis). Shaker Verlag, Aachen. ISBN 978-3-8322-7491-7.
Zarfl C. (2005): Modellierung von Arsen in der Mulde [Modelling of Arsenic in the River Mulde] (diploma thesis). Contributions of the Institute of Environmental Systems Research (Ed. M. Matthies), No. 30, ISSN-No. 1433-3805.
Platform presentations
- Spahr S., Escher B., Engelhardt M., Gärtner A.A.E., König M., Krauss M., Liu Y., Meng Y., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Glaser C. (2022) Mixture effects of organic contaminants in stormwater runoff and a receiving stream. Setac. Copenhagen (Denmark) 15.-19.5.22 (given by S. Spahr)
- Glaser C., Engelhardt M., Escher B., Gärtner A., Krauss M., König M., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Spahr S. (2022) Cytotoxicity as a proxy for particle-associated and dissolved organic contaminant loads in rivers during floods. EGU. Vienna (A) 22.-27.5.22 (given by C. Glaser)
- Spahr S., Escher B., Engelhardt M., Gärtner A.A.E., König M., Krauss M., Liu Y., Meng Y., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Glaser C. (2022) Mixture effects of organic contaminants in stormwater runoff and a receiving stream. Wasser. Wiesbaden (D) 23.-25.5. (given by S. Spahr)
- Zarfl C.: Global anthropogenic pressures on river ecosystems. 36. Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL) 2022. Berlin (D). 07.-11.08.2022. invited talk, keynote lecture.
- Joss H., Joshi P., Maisch M., Zhu Y.-G., Mühe E. M., Zarfl C., Kappler A.: Simultaneous minimization of arsenic mobilization and nitrous oxide emission under nitrogen fertilization in paddy soils. ACS Spring Meeting. San Diego (USA). 20.-24.03.2022.
- Wei R., Escher B.I., Glaser C., König M., Schlichting R., Schmitt M., Störiko A., Viswanathan M., Zarfl C.: Modeling combined with fieldwork on surface water quality: the sources and fate of mixture effects under unsteady flow. AGU Fall Meeting New Orleans, LA (USA) & online. 13.-17.12.2021.
- Joss H., Joshi P., Maisch M., Zhu Y.-G., Mühe E. M., Zarfl C., Kappler A.: Simultaneous minimization of arsenic mobilization and nitrous oxide emission under nitrogen fertilization in paddy soils. Goldschmidt Virtual Meeting. 04.-09.07.2021.
- Zarfl C.: Assessing pollutant turnover in rivers by integrating field sampling, chemical and toxicity analysis, and mathematical modelling. System Science Colloquium, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück, D. 28.10.2020. invited talk (virtual).
- From Beakers to Basins: How experimental data can help to assess the role of microplastics in the field. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. online. 03.-07.05.2020. (given by S. Seidensticker)
- Current and future impacts of large dams on the geographic range connectivity of freshwater fish worldwide. AGU Fall Meeting 2019. San Francisco (USA). 09.-13.12.2019. (given by V. Barbarossa)
- Conceptual equifinality in reactive transient-storage modeling. AGU Fall Meeting 2019. San Francisco (USA). 09.-13.12.2019. (given by O.A. Cirpka)
- A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. Annual Meeting of the German Limnological Association (DGL). Münster (D). 23.-29.09.2019. (given by O. Shumilova)
- Targeted and non-targeted LC-MS workflows for the identification of input and transformation of emerging pollutants in a small river system. 8th Late Summer Workshop of the Water Chemistry Society. Haltern am See (D). 22.-25.09.2019. (given by M. Werneburg)
- SMART Research: Outcomes of a nine-year international interdisciplinary doctoral programme in river science. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna, A. 08.-13.09.2019. (given by Zolezzi)
- Neglected alterations in river flow and riverine organic matter dynamics: from molecule to biosphere. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna, A. 08.-13.09.2019. (given by O. Shumilova)
- Fate of organic micropollutants in two sequential reaches – a sampling approach including temporal and spatial resolution. EGU 2019. Vienna (AU). 07.-12.04.2019. (given by C. Glaser)
