Department of Mathematics

Further supported projects

From April 2016 to July 2017 the course Mathematik! Studierende unterrichten Flüchtlinge (Mathematics! Students teach refugees) was offered. Every Tuesday specially trained education students taught mathematics with a hands-on approach to people with flight experience. Further information about content and activity are documented in a blog. The course was supported by the Vector Foundation and the supporting programme Welcome of the DAAD (Contact: Administrative department for refugee coordination of the University of Tübingen).

Since April 2017 we offer the course Mathematische Studiengrundlagen für Geflüchtete. Once or twice a week students teach mathematics to refugees in order to prepare them for a study programme at a German university. The theory is introduced in a playful way, and then the participants apply it in an active way. More information on the contents and structure of the programme can be found on the corresponding blog. The course is offered in the framework of the programmes of the Administrative department for refugee coordination of the University of Tübingen and it is supported by the programme Welcome of the DAAD.

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