
Members of the Isotope Geochemistry Group are involved in teaching a wide variety of classes and courses within the diverse bachelor- and master programs our department offers. A list of these courses is given below:

BSc Geosciences:

  • Geochemistry (R. Schönberg, H. Taubald, I. Schönberg)
  • Sediments & Stratigraphy (R. Schönberg)
  • Advanced Geochemistry (I. Schönberg)

BSc Geoecology, Geography:

  • Geochemical and Geoecological Analytical Methods (H. Taubald)

MSc Geosciences:

  • Isotope Geochemistry (R. Schönberg, L. Hoare)
  • Environmental Isotope Chemistry (H. Taubald)
  • Marine Geochemistry (H. Taubald)

MSc Geoecology, Applied Environmental Geosciences:

  • Environmental Isotope Chemistry I (H. Taubald)
  • Marine Geochemistry (H. Taubald)

Excursions for BSc & MSc:

  • Traditional stable isotopes in the environment (Schönbuch, SW-Germany) (H. Taubald, R. Schönberg)
  • Volcanism of the Massif Central (Auvergne, France) (R. Schönberg, I. Schönberg, L. Hoare)



  • Stephan König (2020): Origin and Evolution of Earth's Volatiles Investigated by Novel Analytical Techniques

PhD theses:

  • Julius Havsteen (2024): Tempo and Mode of Earth's Great Oxidation Event
  • Luise Wagner (2023): The stable chromium isotope signatures of Earth's silicate reservoirs
  • Lucile Roué (2022): Stable tungsten isotopes as a tracer for the redox state of the past oceans: testing the potential and limits of the proxy
  • Yunfeng Wang (2021): The response of marine carbon-nitrogen-zinc geochemical cycling to the ~183 Myrs Toarcian global warming
  • Airken Yierpan (2019): Selenium isotope systematics of mid-ocean-ridge basalts and implications for the long-term volatile and chalcophile record of the crust–mantle system
  • Timon Kurzawa (2019): Constraints on chalcophile element recycling in subduction zones from Selenium isotope systematics
  • Gülüm Albut (2019): Comparison of paleoredox signatures from a Mesoarchean oxygen oasis with those of a modern analog environment
  • Sümeyya Eroglu (2016): Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of a Neoarchean oxygen oasis
  • Florian Kurzweil (2015): The evolution of the oceanic redox state through Precambrian times
MSc theses

2021 - today


  • Clara Zelinsky (2024): Lithological heterogeneities in the source of CiMACI intra-plate basalts: Indication from coupled d53Cr and d66Zn
  • Clara Geneste (2024): Geochemical comparison of volcanic with peridotitic olivines and Cr isotopic characterisation of peridotitic olivines
  • Stephan Schrade (2024): Establishing the Cadmium Stable Isotope System Using Ion Exchange Chromatography and 111Cd-113Cd Double Spike Measurements
  • David Günzler (2023): Geochemical and Isotope Fingerprints of the Chaîne des Puys Volcanoes, France
  • Lukas Rowald (2023): Geochemical Signatures in Ocean isalnd Basalts: Comparison between Canary islands and French Polynesia
  • Laura Paskert (2022): Evaporative stable Cr and Fe isotope signals in 3.2 Ga old impact spherule layers from the Barberton greenstone Belt, South Africa
  • Gina Stooß (2022): Coupled d56Fe and d98Mo measurements of the Hotazel Banded Iron Formation - Implications for the Paleoproterozoic ocean oxygenation state
  • Julian Günzler (2020): Basaltic weathering and sediment generation: New insights from basalts, corestones and river sediments in NW-Scotland


2016 - 2020
  • Timo Julian Günzler (2020): Basaltic weathering and sediment generation: New insights from basalts, corestones and river sedimenrs in NW-Scotland
  • Regina Neubauer (2020): Selenium isotope and chalcophile element systematics of komatiites: Assessing Earth's late accretionary history
  • Mona Schiller (2019): Geochemical constraints on sources of Ocean Island Basalts from french Polynesia
  • Johannes Redlinger (2019): Selenium isotope and Se- & Te-elemental systematics along the Reykjanes Ridge to Iceland
  • Felix Brey (2018): From mantle to surface - Magmatism along the Tonga subduction system
  • Krebbers Leonard (2018): Mineralogical, geochemical and hydrogeological study of origin and interaction as well as modelling of lithium-rich brine near the Chinquilchoro mountains in the South of the Solar de Atacama, Chile
  • Mario Saussele (2018): Zn isotope fractionation by evaporative processes found in terrestrial volcanic samples of the Chaîne des Puys
  • Manuela Benger (2018): Traces of ancient impacts: Zn isotope analyses of impact spherule layers in the BARB-5 drill core, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
  • Kristina Eichholz (2018): The Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France) - magmatic evolution constrained by major & trace elements and Sr & Nd isotopes
  • Lara Schleip (2018): The Chromium Geochemical Cycle: Concentration and Isotope Variations in Lithospheric Mantle Rocks
  • Nadine Weimar (2017): Chromium and iron stable isotope geochemistry of the ca. 2.45 Ga Cooper Lake paleosol (Ontario, Canada): Implications for atmospheric oxidation state in the wake of the GOE
  • Hilde Koch (2016): Evidence for natural variation in chromium isotope composition in geologically related Earth’s mantle rocks from Etang de Lherz
  • Simon Lukas Schurr (2016): Global vs. Local Effects – Stable Isotope Signatures during Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE)
2011 - 2015
  • Maurice Brodbeck (2015): Constraining chromitite formation through in situ geochemical analyses - A study of the UG2 unit, Bushveld Complex, South Africa
  • Tobias Renz (2015): Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur simultanen Bestimmung von Neptunium und Plutonium in Tonproben mittels Massenspektrometrie
  • Vanessa Sutterer (2015): Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis of 2.4 Ga old Marine Sediments from the Duitschland Formation, South Africa
  • Niklas Gantert (2014): Iron and carbon isotope analyses of Proterozoic Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) deposited shortly before the Great Oxidation Event at ca. 2.4 Ga
  • Kathrin Hassler (2014): The 24th transition metal and its (Isotope-) Geochemical Use in Earth and Environmental Sciences – Important Aspects Revisited –
  • Alexandra Merdian (2014): Isotope Fractionation of the 24th transition metal during Planetary Differentiation
  • Christian Luthardt (2013): Molybdenum Isotopes of Black Shales and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
  • Daniel Schöckle (2013): Oxygen isotope ratios in dissolved inorganic phosphate in the Ammer and Goldersbach
BSc theses