- Mitochondrial toxicity of micropollutants in water samples measured by the oxygen consumption rate in cells. Agilent International Food and Environmental Analysis Summit. Toledo, Spain. 03.-04.04.2019. (given by M.M. Müller)
- Global Dam Watch - a one-stop shop to provide critical information on the location and characteristics of dams and reservoirs on a global scale. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna (A). 08.-13.09.2019. (given by C. Zarfl)
- Future hydropower dams threaten freshwater megafauna species worldwide. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna (A). 08.-13.09.2019. (given by C. Zarfl)
- Controlling processes for the fate of dissolved and sediment-associated micropollutants in rivers. EGU 2019. Vienna (AU). 07.-12.04.2019. (given by Y. Liu)
- Plastics in the environment. Symposium Platform Environmental Systems. Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (D). 25.03.2019. (given by C. Zarfl)
- Anthropogenic pressures on freshwaters: Providing insights on processes and predicting potential impacts. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen (D). 18.03.2019. (given by C. Zarfl)
- The loss of megafauna: implication for freshwater biodiversity conservation. International Biogeography Society 2019. Malaga (ES). 07.-12.01.2019. (given by F. He)
- Microplastic as pollutant vector: Influence of non-linear sorption and coupled mass transfer. Microplastics 2018. Monte Verità, Ascona (CH). 28.-31.10.2018. (given by s. Seidensticker)
- Untersuchung von Schadstoffumsätzen in Flüssen mittels Target-Analytik, Non-Target-Analytik und Toxizitätstests. Statuskolloquium des Förderprogramms Wasserforschung Baden-Württemberg 2018. Stuttgart (D). 09.10.2018. (given by C. Zarfl)
- Insights on potential effects of microplastics and associated pollutants on freshwater organisms. YOUMARES 9 Conference. Oldenburg (D). 11.-14.09.2018. invited talk. (given by S. Rehse).
- Linking life-history traits to extinction risk of freshwater megafauna. XXXVI Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL), 2018. Nanjing (C). 19.-24.08.2018. (given by F. He)
- Pulsed release of nutrients and organic matter during simulated rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: a global analysis. 34th SIL Congress 2018. Nanjing (CN). 19.-24.08.2018. (given by O. Shumilova).
- High alpine lake ecosystems in a post-glacial era. POLAR 2018. Davos (CH). 15.-26.06.2018. (given by J. Kleinteich)
- Predicting sediment transport response to future hydropower reservoirs in the Zambezi River and related downstream morphological changes. 5th IAHR Europe Congress. Trento (I). 12.-14.06.2018. (given by A. Lucía Vela)
- Large wood transport in two torrents during a severe flash flood in Braunsbach, Germany 2016. 5th IAHR Europe Congress. Trento (I). 12.-14.06.2018. (given by A. Lucía Vela)
- Global water transfer megaprojects planned or under construction. SFS 2018 Annual Meeting. Detroit (USA). 22.-24.05.2018. (given by O. Shumilova)
- Significant declines in fluvial sediment delivery to the world's deltas projected over the 21st century under environmental change scenarios. EGU 2018. Vienna (AU). 08.-13.04.2018. (given by F.E. Dunn)
- Untersuchung und Bewertung von Wasserproben der Jagst vom Zeitpunkt der Jagstkatastrophe 2015 im Hinblick auf toxische Relevanz. LUBW Karlsruhe (D). 12.02.2018. (given by J. Kleinteich)
- 21st century projections of fluvial sediment delivery to major detals under environmental change scenarios. AGU 2017. New Orleans (USA). 11.-15.12.2017 (given by S.E.Darby).
- Simulating the effects of first flush events in dry rivers worldwide on the pulsed release of nutrients and organic matter. SEFS 2017. Oloumac, CZ. July 07-10, 2017 (given by O. Shumilova).
- Big impacts of microplastics? University of Waterloo. Waterloo, CD. June 27, 2017 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Microplastics in interaction with pollutants – Insights from laboratory experiments on impacts on freshwater fauna. ICCE 2017. Oslo, N. June 19-23, 2017 (given by S. Rehse).
