Cognitive Modeling

Dr. phil. Yuuya SUGITA


Department of Psychology III
University of Würzburg
Röntgenring 11
97070 Würzburg

phone: +49 931 31 82517
fax: +49 931 31 2815

[Selected Publications]

  1. Y. Sugita, J. Tani, & M.V. Butz (in revision). Simultaneously emerging Braitenberg codes and semantic compositionality. Adaptive Behavior.
  2. Y. Sugita and M. V. Butz. Towards Emergent Strong Systematicity in a Simple Dynamical Connectionitst Network. In Proc. of Workshop on Cognitive and neural models for automated processing of speech and text (CONAS2010), to appear.
  3. Y. Sugita and J. Tani. A sub-symbolic process underlying the usage-based acquisition of a compositional representation: Results of robotic learning experiments of goal-directed actions. In Proc. of the 7th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Development and Learning (ICDL 2008), 127--132, 2008.
  4. Y. Sugita and J. Tani. Learning Semantic Combinatoriality from the Interaction between Linguistic and Behavioral Processes. In Adaptive Behavior, 13(1), 33--52, 2005.
  5. Y. Sugita and J. Tani. A Holistic Approach to Compositional Semantics: A Connectionist Model and Robot Experiments. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 969--976, 2004.


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