
Field research in Iraqi Kurdistan

SFB1070 ResourceCulture, Project B07

From August to October 2022, the SFB1070 B07 project (Dir. Prof. T. Scholten and Prof. P. Pfälzner) was conducted on the field in the Iraqi Kurdistan by Mathias Bellat, PhD. Candidate from the geomorphology and soil science working group, and Benjamin Glissmann, Post Doc. from Institue for Ancient Near East Studies. While B. Glissmann focused on a geophysical survey on the tell of Bassetki, M. Bellat collected soil samples in the Selevani plain. Over 100 locations have been visited and 550 soil samples collected.

The information collected will be a first step in drawing the soil map of the region and help to explain the distribution of the archaeological settlement through space and time.

Link to the SFB1070 B07 project