- Morphological changes and large wood transport in two steep torrents during a severe flash flood in South-western Germany. Symposium on the effects of global change on floods, fluvial geomorphology and related hazards in mountainous rivers. Potsdam, DE. March 06-08, 2017 (given by A. Lucía Vela).
- Could climate change affect metal pollution in estuaries University of Reading. Reading, UK. February 26, 2017 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- Stop and Go: Flushing and Floating Organic C. C-CASCADES Mini-Conference of the ETH Zurich. Zurich, CH. January 24-26, 2017 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Global freshwater megafauna and potential impacts of future hydropower dams. Workshop: Megafauna - From human-wildlife conflicts to ecosystem services. Doñana Biological Station. Sevilla, ES. November 09-11, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Invers U-shape and non-monotonic dose-response for toxicity of a Bt biopesticide to D. Magna. SETAC World-North America Congress, Orlando (USA), November 10, 2016 (given by A.A. de Souza Machado).
- Could climate change affect metal pollution in estuaries? SETAC World-North America Congress, Orlando (USA), November 9, 2016 (given by A.A. de Souza Machado).
- Digital decision making for sustainable hydropower development. UNESCO-IHE, S-MultiStor Tools Integration and Alignment Workshop. Delft, NL. November 3-5, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl)
- Global hydropower development: A renewable source for electricity – and conflict? International Institute for Advanced Systems Analysis (IIASA). Laxenburg, AU. October 10-14, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Floating organic material: an overlooked component in freshwaters. Annual Meeting of the German Limnological Association (DGL). Vienna, AU. September 26-30, 2016 (given by O. Shumilova).
- Remobilization of heavy metals in sediments of the Thames Estuary (UK) from historic coastal landfills. ECSA 56 Coastal Systems in Transition. Bremen, D. September 04-07, 2016 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- A global view on future major water engineering projects. SIL 2016 Torino (I), July 31-August 5, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Global boom in hydropower dam construction: Consequences for freshwater megafauna hot spots. SIL 2016 Torino (I), July 31-August 5, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Pulsed release of nutrients from organic matter accumulated in intermittent rivers – a global comparison.SIL 2016 Torino (I), July 31-August 5, 2016 (given by O. Shumilova).
- The boom of hydropower dams in Africa – Their chances, consequences and ecological risks for drinking water quality. "Scientific Forum on Understanding the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and its Implications for Governance". Osnabrück, D. June 15, 2016 (given by J. Kleinteich).
- Der globale Ausbau der Wasserkraft - Perpektiven und Risiken [The global boom in hydropower dam construction - perspectives and risks]. Marburger Geographische Gesellschaft, Universität Marburg (D), February 9, 2016 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Große Effekte durch Mikroplastik? Oder: Ist Zähneputzen schädlich für die Umwelt? [Macro effects by microplastics? Or: Is brushing your teeth harmful to the environment?]. Forschung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Studium Generale Universität Tübingen (D), December 15, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Biogeochemical processes and physicochemical gradients affecting metal fate in estuaries. GeoEnviron Seminar, Universität Tübingen (D), November 27, 2015 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- Tiny organisms with huge effects: The importance of phytoplankton on metal biogeochemistry in estuaries.Havel Spree Colloquium 2015, Freie Universität Berlin (D), November 24, 2015 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- Remobilization of metal contaminants out of estuarine sediments: Implications for toxicity to aquatic organisms in a climate change context. EMJD SMART Annual Workshop, Trento (I), November 6, 2015 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- Hydropeaking induced changes in river soundscapes. EMJD SMART Annual Workshop, Trento (I), November 4, 2015 (given by A. E. Lumsdon).
- Ecological standards for hydropower plants (doctoral research proposal). EMJD SMART Annual Workshop,Trento (I), November 3, 2015 (given by O. Shumilova).
- Megadämme und Megafauna – eine verdammte Herausforderung? Quenstedt Symposium, Universität Tübingen (D), July 10, 2015.
