Institut für Theoretische Physik


Amand Faessler:

"Eine Neufassung der Theorie des Sternheimer-Effekts"

Z. Physik 167 (1962) 229

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner:

"Zur potentiellen Energie der γ-Schwingungen in deformierten gg-Kernen"

Z. Physik 170 (1962) 105

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner:

"Die Rotations-Vibrationswechselwirkung in deformierten gg-Kernen"

Z. Physik 168 (1962) 425

Amand Faessler:

"Mixing of Single Particle and Collective Excitation in Odd Mass Nuclei"

Beitrag zu 'Comptes Rendus du Congres International du Physique Nucleaire', Paris 1964

Amand Faessler:

"Einteilchen- und Kollektivanregung in deformierten Kernen ungerader Massenzahl"

Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 177

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner, R.K. Sheline:

"Nuclear Models and Osmium Isotopes"

Phys. Rev. B135 (1964) 591-594

Amand Faessler, H.G. Wahsweiler:

"Einfach verbotene β-Übergänge in deformierten gg-Kernen"

Nucl. Phys. 59 (1964) 202

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner:

"Zum kollektiven g-Faktor in deformierten Kernen"

Z. Physik 179 (1964) 343

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner:

"Vergleich der Davydov-Theorie mit dem Modell des axialsymmetrischen Kreisels mit Rotations-Vibrations-Wechselwirkung für deformierte gg-Kerne"

Z. Physik 117 (1964) 190

Amand Faessler:

"Direct Radiative Capture in a Resonant State"

Nucl. Phys. 65 (1965) 329

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner, R.K. Sheline:

"Rotation-Vibration-Interaction in Deformed Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. 70 (1965) 33-88

Amand Faessler, W. Greiner, R.K. Sheline:

"The Coriolis-Anti-Pairing and the Blocking Effects in Deformed Even-Even Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. 62 (1965) 241

Amand Faessler:

"On the Anomalies E2 ΔK = 1 Transition in Deformed Odd-Mass Nuclei"

Electron Conversion Processes; Academic Press, N.Y. (1966)

Amand Faessler:

"E2-Oberflächenresonanzen in sphärischen Kernen"

Nucl. Phys. 85 (1966) 653

Amand Faessler, T. Udagawa, R.K. Sheline:

"The Influence of the Pairing Correlations and the Collective Mixing in E1 ΔK = 0 Transitions"

Nucl. Phys. 85 (1966) 670

Amand Faessler:

"The Influence of the Pairing and the Coriolis Force on the E2 ΔK = 1 Transition in Deformed Odd-Mass Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. 85 (1966) 679

Amand Faessler, R.K. Sheline:

"Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions in a Spherical and Deformed Saxon-Woods Potential"

Phys. Rev. 148 (1966) 1003

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Collective States in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A94 (1967) 580

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Collective E1 Transitions in Even-Mass Rare Earth Nuclei"

Nuovo Cimento 48B (1967) 429

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"On the Foundation of the Surface Δ Interaction"

Nuovo Cimento 47B (1967) 297

Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer, M.M. Stingl:

"The Energy Gap in 110Pd according to the Hartree-Fock and the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Approaches"

Phys. Lett. 26B (1967) 71

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Surface Δ Interaction and the Collective Transitions in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. 156 (1967) 1072

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino, S.A. Mozkowski:

"The Surface Δ Interaction in Deformed Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. 156 (1967) 1065

Amand Faessler, N.K. Glendenning, A. Plastino:

"Surface Δ Interaction Model for Nuclear Structure Analysed by Proton Inelastic Scattering"

Phys. Rev. 159 (1967) 853

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"The Surface Δ Interaction in the Transuranic Nuclei"

Z. Physik 203 (1967) 333

Amand Faessler:

"Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations in Light Nuclei. T = 0 and T = 1 Proton-Neutron Correlations"

Lectures on Nuclear Many Body Problems. Herceg Novi 1967. Hrsg. Federal Nuclear Energy Commision of Yugoslavia, Beograd 1967

Amand Faessler:

"Erfolge und Schwierigkeiten der Hartree-Fock-Näherung in Kernen"

Vorabdruck der Fachberichte der 33. Physikertagung, Karlsruhe 1968

Amand Faessler:

"Surface Δ Interaction in Heavy Deformed Nuclei"

Fortschr. der Physik 16 (1968) 309

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"A Simplified Treatment of Octupole Vibrations in Deformed Heavy Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A116 (1968) 129

Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer, M.M. Stingl:

"Selfconsistent Binding Energies and Densities of Protons and Neutrons in 10Be and 10C"

Phys. Rev. 167 (1968) 1013

Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer, M.M. Stingl:

"Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Bogoliubov Calculations in p-Shell Nuclei"

Z. Physik 212 (1968) 1

H.H. Wolter, Amand Faessler, M.M. Stingl:

"Selfconsistent Pairing Calculations of the Even Ca-Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A116 (1968) 145

Amand Faessler:

"Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations in Nuclei"

Lecture notes of the Romanian Summer School in Predeal 1969

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"The Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock Theory and Spectroscopic Factors"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Reactions Induced by Heavy Ions, Heidelberg 1969

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Selfconsistent Theory of Nuclear Correlations"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Properties of Nuclear States, Montreal/Canada 1969

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Sind die Einteilchenenergien im Kern messbar?"

Vorabdruck zu Kurzfassungen der Fachberichte, Physikertagung 1969, Salzburg

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock Theory in Nuclei"

Z. Physik 220 (1969) 88

Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer, H.H. Wolter:

"Self-Consistency and Pairing as Causes for the Energy Gap in the Nuclei 56Fe, 72Ge, 78Se"

Nucl. Phys. A129 (1969) 21

Amand Faessler, H.H. Wolter:

"Orbital Rearrangement in the sd-Shell Nuclei"

Z. Physik 223 (1969) 192

S.M. Abecasis, Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Application of the Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock-Theory to a Simple Model"

Z. Physik 218 (1969) 394

P.U. Sauer, Amand Faessler, H.H. Wolter:

"Absence of the |T2| = 1 Pairing Correlations in the Intrinsic Ground States of 2s - 1d Shell Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A125 (1969) 257

Amand Faessler, E. Huster, K.F.O. Krafft, F. Krahn:

"The Bahcall Corrections to Electron capture and the HF Rearrangement"

Z. Physik 238 (1970) 352

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino:

"Angular Momentum Projected Hartree-Fock Theory"

Z. Physik 239 (1970) 73

Amand Faessler, B. Slavov:

"How to calculate the Nuclear Deformation Energy Surface from a Single Particle Potential"

Phys. Lett. 31B (1970) 351

J. Eichler, Amand Faessler:

Clusters in Hartree-Fock Calculations"

Nucl. Phys. A157 (1970) 166

J.E. Galonska, Amand Faessler, K. Appel:

"Calculation of the Oscillator Matrix Elements Directly from the Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts"

Nucl. Phys. A155 (1970) 465

M.M. Stingl, Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer, H.H. Wolter:

"Coordinate Space Study of Nuclear Self-Consistent Fields"

Nucl. Phys. A145 (1970) 177

H.H. Wolter, Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer:

"T = 0 Proton-Neutron Pairing Correlations in N Z Light Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 31B (1970) 516

