School of Business and Economics

Assignment of a Bachelor Thesis

In order to avoid bottlenecks when allocating Bachelor's theses, the Examination Office centrally records the student preferences for the choice of Bachelor's thesis for each year. All students in the B.Sc. degree programmes who are in their fourth or higher semester in the summer semester 2024 and have not yet written a Bachelor's thesis will receive a letter at the beginning of June asking them to complete a form for their Bachelor's thesis choices. We will evaluate your answers and inform you of the result. We can only assign you a Bachelor thesis if you send us the questionnaire by July 22, 2024 at the latest. Please note that you can only be admitted to the bachelor thesis as soon as your achievements have been completed up to and including the third semester according to the study plan. In a further step, we will forward your details to the individual chairs for the assignment of topics. There you have to register before the end of the previous semester.

It's your turn to ask questions about the bachelor thesis - What is the assignment procedure for the bachelor thesis? Do I have to write the bachelor thesis at the very end or what are the requirements? How much more classes can I plan to take that semester? Do I have to write in my areas of advanced undergraduate studies? What if I change my plans? - We expect to answer these and other questions on June 26 at 2 p.m. in lecture hall 23, Kupferbau, Hölderlinstraße 5.

winter semester 2024/25

B322a Bachelorarbeit in Marketing

Lecturer: N.N.
General topic: In this seminar selected aspects of marketing will be deepened by writing a bachelor thesis. In addition, analytical and argumentative skills are trained. Please see the marketing-website for further information.

Seminar type: blocked
Number of participants: 12 participants

B342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on HRM and Organization

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull

General topic: The seminar serves the preparation, creation and presentation of a Bachelor thesis. The topics offered can change. Students select their own problem-related research question within given topic blocks and work on it independently. A company excursion - usually offered - enables the students to reflect questions on the topic in practice. At the final presentation, the students present their results to the entire group of participants and then create - together with other participants - a poster in which references between the results of their own work and the results of other participants are worked out. More information on the research unit's website

Seminar type: blocked

Number of participants: 24

B352 Bachelorarbeit in International Business Taxation

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martin Ruf

General topic: The content of the seminar and the registration deadlines as well as the modalities will be announced on the homepage of the chair before the end of the lecture period of the previous semester. Here, you'll find more information on the topics etc. Topics of the summer term 2023 can be found here. Topics for the upcoming semester can be found here on ILIAS.

Seminar type: blocked

Number of participants: 24 participants

B362 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in Financial Institutions

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Monika Gehde-Trapp

General topic: The seminar supports students in writing their empirical Bachelor's thesis. The students intensively analyze a given topic within the framework of the seminar.  Examples of topics from previous years:
- “Passive vs. active strategies: Who beats the market?”
- “Portfolio optimization through cryptocurrencies”
- “Professional asset management and price efficiency”
The structure of the seminar is based on the regular academic process and includes two interim presentations that allow students to receive feedback from their peers. Based on the academic literature, students derive a research question, empirically test their derived economic hypotheses and present their findings in a written paper. Their work and the discussions with their peers enable students to comprehensively assess their topic and critically compare it with other approaches and results.

You can here find more information.

Seminar type: blocked form

Limited Attendance: 24 participants

B382 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in Financial Accounting & Financial Analysis

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jörg-Markus Hitz

General Topic: The content of the seminar and further information will be announced on the chair's homepage before the end of the lecture period of the previous semester. Information on the procedure and topics in winter semester 2024/25 can be found here.

Seminar type: blocked

number of participants: 12 participants

B392 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in International Business

Dozent: Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko

Generalthema: Students writing their Bachelor thesis with the Department of International Business will have to attend this seminar in order to present the key outcomes of their thesis. In order to write the Bachelor thesis and participate in the Bachelor Thesis Seminar, students will have to pass beforehand the sessions on “Introduction into Research Methodology for B.Sc.” also offered by the Department of International Business within the Bachelor Thesis Seminar. The final mark will be based on the thesis and its presentation. The application modalities will be announced on the website of the Department of International Business. Further information can be found here.

