

Colloquium Greater China Studies / Taiwan Summer Semester 2024

The lectures of the Colloquium Greater China Studies will take place on various days of the week (see table) in Keplerstr. 2 Room 1.81.

The Taiwan Colloquium programme for the summer term 2024 is out now.

Unless specified otherwise, the venue is room 1.81 at Keplerstraße 2. 

Date Time Presenter and Topic
Mon, May 13 16–18

Lorenzo Andolfatto

In-between Nature and the Nation: Defining National Parks in Taiwan, 1933–1972

Wed, May 29 12–14

Jens Damm

China and Germany Relation since 2021: Between Continuity and Increasing Confrontation

Jun 3
16– 18

Alexandre Gandil
Taiwan beyond its own Strait: Assessing Taipei’s sovereignty claims over the South China Sea from below

Liang Chia-Yu
Status Sacer: A Proposal for a Taiwanese International Relations

Jun 10
16– 18 Huang Yu-Ling
Gender, Culture, and Reproductive Medicine: Comparative Research of Regulatory Logics, Clinical Care, and (Non)Anonymity Donation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Wed, Jun 12 12–14 Huang Yu-Ling (Public Lecture)

A Sociological Analysis of Gamete Donation Regulations and Experiences Status Sacer: A Proposal for a Taiwanese International Relations
in Taiwan

Jun 19
12–14 Tseng Yen-Fen (Public Lecture)

Increase in Immigration Without Settlement: How Taiwan Skills-Based Immigration Policy Institutionalizes Temporariness of Skilled Migrants

Jun 20
16–18 Tseng Yen-Fen
Settlement Intention Among White-Collar Migrants in Taiwan
Wed, Jun 26 12–14

Vivien Markert (Research Colloquium)

The Chinese Muslim Diaspora in Cairo: Research Notes

Jul 1
16– 18 Lin Ya-Yin
The Typologies of China’s Cognitive Warfare: Data Analysis of Three Taiwan Strait Military Drills 2022 – 2023
Mon, Jul 15 16–18

Lai Yu-Hsuan
Regional Development and Hedging Strategies: The Impact of Taiwan's New Leader
Guo Jianfeng
The Taiwan Issue in China-EU Relations

Wed, Jul 17 12–14

Gunter Schubert (Public Lecture)

Big Challenges Ahead - Taiwan after the 2024 National Elections

Venue: Wilhelmstr. 56 (Lothar-Meyer- Bau) SR 301
