Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

When Science meets Real Life

The Weimar/ Barsan research group advances the basic understanding of the chemical gas sensors and their functioning. Our sophisticated investigative technologies, applied under operando sensor operation conditions, warrants technological innovation and development. The commercial success of AppliedSensors GmbH (now AMS), a spin-off company which capitalizes on the strengths of the Weimar working group - analytical chemistry expertise and a deep understanding of the way in which chemical sensors work -, affirms this approach. The annual Block Course Chemical Sensors- Basics, Technology and Applications offers the chance for graduate students to learn the basics about the technology and application of chemical sensors. 

Specifically, the research group can offer expertise in the following application areas:

  • food processing (e.g., assessment of packaging material quality)
  • automotive (e.g., cabin air quality)
  • health (e.g., breath analysis for the diagnosis of asthma and diabetes)
  • environment (e.g., status of air cleaners)
  • ambient assisted living (AAL) (e.g., smart home technology)
  • construction industry (e.g., clean and resource-efficient buildings, demand-controlled ventilations)

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