Seminartyp: blocked

Number of participants: 12 participants

B302 Bachelorarbeit in Finance

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Koziol

General Topic: Students work intensively on a given topic through independent analysis, the presentation of the findings in the form of a written paper, as well as the findings found in the discussion.

Possible topics for the bachelor's thesis are:

  1. Risk premiums on the stock market
  2. Share certificates: valuation and risk analysis
  3. Investment strategies on the German bond market
  4. Current challenges on the capital markets

The students intensively work on and analyze a given topic within the framework topic of the seminar. Through independent analyses, the presentation of the findings in the form of a written paper as well as the discussion of the findings in the context of a short presentation, the students are enabled to comprehensively assess their topic and to compare it with the models/concepts commonly used in the literature.

Seminar type: blocked

Number of participant: 24 participants

E312 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Empirical Public Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Georg Wamser

General topic: The seminar will deal with selected topics in public economics. Students are expected to write an essay (bachelor thesis) and to present their results in class (both in English). The presentations are mandatory. The seminar is based on journal articles at the frontier of modern economic research. The articles typically evaluate public policies using modern empirical techniques. Having some basic knowledge in empirical economics is therefore very helpful. A syllabus of a former seminar can be found here.

Seminartype: weekly; registration by sending an e-mail to georg.wamserspam (subject: E312 registration); more information available online

Limited attendance: 12 participants

E342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Selected Topics in Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank Stähler

General topic: This seminar will deal with different selected topics in economics, mostly, but not exclusively, from the field of international economics.
Having attended an international economics class is therefore helpful, but not mandatory. Before the seminar, all students will either be emailed a list of topics or asked for areas of potential interest.
Potential topics will include areas like international cooperation, economic integration and disintegration, foreign direct investment, international taxation, market power in international markets, and digital markets and its potential regulation. There is a two-stage process to attend this seminar: first you have to sign up with the Examination Office, and second, you will receive an email from us with the details of the seminar. You are expected to write a 20 page essay.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 12 participants

E362 Bachelorseminar in Economic History

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten

General Topic: Possible topics for the bachelor's thesis are:

  1. Risk premiums on the stock market
  2. Share certificates: valuation and risk analysis
  3. Investment strategies on the German bond market
  4. Current challenges on the capital markets

The students intensively work on and analyze a given topic within the framework topic of the seminar. Through independent analyses, the presentation of the findings in the form of a written paper as well as the discussion of the findings in the context of a short presentation, the students are enabled to comprehensively assess their topic and to compare it with the models/concepts commonly used in the literature.

Seminar type: blocked course

limited participants: 24

E372 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on International Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Valeria Merlo

General topic: The seminar deals with topics in international, geographical, and development economics. The focus of the seminar will be on the empirical evaluation of economic policy. Having some basic knowledge of microeconometrics and microeconomic theory is necessary. Students are expected to write an essay (bachelor thesis) and to present their work (both in English). There are two different modalities: (i) students may choose to critically discuss a recent research paper, or (ii) they may conduct their own empirical research. In any case, they may choose their area of interest. The specific topic or research question will be developed together with the supervisor. For information on possible areas and topics please visit our website (Link:

Some examples of recent bachelor theses:
Replication and extension of empirical studies using original data:

  • Gendered Effects of COVID-19 on Paid and Unpaid Work - Insights from School Reopenings in the UK
  • The Effects of COVID-19 in Developing Countries - A Critical Analysis of Bharati and Fakir (2020)
  • The effects of cash-transfers on labor informality: Evidence from Argentina
  • Factor Immobility and Regional Impacts of Trade Liberalization: Evidence on Poverty from India

Discussion and critical assessment of a paper:

  • Perverse Consequences of Well Intentioned Regulation: India's Child Labor Ban
  • Transport Costs, Trade and Urban Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Roads, Exports and Employment: Evidence from a Developing Country
  • Skill Transferability, Migration, and Development: Evidence from Population Resettlement in Indonesia
  • The Global Economics of Water: Is Water a Source of Comparative Advantage?
  • The Productivity Advantages of Large Cities: Distinguishing Agglomeration from Firm Selection
  • What causes Industry Agglomeration?
  • Identifying Agglomeration Spillovers: Evidence from Winners and Losers of Large Plant Openings
  • The Costs of Remoteness: Evidence from German Division and Reunification
  • Trade Liberalization and the Wage Skill Premium: Evidence from Indonesia
  • The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the United States
  • Globalization and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Urban China
  • Explaining Job Polarization: Routine-Biased Technological Change and Offshoring
  • The Wage Effects of Offshoring: Evidence from Danish Matched Worker-Firm Data
  • Services Reform and Manufacturing Performance: Evidence from India
  • Transfer Pricing by Multinational Firms: New Evidence from Foreign Firm Ownerships
  • Knocking on Heaven’s doors: Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing

Seminartype: weekly, online

Limited attendance: 12 participants

Registration: students who have been assigned to this bachelor thesis seminar should send an E-mail to secretary.v6spam (subject line "E372") within the deadline announced each term via ALMA. Please check detailed Information on our website

E382 Bachelor Thesis Seminar "New macroeconomic realities"

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ralph Lütticke

General topic: The seminar is on monetary and fiscal policy. Students work on one of the papers/themes announced. These papers will be assigned during the introductory session. Your thesis should demonstrate that you have full understanding of what is going on in the paper and that you are able to place the issue in a broader context. A good thesis may also present some small modification to the treatment that you find in the original articles. Students become familiar with the state of the art in macroeconomic research. Against this background they perform an assessment of current policy issues. This includes an extended essay (Bachelor Thesis) and a presentation within the seminar.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 24 participants

S312 Bachelorseminar in Empirical Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig, Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen

General topic: Topics in Empirical Economics, Business and Finance; students learn how to write a term paper on a topic related the research interests of the chairs of Prof. Grammig and Prof. Biewen. They learn how to present their paper in front of a critical audience. Further information on potential topics can be found here. More information on the schedule etc. here.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 24 participants

summer semester 2025

B322a/B322b Bachelorseminar in Marketing

Lecturer: B322a: N.N., B322b: Privatdozentin Dr. Adrienne Cansier

General Topic: In the context of this seminar selected aspects of marketing will be deepened by writing a bachelor thesis. In addition, analytical and argumentative skills are trained. Please note the information on registration deadlines and dates on the homepage of the chair.

Seminar Type: blocked

Number of participants: 12 participants per seminar 

B332 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Managerial Accounting

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Patrick Kampkötter

General Topic: The seminar prepares and accompanies the writing of bachelor thesis. Different topics of Managerial Accounting will be deepened by writing and discussing a bachelor thesis. Information on registration deadlines and modalities can be found on the homepage of the chair

The following overview shows examples of topics that have been covered as part of the Bachelor's seminar in previous semesters:

  •     Cost allocation and calculation
  •     Cost accounting in banks
  •     CSR reporting and controlling
  •     Managerial Accounting in Hospitals (e.g. key figures for performance measurement in health care, activity-based costing in hospitals, cost unit accounting, risk monitoring)
  •     Managerial Accounting at Universities (Balanced Scorecard/Academic Scorecard, Calculation of Course Costs, Overhead Cost Allocation at Universities)
  •     Digitalization in accounting
  •     Environmental Cost Accounting/Carbon Accounting
  •     Managerial Accounting and Sustainability: Sustainable Value Added
  •     Transfer pricing
  •     Budgeting
  •     Current trends in cost management

Seminar Type: blocked

Number of participants: 12 participants

B362 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in Financial Institutions

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Monika Gehde-Trapp

General topic: The seminar supports students in writing their empirical Bachelor's thesis. The students intensively analyze a given topic within the framework of the seminar.  Examples of topics from previous years:
- “Passive vs. active strategies: Who beats the market?”
- “Portfolio optimization through cryptocurrencies”
- “Professional asset management and price efficiency”
The structure of the seminar is based on the regular academic process and includes two interim presentations that allow students to receive feedback from their peers. Based on the academic literature, students derive a research question, empirically test their derived economic hypotheses and present their findings in a written paper. Their work and the discussions with their peers enable students to comprehensively assess their topic and critically compare it with other approaches and results.