Amand Faessler, K. Goeke, L. Satpathy:

"Nature of the Lowest T = 2 States in 30Ne and 34Mg"

Phys. Lett. 35B (1971) 193

Amand Faessler, A. Plastino, K.W. Schmid:

"Nuclear Multi Configuration Hartree-Fock Calculation"

Phys. Lett. 34B (1971) 31

Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, A. Plastino:

"Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock Calculations in 12C"

Nucl. Phys. A174 (1971) 26

K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Angular Momentum Projected Hartree-Bogoliubov Calculations in 30Si and 36Ar"

Phys. Lett. 35B (1971) 289

B. Slavov, J.E. Galonska, Amand Faessler:

"Asymmetric Fission in the Two-Center Shell-Model"

Phys. Lett. 37B (1971) 483

H.H. Wolter, Amand Faessler, P.U. Sauer:

"HFB Calculations with T = 1 and T = 0 Pairing Correlations"

Nucl. Phys. A167 (1971) 108

Amand Faessler, J.E. Galonska, J.W. Ehlers, S.A. Mozkowski:

"Nuclear Hartree-Fock Charge Distributions and Electron Scattering"

Nuovo Cimento 11a (1972) 63

Amand Faessler, J.E. Galonska, K. Goeke:

"Do Electron Scattering and Muonic Data really require a Central Depression in the Charge Distribution of 208Pb?"

Z. Physik 250 (1972) 436

Amand Faessler, K. Goeke, H. Muether:

"Phase Transition in the Ground State Rotational Band of sd-Shell Nuclei"

Physica Scripta 6 (1972) 255

Amand Faessler, U. Gtz, B. Slavov, T. Ledergerber:

"Strongly Deformed Nuclei near the Magic Proton Shell 82"

Phys. Lett. 39B (1972) 579

K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of Pairing on the Rotational States of sd-Shell Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A183 (1972) 352

K. Goeke, J. Garcia, Amand Faessler:

"The Effect of Particle Number Fluctuation on the Rotational States of Paired Light Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 41B (1972) 557

F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Polarization of α-Clusters in Light Nuclei"

Z. Physik 255 (1972) 112

H. Muether, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Orbital Rearrangement in Light Nuclei"

Z. Physik 253 (1972) 61

L. Satpathy, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Higher Isospin States in sd-Shell Nuclei in Self-Consistent Models"

Nucl. Phys. A179 (1972) 177

L. Satpathy, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Intra-Shell Quartet Excitations in sd-Shell Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (1972) 832

Amand Faessler:

"The Strange Behavior of Nuclei at High Spin Rotational States"

Proceeding of the Extended Seminar on Nuclear Physics in Trieste, 1973, edited by G. Ripka and M.K. Pal

Amand Faessler:

"Density Dependent Forces without Resources to Nuclear Matter Calculations"

Proceedings of the Symposium on Correlations in Nuclei, Balatonfred 1973, edited by J. Nemeth

Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, A. Plastino:

"A Particle Number Projection Study with the Generator Coordinate Method"

Z. Physik 260 (1973) 305

Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, A. Plastino, F. Krmpotic:

"Pairing Vibrational States and the Generator Coordinate Method"

Nucl. Phys. A217 (1973) 420

Amand Faessler, L. Lin, F. Wittmann:

"The Coriolis Antipairing Effect and Angular Momentum Projection in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 44B (1973) 127

Amand Faessler, A.D. MacKellar, R.K. Tripathi:

"The Influence of the Pauli Operator in the Density Distribution in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach 40Ca"

Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 525

Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Removal and Single Particle Energies in Nuclei"

Z. Naturforschung 28a (1973) 362

K. Allaart, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"On Number and Angular Momentum Projection from Hartree-Bogoliubov States"

Z. Physik 263 (1973) 407

J. Damgaard, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of Coriolis Antipairing and Alignment of the Rotational States in Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 43B (1973) 157

J.E. Galonska, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear Monopoel Polarization in Muonic 208Pb"

Phys. Lett. B45 (1973) 414-416

K. Goeke, J. Garcia, Amand Faessler:

"Pairing Correlations and Simultaneous Projection of Particle Number and Angular Momentum in Light Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A208 (1973) 477

K. Goeke, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Antipairing Effect in the Rotational States of Light Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A201 (1973) 49

H. Muether, Amand Faessler, K. Goeke:

"Rearrangement in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach"

Nucl. Phys. A215 (1973) 213

G.L. Strobel, S. Kusuno, Amand Faessler:

"The 16O(d,3He) Excitation Spectrum"

Nucl. Phys. A203 (1973) 513

R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler, A.D. MacKellar:

"Selfconsistent Treatment of the Pauli Operator in the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach"

Phys. Rev. C8 (1973) 129

Amand Faessler:

"Anomaly of the Moment of Inertia at High Spin States and Pairing Vibrations"

Nukleonika 20 Nr. 2/7 (1974) 57

Amand Faessler:

"Theoretical Aspects of High Spin Phenomena"

Invited talk at the 'International Conference on Reactions between Complex Nuclei' in Nashville, Tenn./USA, June 10-14, 1974

Amand Faessler:

"Hartree-Fock calculations"

Invited talk at the 'International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy', Amsterdam, September 9-13, 1974

Amand Faessler:

"Synchotron Radiation in Soft x-Ray Emission Spectroscopy"

Talk given in 'Hamburg 1974, Proceedings On Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics', Braunschweig/Germany (1974) 801-802

Amand Faessler, J.E. Galonska, U. Gtz, H.C. Pauli:

"Ground State Deformations for Neutron Rich Nuclei in the A = 100 region"

Nucl. Phys. A230 (1974) 302

Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, L. Lin, J. Urbano:

"The Strange Backbending Behavior in the Yb Isotopes"

Phys. Lett. 48B (1974) 87

Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, A. Plastino:

"A New Application of the Generator Coordinate Method"

Z. Physik 266 (1974) 405

Amand Faessler, E.J. Hernandez, A. Plastino:

"Angular Momentum Projected Hartree-Fock Theory"

Z. Physik 271 (1974) 7

K. Allaart, K. Goeke, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic, Nonharmonic Description of Rotations and Pairing Vibrations in Deformed pf-Shell Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C9 (1974) 988

K. Goeke, K. Allaart, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Study of pf-Shell Nuclei with a Symmetry Conserving Generator Coordinate method"

Z. Physik 271 (1974) 377

F. Gruemmer, K. Goeke, K. Allaart, Amand Faessler:

"Antipairing and Antistretching in 22Ne"

Nucl. Phys. A225 (1974) 443

S. Krewald, J. Birkholz, Amand Faessler, J. Speth:

"Continuum Random-Phase-Approximation Calculations of Higher Multipole Giant Resonances in 16O and 40Ca"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974) 1386

S. Krewald, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"The Influence of Correlations on the Odd-Mass Nuclei 21Ne and 25Mg"

Z. Physik 269 (1974) 125

S. Krewald, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, J.B. McGrory:

"A Comparison between Shell-Model Configuration Mixing Calculations and the MCHF-Model in the Ground State Rotational Spectra of 20Ne, 22Ne and 24Mg"

