Rau, K., Gläßle, T., Hennig, P., & Scholten, T.: Spatial prediction of soil type maps with Neural Networks including quantification of model uncertainty. 22nd World Congress of Soil Science 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom. [poster]
Rau, K., Gläßle, T., Hennig, P., & Scholten, T.: Spatial prediction of soil type maps with Neural Networks including quantification of model uncertainty. ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2022, Alicante, Spain. [poster]
Rau, K., Gläßle, T., Hennig, P., & Scholten, T.: Spatial prediction of soil type maps with Neural Networks including quantification of model uncertainty. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2022, Trier, Germany. [talk]
Rau, K., Gläßle, T., Hennig, P., & Scholten, T.: Spatial prediction of soil type maps with Neural Networks including quantification of model uncertainty. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. [talk]
Gläßle, T., Rau, K., Scholten, T., & Hennig, P.: Hierarchical Soil Classification using Gaussian Processes. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria. [talk]