
New 'Frontiers in Soil Science' Special Issue announced: (Kopie 1)

"Connecting People and Soil: Perspectives from Eurosoil 2021 Conference"

Eurosoil 2021, the conference of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies, aimed to bring soil science closer to the stakeholders of soil causes and other scientific disciplines. It was therefore organized based on the Sustainable Development Goals and included the "Connecting People and Soil" event, which addressed 4 priority topics for soil resource preservation and regeneration:

  • To share stakeholders’ connections and expectations with the research community to define common soil goals
  • To coordinate the establishment of common roadmaps to protect soil along the food value chain
  • To acquire common knowledge by rethinking ways of doing research
  • To foster common soil education and awareness

The corresponding key questions were addressed by scientists and stakeholders during the conference, under different formats (classical sessions, workshops, webinars etc.). A wrap-up session organized by the working groups took place on the last day of the conference.

The purpose of this Frontiers Topic is to gather and develop the main contributions and debates related to the 4 priority areas addressed by Connecting People and Soil. The main contributors are therefore solicited to either synthesize the elements brought during the conference or to develop additional contributions.

For more information please visit Frontier's website.
