
Prof. Dr. Scaria Zacharia

Our first Gundert Chair holder is no more, a great man left us.
പ്രണാമം. ആദരാഞ്ജലികൾ.

See The Hindu

Die südindische Sprache Malayāḷam / മലയാളം

Malayalam (മലയാളം malayāḷaṃ) ist eine dravidische Sprache und wird heute von ca. 40 Millionen Menschen im Bundesstaat Kerala an der Südwestküste Indiens, auf den Lakkadiven und in der weltweiten Diaspora gesprochen.

Malayalam-Intensivkurse in Tübingen & "Gundert Chair" für Malayalam

Zur Seite des Gundert Chairs

Seit dem Wintersemester 2008/2009 bietet Heike Oberlin (Moser) in Tübingen regelmäßig Malayāḷam-Intensivkurse in Tübingen an. Im Oktober 2015 nahm in enger Kooperation mit der Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University തുഞ്ചത്തെഴുത്തച്ഛൻ മലയാളസർവകലാശാല) der seitens der Regierung des indischen Bundesstaates Kerala cofinanzierte "Gundert Chair" für Malayalam seine Arbeit auf: Prof. Scaria ZachariaProf. M. Sreenathan und andere lehrten und lehren regelmäßig Malayalam für verschiedene Stufen.

Diese Kurse bieten im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum die einmalige Möglichkeit, diese wichtige südindische Sprache zu erlernen und verzeichnen regen Zulauf von Studierenden, Doktorand:innen, Post-Docs und Professor:innen aus verschiedenen Ländern.

Wintersemester 2024/25

Malayalam: Course for Beginners / Grundstufe 1
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
and Vishnupriyaa P S (M.A.) || Details

  • Mondays & Thursdays, 4:15-5:45 pm CET
  • HYBRID course: In class & via Zoom
    • Tübingen students have to enroll via Alma.
    • If you seek to join this course as a guest listener, please follow these instructions: 

Wintersemester 2024/25

Malayalam: Course for Beginners / Grundstufe 1
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin & Geetha K Wilson (M.A.)

  • Mondays & Thursdays, 4:15-5:45 pm CET
  • HYBRID course: In class & via Zoom
    • Tübingen students have to enroll via Alma.
    • If you seek to join this course as a guest listener, please follow these instructions: 

Malayalam Aufbaustufe 1
Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin 

  • Tuesday, 4:00-5:00 pm CET
  • HYBRID (in person & via Zoom) & intensive course in Kerala in February 2024
    • Tübingen students have to enroll via Alma.
    • If you seek to join this course as a guest listener, please follow these instructions:  

The language of instruction is English.

Wintersemester 2022/23 & Sommersemester 2023

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Malayalam 3 & 4
Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm CET (hybrid: in person & via Zoom)

Sommersemester 2022

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Malayalam 2
Fridays, 10:15-12 am CET 
Malayalam: Grammar and Readings
Tuesdays, 4-5:30 pm CET (via Zoom)


Summer School "Malayāḷam Literature and Screen Adaptions"

Prof. Dr. T. Anithakumary

Monday, 1 August /2022 – Friday, 5 August 2022 &
Monday, 8 August 2022 – Friday 12 August 2022
Daily 9 am – 5 pm (with breaks)

„Gundert Chair“ for Malayalam at the Dept. of Indology, University of Tübingen
72074 Tübingen, Keplerstr. 2, Room 002
(Only in exceptional cases, online participation will be made possible.)

The Summer School aims to study the interconnection between Malayalam literature and cinema. Especially between 1960 and 1980 novels, short-stories, poetry and drama became the basis of movies. The examples chosen will focus on cinematic adaptations like Marthandavarma, Newspaper Boy, Bhargaveenilayam and Chemmeen, just to name a few, and film makers like Adoor Gopalakrishnan, who have a place in the history of world cinema.

Requirements: Basic knowledge of Malayalam desirable, suitable for beginners.
Further information & application: Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin | heike.oberlinspam
Deadline for application: 1 July 2022
– no participation fees –

Further information & application

Wintersemester 2021/22

Malayalam 1: Course for Beginners

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

The course is aimed at beginners with no prior knowledge of the language.

The participants acquire knowledge of the Malayalam script (old and new), basic knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the Dravidian language Malayalam and can comprehend, identify and explain basic structures of grammar and syntax.

  • Place: online participation via Zoom is possible
  • Time: classes on Mondays (4:15 – 7:45 pm CET) & Fridays (10:15 – 11:45 am CET); starting 25.10.2021, ending 11.2.2022
  • Fees: free for students registered at Tübingen University | 250€ for external participants
  • Registration: heike.oberlinspam

ATTENTION: The number of participants is limited. Tübingen students are given preferential admission. All other interested are requested to enclose a short letter of motivation (max. half page).
Application deadline for external participants: 30.9.2021.

Credit points / ECTS:
For students of the University of Tübingen: 6 ECTS.
For students from other universities: The approval must be negotiated with the respective university.

Malayalam Grammar & Readings 

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin & Prof. Dr. T. Anithakumary

We will read various excerpts of Malayalam literature.
Existing knowledge of grammar will be consolidated.