2021 - today

  • Falko Wagner (2023): Major and trace element characterization of mantle xenoliths from Gobernador Gregores (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina)
  • Clara Geneste (2023): Geochemical characterization of mantle xenoliths from Agua Poca (La Pampa, Argentina)
  • Felix Penert (2022): Untersuchung der Veränderung der Spurenelementgehalte von Trinititen durch evaporationsprozesse
  • Lennard Schnoor (2022): Strontium isotope analysis of aquatic microfossils and lake sediments from early to mid-Pleistocene palaeo-Lake Suguta using thermal ion mass spectrometry
  • Clara Zelinsky (2021): Geochemical constraints on adventive cone lavas and the sampled mantle plume source of the active volcano Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion Island, using radiogenic isotopes of Sr, Nd and Pb
  • Stephan Schrade (2021): Untersuchung der Mantelsignatur unterhalb von Costa Rica anhand der Petrologie und Geochemie der Subduktionslaven
  • Julia Jadwiga Gurzynski (2021): Untersuchung des Gesteins "19/Anatolia1" auf einen möglichen extraterrestrischen Ursprung
2016 - 2020
  • Gina Stooß (2019): Untersuchung von Evaporationsprozessen in Triniten
  • Nadja Weber (2019): Klassifikation basaltischer und komatiitischer Gesteine des Barberton Grünsteingürtels durch Hauptelemente
  • Lukas Mössinger (2019): Influence of serpentinization on the selenium budget of mantle xenoliths
  • Isabel Antony (2019): The behaviour of stable Cr isotopes during magmatic differentiation: a case study from the Quaternary Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France)
  • Timo Günzler (2016): Selenium and tellurium concentrations and distribution in fertile peridotites: A case study from Lherz, Eastern Pyrenees
  • Johannes Redlinger (2016): Modell zum Verhalten von Selen und Tellur in der Marianen-Subduktionszone
  • Luca Rößler (2016): Installation des CRDS Picarro 2130-I und Probennahme aus den Brunnen des Schönbuch
  • Alena Wawra (2016): Konzentrationen und Verhalten von Selen und Tellur in Vulkaniten des Marianen-Inselbogens
2011 - 2015
  • Manuela Benger (2015): Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen during the Archean: Constraints from Cr isotopes of the Ijzermijn Banded Iron Formation in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
  • Tabea Post (2015): Eisenisotopenanalyse an 3.2 Ga alten, hydrothermal marinen Eisenformationen der Soanesville Gruppe, Pilbara, Australien
  • Mario Saussele (2015): Ablagerungen des Posidonienschiefers während des TOAE im Südwestdeutschen Becken
  • Jonas Stegmaier (2015): Siliziumisotopenanalyse an basaltischen Verwitterungsprofilen des Dekkan-Trapps, Indien
  • Johannes Dettweiler (2014): Analytische Aspekte zur Bestimmung von δ13C in DIC in Süßwässern
  • Felix Hüttemann (2014): δ13C in DIC in Wässern des Schönbuch, der Ammer und des Neckars
  • Hilde Koch (2013): Untersuchung der Chromitbildung des UG2 Melanorites, Bushveld Komplex, Südafrika anhand der Petrographie und δ18O-Mineralsignaturen
  • Bernd Rieger (2013): HO Isotopenmessungen an Wässern aus Brunnen des Schönbuch
  • Stefan Besemer (2012): Sr Isotopenmessungen an Wässer und Gesteinen des Kirnbachtales
  • Felix Blümle (2012): Rb/Sr- und Sm/Nd-Isotopenanalyse granitoder Gesteine des Dronning Maud Land (DML) der Antarktis
  • Valentin Grau (2012): OH Isotopenmessungen an Wässern des Schönbuch
  • Tobias Renz (2012): Chrom - Isotopensignaturen der der archaischen Cambellrand Karbonatplattform (Südafrika)
  • Maurice Brodbeck (2011): C-O Isotopensignaturen in oberjurassischen Karbonaten der Schwäbischen Alb
  • Alexandra Merdian (2011): Strontiumisotopensignaturen in oberjurassischen Karbonaten der Schwäbischen Alb