Institute of Sports Science


ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant

Together with a consortium of applicants, Dr. Verena Burk (AB 1) has successfully acquired an ERASMUS Lump Sum Grant for the U-Media project. U-Media will run for ten months and is coordinated by the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH. In addition to the University of Tübingen, other partners include the Stuttgart Hochschule der Medien, the University of Porto (Portugal) and AWO Südwest gGmbH.

U-Media is both an educational programme and a digital platform. It includes a range of educational activities (e.g. lectures, seminars) as well as open-source online workshops and webinars designed to prepare student sports reporters for their professional tasks at (university) sports events. Following the educational activities, a team of students will be actively involved in the media coverage of the FISU World University Games Rhine-Ruhr 2025. U-Media will complement the existing FISU Young Reporters programme, which was launched by the International University Sports Federation in 2011 and has since accompanied a team of future sports journalists on site at every edition of the FISU Games.
