
Selection of ongoing CAMPOS Follow-Up Research Projects

  • Nitratreduzierende mikrobielle Gemeinschaften aus porösem Gestein und Klüften im verkarsteten und geklüfteten Grundwasserleiter des Einzugsgebiets der Bronnbachquelle (Südwestdeutschland): DFG; University of Stuttgart, together with University of Tübingen; S. Kleindienst, S. Abramov, P. Grathwohl, A. Kappler et al.; starting 2024.
  • Climate-adapted groundwater management through real-time planning tools and model-based future scenarios: BMBF-LURCH; University of Tübingen, together with University of Hohenheim, KUP Stuttgart, ASG, LTZ Augustenberg; O. Cirpka, T. Streck, M. Finkel et al.; 2023-2026
  • Stimulation von H2/CH4-oxidierenden Bakterien in Porengrundwasserleitern zur Reinigung von nitratbelastetem Trink- und Brauchwasser. BMBF-LURCH; TUM München (Koordinator F. Einsiedl), University of Bayreuth (T. Lüders), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig (J. Fleckenstein), Z-Design GmbH, BASE Technologies GmbH; 2023 - 2026
  • Developing a conceptual emission model of microplastic (MP) pollution from contrasting urban catchments: Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Georg Forster Research Fellow: T. Nasrabadi, University of Tehran); University of Tübingen; P. Grathwohl; 2023-2025
  • Lin­king Re­dox-Cy­cling to Hy­dro­geo­lo­gy: Se­di­men­to­lo­gi­cal Con­trols on the Ca­pa­ci­ty of Aqui­fers to Re­du­ce Ni­tra­te and other Dis­sol­ved Elec­tron Ac­cep­tors (SeCuN­DA); DFG; University of Kassel (A. Mellage), University of Göttingen (J.-P. Duda), University of Tübingen (O.A. Cirpka), University of Vienna (C. Griebler); 2022- 2026
  • Water and Solute Fluxes and their Structural Controls at Margins of Floodplain Aquifers: DFG; University of Tübingen, together with Helmholtz Centre for Einvironmental Research, UFZ; O. Cirpka, C. Leven, P. Dietrich; 2023-2025
  • NFDI Commons, Task Area 3 "2Interoperate", NFDI 4 Earth (NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences); DFG; University of Tübingen, M. Finkel
  • Sustainable plant protection transition (SPRINT). EU Horizon 2020; University of Hohenheim together with University of Tübingen; E. Kandeler, C. Poll, P. Mäder, F. Stache, F. Ditterich, C. Huhn; 2021 - 2025
  • Stormwater mobilization of contaminants – understanding the dynamics and toxicology of microbial and chemical pollution: CMFI EXC, University of Tübingen, together with Stadt Tübingen, Stadtentwässerung Tübingen; C. Zarfl et al.; 2021-2024

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