Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

Research Group El Kasmi



Sunil S, Beeh S, Stöbbe E, Fischer K, Wilhelm F, Meral A, Paris C, Teasdale L, Jiang Z, Zhang L, Urban M, Parras EA, Nürnberger T, Weigel D, Lozano-Duran R and El Kasmi F* (2024) Activation of an atypical plant NLR with an N-terminal deletion initiates cell death at the vacuole. EMBO Reports . https://doi.org/10.1038/s44319-024-00240-4


Sunil S, Beeh S, Stöbbe E, Fischer K, Wilhelm F, Meral A, Paris C, Teasdale L, Jiang Z, Lisha Zhang L, Parras EA, Nürnberger T, Weigel D, Lozano-Duran R, El Kasmi F* (2023) An atypical endomembrane localized CNL-type immune receptor with a conserved deletion in the N-terminal signaling domain functions in cell death and immunity. bioRxiv

. doi: doi.org/10.1101/2023.09.04.556214

Wang Z, Liu X, Yu J, Yin S, Cai W, Kim NH, El Kasmi F, Dangl JL, Wan L. Plasma membrane association and resistosome formation of plant helper immune receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Aug 8;120(32):e2222036120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2222036120. Epub 2023 Jul 31.

Saile SC*, El Kasmi F*. Small family, big impact: RNL helper NLRs and their importance in plant innate immunity.PLoS Pathog. 2023 Apr 20;19(4):e1011315. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011315. eCollection 2023 Apr.

Jacob P, Hige J, Song L, Bayless A, Russ D, Bonardi V, El Kasmi F, Wünsch L, Yang Y, Fitzpatrick CR, McKinney BJ, Nishimura MT, Grant MR, Dangl JL. (2023) Broader functions of TIR domains in Arabidopsis immunity Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Mar 14;120(11):e2220921120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2220921120. Epub 2023 Mar 9.


Jacob P, Hige J, Song L, Bayless A, Russ D, Bonardi V, El-Kasmi F, Wünsch L, Yang Y, Fitzpatrick CR, McKinney BR, Nishimura MT, Grant MR and Dangl JL (2022) Broader functions of TIR domains in Arabidopsis immunity. bioRxiv

. doi: doi.org/10.1101/2022.12.23.521769

Schulze S, Yu L, Hua C, Zhang L, Kolb D, Weber H, Ehinger A, Saile SC, Stahl M, Franz-Wachtel M, Li L, El Kasmi F, Nürnberger T, Cevik V, Kemmerling B. (2022) The Arabidopsis TIR-NBS-LRR protein CSA1 guards BAK1-BIR3 homeostasis and mediates convergence of pattern-and effector-induced immune responses. Cell Host Microbe. 2022 Nov 21:S1931-3128(22)00557-1

Iakovidis M*#, Chung EH*#, Saile SC#, Sauberzweig E, El Kasmi F*# (2022) The Emerging GFrontier of Plant Immunity’s Core Hubs. FEBS J. 2022 Jun 6. doi: 10.1111/febs.16549


El Kasmi F* (2021) How activated NLRs induce anti-microbial defenses in plants. Biochemical Society Transactions 49 (5), 2177-2188

Saile SC, Ackermann FM, Sunil S, Keicher J, Bayless A, Stöbbe E, Bonardi V, Li W, Doumane M, Jaillais Y, Caillaud MC, Dangl JL, Nishimura TM, Oecking C, El Kasmi F* (2020) Arabidopsis ADR1 helper NLR immune receptors localize and function at the plasma membrane in a phospholipid dependent manner. New Phytologist 232 (6), 2440-2456

Pruitt RN, Locci F, Wanke F, Zhang L, Saile SC, Joe A, Hua C, Karelina D, Fröhlich K, Wan WL, Rao S, Stolze S, Harzen A, Gust AA, Harter K, Joosten MHAJ, Thomma BPHJ, Zhou JM, Dangl JL, Weigel D, Nagakami H, Oecking C, El Kasmi F, Parker JE, Nürnberger (2021) The EDS1-PAD4-ADR1 node mediates Arabidopsis pattern-triggered immunity. Nature 598 (7881), 495-499

Jacob P#, Kim NH#, Wu F, El Kasmi F, Chi Y, Walton WG, Furzer OJ, Lietzan AD, Sunil S, Kempthorn K, Redinbo MR, Pei ZM*, Wan L*, DanglJL* (2021) Plant ‘helper’ immune receptors are Ca2+-permeable cation channels. Science 17 Jun 2021:eabg7917; DOI: 10.1126/science.abg7917

