Econometrics, Statistics and Empirical Economics
LecturerProf. Dr. J. Grammig
Prof. Dr. E. Theissen
PrerequisitesIntroductory and Time Series Econometrics, Mathematical Statistics and Financial Economics
Time and Placestarting 09.00 a.m.
Hörsaal P043
Exam120 Minutes
Date: February 28
Time: 14:15 - 15:45 p.m.
Place: VWL-PC-Pool

Course material

Course part: Classical tests of asset pricing models (Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen)

08.02.07Lecture notes (pdf)

Course part: The stochastic discount factor approach (<link grammig.html>Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig)
07.02.07Lecture notes (pdf) revised version
References list (pdf)
Data (Eviews workfile); Data description (pdf)
Asset Pricing Playground (.xls)
Basic set of assignments for course module "Empirical Asset Pricing" (pdf)
and solutions for EVIEWS tasks (pdf)
Data in EXCEL Format (.xls)
Manual GMM estimation in EVIEWS (pdf)
The first to fourth batches of assignments in "Financial Econometrics Basic Assignments and Solutions_Empirical_Asset_Pricing.pdf" cover the material of the first lecture. You should also work on the assignments in "Practical_Assignments_GMM_EVIEWS_1.pdf"
Assignments "Estimation and testing using scaled factors and scaled returns" (pdf)
Manual to create pricing error plots for asset pricing models in EVIEWS (pdf)
20.02.07Exam Financial Econometrics last Summer (pdf) (contains parts that were not covered in this semester's class (microstructure, event studies)
Here is an FAQ regarding the exam: Exam is planned for next week Wednesday. Details will follow asap. The Grammig part of the exam will consist of practical part (solvable in EVIEWS about 20 % with results interpretation) and ordinary exam with questions to answer. This part is open book, as the part of Professor Theissen's.
27.02.07Latest information regarding exam tomorrow:
Time: 14.15 to 15.45 p.m., Place: VWL-PC-Pool
28.02.07Data for practical part of exam (wf1)