The course is designed for students with prior knowledge of the language as far as Malayalam 1 and Malayalam 2 (Tübingen model).

  • Place: online participation via Zoom is possible
  • Time: classes on Tuesdays, 5:00 – 6:30 pm CET; starting 26.10.2021, ending 8.2.2022
  • Fees: free (for students registered at Tübingen University and for external participants)
  • Registration: heike.oberlinspam

ATTENTION: The number of participants is limited. Tübingen students are given preferential admission.
Application deadline for external participants: 30.9.2021.

Credit points / ECTS:
For students of the University of Tübingen: 3 ECTS.
For students from other universities: The approval must be negotiated with the respective university.

Malayalam Literature and Screen Adaptations

Prof. Dr. T. Anithakumary

It is planned that this seminar will be held by the Gundert-Chair Professor T. Anithakumary (Malayalam University, Tirur) in classrooms over two weeks, starting mid-February 2022 (14.-25.2.2022). Any changes due to Corona regulations will be reflected in this space.

Those interested should get in touch with Prof. Heike Oberlin at heike.oberlinspam

Sommersemester 2021

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Malayalam 2
Fridays, 11 am CET (via Zoom)
Malayalam: Grammar and Readings
Tuesdays, 5 pm CET (via Zoom)

Further information & registration: heike.oberlinspam

Wintersemester 2020/21

Language Course "Malayāḷam@Tübingen | Online Course for Beginners"

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

In Tübingen the annual Malayalam intensive course for beginners will be offered this time online via Zoom due to the current situation caused by the corona pandemic. We will meet twice a week during the Tübingen winter term, i.e. we start on November 6th 2020 and end on February 26th 2021. As the number of participants is limited, please apply until 23.10.2020.

course for intermediate level students is also taking place online via Zoom.

For further information and registration send an email to: heike.oberlin [ at ]

Two Guest Lectures on the History of Kerala

Monday, 7.12.20203:30 pm CET (Online via Zoom)
Kerala’s Development Model: Historical Background (Prof. Rajan Gurukkal)

Friday, 18.12.2020 3:30 pm CET (Online via Zoom):
Historical Roots of Kerala: Social, Cultural and Political Antecedents (Prof. Kesavan Veluthat)


More Info: PDF


Sommersemester 2020

Due to the Corona crisis, we have to cancel the Gundert Chair visit of Prof. T. Anithakumary and the associated compact courses, which were planned for July / August 2020.

Prof. Anithakumary will come back to Tübingen in summer 2021 to teach.

A course for intermediate level students is taking place online via "Zoom". If you would like to join this course online please pre-install Zoom on your device ( and send an email to: heike.oberlin[at]

In Winter Term 2020/21 a beginners' course will be offered.

Wintersemester 2019/20

Language Course "Malayāḷam Course for Beginners"

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

Place: OSA-Keplerstr. 2, Seminarraum 004
Time: 10-14 and 17-21 February 2020
Times: daily 10:00-12:30 and 14:30-17:00 h


Sommersemester 2019

Malayāḷam@Tübingen in Summer 2019

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin
Introduction into the Reading of Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Malayalam Script
Friday, 26/07 and Saturday, 27/07

Prof. Dr. Anithakumary
Malayalam: Grammar and Readings I
Monday, 29/07 – Friday, 02/08
Malayalam: Grammar and Readings II
Monday, 05/08 – Friday 09/08

Daily 10-13 and 15-17 h.
Further information & registration:


Wintersemester 2018/19

Language Course "Malayāḷam Course for Beginners"

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin

Place: OSA-Keplerstr. 2, Seminarraum 004
Time: Mo-Fri, 11-15 and 18-22 Feb 2019
Times: daily 10:00-12:30 and 14:30-17:00 h
Fees: for students of the Univ. Tuebingen: both weeks 15€; others: per week 60€


Wintersemester 2017/18

Prof. Dr. N.P. Hafiz Mohamad, University of Calicut: The Influence of Religion and Privileges of Women in the Continuity of Muslim Matrilocality in Kerala
15.11.2017, 2:15 pm
Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen, room 004

Sunil Prabhakar: Malayalam computing
17.11.2017, 10:15-12 am
Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen, room 139

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin: Palm-leaf manuscripts in Malayalam script: an introductory seminar and workshop
Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen, room 139

Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin: Malayāḷam – Course for Beginners
12.-16.2. and 19.-23.2.2018


„Gundert Chair“ guest Professor: Malayalam Readings
February 2018, dates not yet fixed

