Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft


Monday, 27.03.2017

Harald Hammarstöm: Invited Talk

Søren Wichmann & Vladimir Bochkarev: Beyond the Swadesh list: measuring semantic change in thousands of English words over two centuries

Kaj Syrjänen, Terhi Honkola, Jadranka Rota, Unni-Päivä Leino and Outi Vesakoski: Optimizing phylogenetic analyses with data partitioning: a case study of Uralic

Marian Klamer & Gereon Kaiping: Invited Talk

Ezequiel Koile, Maya Inbar, Damian Blasi and Eitan Grossman: Lexical borrowing in the world's languages: A quantitative study of the sociolinguistic and morphosyntactic factors

Balthasar Bickel: Invited Talk

Tuesday, 28.03.2017

Jotun Hein: Invited Talk

Nancy Retzlaff: Length Dependent Alignments in Historical Linguistics

A. K. Fischer, Jilles Vreeken and Dietrich Klakow: What can Shared Structures tell us about Linguistic Similarity?

Dan Dediu: Invited Talk

Stephan Eekman: The DNA of language

Andrew Meade: Invited Talk

Wednesday, 29.03.2017

Gerhard Jäger: Further evidence for punctuated language evolution

Ruprecht von Waldenfels: Building histories of Slavic on parallel texts

Peter Dekker: Reconstructing language ancestry by performing word prediction

Jyri J. F. Lehtinen: Sound change phylogeny in Uralic family trees and networks

Taraka Rama: t.b.a.

Hugo Reyes-Centeno: Invited Talk

Thursday, 30.03.2017

Gereon Kaiping and Johann-Mattis List: Simulating Lexical Evolution with Semantic Shifts

Johannes Dellert: Causal Inference of Evolutionary Networks

Martine Robbeets and Remco Bouckaert  (canceled): Bayesian phylolinguistics and the classification of the Transeurasian languages


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