Jacob P#, Kim NH#, Wu F, El Kasmi F, Walton WG, Furzer OJ, Lietzan AD, Sunil S, Kempthorn K, Redinbo MR, Pei ZM, Wan L, Dangl JL (2021) The plant immune receptors NRG1.1 and ADR1 are calcium-permeable ion channels. bioRxiv 2021.02.25.431980; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.25.431980

Schulze S, Yu L, Ehinger A, Kolb D, Saile SC, Stahl M, Franz-Wachtel M, Li L, El Kasmi F, Cevik V, Kemmerling B* (2021) The TIR-NBS-LRR protein CSA1 is required for autoimmune cell death in Arabidopsis pattern recognition co-receptor bak1 and bir3 mutants. bioRxiv

doi: doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.11.438637


Saile SC, Ackermann FM, Sunil S, Bayless A, Stöbbe E, Bonardi V, Li W, Doumane M, Jaillais Y, Caillaud MC, Dangl JL, Nishimura TM, El Kasmi F* (2020) Coiled-coil and RPW8-type immune receptors function at the plasma membrane in a phospholipid dependent manner. bioRxiv

2020.11.18.388520; doi: doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.18.388520

Pruitt RN, Zhang L, Saile SC, Karelina D, Fröhlich K, Wan WL, Rao S, Gust AA, Locci F, Joosten MHAJ, Thomma BPHJ, Zhou JM, Dangl JL, Weigel D, Parker JE, El Kasmi F, Nürnberger T (2020) Arabidopsis cell surface LRR immune receptor signaling through the EDS1-PAD4-ADR1 node. bioRxiv

2020.11.23.391516; doi: doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.23.391516

Saile SC#, Jacob P#, Castel B, Jubic LM, Salas-Gonzalez I, Bäcker M, Jones JDG, Dangl JL, El Kasmi F*. (2020) Two unequally redundant "helper" immune receptor families mediate Arabidopsis thaliana intracellular "sensor" immune receptor functions. PLoS Biol 2020, 18(9): e3000783.

Parry G, Provart NJ, Brady SM, Uzilday B,..., El Kasmi F, .... (2020) Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community. Plant Direct 4 (7). 2020, e00248

Holmes DR, Morbitzer R, Wunderlich M, Sun H, El Kasmi F, Schneeberger K*, Lahaye T*.(2020) A shortcut in forward genetics: concurrent discovery of mutant phenotype and causal mutation in Arabidopsis M2 families via MAD-mapping. bioRxiv

doi: doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.29.177808


Jubic LM, Saile S, Furzer OJ El Kasmi F* and Dangl JL*. (2019) Help wanted: Helper NLRs and Plant Immune Responses. Curr Opin Plant Biol 50, 82-94. 2019 May 04


El Kasmi F, Horvath D and Lahaye T.(2018) Microbial effectors and the role of water and sugar in the infection battle ground. Curr Opin Plant Biol 44, 98-107. 2018 Mar 26.


Park M, Krause C, Karnahl M, Reichardt I, El Kasmi F, Mayer U, Stierhof YD, Hiller U, Strompen G, Bayer M, Kientz M, Sato MH, Nishimura MT, Dangl JL, Sanderfoot AA, Jürgens G. (2018) Concerted action of evolutionarily ancient and novel SNAREcomplexes in floweringplant cytokinesis. Developmental Cell 2018 Jan.


Slane D, Reichardt I, El Kasmi F, Bayer M, Jürgens G. (2017) Evolutionarily diverse SYP1 Qa-SNAREs jointly sustain pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2017 Aug 9. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13659.

El Kasmi F#, Chung E#, Andeson RG, Jinyue Li, Eitas TK, Gao Z and Dangl JL. (2017) Signaling of the plasma membrane-localized plant immune receptor RPM1 requires self-association of the full-length protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2017; published ahead of print August 14, 2017, doi:10.1073/pnas.1708288114.

Yang Q, He Y, Kabahuma M, Kelly A, Borrego E, Bian Y, El Kasmi F, Yang L, Dunne J, Kolkman J, Kolomiets M, Nelson R, Holland J, Li X, Lauter N, Balint–Kurti P. (2017) A caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase gene confers quantitative resistance to multiple pathogens in maize. Nature Genetics. 2017. doi:10.1038/ng.3919.

