Fachbereich Informatik



Prof. Kasneci ist zum 01.04.2023 an die Technische Universität München (TUM) berufen worden und leitet dort den Lehrstuhl für Responsible Data Science.

Deshalb können wir aus organisatorischen Gründen keine Masterarbeiten an der Universität Tübingen mehr betreuen.

Offene Themen

Master's Thesis - Generating Counterfactual Explanations for Image Data

We are pleased to announce an open master's thesis on "Generating Counterfactual Explanations for Image Data" (more information as PDF). Open questions and applications (including a short CV and the current transcript of records) can be sent to Vadim Borisov and Tobias Leemann

Master's Theses zu Counterfactual Explanations

We are pleased to announce two open Master's theses about "Learning Disentangled and Diverse Counterfactual Explanations with Generative Models"  and "Counterfactual Explanations in Causal ML Models" (more information as PDF-download here and here). Open questions and applications (including a CV and the current transcript of records) can be sent to Martin Pawelczyk.

Master's Thesis on Interpretable Deep Learning

We are pleased to announce an open master's thesis on "Interpretable Deep Learning" (more information as PDF ). Open questions and applications (including a CV and the current transcript of records) can be sent to Vadim Borisov.