
Praktikum: Computerspiele / Special Effects (1&2), 2 P (6 LP) (INF3146 & INF3147) Bachelor


This year the Computer Spiele & Visual Effects course will be about designing and implementing your own game. There are no restrictions in what type of game to create. However, in the spirit of game jams the main gameplay mechanic must be about a given theme announced in the first meeting.

There are two modes you can chose from when participating in this course:

  1. Computer Spiele & Visual Effects 1 for 6 ECTs: You only have until February to finish the game and present it to the group. Due to the restricted time you will only develop a working prototype of your game.
  2. Computer Spiele & Visual Effects 1 & 2 for 12 ECTs: You have until April to finish the game and present it to the group. The result must be presented in front of the group and in a webpage (similar to a steam page). We expect a playable game with one or more full level implemented.

We allow groups with 3 up to 8 students. However we also scale the expectations with the size of the groups.

Please be aware that in the early phase you have to write down and present the concept of your game, which you then will have to implement. There are no limitations on what tools, languages and engines you might use.

Course Organization

Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00 (c.t.)

The course will be held in a hybrid format. The Zoom links and credentials for the joined meetings will be published on our Ilias page.
Most of the meetings during the course will happen on a per group base. These meetings will take place at the TTR-2 (MvL6, Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6) building in the second floor seminar room.


To participate in the practical course you have to

  1. Enroll on on the Ilias page
  2. Be there at the first meeting Tuesday 18.10.2022 at 16:15 - 18:00 Uhr. The Zoom-Link for this meeting will be published on the Illias Page in time.


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