You can here find more information.

Seminar type: blocked form

Limited Attendance: 24 participants

B382 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in Financial Accounting & Financial Analysis

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Jörg-Markus Hitz

General Topic: Graduates are able to work independently on a problem within a given period of time using scientific methods and to present the results thus obtained in an appropriate written form in a Bachelor's thesis. They are also able to present their findings orally and to defend their own arguments in a discussion. In addition, graduates acquire knowledge in all subject areas of the seminar. Here you can find a leaflet about writing scientific papers at the chair.

Seminar Type: regularly throughout the semester

Number of participants: 12 participants

B392 Bachelor Thesis Seminar in International Business

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko

General topic: Students writing their Bachelor thesis with the Department of International Business will have to attend this seminar in order to present the key outcomes of their thesis. In order to write the Bachelor thesis and participate in the Bachelor Thesis Seminar, students will have to pass beforehand the sessions on “Introduction into Research Methodology for B.Sc.” also offered by the Department of International Business within the Bachelor Thesis Seminar. The final mark will be based on the thesis and its presentation. Further information can be found here.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 12 participants

B302 Bachelorarbeit in Finance

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christian Koziol

General Topic: Students work intensively on a given topic through independent analysis, the presentation of the findings in the form of a written paper, as well as the findings found in the discussion.

Possible topics for the bachelor's thesis are:

  1. Risk premiums on the stock market
  2. Share certificates: valuation and risk analysis
  3. Investment strategies on the German bond market
  4. Current challenges on the capital markets

The students intensively work on and analyze a given topic within the framework topic of the seminar. Through independent analyses, the presentation of the findings in the form of a written paper as well as the discussion of the findings in the context of a short presentation, the students are enabled to comprehensively assess their topic and to compare it with the models/concepts commonly used in the literature; block course.

Seminar Type: blocked

Number of Participants: 12 participants per lecturer

E322 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Digitization: Opportunities and Challenges for Firms and Workers

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Anna Gumpert

General Topic: The seminar will discuss recent research on the economic implications of digitization and information and communication technologies (ICT).  
We will study the effect of digitization and ICT on firms and workers.  Every participant is expected to submit a written thesis and to present the main results of the thesis in a blocked seminar. Participants are also expected to actively take part in the class discussion. Students will be provided with the research papers that should be the basis of their thesis as well as some instructions. Alternatively, students can submit a thesis with independent empirical work. Data and support will be provided. For details, see here.

Seminar type: blocked

Limited attendance: 24 participants

E332 Bachelor Seminar on Economics of Climate Change

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller, Prof. Dr. Ralph Lütticke, Prof. Dr. Willi Mutschler

General topic: In this seminar students deal with contemporary challenges in understanding the impact of climate change in macroeconomic context. The primary goal of the seminar is to expose students to the latest developments and methodologies in empirical macroeconomics, with a particular focus on applications to climate change and climate change policies. Participants are expected to select a specific academic paper. Under our guidance, students will independently gather and analyze relevant data and produce independent empirical research. The course "A Toolkit for Writing your Bachelor's Thesis in Macroeconomics" prepares you for this and provides continuous feedback to your research. The seminar aims to enhance students' understanding and expertise in modern empirical macroeconomics. It also prepares them to articulate and defend their research in a professional and persuasive manner. Participants will benefit from both individual attention and the dynamic exchange of ideas in a group setting, preparing them for advanced academic work or professional careers in economics.