Nucl. Phys. A228 (1974) 524

L. Lin, Amand Faessler:

"Induced Asymmetry Deformation by Coriolis Antipairing and Angular Momentum Projection"

Phys. Lett. 52B (1974) 261

K.W. Schmid, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler, L. Satpathy:

"The Angular Momentum Dependence of Correlations in the Ground State Rotational Spectra of 20Ne and 22Ne"

Z. Physik 271 (1974) 149

K.W. Schmid, L. Satpathy, Amand Faessler:

"Study of Double Even sd-Shell Nuclei in the Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock Model. Part I: The Intrinsic Structure"

Z. Physik 267 (1974) 337

K.W. Schmid, L. Satpathy, Amand Faessler:

"Study of Double Even sd-Shell Nuclei in the Multi-Configuration Hartree-Fock model. Part II: The Influence of Correlations on the Ground State Rotational Spectra"

Z. Physik 267 (1974) 345

B. Slavov, Amand Faessler:

"Asymmetric Fission in the Shell-Correction Method with the Asymmetric Two-Center Shell Model"

Z. Physik 271 (1974) 161

R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Calculations and their Density Dependence"

Phys. Rev. C10 (1974) 2080

Amand Faessler:

"Structure of Giant Multipole Resonances"

Proceedings of the XIII International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics in Bormio/Italy, January 20-25, 1975, ed. by I. Iori

Amand Faessler:

"Backbending Coriolis Antipairing or Rotational Alignment? Very High Spin (up to 80 h) States"

Proceedings of the Symposium on Nuclear Structure in Balatonfred/Hungary, September 1-6, 1975, ed. by I. Fodor-Lovas

Amand Faessler, J.E. Galonska, K. Goeke, S.A. Mozkowski:

"Nuclear Compression Module and Density Dependent Forces"

Nucl. Phys. A239 (1975) 477

Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, F. Krmpotic, F. Osterfeld, A. Plastino:

"Two Nucleon Transfer Processes in the Lead Region"

Nucl. Phys. A245 (1975) 466

Amand Faessler, S. Krewald, G.J. Wagner:

"Is there Evidence of Three Body Forces, from Violation of the Koltun Energy Sum Rule?"

Phys. Rev. C11 (1975) 2069

Amand Faessler, H. Toki:

"Competition between Strong and Decoupling Schemes in 187Ir"

Phys. Lett. 59B (1975) 211

J. Damgaard, S. Kusuno, Amand Faessler:

"Backbending in the Stephens-Simon Model"

Nucl. Phys. A243 (1975) 492

K. Goeke, M.V. Mihailovic, K. Allaart, Amand Faessler:

"The Generator Coordinate Method as an Approximation to the Shell Model"

Nucl. Phys. A243 (1975) 440

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of Particle Number Projection and Residual Interaction on the Yrast Band in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A239 (1975) 289

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"High Spin States and Pairing Vibrations"

Z. Physik A275 (1975) 391

S. Krewald, J.E. Galonska, Amand Faessler:

"A Generator Coordinate Description of the Breathing Method"

Phys. Lett. 55B (1975) 267

R. Machleidt, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"One Boson Exchange Potential and the Ground State of 16O"

Nucl. Phys. A241 (1975) 18-28

I. Morrison, Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, K. Goeke:

"Selfconsistency and Backbending in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 60B (1975) 29

H. Muether, K. Allaart, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Description of Collective Motion in pf-Shell Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A248 (1975) 451

H. Muether, Amand Faessler, R.K. Tripathi:

"Density Dependent Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach in Deformed nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A255 (1975) 132

B. Sommer, J.E. Galonska, Amand Faessler:

"Oscillator Matrix Elements with Inclusion of the Tensor Force Derived Directly from Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts"

Nucl. Phys. A241 (1975) 1

H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Asymmetric Rotor Model for Decoupled Bands in Transitional Odd Mass Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A253 (1975) 231

Amand Faessler:

"Yrast Traps at Very High Spin States?"

Proceedings of the XIV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics in Bormio/Italy, January 19-24, 1976, ed. by I. Iori

Amand Faessler:

"α-Particles as a Probe for Nuclear Structure"

Lectures given at the Topical Meeting about Medium Energy Physics in Zuoz/Switzerland, April 1-10, 1976

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Multipole Resonances"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure in Dubna/USSR, June 15-19, 1976, Vol. II, 242

Amand Faessler:

"Heavy Ion Reactions and High and Very High Energy Spin states"

Lectures given at the XIth International School on Nuclear Physics in Predeal/Romania, August 26 - September 4, 1976

Amand Faessler, R.R. Hilton, K.R. Sandhya Devi:

"Microscopic Determination of Nuclear Deformation Energy Surfaces at Very High Spins"

Phys. Lett. 61B (1976) 133

Amand Faessler, S. Krewald, A. Plastino, J. Speth:

"Ground State Correlations and Electron Scattering"

Z. Physik A276 (1976) 91

Amand Faessler, H. Muether, R. Machleidt, D. Schuette:

"Mesonic Degrees of Freedom and Ground State Properties of Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A262 (1976) 389-399

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, K.R. Sandhya Devi:

"A Possible Mechanism for the Formation of Yrast Traps at Very High Spins"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 36 (1976) 1028

Amand Faessler, K.R. Sandhya Devi, F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid:

"Backbending: Coriolis Antipairing or Rotational Alignment"

Nucl. Phys. A256 (1976) 106

M. Didong, H. Muether, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Coupling of Two-Quasiparticle and Collective Excitations in Ge and Zn Isotopes"

Phys. Rev. C14 (1976) 1189

S. Krewald, R. Rosenfelder, J.E. Galonska, Amand Faessler:

"Selfconsistent Generator Coordinate Method for Giant Monopole Resonances"

Nucl. Phys. A269 (1976) 112

N. Kosuch, E. Tegeler, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"X-Ray Spectroscopic Studies of the Electronic Structure of the Oxyanion 4Po(3-)"

DESY SR-76/17 (1976)

H. Muether, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler, K. Allaart:

"High Spin States in Double Even pf-Shell Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 60B (1976) 427

H. Muether, Y.R. Waghmare, Amand Faessler:

"Structure of the Giant Resonances of 16O Using Brueckner-Random-Phase Approximation"

Phys. Lett. 64B (1976) 125

L. Satpathy, K.W. Schmid, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler:

"On the Intrashell Quartet States"

Phys. Rev. C14 (1976) 1995

K.W. Schmid, H. Muether, K. Goeke, Amand Faessler:

"Importance of Quasiparticle Excitations for Backbending"

Phys. Lett. 63B (1976) 399

B. Singh, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Oscillator Matrix Elements from Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts with Inclusion of Short-Range Correlations"

Nucl. Phys. A269 (1976) 189

H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Asymmetric Rotor Model for Positive Parity States of 71As, 73As and 81Rb"

Phys. Lett. 63B (1976) 121

H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Extended VMI Model for Asymmetric Deformed Nuclei"

Z. Phys. A276 (1976) 35

K. Wisshak, A. Hanser, H. Klewe-Neenius, J. Buschmann, H. Rebel, H. Faust, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Experimental Studies of the Level Scheme of 143Eu and a Generalized Decoupling Model Description"

Z. Physik. A277 (1976) 129

Amand Faessler:

