
Presentation of Palaeosol Sequences at the DBG Conference 2022

Middle Main Terrace (BAN)

During the half-day excursion at this year's DBG conference in Trier, Dr Julian Struck (Erftverband) and Dr Peter Kühn presented two sedimentary palaeosol sequences on the Upper Middle Terrace (HET) and the Middle Main Terrace (BAN) of the Moselle to 25 participants on 09 September.

In the HET profile two interglacial soils are developed, in the BAN profile three interglacial palaeosols, the lowest of which in each case intervenes in the terrace gravels. Noteworthy in each case is a layer directly above the interglacial soil, which consisted mainly of charcoal-cored concretions and can be regarded as a stratigraphic marker layer.

Luminescence dating provided consistent ages up to the third last glacial. We would especially like to thank Mr. Müller (Baustoffrecycling Lehnen) for the extraordinary help in the field and the easy access to the outcrop. Photographs by Dr. Vincent Felde (Hannover).