- Future hydropower dams and their consequences for the global freshwater megafauna. Symposium for European Freshwater Science Geneva (CH), July 9, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- A global view on future major water engineering projects. Symposium for European Freshwater Science Geneva (CH), July 7, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Floating organic material along river corridors, and the potential impact of hydropower development. 3rdInternational Conference on Wood in World Rivers Padova (IT), July 7, 2015 (given by O. Shumilova).
- Floating organic material in river corridors and impact of hydropower development on its natural dynamics and functions. IGB Colloquium, Exposé Presentation, Berlin (DE), June 11, 2015 (given by O. Shumilova).
- Future perspectives in water management: How to deal with toxic cyanobacteria? GeoEnviron Seminar, Universität Tübingen (D), May 22, 2015 (given by J. Kleinteich).
- An inverse U-shaped dose-response for toxicity of pesticide Dipel to Daphnia magna. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Barcelona (ES), May 6, 2015 (given by A. A. de Souza Machado).
- Potential effects of microplastics on limnic zooplankton. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Barcelona (ES), May 5, 2015 (given by S. Rehse).
- The global boom in hydropower dam construction affects ecosystems and humans - what to do? German Development Institute, Bonn (D), March 11, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- A global perspective on future hydropower dams and their biodiversity impacts. 2015 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada (E), February 24, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Globaler Ausbau der Wasserkraft - Die "verdammte" Zukunft unserer Flüsse? [Global hydropower development - The dammed future of our rivers?]. Rotary International Distrikt 1830, Tübingen (D), February 17, 2015 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Facing a global boom in hydropower dam building. Sustainability Science Congress, Copenhagen (DK), October 24, 2014 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Environmental Systems Analysis or: How can I gain a better understanding of processes in the environment? GeoEnviron Seminar, Universität Tübingen (D), October 17, 2014 (given by C. Zarfl).
- How hydropower dam building will change the global map. 2nd International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers, Manaus (BR), July 22, 2014 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Electricity production with hydropower: An approved method for the future? Systems Science Colloquium, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück (D), January 22, 2014 (given by C. Zarfl)
- Current hydropower development: a global synthesis. Symposium for European Freshwater Science Münster (D), July 2, 2013 (given by A. Lumsdon).
- How organic chemicals reach every remote region of the world. Colloquium of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin (D), April 25, 2013 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Not PBT, but LRTP – Identification of substances with possible very high concern. SETAC World/SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Berlin (D), May 21, 2012 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Priorisation of organic pollutants with long range transport potential. Workshop “Long Range Transport – New Scientific Findings and Integration into REACH”. Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück (D), March 27, 2012 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Kunststoffe im Meer - ein nicht gesehenes Problem? [Plastics in Oceans – a problem that is not seen?]Küsten 2021, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg. Delmenhorst (D), March 21, 2012 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Auf und davon! Die unergründlichen Wege der Kunststoffe im Meer [Up and away! The unfathomable pathways of plastics in oceans]. Kieler Marktplatz, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland. Kiel (D), February 14, 2012 (given by C. Zarfl).
- On the menu today: Plastic Soup. Lunch-Talk “Food & Brain”. Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. Berlin (D), January 31, 2012 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Kunststoffe im Meer [Out of view = out of mind? Plastics in Oceans]Hydrobiological Seminar of the Technical University Dresden (D), December 1, 2011 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Identification of substances with potential for long-range transport as possible substances of very high concern. ICCE Zurich (CH), September 13, 2011 (given by M. Matthies).
- Organic pollutants with long-range transport potential in oceans are persistent. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Milan (I), May 24, 2011.
- Microplastics in Oceans. Expert Discussion “Plastics in Oceans”, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück (D), October 29, 2010 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Mikroplastik und organische Schadstoffe: Per Anhalter durch die Weltmeere. [Microplastics and organic pollutants: Hitchhiking through the world oceans.] Information Day “Das Umweltbundesamt im Plastikzeitalter: Wie reagieren wir auf Kunststoffe und ihre Umweltfolgen?” [“The Federal Environmental Agency: How are we responsive to plastics and their environmental impacts?”], German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) Dessau (D), October 12, 2010 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Entwicklung von Kriterien für das Ferntransportpotential von organischen Substanzen im Wasser. [Development of criteria describing the long-range transport potential of organic substances in water.]SETAC GLB/GDCh Annual Meeting Dessau (D), September 8, 2010 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Kunststoffpellets in der Nordsee und deren Einfluss auf das Schicksal von PAK. [Plastic pellets in the North Sea and their impact on the fate of PAHs.] SETAC GLB/GDCh Annual Meeting Dessau (D), September 8, 2010 (given by E. Fries).
