
Computational Photography, 2V + 2Ü (6 ECTS) (INF4176) - English


It hasn't been too long when cameras used to be analog devices, which used chemical processes to create an image from light that was projected onto a film. With the advent of digital cameras the chemical film was replaced with a digital sensor. However, as the sensors and in-camera processing systems improved these cameras developed capabilities that film cameras never had. Changing depth of field or combining multiple images taken with different camera settings or even entirely different cameras are expected features in camera software of modern phones. Further developments might include the ability to change the focus of images after the fact, selective light sources that utilize LED-projectors and general 3D reconstructions of captured scenes.
These developments force us to relax our notion of what constitutes as "a photograph".  They also blur the distinction between photography and scene modeling. These changes will lead to new photographic techniques, new scientific tools, and possibly new art forms.
In this course we will survey the converging technologies of digital photography, computational imaging, and image-based rendering, and we will explore the new imaging modalities that they enable.


  • SWS: 2 V + 2 Ü
  • 6 ECTS (Master)
  • Taught in English
  • Lecture: Monday 2:00-4:00 pm (c.t.) in presence
  • Exercise groups (weekly exercises):  Monday 4:00-6:00 pm
  • First meeting on 17.04.2023


To take part in the course please register in Ilias. On the Ilias page you can find additionl information on the course outline and the exercises.

There are no specific prerequisites. Having heard the computer graphics lecture (GDV) can be beneficial.

In adition to the weekly lectures there are weekly exercises which can be completed in teams of two. Usually, there will be oral exams, depending on the course size.



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