Institute of Sports Science

Ommo Grupe the first director of the Institute to hold a doctorate

In 1960, Ommo Grupe was appointed director of the Institute for Physical Exercise. In the long history of the Institute, he was its first director to hold a doctorate.

In 1964, it became possible to study “Physical Exercise” as a supplementary subject in teacher training.

In 1965, the post of director of studies was established (Dr. Peter Röthig, 1965-1969; Dr. Herbert Haag, 1969-1972; Dr. Franz Begov, 1972-1997; Dr. Stefan König, 1997-2006; Dr. Andreas Hoffmann, from 2006 onwards).

Beginning in 1966, it has been possible to study “Physical Exercise” as a main subject in teacher training. In addition, the Institute moved to its new premises, “im Ziegeltäle”. After the personnel situation had been settled in 1967, the question arose as to the status of the Institute for Physical Exercise in the University.

There has been a “Lehrstuhl für die Theorie der Leibeserziehung” (Chair in the Theory of Physical Exercise) at the University of Tübingen since 1967.

Ommo Grupe gained his habilitation in 1967. And in the same year, the Magister programme was introduced. In June 1968, Grupe was finally named Professor of „Theorie der Leibeserziehung” (Theory of Physical Training).

The Institute had been up to then integrated into the Faculty of Humanities; however, the sports facilities served the University as a whole.

Student movements marked the year 1968. Students were protesting against the authoritarian structures of society. They demanded that the Theory of Physical Education should be replaced by dialectical materialism. They were critical of sports teachers’ “Eigenrealisation” (self construction) and of the practical examinations in the context of education. On one occasion, the admissions test was prevented by the long jump pit being filled with liquid manure. Further agitation for a greater share in decision-making was to follow.

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