- Are marine plastic particles transport vectors for organic pollutants to the Arctic? SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Sevilla (E), May 27, 2010, and GESAMP International Workshop on Micro-Plastic Particles, UNESCO Paris (F), June 29, 2010 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Risiken und Nebenwirkungen aus dem Schweinestall [Risks and side-effects out of the pigsty]. Final presentations of the German Study Award (Deutscher Studienpreis) of the Körber Foundation. Berlin (D), June 30, 2009 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Transformation Processes of Sulfadiazine in Soils. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Warsaw (PL), May 26, 2008 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Abschätzung relevanter Umweltprozesse von Sulfadiazin im Boden [Assessment of Relevant Environmental Processes of Sulfadiazine in Soil]. GDCh Annual Meeting Osnabrück (D), September 26, 2007 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Ein mechanistisches Modell zur Aufnahme von Sulfonamiden in Mikroorganismen [A Mechanistic Model for the Uptake of Sulfonamides by Microorganisms]. Workshop - ZÜLTRECHT-Talks, Soil Science, University of Trier (D), March 22, 2007 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Toxicity Effects of Sulfonamides at Different pH. Research Seminar Systems Science, Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück (D), January 17, 2007 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Speziierung von Sulfonamiden in der Bodenlösung und Aufnahme in Mikroorganismen [Speciation of Sulfonamides in Soil Solution and Uptake in Microorganisms]. SETAC GLB Annual Meeting Landau (D), September 4, 2006 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Modelling of Veterinary Medicines in Slurry and Soil. Workshop on Veterinary Antibiotics in the Environment, RIVM Bilthoven (NL), February 6, 2006 (given by C. Zarfl).
- Modellierung der Glatt mit GREAT-ER [Application of GREAT-ER to the River Glatt]. Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich (CH), September 19, 2003 (given by C. Zarfl).
Poster presentations
- Engelhardt M., Spahr S., Escher B., Gärtner A.A.E., Krauss M., König M., Schlichting R., Zarfl C., Glaser C. (2022) Cytotoxicity as a proxy for particle-associated and dissolved organic contaminant loads in rivers. Setac. Copenhagen (Denmark) 15.-19.5.22
- Wang N., Escher B., Gärtner A.A.E., Glaser C., König M., Krauss M., Schlichting R., Spahr S. (2022) Mixture effects of organic chemicals in a highway runoff retention pond. Setac. Copenhagen (Denmark) 15.-19.5.22
- Thon A., Zarfl C., Kleindienst S.: Combining molecular biology and reactive modelling approaches to estimate microbial PAH degradation in marine environments. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Dublin (IR). 03.-07.05.2020.
- Zarfl C., Best N., Adolphi C., Degenhardt R., Glauch L., König M., Schlichting R., Schwientek M., Werneburg M., Zwiener C., Escher C. I.: Dynamics of mixture effects and causative chemicals during rain events in rivers in agricultural and urban areas. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. online. 03.-07.05.2020.
- Zarfl C., Glaser C., Müller M., Werneburg M., Schwientek M., Zwiener C., Escher C. I.: Fate and effects of agricultural and urban organic pollutants in a small river catchment. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. online. 03.-07.05.2020.
- Berlekamp J., Bürger L., Zarfl C.: The effect of future hydropower dams on the hydrological regime of African rivers. 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation 2019. Canberra (AUS). 01.-06.12.2019.
