Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Subject didactics at the Tübingen School of Education and the University of Tübingen

Over the past few years, the University of Tübingen has made lasting structural changes in order to realize the goal of an excellent interdisciplinary didactic and educational research culture in the teacher training subjects and related institutions. At the heart of this is the establishment of 18 new professorships for teacher training.

Since 2015, twelve new professorships and academic council positions have been created and filled in subject didactics (see overview below).

The expansion of research-oriented subject didactics and the promotion of cooperation between educational sciences and subject didactics is one of the central tasks of the Tübingen School of Education. This is achieved through various activities, such as the Special Interest Groups. Here, colleagues from didactics and educational sciences conduct research on joint topics under the umbrella of TüSE Research.

With a view to the gradual quality development of teacher training courses, a School Board working group has developed a framework concept for subject-specific teacher training, the content of which has been specified in all subject committees of the teacher training subjects. The framework concept for subject-specific didactics clarifies the common orientation in contemporary subject areas, research and teaching structures in teacher training at the University of Tübingen.

Professors of Teaching Theory and Associate Professors

Faculties of Humanities

Classical Philologies

Teaching Classical Thelologies (Greek and Latin)

Dr. Wolfgang Polleichtner

History Professorship Teaching History and Public History

Prof. Dr. Bernd-Stefan Grewe

German Professorship German Philology and Teaching German Literature 

Prof. Dr. Carolin Führer

  Language didactics German studies StR’ Dr. Helga Gese
English Professorship Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Prof. Dr. Uwe Küchler

  Teaching English Literature and Culture

Dr. Lilian Chaitas

  Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Dr. Stefan Hofstetter

Romance Studies Professorship Teaching Romanic Languages

Prof. Dr. Bernd Tesch

Philosophy Teaching Philosophy and Ethics


Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Sports Science Professorship Sports Education

Jun. Prof. Dr. Julia Hapke

Business and Economics Professorship Business Education

Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm

  Business Education

Dr. Michelle Rudeloff

Faculty of Science


Professorship Teaching Biology

Prof. Dr. Christoph Randler


Professorship Teaching Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schwarzer
Geography Teaching Geography Dr. Timo Sedelmeier

Professorship Teaching Mathematics

Prof. Dr. Walther Paravicini


Professorship Teaching Physics

Jun. Prof. Dr. Jan-Philipp Burde
Natural Sciences

Professorship Teaching Natural Sciences and Technology

(In Cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Esslingen and the University of Applied Forest Sciences Rottenburg)

Recruitment Procedure Pending

  Teaching Natural Sciences and Technology PD Dr. Johannes Bleibel

Faculty of Protestant Theology

Protestant Theology Professorship Teaching Protestant Theology Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Friedrich Schweitzer

Faculty of Catholic Theology

Catholic Theology Professorship Teaching Catholic Theology Prof. Dr. Reinhold Boschki

Center for Islamic Theology

Islamic Theology

Professorship Teaching Islamic Theology

Prof. Dr. Fahimah Ulfat