"The Strange Behavior of Transitional Nuclei"

Proc. Pre-Conf. Meeting in the Institute of nuclear Studies in Tokio, September 3, 1977

Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff, J.H. Polane, T.R. Renner:

"Spins, High Spins, Very High Spins"

Lectures Notes, The Netherlands' Phys. Soc. 1977, Int. Summer School on Nucl. Spectroscopy, Nijenrode Castle, August 15-26, 1977, Hrsg. P.W.M. Glaudemans, B.J. Verhaar

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"Description of Yrast Traps in 176Hf"

Phys. Rev. C16 (1977) 2032

Amand Faessler, K.R. Sandhya Devi, A. Barroso:

"Influence of Protons on Backbending"

Nucl. Phys. A286 (1977) 101

J.S. Dehesa, S. Krewald, J. Speth, Amand Faessler:

"Spreading Width of Giant Resonances in 12C and 16O"

Phys. Rev. C15 (1977) 1858

J.S. Dehesa, J. Speth, Amand Faessler:

"Fine-Structure of the Magnetic Dipole States in 208Pb"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (1977) 208

Y. El Masri, J. Vervier, Amand Faessler:

"Nature of the Superband in Backbending for the Nucleus 158Dy"

Nucl. Phys. A279 (1977) 223

M. Faber, Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, H. Toki:

"The Fission Barrier of Actinide Nuclei at Very High Angular Momentum"

Phys. Lett. 70B (1977) 399

K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Influence of the A-Resonance on Ground State Properties of Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C15 (1977) 1432-1439

N. Kosuch, E. Tegeler, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"A Spectrometer for the Investigation of Ultrasoft x-Ray Emission Spectra Excited with Synchotron Radiation"

DESY SR-77/19 (1977)

N. Kosuch, E. Tegeler, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"X-Ray Spectroscopic Studies of the Electronic Structure of the Oxyanions 2No(-), 3No(-) and 3Co(2-)"

DESY SR-77/14 (1977)

S. Krewald, V. Klemt, J. Speth, Amand Faessler:

"On the Use of Skyrme Forces in Self-Consistent RPA-Calculations"

Nucl. Phys. A281 (1977) 166

H. Muether, K. Goeke, K. Allaart, Amand Faessler:

"Single Particle Degrees of Freedom and the Generator Coordinate Method"

Phys. Rev. C15 (1977) 1467

K. Neergard, H. Toki, M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"Very High Spin Strutinsky Calculations with a Woods-Saxon Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A287 (1977) 48

M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"Description of Negative Parity Yrast States in 156Er"

Z. Physik A283 (1977) 349

M. Ploszajczak, K.R. Sandhya Devi, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Determination of Energy Surfaces at Very High Spin States"

Z. Physik A282 (1977) 267

H. Schultheis, R. Schultheis, K. Wildermuth, Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer:

Particle Model Calculation for 32S"

Proc. XV Winter Meeting on Nucl. Phys., Bormio/Italy, January 17-22, 1977

J. Shurpin, H. Muether, T.T.S. Kuo, Amand Faessler:

"The Influence of a Self-Consistent Model Space on the Folded Diagram Expansion of Nuclear Effective Interactions"

Nucl. Phys. A293 (1977) 61

E. Tegeler, N. Kosuch, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"Anisotropic Emission of the x-Ray K Emission Band of Nitrogen in Hexagonal Boron Nitride"

DESY SR-77/07 (1977)

H. Toki, K. Neergard, P. Vogel, Amand Faessler:

"Non-Axial Deformations and the Odd Parity States in the Event Pt and Hg Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A279 (1977) 1

H. Toki, H.L. Yadav, Amand Faessler:

"Strong and Decoupling Structure in Transitional Odd-Odd Mass Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 66B (1977) 310

H. Toki, H.L. Yadav, Amand Faessler:

"Decoupled and Strongly Coupled Particles System in Odd-Odd Mass Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 71B (1977) 1

H.L. Yadav, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Positive Parity States in Pt and Hg Isotopes and the Coriolis Antipairing Effect in the Deformed Rotor Model"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 1128

Amand Faessler:

"The Strange Behavior of Nuclei at Very High Spin States"

Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Interactions, Canberra/Australia, August 28 - September 1, 1978

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"Anomaly of the Moment of Inertia in 148Er above the Backbending Region"

Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 1-4

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, K.R. Sandhya Devi:

"Cause of Backbending in the Os Region"

Nucl. Phys. A301 (1978) 382

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, K.R. Sandhya Devi:

"Description of High Spin States"

Proc. XVI Int. Winter Meeting on Nucl. Phys., Bormio/Italy, January 16-21, 1978

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, K.R. Sandhya Devi, M. Wakai:

"Spins, High Spins, Very High Spins"

Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Structure, Tokyo/Japan, September 5-10, 1977, Vol. 2, ed. by T. Marumori

J. Phys. Soc. Japan 44 (1978) 613

K. Amos, Amand Faessler, I. Morrison, R. Smith, H. Muether:

"Self-Consistent Models of Collective and Single-Particle Structures and their Test by Inelastic Scattering: the Case of 54Fe"

Nucl. Phys. A304 (1978) 191

K. Bleuler, K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, M.R. Anastasio, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Role of Noniterative Diagrams in NN Scattering"

Talk given in 'Graz 1978, Proceedings; Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces, Vol. 1', Berlin/Germany (1978) 21-22

H.T. Chen, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Pairing Vibrational and Isospin Rotational States in a Particle Number and Isospin Projected Generator Coordinate Method"

Nucl. Phys. A297 (1978) 445

M. Faber, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Can the Renormalization of the Interaction describe the Effects of (A+2) Particles 2 Hole Excitation?"

Z. Physik A285 (1978) 77

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Angular Momentum Distributions of Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Wavefunctions"

Nucl. Phys. A306 (1978) 134

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Discontinuities and Angular Momentum Fluctuations in the Selfconsistent Ranking Model"

Nucl. Phys. A308 (1978) 77

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Can the Cranking Model Describe Backbending?"

Proc. XVI Int. Winter Meeting on Nucl. Phys., Bormio/Italy, January 16-21, 1978

K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, M.R. Anastasio, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Isobar Contributions to the Two Nucleon Interaction Derived from Noncovariant Perturbation Theory"

Phys. Rev. C18 (1978) 870-886

L. Lin, Amand Faessler:

"A Method of Angular Momentum Projection for Excited States in Even-Even Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 78B (1978) 533

H.A. Mavromatis, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Renormalizes Shell Model Matrix Elements Derived from Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts"

Z. Physik A284 (1978) 195

M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler, G. Leander, S.G. Nilsson:

"Description of the Yrast Traps at Very High Angular Moments"

Nucl. Phys. A301 (1978) 477

M. Ploszajczak, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Very High Spin States in Spherical and Transuranic Nuclei"

J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys., Vol. 4, No. 5 (1978) 743

M. Ploszajczak, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Rotational of Nuclei around a Prolate Symmetry Axis at Very High Spin States"

Z. Physik A287 (1978) 103

H. Schultheis, R. Schultheis, K. Wildermuth, Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer:

"Study of Many Nucleon Correlations in 32S as a Model for Fragment Shell Effects in Fission"

