Department of Mathematics

Erfolgreich studieren in Tübingen (ESIT)

Erfolgreich studieren in Tübingen (Studying successfully in Tübingen) is the name of a programme which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Eductaion and Research since 2011 in the framework of a measure to improve the study conditions and the quality of teaching. More information concerning the programme can be found on the web pages of the university about ESIT.

Within the framework of the programme the department has been successful with proposals and concepts in past years.

Within the framework of the subprogramme "Innovative Curricula und praxisorientierte Lehrmodule entwickeln" (developing innovative curricula and praxis oriented teaching modules) the department runs a project to restructure the initial phase of studying and to enhance the occupational area orientation of the Bachelor of Science studies. The project is supported by Prof. Dr. Elena Klimenko, who teaches at the mathematical departement during the winter term 2017/18, and by Dr. habil. Jörg Zintl, who supports the department througout the entire academic year among others in the field of teaching. Dr. Zintl received his PhD at the Univerity of Hannover in the research group for algebraic geometry and played over many years a successful part in the teaching of students in diverse study programmes at the TU Kaiserslautern. Prof. Klimenko's research interests include geometric group theory, number theory and cryptography. She has been active in research and teaching at leading universities in Russia, the USA, Israel and Germany.

Also in the academic year 2018/19 the application of the department in the subprogramme "Innovative Curricula und praxisorientierte Lehrmodule entwickeln" was successful. It centers around measures to improve the courses for non-math students via the use of digital media (flipped class room, interactive videos, online exercises) on the one hand, and the introduction of a course introducing students to working scientifically in their master thesis on the other hand. The projects are again supported by Dr. habil. Jörg Zintl troughout the whole year.

In the academic year 2019/20 within the subprogramme a project to develop specific computer skills in teaching studies will be funded "Innovative Curricula und praxisorientierte Lehrmodule entwickeln". The project will again be supported by Dr. habil. Jörg Zintl.

We are able to increase the number of example classes substantially in the lectures Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler (mathematics for natural scientists) and Mathematik für Biologen (mathematics for biologists) via the support of the subprogramme "Peer Learning" since the winter semester 2013/2014. The courses are part of the first year in several study programmes. During this forming period it is particularly valuable to be able to work in small learning groups, guaranteeing individual support. From the winter semester 2016/17 on we are able to widen the scheme towards beginner courses for students in study programmes in mathematics; in particular the option to take up the studies in the summer semester, possible since 2017, and the pre course in mathematics, newly introduced in 2016, were supported.