Social and Cultural Anthropology

Information for Prospective Students

Expectation check

For all prospective students there is an expectation check:

Expectation check

The Ethnology Expectation Check provides you with answers to the following questions:

  • What can I expect in the Ethnology B.A. program?
  • What prerequisites do I need to bring with me?
  • And what prospects do I have with a degree in Anthropology B.A.?


What is Ethnology?

Ethnology, formerly also called "Völkerkunde", is a science that deals comparatively with societies and their cultures. In the past, the focus was on the so-called "simple" societies outside Europe, while today ethnologists deal with many different social processes worldwide.

Further Information

Study programs

Bachelor of Arts

The three-year B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree program in Anthropology consists of a major and a minor. The B.A. degree in Anthropology may be studied as a major or minor. Admission is currently open.

Detailed information on
the Bachelors Degree

Master of Arts

The Master in Ethnology (Master of Arts) is offered in Tübingen in a two-year program. The teaching language is English only.

Detailed information on
the Masters Degree


In order to apply to the Ethnic Studies program, you will need a high school diploma or equivalent university entrance qualification in certified form, which you will add to your application.

Both the Bachelor's and the Master's program in Ethnology are open-admission programs in Tübingen, i.e. you do not need a specific grade point average in your Abitur and you do not have to take an entrance exam.

Required documentation for the application:

Application deadline for the bachelor's and master's degree programs:
August 1st - September 30th (Entry only possible for the winter semester)

Applications are only possible online via the ALMA portal. Please contact the Central University Administration or the Student Secretariat directly with your application questions.

Information for international students

The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology welcomes international students and offers various opportunities for students at all levels of study. The application of international students is handled by the central university administration.



For full information and advice please follow this Link.