- Junginger T., Glaser C., Gilfedder B., Werneburg M., Zwiener C., Zarfl C., Schwientek M.: Quantification of groundwater inflow into a river using environmental tracers and substances of anthropogenic origin (Ammer, Tübingen, SW Germany). EGU 2019. Vienna (AU). 07.-12.04.2019.
- Kleinteich J., Hilt S., Hoppe A., Zarfl C.: High-throughput sequencing reveals dynamics of a river plankton bloom in response to a strong nitrogen pulse. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna (A). 08.-13.09.2019.
- Kleinteich J., Schübel A., Löffler M., Schwientek M., Zarfl C.: Wastewater treatment plant effluents change microbial communities in river bed sediments. 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS) 2019. Vienna (A). 08.-13.09.2019.
- Liu Y., Zarfl C., Guillet G., Schwientek M., Basu N.B., Cirpka O.A.: Modelling the impacts of discharge and transient storage on the fate of pharmaceuticals in a small river. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Helsinki (F). 26.-30.05.2019.
- Glaser C., Zarfl C., Werneburg M., Müller M.E., Zwiener C., Schwientek M.: How to design sampling approaches for deriving valid degradation rates of organic micropollutants in rivers. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Helsinki (F). 26.-30.05.2019.
- Kleinteich J., Hanselmann K., Dietrich D. R., Zarfl C.: Toxic cyanobacteria in benthic habitats of Southern Germany and the European Alps. 11th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria. Kraków (PL). 05.-10.05.2019.
- Liu Y., Zarfl C., Basu N., Cirpka O.A.: Modeling the fate of sediments and attached PAHs in a base-flow-dominated river. AGU Fall meeting 2018. Washington DC (USA). 10.-14.12.2018.
- Glaser C., Lesch M., Jimenez O., Müller M., Zwiener C., Schwientek M., Zarfl C.: Atrazin und dessen Abbauprodukte in einem kleinen Fließgewässer: Einfluss hydrologischer und biotischer/abiotischer Abbauprozesse. Annual Meeting SETAC GLB. Münster (D). 09.-12.09.2018.
- Kleinteich J., Seidensticker S., Hanselmann K., Kappler A., Koeksoy E., Brückmann J., Prieto-Espinoza M.L., Schindler M., Wang N., Zarfl C.: High altitude lake environments: Sinks for chemical pollutants? POLAR 2018. Davos (CH). 15.-26.06.2018.
- Rehse S., Zikova A., Kleiner W., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Limited influence of microplastics on the effects of an endocrine disruptor on the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Rome (I). 13.-17.05.2018.
- Seidensticker S., Lamprecht J., Grathwohl P., Zarfl C.: Influence of environmental conditions on the sorption of organic pollutants to microplastic particles. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Rome (I). 13.-17.05.2018.
- Glaser C., Müller M.E., Faltermeier F., Zwiener C., Schwientek M., Zarfl C.: Fate of organic micropollutants in a small river: hydrological and chemical processes. Annual Meeting SETAC Europe. Rome (I). 13.-17.05.2018.
- Lucía Vela A., Schwientek M., Eberle J., Ibelshäuser C., Sulger B., Zarfl C.: Morphological changes and large wood transport during a severe flash flood in Braunsbach, Germany, 2016. EGU Annual meeting. Vienna (AU). 08.-13.04.2018.
- Lamprecht J., Seidensticker S., Grathwohl P., Zarfl C.: Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf die Sorption organischer Schadstoffe an Mikroplastikpartikel. Annual Meeting SETAC GLB. Neustadt an der Weinstraße (D). 12.-14.11.2017.
- Schübel A., Kleinteich J., Löffler M., Schwientek M., Zarfl C.: Abflüsse von Kläranlagen verändern die mikrobielle Gemeinschaft in Flusssedimenten. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017. Tübingen (D). 30.09.-05.10.2017
- Lucia Vela A., Schwientek M., Eberle J., Ibelshäuser C., Sulger B., Zarfl C.: Morphological changes and large wood transport during a severe flash flood in Braunsbach, Germany, 2016. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2017. Tübingen (D). 30.09.-05.10.2017
- Rehse S., Seidensticker S., Wicht J., Huhn C., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Single and combined effects of microplastics and chemical pollutants on freshwater biota. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Brussels (BE), May 7-11, 2017.