Z. Physik A286 (1978) 65-72

K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Description of Bound 2p Pion Absorption"

Nucl. Phys. A306 (1978) 311-332

K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler:

"Rescattering Effect in Bound 2p-Pion Absorption"

Phys. Rev. C17 (1978) 1891

K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler:

"Two Nucleon Emission Following Bound Pion Absorption"

Z. Physik A287 (1978) 299-306

J. Speth, J.S. Dehesa, Amand Faessler, V.A. Madsen, G.A. Ringer, J. Wambach:

"Fragmentation of the Electric Multipole Strength in 208Pb"

Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Structure, Tokyo/Japan, September 5-10, 1977, Vol. 2, ed by T. Marumori

J. Phys. Soc. Japan 44 (1978) 213

E. Tegeler, N. Kosuch, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"On the Electronic Structure of Hexagonal Boron Nitride"

DESY SR-78/05 (1978)

M. Wakai, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of Quadrupole Pairing on Backbending"

Nucl. Phys. A295 (1978) 86

M. Wakai, Amand Faessler:

"Description γ-Multiplicities after Fusion Reaction in Deformed Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A307 (1978) 349

H.L. Yadav, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

Band in Transitional Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 144

H.L. Yadav, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Staggering of Even and Odd Spin States in 196,198Ti Nuclei"

Z. Physik A287 (1978) 121

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Transitional Nuclei"

Invited talk at the workshop on 'Nuclear Spectroscopy of Fission Products' at ILL Grenoble, May 21-23, 1979

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Multipole Resonances"

Lectures given at the Topical School on 'Nuclear Giant Resonances' in Granada/Spain, April 16-20, 1979

Amand Faessler:

"Collective Description of Deformed and Transitional Nuclei"

Lectures given at the Summer School on 'Nuclear Structure Physics' in Gull Lake, Mich./USA, August 27 - September 7, 1979

Amand Faessler:

"Do we understand the Transitional Nuclei?"

Proc. Symp. on Future Directions in Studies of Nuclei Far From Stability, September 1979, ed. by J.H. Hamilton

Amand Faessler, D.J. Millener, P. Paul, D. Strottman:

and Proton Decay of the Isoscaler E2-Resonance in 16O and 40Ca"

Nucl. Phys. A330 (1979) 333

Amand Faessler, H. Muether, K. Shimizu, W. Wadia:

"Isobar Excitations and Effective Three Nucleon Force in Nuclei"

In 'Bad Honnef 1979, Proceedings; The Meson Theory Of Nuclear Forces And Nuclear Matter' (1979) 200-205

M.R. Anastasio, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, K. Holinde, R. Machleidt:

"The α(1236) Probability in the Ground State of the Nuclear Many Body System"

Nucl. Phys. A322 (1979) 369-381

D. Bogdan, Amand Faessler, P. Vertes, H. Toki:

"β Decay Log ft Values for Transitional Odd Mass Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A321 (1979) 438

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, M. Wakai:

"On the Side Feeding Pattern and γ-Multiplicities in 26Mg (136Xe, 4n) 158Dy"

Phys. Lett. B84 (1979) 404

O. Civitarese, A. Plastino, Amand Faessler:

"Generalized Lattice-Density-Waves in Nuclear Matter"

Z. Physik A291 (1979) 239

M. Faber, Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"The Fission Barrier of Nuclei at Very High Angular Momenta"

IAEA-SM C5 (1979) 241

M. Faber, M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"Fission Instability of Nuclei at Very High Angular Momenta"

Nucl. Phys. A326 (1979) 129

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"A Cluster-Rotor-Coupling Approach to the Backbending in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A317 (1979) 287

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"The Physical Nature of the Strange Oscillating Behavior of the Yrast-Yrare Interaction in the i13/2-Shell"

Nucl. Phys. A326 (1979) 1

K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, M.R. Anastasio, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Role of Noniterative π Exchange in NN Scattering"

Phys. Rev. C19 (1979) 948-957

N. Kosuch, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"Oxygen K Spectra and Electronic Structure of the Oxyanious 9So(2-), 3Seo(2-), 3Teo(2-) and 4So(2-), 4Seo(2-), 4Teo(2-)"

(1979) 22 pp

L. Lin, Amand Faessler, R.M. Dreizler:

"Application of Exact Angular Momentum Projection to Excited Bands in Strongly Deformed Nuclei (I): Negative Parity"

Nucl. Phys. A318 (1979) 287

E. Stiefel, Amand Faessler:

"Group Theoretical Methods and their Application" (in German)

Teubner/Stuttgart (1979) 256 pp

E. Tegeler, N. Kosuch, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"Molecular Orbital Analysis of the 3Co(2-) Ion by Studies of the Anisotropic x-Ray Emission of its Component"

DESY DR-79/08 (1979)

H. Toki, H.L. Yadav, Amand Faessler:

"Study of Transitional Odd-Odd Mass Nuclei"

Z. Physik A292 (1979) 79

H.L. Yadav, H. Toki, Amand Faessler:

"Quasi-Rotation-Aligned Bands in the Odd-Odd Au Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. B81 (1979) 119

Amand Faessler:

"Description of High Spin States; Pion Condensation Brueckner Theory and the Optical Potential between Heavy Ions"

Proc. of the Romanian Summer School, August 25 - September 10, 1980 / published by the Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Bucharest/Rumania

Amand Faessler:

"Brueckner-Hartree-Fock as a Starting Point for the Description of Excited States in Nuclei"

Proc. Conf. on Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry, Sydney/Australia, February 17-20, 1980

Amand Faessler:

"Selfconsistent Description of Nuclei"

Proc. Workshop on Molecular Physics and Quantum Chemistry, Wollongong/Australia, February 10-15, 1980

Amand Faessler:

"On Future Directions in Studies of Nuclei Far from Stability"

Proc. Int. Symp. eds. J.H. Hamilton et al., North Holland Publishing Company, 1980

Amand Faessler:

"Description of High Spin States"

Invited talk at the International Conference on Nuclear Behaviour at High Angular Momentum in Strasbourg/France, April 22-24, 1980

Journal de Physique Collo. supplement 12, Tome 14p. C10-143 (1980)

Amand Faessler:

"The Strange Behavior of Nuclei at High Spin States"

Part of Lecture given at the Romanian Summer School in Poiana Brasov/Rumania, August 25 - September 10, 1980

Amand Faessler, T.T.S. Kuo, H. Muether:

"Variational Definition of the Selfconsistent Potential"

Z. Physik A294 (1980) 95

Amand Faessler, H. Muether, K. Shimizu, M. Wadia:

(33) Excitations and Effective Three Nucleon Forces in Finite Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A333 (1980) 428-442

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"Second Anomaly of the Moment of Inertia in the N = 90 Isotones"

Phys. Rev. C22 (1980) 2609

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"Description of High-Spin Isomers in the N = 82 Region"

Z. Physik A296 (1980) 237

Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak, K.W. Schmid:

"Description of High Spin States"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 5 (1980) 79

A. Ansari, O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler:

"The Pairing Correlations and Nuclear Shapes at Very High Angular Momentum"

Nucl. Phys. A334 (1980) 93

D. Bogdan, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, P. Vertes:

"Is Weak Mechanism Important for the Nuclear β Decay of 186Re and 188Re?"