Nishimura MT, Anderson RG, Cherkis KA, Law TF, Lui Q, Machius M, Nimchuk Z, Yang L, Chung EH, El Kasmi F, Hyunh M, Osborne-Nishimura E, Sondek J and Dangl J. (2017) The TIR-only protein RBA1 recognizes a pathogen effector to regulate cell death in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2017 Jan30. doi:10.1073/pnas.1620973114.        


El Kasmi F, Nishimura MT. (2016) Structural insights into plant NLR immune receptor function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Nov1. pii: 201615933.

Harris C. J, Husmann D, Liu W, El Kasmi F, Wang H, Papikian A, Vashisht A. A, Wohlschlegel J. A, Pastor W. A, Dangl J. L, Jacobsen S. E. (2016) Arabidopsis AtMORC4 and AtMORC7 form Nuclear Bodies and Repress a Large Number of Protein Coding Genes. PLoS Genetics 2016; 12(5): e1005998. [OA].             



Dong OX, Tong M, Bonardi V, El Kasmi F, Woloshen V, Wunsch LK, Dangl JL, Li X. (2015) TNL-mediated immunity in Arabidopsis requires complex transcriptional regulation of the redundant ADR1 gene family. New Phytologist 2015; 210(3): 960-73.

Wang GF, Ji J, El Kasmi F, Dangl L. J, Johal G, Balint-Kurti P. (2015) Molecular and Functional Analyses of a Maize Autoactive NB-LRR Protein Identify Precise Structural Requirements for Activity. PLoSPathog. 2015; 11(2): e1004674. [OA].

Munch D, The OK, Gro Malinovsky F, Liu Q, Vetukuri RR, El Kasmi F, Brodersen P, Hara-Nishimura I, Dangl JL, Petersen M, Mundy J and Hofius D. (2015) Retromer Contributes to Immunity Associated Cell Death in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 2015; 27 (2): 463-79.

Jürgens G, Park M, Richter S, Touihri S, Krause C, El Kasmi F and Mayer U. (2015) Plant Cytokinesis: a tale of membrane traffic and fusion. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 2015; 43 (1): 73-78.


Chung EH, El Kasmi F, He Y, Loehr A, Dangl JL. (2014) A Plant Phosphoswitch Platform Repeatedly Targeted by Type III Effector Proteins Regulates the Output of Both Tiers of Plant Immune Receptors. Cell Host and Microbe 2014 Oct 8;16(4):484-94.


El Kasmi F#, Krause C#, Hiller U, Stierhof Y.-D, Mayer U, Conner L, Kong L, Sanderfoot AA, and Jürgens G. (2013) SNARE complexes of different composition jointly mediate membrane fusion in Arabidopsis Cytokinesis. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 2013 May; 24 (10): 1593-601.


Reichardt I, Slane D, El Kasmi F, Knöll C, Fuchs R, Mayer U, Mueller I, Lipka V, Jürgens G. (2011) Mechanisms of functional specificity among plasma-membrane syntaxins in Arabidopsis. Traffic. 2011 Sep; 12 (9): 1269-80.

El Kasmi F, Pacher T, Strompen G, Stierhof Y.-D, Bednarek SY, Rio G, Koncz G, Jürgens G. (2011) Arabidopsis SNARE protein SEC22 is essential for gametophyte development and maintenance of Golgi-stack integrity. Plant J. 2011 Apr; 66 (2): 268-79.

2010 and earlier

Stierhof Y.-D and El Kasmi F. (2010) Strategies to improve the antigenicity, ultrastructure preservation and visibility of trafficking compartments in Arabidopsis tissue.EurJ Cell Biol. 2010 Feb-Mar; 89 (2-3): 285-97.

Kwon C, Neu C, Pajonk S, Yun HS, Lipka U, Humphry M, Bau S, Straus M, Kwaaitaal M, Rampelt H, El Kasmi F, Jürgens G, Parker J, Panstruga R, Lipka V, Schulze-Lefert P. (2008) Co-option of a default secretory pathway for plant immune responses. Nature. 2008 Feb 14; 451 (7180): 835-840.

Strompen G, El Kasmi F, Richter S, Lukowitz W, Assaad FF, Jürgens G, Mayer U. (2002) The Arabidopsis HINKEL gene encodes a kinesin-related protein involved in cytokinesis and is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Curr. Biol. 2002 Jan 22; 12 (2): 153-158.