You can here find information on former seminars on this topic.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: Please register for this course on Ilias; 24 participants

E342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Selected Topics in Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Frank Stähler

General topic: This seminar will deal with different selected topics in economics, mostly, but not exclusively, from the field of international economics.
Having attended an international economics class is therefore helpful, but not mandatory. Before the seminar, all students will either be emailed a list of topics or asked for areas of potential interest.
Potential topics will include areas like international cooperation, economic integration and disintegration, foreign direct investment, international taxation, market power in international markets, and digital markets and its potential regulation. There is a two-stage process to attend this seminar: first you have to sign up with the Examination Office, and second, you will receive an email from us with the details of the seminar. You are expected to write a 20 page essay.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 12 participants

E352 Bachelor Seminar in Applied Economic Theory

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler

General Topic: In the bachelor seminar in applied economic theory, students deepen theoretical models from the lectures "Industrial Economics" and "Innovation and Technological Change" and apply them to relevant business case studies. Industrial economics deals with the strategic interaction of firms in individual markets. This includes not only pricing, but also capacity building, location selection, product positioning, process investment, advertising, and information policy in the presence of imperfect information. Competition policy regulatory measures are derived from competitive constraints such as market power, collusion and mergers. Dynamic innovation processes are the focus of innovation economics. At the microeconomic level, innovation management issues related to the planning and execution of uncertain R&D projects are addressed. At the market level, strategic innovation competition between firms is addressed. At the macroeconomic level, issues of evolutionary innovation and growth dynamics are addressed, and finally, at the global economic level, issues of international technology transfer are addressed.
Specific topics will be presented in the lectures. However, students may also propose their own topics. In any case, attendance of the respective lecture is necessary for a successful bachelor thesis.
Students become familiar with the application of modern economic theoretical models to concrete business policy issues. They learn to understand a research question in terms of model theory and to derive suitable recommendations for action.

Seminar Type: blocked

Number of participants: 24 participants

E362 Bachelor Seminar in Economic History

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Baten

General Topic: In a bachelor thesis on economic history, economic history data sets are independently processed and analysed. The focus can be on a specific world region or on the comparison of different world regions. In coordination with the supervisor, the students select their central topic themselves and can thus deepen their specialisation in a world region during their studies. Depending on the topic, the data sets used can either be collected independently or provided by the chair. During the working process, the students are accompanied in writing this scientific work. The main results are presented and defended in the seminar. In addition to individual supervision, there are also small group lessons (n.a.).

Seminar Type: blocked (n.a).

Number of participants: 24 participants

E382 Bachelor Thesis Seminar "New macroeconomic realities"

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ralph Lütticke, Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller

General topic: In this seminar students deal with contemporary challenges in the field of macroeconomics. The primary goal of the seminar is to expose students to the latest developments and methodologies in empirical macroeconomics, with a particular focus on real-world applications and policy implications that address emerging global economic challenges.

Participants are expected to select a specific academic paper on current macroeconomic realities, such as the economic impact of climate change, shifts in monetary or fiscal policy, or responses to geopolitical uncertainty. Under our guidance, students will independently gather and analyze relevant data and produce independent empirical research. The course "A Toolkit for Writing your Bachelor's Thesis in Macroeconomics" prepares you for this and provides continuous feedback to your research.

The seminar aims to enhance students' understanding and expertise in modern empirical macroeconomics. It also prepares them to articulate and defend their research in a professional and persuasive manner. Participants will benefit from both individual attention and the dynamic exchange of ideas in a group setting, preparing them for advanced academic work or professional careers in economics.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 24 participants

S312 Bachelorseminar in Empirical Economics

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen, Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig

General Topic: Topics in Empirical Economics, Business and Finance. Students learn how to write a term paper on a topic related the research interests of the chairs of Prof. Joachim Grammig and Prof. Martin Biewen. They learn how to present their paper in front of a critical audience. Further information on potential topics can be found here. More information on the schedule etc. here.

Seminartype: blocked

Limited attendance: 24 participants

The information listed here has been reported back to the Dean of Studies by the individual chairs. Should you require further information, please contact the chairs directly.