Prof. Dr. Yvonne Oelmann


Universität Tübingen
Forschungsbereich Geographie
Rümelinstrasse 19-23
72070 Tübingen

Büro: Raum W506, Westbau
Tel.: +49-(0)7071-29-72398
Fax: +49-(0)7071-29-5378
E-Mail: yvonne.oelmann(at)

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Education and professional background

Visiting research

Faculty of Forest Sciences, University of Concepcion, Chile

since 10/2011
Professorship of Geoecology

Geography, University of Tübingen, Germany

"Junior Professorin"

Institute of Integrated Natural Sciences, Geography, University of Koblenz-Landau

2005 - 2009

Geographic Institute, University of Mainz, Germany

with Prof. Dr. W. Wilcke

2002 - 2005

Institute of Ecology, Soil Science, TU Berlin, Germany

1999 - 2002
Research assistant

Institute of Landscape Ecology, University of Münster, Germany

Diploma "Landscape Ecology"

University of Münster, Germany

Research abroad

11/2018-02/2019 Universidad de Concepción with Prof. Felipe Aburto, Concepción, Chile
11/2010 Yale University with Prof. Dr. Ruth Blake, CT, USA
03-04/2010 Centro Nacional Patagónico with Dr. Héctor del Valle, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
03-04/2007 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama

Research (IGER) with Dr. Roland Bol, North Wyke, UK

10-11/2004 Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, Wales


Important publications

Oelmann, Y., M. Lange, S. Leimer, C. Roscher, F. Aburto, F. Alt, N. Bange, D. Berner, S. Boch, R.S. Boeddinghaus, F. Buscot, S. Dassen, G. De Deyn, N. Eisenhauer, G. Gleixner, K. Goldmann, N. Hölzel, M. Jochum, E. Kandeler, V.H. Klaus, T. Kleinebecker, G. Le Provost, P. Manning, S. Marhan, D. Prati, D. Schäfer, I. Schöning, M. Schrumpf, E. Schurig, C. Wagg, T. Wubet, W. Wilcke (2021): Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands. Nature Communications 12: 4431.

Hacker, N., W. Wilcke, Y. Oelmann (2019): The oxygen isotope composition of bioavailable phosphate in soil reflects the oxygen isotope composition in soil water driven by plant diversity effects on evaporation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 248: 387-399.

Hauenstein, S., H. Neidhardt, F. Lang, J. Krüger, D. Hofmann, T. Pütz, Y. Oelmann (2018): Organic layers favor phosphorus storage and uptake by young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) at nutrient poor ecosystems. Plant and Soil 432: 289–301.

Brunn, M., L. Condron, A. Wells, S. Spielvogel, Y. Oelmann (2016): Vertical distribution of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in topsoils across a temperate rainforest dune chronosequence in New Zealand. Biogeochemistry 129: 37-51.

Hacker, N., A. Ebeling, A. Gessler, G. Gleixner, O. González Macé, H. de Kroon, M. Lange, L. Mommer, N. Eisenhauer, J. Ravenek, S. Scheu, A. Weigelt, C. Wagg, W. Wilcke, Y. Oelmann (2015): Plant diversity shapes microbe-rhizosphere effects on P mobilization from organic matter in soil. Ecology Letters 18, 1356-1365.


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