J. Phys. G6 (1980) 993

O. Civitarese, A. Plastino, Amand Faessler:

"Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Treatment of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter"

Z. Phys. A298 (1980) 31

K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, H Muether, Amand Faessler, M.R. Anastasio:

"Noniterative Two Pion Exchange and its Effect in NN Scattering and Nuclear Matter"

Talk given in 'Berkeley 1980, Proceedings; Nuclear Physics, Vol. 1' (1980) 17

T. Izumoto, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Derivation of a Complex Heavy Ion Potential"

Phys. Lett. B95 (1980) 16-18

T. Izumoto, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear Matter Approach to the Heavy Ion Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A341 (1980) 319-344

H. Muether, Amand Faessler, M.R. Anastasio, K. Holinde, R. Machleidt:

"Non-iterative 2π-Exchange in the Nuclear Medium"

Phys. Rev. C22 (1980) 1744-1754

H. Muether, Y.R. Waghmare, Amand Faessler:

"Brueckner Random Phase Approximation, a Microscopic Description of Particle-Hole States"

Z. Physik A294 (1980) 87

K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler:

"The Absorptive Pion Nucleus Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A333 (1980) 495-513

K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"The Pionic Disintegration of the Deuteron and the Absorptive Pion Nucleus Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A343 (1980) 468-492

E. Tegeler, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"Corbon K Emission Spectra and Electronic Structure of Solid Naphtalene and Anthracene"

submitted to J. Phys. G (1980) 7 pp

E. Tegeler, G. Wiech, Amand Faessler:

"X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the Electronic Structure of Benzene, Monofluorobenzene and Monochlorobenzene"

submitted to J. Phys. (1980) 22 pp

R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Role of Δ(1236) in Pion Condensation in 16O"

Z. Physik A297 (1980) 275-276

H.L. Yadav, Amand Faessler, H. Toki, B. Castel:

"Electromagnetic Transitions in the Pt Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. B89 (1980) 3

Amand Faessler:

"How should or will QCD Influence Nuclear Physics?"

Closing remarks of the KfK Summer School about 'Quarks and Nuclear Forces' in Bad Liebenzell, September 27 - October 3, 1981

Amand Faessler:

"What can Nuclear Physics learn from Nuclear Moments?"

Invited talk at the V. International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, Berlin/Germany, July 21-25, 1980

North-Holland Publishing Company 9 (1981) 3

Amand Faessler:

"The Oscillating Behavior of Backbending"

Lectures given at the International Winter School in Nuclear Physics, Peking, December 22, 1980 - January 2, 1981

Lecture Notes in Physics, 144 (1981) Springer Verlag, eds. T.T.S. Kuo and S.S.M. Wong

Amand Faessler:

"Pion Condensation and Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions"

Published in Lecture Notes in Phys., eds. R. Guardiola and J. Ros, Springer Verlag 1981

Amand Faessler:

"Brueckner Theory and the Heavy Ion Optical Potential"

Lecture Notes in Physics, eds. R. Guardiola and J. Ros, Springer Verlag 1981

Amand Faessler:

"Status and Prospects of High Spin States"

Summary talk on the High Spin Part of the Nuclear Physics Workshop in Trieste, October 5-30, 1981

Amand Faessler:

"Does Pion Condensation Prevent Pion Condensation?"

In 'Lahnstein 1981, Proceedings; Quantum Electrodynamics Of Strong Fields' (1981) 701-735

Amand Faessler, T. Izumoto, S. Krewald, R. Sartor:

"A Complex Effective Force for Heavy-Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A359 (1981) 509-536

Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid:

"Nature of the Anomalies of the Moment of Inertia at High Spins"

Physica Scripta 24 (1981) 301-308

N. Buettges, Amand Faessler, M. Faber:

"Collective Transitions in Nuclei with Rotations around the Symmetric Axis"

J. Phys. G7 (1981) 321

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, H. Muether:

"Pion Condensation and Relativistic Interactions"

Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1154-1173

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Multiple Δ(3,3) Excitations and the Binding Energy of Nuclear Matter"

Nucl. Phys. A389 (1981) 492

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn:

"The Quasiparticle Interaction, a Shield of Nuclear Matter against Pion Condensation"

Nucl. Phys. A368 (1981) 445-476

A.L. Goodman, R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler:

"Pion Condensation in 16O at Finite Temperature"

Phys. Lett. B107 (1981) 341

F. Gruemmer, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"An Angular Momentum Projected Quasi-Particle Approach to Rotational States in Nuclei"

Z. Physik A300 (1981) 77

R. Guardiola, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, A. Polls:

"Brueckner Theory and Jastrow-Approximation for Finite Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A371 (1981) 79

K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, M.R. Anastasio:

"Noniterative Isobar Diagrams and their Effect in NN Scattering"

Phys. Rev. C24 (1981) 1159-1174

T. Izumoto, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear-Matter Approach to the Heavy-Ion Optical Potential (II): Imaginary Part"

Nucl. Phys. A357 (1981) 471-487

S.B. Khadkikar, L. Rikus, Amand Faessler, R. Sartor:

"Surface and Volume Contributions to Real and Imaginary Parts of the Heavy Ion Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A369 (1981) 495

I. Morrison, Amand Faessler, C. Lima:

"Two Quasiparticle States in the IBA and Asymmetric Rotor Model and the High Spin Anomaly in Hg Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A372 (1981) 13

R.B. Piercey, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, Amand Faessler, D. Schwalm, E. Grosse, H. Emling, P. Fuchs, H. Wollersheim, N. Trautmann, M. Ploszajczak:

"Anomalous Behavior of High Spin States in 248Cm"

Phys. Lett. 46 (1981) 415

G. Poggel, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid:

"Competition between Strong and Decoupling in Odd-Odd Mass Nuclei"

Z. Physik A299 (1981) 55

R. Sartor, Amand Faessler, S. Krewald:

"Nuclear Matter Estimation of One-Body Fiction"

Tuebingen pre-print, 1981, unpublished

R. Sartor, S. Krewald, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar:

"Folding Computation of the 16O+16O Optical-Potential with a Complex Effective Force"

Nucl. Phys. A359 (1981) 467-476

K. Shimizu, A. Polls, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Three-Body Forces from Intermediate N*(1470) State"

Nucl. Phys. A364 (1981) 461-476

H.M. Sommermann, H. Muether, K.C. Tam, T.T.S. Kuo, Amand Faessler:

"Contributions from High Momentum Intermediate States to Effective Nucleon Nucleon Interactions"

Phys. Rev. C23 (1981) 1765-1776

K.C. Tam, H. Muether, M. Sommermann, T.T.S. Kuo, Amand Faessler:

"A Folded Diagram Microscopic Calculation of Nuclear Coulomb Displacement Energies"

Nucl. Phys. A361 (1981) 412

R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Role of Δ(1232) in Pion Condensation in 16O"

In 'Bucharest 1981, Proceedings; Nuclear and Atomic Physics With Heavy Ions' (1981) 739-740

M. Wakai, Amand Faessler:

"Side Feeding Times to Yrast States of 158Dy and 26Mg(136Xe,4n)158Dy"

Z. Phys. A303 (1981) 335

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Transitional Nuclei"