- Lucia Vela A., Berlekamp J., Zarfl C.: Estimated cumulative sediment trapping in future hydropower reservoirs in Africa. EGU Annual Meeting 2017, Vienna (AU), April 24-28, 2017.
- Marggrander N., Kleinteich J., Seidensticker S., Zarfl C.: Mikroplastik verändert die Zusammensetzung der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft in Sedimenten [Microplastics change the microbial community composition in sediments]. SETAC GLB/GDCh Annual Meeting Tübingen (D), September 5-8, 2016.
- Zarfl C., Reiner D., Brückmann J., Kleinteich J.: Ammoniumnitrat in der Jagst – Entwicklung eines Düngeunfalls mit Algenblüte. [Ammonium nitrate in the River Jagst – Development of an accidental manure emission accompanied by an algae bloom]. SETAC GLB/GDCh Annual Meeting Tübingen (D), September 5-8, 2016.
- Rehse S., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Effects of pristine microplastics on the water flea Daphnia magna: A laboratory approach as basis for more complex scenarios. European Conference on Plastics in Freshwater Environments, Berlin (D), June 21-22, 2016.
- de Souza Machado A.A., Zarfl C., Rehse S., Kloas W.: Non-monotonic dose-response relationships for toxicity of the biopesticide DiPel ES on Daphnia magna. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2016 Nantes (F), May 22-26, 2016.
- Meierdierks J., Zarfl C., Grathwohl P.: Soil-atmosphere exchange of persistent organic pollutants: Determination of concentration gradients with passive samplers. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2016 Nantes (F), May 22-26, 2016.
- Seidensticker S., Maier M.-S., Rügner H., Finkel M., Zarfl C., Grathwohl P.: Investigation of sorption properties and sorption kinetics of or-ganic micropollutants onto microplastic particles. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2016 Nantes (F), May 22-26, 2016.
- Zarfl C., Berlekamp J., Kleinteich J., Tockner K.: Sustainable management of hydropower dams in Africa. 2ndGerman Future Earth Summit 2016 Berlin, January 28/29, 2016.
- Zarfl C., Berlekamp J., Kleinteich J., Tockner K.: A dammed future for African rivers? Integrating social and environmental impacts of hydropower dams for sustainable water management. Systems Analysis 2015 Laxenburg, November 11-13, 2015.
- Rehse S., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Potential effects of microplastics on the fauna in limnic ecosystems. ICCE 2015 Leipzig, September 20-24, 2015.
- de Souza Machado A. A., Spencer K., Toffolon M., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Metal fate and effects in estuaries: a biogeochemical model for an improved understanding of environmental toxicity. Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association - ECSA 55 London (UK), September 6-9, 2015.
- de Souza Machado A. A., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Effects of metals in estuarine organism: modeling toxicity in physiologically changing systems. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Barcelona (ES), May 3-7, 2015.
- de Souza Machado A. A., Spencer K., Kloas W., Zarfl C.: Environmental and biological factors affecting metalremobilization and toxicity in estuaries. SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver (CDN), November 11, 2014.
- Zarfl C.: How does mathematical modeling help to understand environmental pollution? German-American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (invited by the Humboldt Foundation), Irvine (CA, USA), April 9-11, 2011.
- Müller T., Rosendahl I., Zarfl C., Focks A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Repeated applications of sulfadiazine to soil via manure. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Gothenburg (S), May 31-June 4, 2009.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Non-extractable residues (NER) are not necessarily bound residues (BR).SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Gothenburg (S), May 31-June 4, 2009.
- Müller T., Zarfl C., Focks A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Simulation of repeated applications of manure containing sulfadiazine indicates possible accumulation of bioactive compounds in soil. Workshop on Antibiotics. Bonn (D), September 30-October 2, 2008.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Accumulation of Sulfonamides in Bacterial Cells. Workshop on Antibiotics. Bonn (D), September 30-October 2, 2008.
