
Mental Health Days

According the motto "Creating New Perspectives", the Mental Health Days will take place for the first time at the University of Tübingen from 25.11.-04.12.2024! The aim of this university-wide event is to raise awareness of mental health in everyday university life, to reduce stigmatization and to empower students in their mental health! Various university institutions and external partners (see below) are taking part and offering great activities!

Take part!

Are you a student at the University of Tübingen? Then simply browse through the offers and take part for free! Some offers require pre-registration. We look forward to seeing you!

Offers according to date

Mon, 11/25/2024

Information booth 

from 11 am to 3 pm I Exchange I Mensa Wilhelmstraße I SGM BeTaBalance

Tue, 11/26/2024

Mental Health Café

from 1 to 4 pm I Exchange I Clubhaus I German/English I Student Council

How ist your PhD-thesis going?

from 6 to 7 pm I Workshop I Universitätsbibliothek I English I Sustainability

Insights into everyday writing - lecturers report

from 6:15 to 7:45 pm I Panel discussion I Universitätsbibliothek I German I Diversitätsorientiertes Schreibzentrum

Being good when it counts!

from 6:15 to 7:45 pm I Lecture I Brechtbau I German I Studierendenwerk

Wed, 11/27/2024

Mental Strength for Early Career Researchers

from 9 am to 5 pm I Workhshop I Online I English I Graduate Academy

Together we are strong - suicide prevention in everyday life

from 10 to 12 am I Workshop I University Library I German I Youth-Life-Line

Health knowledge at a glance

from 11 to 11:30 am I Lecture I Online I German I University Library

Civil service in the mirror of (mental) illnesses

from 4:30 to 6 pm I Lecture I Kupferbau I German I TüSE, Student Counseling Service

Golden Sleep - Charge the battery while sleeping

from 5 pm to 6 pm I Lecture I Online I English I Techniker Krankenkasse

How ist your PhD-thesis going?

from 6 to 7 pm I Workshop I  online I English I Sustainability

Mental Health Networking for Student Counsils 
from 7 to 9 pm I Exchange I Alte HNO I German / English I Ak Mental Health & Awareness (FS Molekulare Medizin) 

Thu, 11/28/2024

What I've always wanted to clarify...

from 10 to 12 am or 1 to 4 pm I Consulting IStudent Counseling Service I German / English I Student Counseling Service

Active against stress - individual consultation

from 10 am to 4 pm I Coaching I Hölderlinturm I German I SGM BeTaBalance

Writing instead of procrastinating

from 6:15 to 7:45 pm I Workshop I University Library I German I Diversitätsorientiertes Schreibzentrum

Mindfulness Session  // Postponed due to illness to 12/05/24
from 7 to 9 pm I Workshop I Alte HNO I English I AK Mental Health & Awarenss (FS Molecular Medicine) 

Fri, 11/29/2024

Time for some study reflection

from 9 am to 4 pm I Workshop I English I Student Counserling Service, Career Service & SGM BeTaBalance

Which relaxation method suits me?

from 11 am to 2 pm I Workshop  I German I SGM BeTaBalance, Dr. Anna Dubischar

Mental Health Café

from 1 to 4 pm I Exchange I Clubhaus I German / English I Student Council 


from 2 to 6 pm and Sat, 11/30 from 10 am to 5 pm I Workshop I Hölderlinturm I German I Hölderlinturm, Lisa Goldschmidt, Studio Literatur und Theater

Sat, 11/30/2024

Mental Health First Aid

from 9 am to 4 pm and Sun,12/01 from 9 am to 4 pm I Workshop I Institute of Sports Science I German I SGM BeTaBalance, Stephania Laih

Virtual Reality Experience - Impression Depression

from 10 am to 5 pm I Workshop I University Sports Hall I German I Robert-Engke-Stiftung, SGM BeTaBalance

Meditation for beginners

from 10 am to 2 pm I Workshop I Institut of Sports Science I German I University Sports Center

Mon, 12/02/24

Mental health in teacher training and the teaching profession //CANCELLED

from 4:30 to 7:30 pm I Symposium I Alte Aula I German I TüSE

Sleep monitor

from 9 am to 4 pm I Coaching I University Library I German I Techniker Krankenkasse

Health knowledge at a glance

from 4 to 4:30 pm I Lecture I Online I German I University Library

Tue, 12/03/2024

Take some time for study reflection 

from 9 am to 4 pm I Workshop I German I Student Counseling Service, Career Service & SGM BeTaBalance

Mental Health Café

from 1 to 4 pm I Exchange I Clubhaus I German / English I Student Counsil

Mental health among students// CANCELLED!

from 6:15 to 7:45 pm I Location: tbd. I Penal discussion I German I Student Counsil

Wed, 12/04/2024

Yoga in the library 

from 12:15 to 1 pm I Yogasession I University Library I German/ English I University Sports Center 

Together we are strong - Suicide Prevention in Everyday Life

from 2 to 4 pm I Workshop I University Library I English I Youth-Life-Line

Mental health myths

from 4 to 6 pm I Exchange I English I Student Counseling Service

Student-To-Student: Stress while studying 

from 7-9 pm T Workshop I German / English I AK Mental Health & Awareness (FS Molekulare Medizin) 

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