
Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Schwarz

EMail K. Schwarz
Phone +49 (0)7071 / 29-78991
Address Department of Computer Science
Computer Graphics
Sand 14
72076 Tübingen, Germany
Room C 430

Research Interests


Text–to–Video: Image Semantics and NLP.
Katharina Schwarz.
PhD Thesis, University of Tübingen, 2018.
[Bibtex] [Thesis]


Will People Like Your Image? Learning the Aesthetic Space.
Katharina Schwarz, Patrick Wieschollek, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
WACV 2018.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Code] [Project Page]

Stereo-consistent Contours in Object Space.
Dennis R. Bukenberger, Katharina Schwarz, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
CGF 2017, DOI: 10.1111/cgf.13291
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project Page]

EmoTune - Changing Emotional Response to Images.
Katharina Schwarz, Christian Fuchs, Manuel Finckh, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
CIC Color and Imaging Conference 2017 (oral).
Best Student Paper Award.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project Page]

Auto-Illustrating Poems and Songs with Style.
Katharina Schwarz, Tamara L. Berg, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
ACCV 2016 (oral), pp. 87-103.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project Page]

Rotoscoping on Stereoscopic Images and Videos.
Dennis R. Bukenberger, Katharina Schwarz, Fabian Groh, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
VMV 2015, pp. 111-118.
[Paper] [Bibtex] [Project Page]

An Efficient Parallel Strategy for Matching Visual Self-Similarities in Large Image Databases.
Katharina Schwarz, Tobias Häußler, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
ECCV 2012 Ws, pp. 281-290.
[Paper] [Bibtex]

AVDT - Automatic Visualization of Descriptive Texts.
Christian Spika, Katharina Schwarz, Holger Dammertz, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
Proceedings of VMV 2011, pp. 129-136.
[Paper] [Bibtex]

Text-to-Video: Story Illustration from Online Photo Collections.
Katharina Schwarz, Pavel Rojtberg, Joachim Caspar, Iryna Gurevych, Michael Goesele, Hendrik P. A. Lensch.
Proceedings of KES 2010, pp. 402-409.
Best Paper Award.
[Paper] [Bibtex]


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