Sommersemester 2017


    • Filmvorführung "Aswadakan – the connoisseur" (in Malayalam & Sanskrit, with English subtitles) am 19. Juni 2017 im Kino Arsenal Tübingen: trailer
    • Aufführung am 18. Juni 2017 im Sudhaus in Tübingen: "Karṇabhāram – Karnas Entscheidung oder der Kampf eines Bastards" (zur Aufführung)
    • Workshop der Theatergruppe Nepathya aus Kerala am 20. Juni 2017 im Brechtbau an der Universität Tübingen "Sanskrittheater Kūṭiyaṭṭam aus Kerala": Plakat
    • Prof. em. Dr. Rajan Gurukkal: einer der bedeutendsten Historiker der Geschichte Südwestindiens
    • Prof. Dr. C.M. Neelakandhan: Academic Director, Kerala Kalamandalam Deemed University for Art and Culture & Former Professor in Sahitya & Vedic Studies, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady
    • "Nepathya": siebenköpfige Sanskrittheatergruppe aus Kerala, die u.a. Kutiyattam im Tübinger Sudhaus und im Stuttgarter Linden-Museum aufführt (17. und 18. Juni) und einen Workshop veranstaltet (20. Juni)
    • Prof. Dr. Farely P. Richmond, University of Georgia. Dept. of Theatre and Film Studies: arbeitet zum keralesischen Sanskrittheater Kutiyattam
    • Prof. Dr. K.P. Sreedevi: Former Professor in Sahitya, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady
Lehrveranstaltungen und Sprachkurse zu Südindien
    • Klaus Öhler, M.A.: Tamil
    • Dr. Elena Mucciarelli: Malayalam III (Grammatik und leichte Lektüre)
    • Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin: Malayalam-Lektüre
    • Prof. M. Sreenathan (Gundert-Chair-Gastprofessor aus Tirur / Kerala): Malayalam: Linguistics and Readings
      • Friday & Saturday, 14.-15.7.2017 (daily classes from 10 – 12:30 h and 14 – 16 h): Reading Session 1
      • Friday & Saturday, 21.-22.7.2017 (daily classes from 10 – 12:30 h and 14 – 16 h): Reading Session 2
      • Monday – Friday, 31.7.-4.8.2017 (daily classes from 10 – 12:30 h and 14 – 16 h): INTENSIVE COURSE (topic: Communities and language, cultural diversity)

Wintersemester 2016/17

  • 19.02.2017, Dokumentarfilm "Brown Angels" (Flyer)
  • Prof. Scaria Zacharia unterrichtet als Gastprofessor im Rahmen des Tübinger "Gundert-Chair"-Programms:
    • 13.-17.2.2017, Prof. Scaria Zacharia
      Malayāḷam Readings: Pāṇḍavapuram – Pandavapuram (Flyer)
    • 28.2.-3.3.2017, Prof. Scaria Zacharia
      An Introduction to Malayāḷam: Cultural Geography and Identity (Flyer)
  • Dr. Ophira Gamliel: Flyer & Anmeldung
    • Course for beginners (Grammar): 5. - 11.10.2016
    • Classical Malayalam literature (Reading): 12. & 13.10.2016
  • Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin:
    • Malayalam: Rāmāyaṇa on stage (leichte Lektüre)
  • Dr. Elena Mucciarelli:
    • Malayalam: Grammatik II

Sommersemester 2016

Wintersemester 2015/16

Gastdozentur "Gundert Chair" für Malayāḷam im Wintersemester 2015/2016

  • Malayalam IV und Lektüre: Oktober und November 2015
    Prof. Scaria Zacharia unterrichtet als ersten Gastprofessor im Rahmen des Tübinger "Gundert-Chair"-Programms mehrere Kurse, auch Blockveranstaltungen am Wochenende.
  • Malayalam I und II: Intensivsprachkurs 15.-19 und 22.-26. Februar 2016

Sommersemester 2015

  • Workshop on Maṇipravāḷam by Prof. Kesavan Veluthat (Dept. of History, University of Delhi)
    • 2 & 3 May 2015
      • Saturday, 2 - 6 pm: An Introduction to Maṇipravāḷam - the beginnings of Malayāḷam literature
      • Sunday, 10 am - 1 pm: Readings in Maṇipravāḷam (samples from a kāvya and a campū, with specific references to Cākyār-performances)
    • The participation is open to all and free of charge.
    • For more information and registration please contact Dr. Elena Mucciarelli.
  • Malayāḷam III
    Mo., 17:30-19 Uhr (Gartenstr. 19, R. 1.01)

Weitere Informationen: Dr. Heike Oberlin


Wer an einem Austausch über die Malayalam-Sprache interessiert ist, kann sich in der englischsprachig administrierten Mailingliste eintragen:

Forum for discussions about the Malayalam-language:

Die Liste wurde im September 2010 von Heike Oberlin (Moser) als eines der Ergebnisse eine internationalen Workshops über die Malayalam-Sprache in Kalady / Kerala ins Leben gerufen.

Links zu Malayalam

Ein kleines, browserbasiertes Malayalam-Schrift-Lernprogramm (es muss nichts installiert werden, läuft auf PC, Mac und Linux):

Hermann Gunderts berühmtes Wörterbuch Malayalam-Englsich ist online:

Ein akzeptables Online-Malayalamwörterbuch:

Spielereien zum Thema Schrift:
gIndic für den Browser "Firefox":
und "Google Indic transliteration":

Die Hermann-Gundert-Gesellschaft

Hermann-Gundert-Gesellschaft e.V. (HGG),