

Lecture: Prof. Vogel participated in the Conference "La Venezia di Marco Polo: Il Codice Diplomatico Poliano (1288-1380)”

On 25-26 Jan 2024, Prof. Vogel participated in the Conference “La Venezia di Marco Polo: Il Codice Diplomatico Poliano (1288-1380)”, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice

This convention is one of the many activities that are going to take place in the 700th year since the death of the Venetian traveler. DEDM is short for “Digital Edition of Devisement dou Monde”. The DEDM Bibliography aspires to set up and implement an online and open-access bibliography for Marco Polo research. It will be of broad coverage and collect all the relevant bibliographical data on primary sources and secondary literature related to the Venetian’s report. In a first major step, this is a collaborative effort between Eugenio Burgio (Romance Philology, Department of Humanities, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice) and Marina Buzzoni (Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, University Ca’ Foscari) and Hans Ulrich Vogel (Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Tübingen University) and Beatriz Puente Ballesteros (associated researcher at the Tübingen Department of Chinese Studies). In this first phase, we collect and categorize the more than 4000 bibliographical data that we have assembled so far. In a second major step the DEDM Bibliography is conceived to become an interoperable module of two other international projects, the “Digital Edition of the Devisement dou Monde” directed by Eugenio Burgio and the Codice Diplomatico Poliano coordinated by Andrea Nanetti (School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore). We also count on the help of Andrea Nanetti and his Engineering Historical Memory (EHM) project for the advanced computerization of the bibliographic data and the implementation of dynamic links and search algorithms as well as for the establishment of a user interface for accepting proposals for new bibliographical items.
The lecture concentrated on the first major step, that is the collection and categorization of the bibliographical data available so far. This is presently carried out with the support of our collaborators Giulia Fabbris, Francesco Lucchese and Laura Tomasi on the Venetian side as well as Han Qijin 韩奇金, Sheng Jia 盛佳, Elisabeth Biebl, Kobayashi Hirotaka 小林弘孝 and Guo Aiting 郭愛婷 on the Tübingen side. It provided an overview on the historical background and the development of the project, the scope, nature and types of the bibliographical data as well as on the problems of their categorization and thus on the structure and – hopefully - usefulness of the database and its further prospects.
Conference Programme



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