Interfakultäres Institut für Mikrobiologie und Infektionsmedizin

Upcoming IGIM Events

2nd Microbiology and Infection Biology Day

October 11, 2024
Venue: CRONA, lecture hall

We cordially invite you to our 2nd Microbiology and Infection Biology Day


The event will bring together the entire community in Tübingen working on bacteria, parasites and viruses, microbe as well as host perspective, for a lively scientific exchange at all career levels. We will have talks from PhD students and postdocs as well as presentations of selected posters.

The flyer with a link to the registration page can be downloaded here.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

For further information do not hesitate to contact tuebingen.igimspam

IGIM Grad School Day

November 15, 2024

We cordially invite you to our Grad School Day of the Summer-Term 2024

  • Short lectures by IGIM doctoral students
  • Presentation by an invited speaker

For further information do not hesitate to contact tuebingen.igimspam

Events and activities in Infection Biology and Microbiology

Event   When   Where   Link
Joint Microbiological Colloquium  

Thursday, 12:30 pm


lecture hall 3M07, Geo- und Umweltforschungszentrum (GUZ)

Teaching and Courses of the Institute for Tropical Medicine       Institute for Tropical Medicine   Info
Teaching and Courses of the Institute for Medical Virology       Medical Virology   Info
Events of the MPI  





Lectures of the Master Microbiology program: e.g. Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenicity; Fundamentals in Microbiology etc.          

contact the study coordinator Master Microbiology

Teaching and Courses of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene       Medical Mikrobiology   Info

IGIM Events Archive

IGIM Summer Schools

6th Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", June 10-12, 2024

Venue: Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll

5th International Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", July 05-08, 2022

IGIM, CMFI and CIVIS Universities Aix-Marseille and Stockholm
Venue: Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll

4th Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", June 30- July 02, 2021

Venue: Tübingen and livestream
originally planned for 2020 and then postponed due to the pandemic

3rd Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", July 23-25, 2018

IGIM and GRK 1708
Venue: Haus auf der Alb, Bad Urach

2nd Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", July 27-29, 2016

IGIM, GRK 1708 and SFB 766
Venue: Haus auf der Alb, Bad Urach

1st International Summer School "Microbes, Host and Infection", July 28-30, 2014

IGIM, GRK 1708, Graduate School ´Infection and Immunity´ Utrecht (NL)
Venue: Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Tübingen

IGIM Career Days

5th IGIM Career Day, July 21, 2023

4th IGIM Career Day, March 25, 2022

3rd IGIM Career Day, June 03, 2019

2nd IGIM Career Day, October 10, 2017

1st IGIM Career Day, November 16, 2015