Rep. on Prog. in Physics 45 (1982) 653

Amand Faessler:

"Description of High Spin States"

Lectures given at the La Rabida Summer School on Heavy Ion Collisions in La Rabida/Spain, June 7-19, 1982

Amand Faessler:

"Competition between Collective and Single Particle Excitations at High Spin States"

Lectures given at the Enrico Fermi Summer School in Varenna/Italy, July 27 - August 6, 1982

Amand Faessler:

"The MONSTER is Coming"

Invited talk at the Conference on High Angular Momentum Properties of Nuclei, Oak Ridge, November 2-4, 1982

Amand Faessler:

"Spins and High Spins in Nuclei"

Lectures given at the Poiana Brasov International Summer School on 'Nuclear Collective Dynamics', August 26 - September 8, 1982

Pub. by World Scientific Publ. Company, Singapore 1982

Amand Faessler:

"From Spontaneous Position Production to Boiling of Hadronic Matter"

Summary Talk at the International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Michigan State University, September 26 - October 1, 1982

Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, G. Luebeck, K. Shimizu:

"The Quark Model and the Nature of the Repulsive Core of the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction"

Phys. Lett. B112 (1982) 201-205

Amand Faessler, G. Luebeck, K. Shimizu:

"Nucleon-Antinucleon Potential due to the Annihilation of One Gluon"

Phys. Rev. D26 (1982) 3280-3283

D. Bogdan, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, S. Holan:

"About the Role of the Induced Interactions for Nuclear β Transitions"

J. Phys. G8 (1982) 1231

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"How strong is the ρ Meson Exchange in the NN Interaction?"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 1902-1905

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Multiple Δ(33) Excitation and the Binding Energy of Nuclear Matter"

Nucl. Phys. A389 (1982) 492-508

J. Dudek, Z. Szymanski, T. Werner, Amand Faessler, C. Lima:

"Description of the High Spin States in 158Gd Using the Optimised Woods-Saxon-Potential"

Phys. Rev. C26 (1982) 1712

H. Markum, A. Ansari, G. Eder, M. Faber, Amand Faessler:

"Pair Correlations and the Fission Barrier at Very High Angular Momenta"

Nucl. Phys. A381 (1982) 61

H. Markum, M.E. Faber, A. Ansar, G. Eder, Amand Faessler:

"Investigation of Pairing Correlations in High Spin States by HFB and BCS Approach"

Nuovo Cimento 70A (1982) 62

M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"The Rotation Alignment in the Actinide Region"

J. Phys. G8 (1982) 709

M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"Backbending, Second Backbending and Higher Backbending in the Er Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A379 (1982) 77

R. Sartor, Amand Faessler:

"A Simple and Double-Folding Computation of the Complex Heavy-Ion Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A376 (1982) 263

M. Wakai, M. Sano, Amand Faessler:

"The Nature of γ-Rays Emitted from 152Dy Formed through 124Sn(32Sn,4n)152Dy"

Prog. Theor. Phys. 68 (1982) 5

Amand Faessler:

"Kernmaterie unter extremen Bedingungen"

Vortrag auf der Tagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft in Konstanz im März 1983

Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 60 (1983) 185

Amand Faessler:

"IBA and Geometrical Collective Models"

Invited talk at the International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Amsterdam, August 30 - September 3, 1982

Nucl. Phys. A396 (1983) 291c

Amand Faessler:

"Perspectives in Heavy Ion Physics"

Summary Talk at the International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at Michigan State University, September 26 - October 1, 1982

Nucl. Phys. A400 (1983) 565c-582c

Amand Faessler:

"Does Pion Condensation Prevent Pion Condensation?"

Lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institutes Program, International Advanced Courses on Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields, Lahnstein/Germany, June 15-26, 1983

Ed. by W. Greiner (Plenum Publishing Corp.) 1983

Amand Faessler:

"The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the Quark Model"

Invited talk at the International Symposium on Quarks and Nuclear Structure, June 13-16, 1983, Bad Honnef

In 'Bad Honnef 1983, Proceedings; Quarks and Nuclear Structure' (1983) 287-314

Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez:

"Asymptotic Freedom and the Short Range Part of NN Interaction in Constituent Quark Model"

J. Phys. G9 (1983) L39-L42

Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, G. Luebeck, K. Shimizu:

"The Nucleon Nucleon Interaction and the Role of the (42) Orbital Six Quark Symmetry"

Nucl. Phys. A402 (1983) 555-568

Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, G. Luebeck, K. Shimizu:

"Quark Model and the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction"

In 'Karlsruhe 1983, Proceedings; Few Body Problems in Physics, Vol. 2' (1983) 657-660

Few Body Problems in Physics, Vol. II, Contributed Papers, ed. by Zeitnitz, North Holland (1983)

Amand Faessler, L. Rikus, S.B. Khadkikar:

"The Heavy Ion Potential and its Increasing Transparency at Intermediate Energies"

Nucl. Phys. A401 (1983) 157

Amand Faessler, L. Rikus, R. Sartor:

"Real and Imaginary Part of the Heavy Ion Optical Potential from a Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

Comp. Phys. Comm. 28 (1983) 275

Amand Faessler, M. Wakai:

"Optimal Search for the Giant Dipole Resonance Built on High Spin States"

J. Phys. Soc. (Japan) 52 (1983) 1875

Z. Bochnacki, Amand Faessler, M. Ploszajczak:

"g-Factors for High Spin States of 238U"

Z. Physik A309 (1983) 365

O. Civitarese, S. Furui, M. Ploszajczak, Amand Faessler:

"The Giant Quadrupole Resonance in Highly Excited, Rotating Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A408 (1983) 61

O. Civitarese, A. Plastino, Amand Faessler:

"Pairing Correlations at High Spin and Finite Temperature: a Modified Approach"

J. Phys. G9 (1983) 1063

O. Civitarese, A. Plastino, Amand Faessler:

"Pairing Effects at Finite Temperature and Finite Rotational Frequencies: an Exactly Soluble Model"

Z. Physik A313 (1983) 197

W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muther, S.S. Wu:

"The Screening of the Particle Hole Interaction to all Orders"

Nucl. Phys. A405 (1983) 534-556

M. Faber, Amand Faessler, H. Markum:

"Different Treatments of Pairing Correlations for Nuclear Shapes at High Spin"

J. Phys. G9 (1983) 1069

S. Furui, Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Nucleon Scattering in the Two Center MIT Bag Model with Nonlocality and Removal of the Spurious Relative Motion"

Nucl. Phys. A397 (1983) 413-446

S. Furui, Amand Faessler:

"pp Annihilation Potential at Low Energy from the Quark Rearrangement Model"

Few Body Problems in Physics, Vol. II, Contributed Papers, ed. by Zeitnitz, North Holland (1983)

T.J. Koeppel, Amand Faessler, U. Goetz:

"Description of the Even Mass Hg and Pt Isotopes by a Microscopic Collective Hamiltonian"

Nucl. Phys. A403 (1983) 263

M. Nishimura, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Pion Condensation in Finite Nuclei and Dynamical Growth of the Pion Field"

Nucl. Phys. A407 (1983) 522-540

A. Petrovici, Amand Faessler:

"Two Quasi-Particle Admixtures and the Asymmetric Rotor Model in Ge- and Zn-Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A395 (1983) 44

