Lecture: JIANG Qingjun, "Reshaping Masculinity during Ming-Qing Transition Period (17-18 Centuries)."
On Tue, Nov 5, 2024, Jiang Qingjun will provide a new glimpse into her PhD project.
The Colloquium History and Culture of China will feature JIANG Qingjun who will present the progress of her PhD thesis in a presentation entitled: "Reshaping Masculinity during Ming-Qing
Transition Period (17-18 Centuries)."
We will meet on 05.11.2024 at 4:15 pm in room 62 of the Department of Chinese Studies in Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 133.
You may also attend online via Zoom:
Zoom Link zoom.us/j/99615912636
Meeting-ID: 996 1591 2636
Kenncode: 675443