- Zarfl C., Focks A., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Zusammenhang zwischen Wirkung und Aufnahme von Sulfonamiden in Bakterienzellen [Correlation of Effect and Uptake of Sulfonamides in Bacterial Cells]. SETAC GLB Annual Meeting Leipzig (D), September 12-14, 2007.
- Tappe W., Zarfl C., Kummer S., Burauel P., Vereecken H., Groeneweg J.: Do bacterial intracellular pH values and pH-regulatory capability have an impact on sulfonamide action? VAAM Osnabrück (D), April 1-4, 2007.
- Klasmeier J., Zarfl C., Czub G.: Assessing the Bioaccumulation Potential of Persistent Organic Pollutants. SETAC North America Annual Meeting Montréal (CDN), November 5-9, 2006.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Modelling of Antibiotic Equilibrium Sorption to Soil. SETAC North America Annual Meeting Montréal (CDN), November 5-9, 2006.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Modelling the Fate of Veterinary Medicines in Soils. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting The Hague (NL), May 7-11, 2006.
- Zarfl C., Klasmeier J., Matthies M.: Arsen im Einzugsgebiet der Mulde [Arsenic in the Catchment of the River Mulde]. SETAC GLB Annual Meeting Basel (CH), September 28-30, 2005.
- Klasmeier J., Zarfl C., Matthies M.: Geo-referenced Simulation of Surface Water Exposure to Selected Musk Fragrance Compounds. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Lille (F), May 2005.
- Fenner K., Zarfl C., Schwarzenbach R., Klasmeier J.: Implementation of the Glatt catchment into GREAT-ER and its evaluation for pharmaceuticals. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting Prague (CZ), May 2004.
Schadstoffkatastrophe an der Jagst liefert Erkenntnisse für die Wissenschaft. Press release (Univ. of Tübingen) November 13, 2019
(Mikro)Plastik in der Umwelt – ein persistentes Thema in der Wissenschaft? (Editorial, together with Stefan Hahn). GDCh Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie September 1, 2019
Es fließt nicht mehr frei. Augsburger Allgemeine May 18, 2019
Drei Viertel der Flüsse weltweit durch menschliche Eingriffe in ihrem Lauf beeinträchtigt. Press release (Univ. of Tübingen) May 8,2019
Megakanäle weltweit im Vergleich/ Comparing the World’s mega canals. Press release (Univ. of Tübingen) December 19, 2019
Hydropower dams: What's behind the global boom? BBC Reality Check: August 6,2018
Es geht nicht weg, es wird nur immer kleiner, Press release. Welt am Sonntag - Wissen. June 17, 2018.
Winzige Weltenbummler: In Arktis und Antarktis leben die gleichen Bakterien, Press release. Universität Tübingen. December 13, 2017.
Als flösse der Neckar durch den Ort, Press release. SÜDWEST PRESSE. October 18, 2017.
Die Durchblicker: Wie Mikroplastik auf Flussorganismen wirkt , Interviews/Radio. WDR 5 Leonardo. August 14, 2017.
Morphologische Veränderungen und Schwemmholz in zwei steilen Wildbächen während der schweren Sturzflut in Braunsbach 2016, Presentation. Event of the City of Braunsbach, German. October 12, 2017
Im Experiment mindern Mikroplastikteilchen die Mobilität von Wasserflöhen stark [Microplastics harm freshwater fauna], Press release. Universität Tübingen. April 11, 2016.
Ausbau der Wasserkraft bedroht Biodiversität [Hydropower boom threatens biodiversity], Press release. Universität Tübingen. January 8, 2016.
Algenblüte als Reaktion auf Ammonium-Vergiftung der Jagst [Algae bloom as a consequence of the ammonium emissions in River Jagst], Press release. Universität Tübingen. September 9, 2015.
Die unendliche Reise der Kunststoffe [The eternal journey of plastics]. UNESCO World Natural Heritage Wadden Sea Visitor Centre Wilhelmshaven (D), April 16, 2013.
Plastikmüll im Ozean [Plastic Debris in Oceans]. DRadio Wissen (Stefan Gerich). February 20, 2012, 10:18 a.m.