Social and Cultural Anthropology

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)

The BMZ develops the guidelines and concepts of German development policy. In preparation for a professional career in development cooperation, it is recommended to complete internships abroad or in Germany during your studies. Internships are offered by various institutions affiliated with the BMZ, such as the working group "Lernen und Helfen in Übersee e.V." (Learning and Helping Overseas), the ASA program (work and study stays) or one of the institutions for civic and community engagement in development cooperation that are part of the umbrella organization "Engagement Global".

The BMZ additionally provides up to 150 internships for students each year at the primary office in Bonn. There are no fixed recruitment or application deadlines. The duration of an internship should be a minimum of three and a maximum of six months.



Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Postfach 12 03 22
53045 Bonn

Dahlmannstraße 4
53113 Bonn

Telephone (central office): +49 2 28 / 9 95 35-0

Tulpenfeld 7
53113 Bonn
Postfach 120525
53047 Bonn

Hotline: +49800-1887188