A. Petrovici, T.J. Koeppel, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Calculation of the Collective Motion in 76Kr"

Z. Physik A314 (1983) 227

A. Polls, H. Muether, Amand Faessler, T.T.S. Kuo, E. Osnes:

"Three-Body Forces in sd-Shell Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A401 (1983) 124

A.A. Raduta, C. Lima, Amand Faessler:

"Coupling of Two Quasi-Particles to a Quadrupole Vibrational and Rotational Core Projected from Coherent States"

Phys. Lett. B121 (1983) 1

A.A. Raduta, C. Lima, Amand Faessler:

"Coupling of Two Quasiparticles to Coherent Cores in the Pt Isotopes"

Z. Physik A313 (1983) 69

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, T. Koeppel, C. Lima:

"Coherent Quadrupoel States of Three Interacting Bands and the Solution of a Microscopic Bohr-Mottelson Hamiltonian"

Z. Physik A312 (1983) 233

M. Trefz, A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, T. Koeppel:

"Coupling of One and Two Quasi-Particles to a Microscopic Described Core in 195,196,197,198Hg"

Z. Physik A312 (1983) 195

R.K. Tripathi, Amand Faessler:

"Effect of Isobars at Finite Temperature in Pion Condensation in 16O"

Phys. Lett. B120 (1983) 54-58

Amand Faessler:

"The MONSTER Starts Running (a Description of Low and High Spin States)"

Ed. by Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente, Suppl. n. 35 (1984) 526

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Nature of the Short Range Part of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

Winter College on Fundamental Nuclear Physics, Trieste/Italy, 1984

Amand Faessler:

"Real and Imaginary Part of the Heavy Ion Potential and the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

Invited Lectures at the Poiana Brasov (Romania) Summer School, August 28 - September 8, 1984

Amand Faessler:

"The Nucleon Nucleon Interaction and the Quark Model"

Invited Lectures at the Poiana Brasov (Romania) Summer School, August 28 - September 8, 1984

Amand Faessler:

"The Short Range Part of the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction and the Quark Model"

In 'Chester 1984, Proceedings; Clustering Aspects Of Nuclear Structure' (1984) 319-332

Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff, M. Trefz, M. Rhoades-Brown:

"Microscopic Approach to Real and Imaginary Part of the Heavy Ion Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A428 (1984) 271c

Amand Faessler, M. Ismail:

"The Volume Contribution of the Ion-Ion Optical Potential from Realistic Complex Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

Z. Physik A316 (1984) 195

Amand Faessler, W. Wadia, M. Rashdan, M. Ismail:

"Microscopic Calculation of the Interaction Potential between Two 12C Nuclei"

J. Phys. G10 (1984) L35

Amand Faessler, W. Wakai:

"Direction of the Angular Momentum in the Entry State and the Crystal Ball"

Nucl. Phys. 10 (1984) L17-L20

P. Czerski, W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Local Forces and the 16O Reaction Matrix"

Nucl. Phys. A427 (1984) 224

P. Czerski, W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Spin-Isospin Excitations in Finite Nuclei and Nuclear Matter"

Phys. Lett. B146 (1984) 1

S. Furui, Amand Faessler:

"The p anti-p Interaction with an Annihilation Potential Derived from the Quark Rearrangement Model"

Nucl. Phys. A424 (1984) 525-548

S. Furui, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar:

"p anti-p Annihilation at Rest into Mesons at the Quark Rearrangement Model and the Quark Annihilation Model"

Nucl. Phys. A424 (1984) 495-525

S. Kuyucak, Amand Faessler, M. Wakai:

"Two and Three-Quasiparticle States in the Interacting Boson Model and a Unified Description of Even and Odd Mass Hg Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A420 (1984) 83

G. La Rana, C. Ngo, Amand Faessler, I. Rikus, R. Sartor, M. Barranco, X. Vinas:

"Heavy Ion Optical Potentials at Finite Temperature Calculated Using a Complex Effective Interaction Derived from a Realistic Force"

Nucl. Phys. A414 (1984) 309

R. Nayak, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, A. Watt:

"Shell Model Study of the Giant Dipole Resonance in an Open Shell Nucleus"

Nucl. Phys. A427 (1984) 61

Z. Pluhar, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Group Theoretical Analysis of Effective Interactions in the sd-Shell"

J. Phys. G10 (1984) 631

P.K. Rath, H. Muether, A. Polls, Amand Faessler, B. Metsch, D. Zwarts:

"Spectra of sd-Shell Nuclei and Three Nucleon Forces"

Nucl. Phys. A427 (1984) 511

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear Structure Theory in Spin- and Number Conserving Quasi-Particle Configuration Spaces - Part I: General Formalism"

Phys. Rev. C29 (1984) 291

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory with Spin and Number-Projection before the Variation: an Application to 20Ne and 22Ne"

Nucl. Phys. A431 (1984) 205

M. Trefz, Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff, M. Rhoades-Brown:

"The Reaction Mechanism of Heavy Ion Scattering at Intermediate Energies"

Phys. Lett. B149 (1984) 459

Amand Faessler:

"The Short Range Part of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction and the Quark Model"

Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure (1985) 319

Amand Faessler:

"Low-Energy QCD: an Introduction"

Nucl. Phys. A434 (1985) 111c-128c

Amand Faessler:

"The Short Range Nucleon-Nucleon Repulsion and the Quark Model"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 13 (1985) 253

Amand Faessler:

Summary Talk at the Conference on Nuclear Structure with Heavy Ions, May 27-31, 1985

R.A. Ricci, Padua (1985) 503

Amand Faessler:

"Large Scale Nuclear Structure Studies In Nuclear Structure 1985"

Ed. R. Broglia, G.B. Hagemann, B. Herskin, Elsevier Science Publishers V.B (1985) 177

Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear Matter Under Extreme Conditions"

In 'Verona 1985, Proceedings; Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics' (1985) 435-452

Amand Faessler:

"The Nucleon Nucleon Interaction and the Quark Model"

In 'Alushta 1985, Proceedings; Nuclear Structure' (1985) 295-303

In 'Verona 1985, Proceedings; Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics' (1985) 274-286

Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, K. Braeuer, S. Kuyucak, K. Shimizu:

"The Quark Model and the Role of the Meson Exchange on the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

(unpublished Tuebingen preprint 1985)

Amand Faessler, S. Kuyucak, A. Petrovici, L. Petersen:

"Rotor and IBA Description of Proton and Neutron Alignment in the Ba and Ce Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A438 (1985) 78

D. Bogdan, Amand Faessler, A. Petrovici, S. Holan:

"Neutrino Masses and Right-Handed Current in the Neutrinoless Double β Decay 76Ge 76Se + 2e"

Phys. Lett. B150 (1985) 29-34

K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, K. Shimizu:

"On One Pion Exchange Potential with Quark Exchange in the Resonating Group Method"

Z. Physik A320 (1985) 609

K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, E.M. Henley:

"Charge Dependent QCD Corrections to the NN Scattering Length"

Phys. Lett. B163 (1985) 46-48

K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, K. Wildermuth:

"Quark Momentum Distribution in Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A437 (1985) 717-728

P. Czerski, W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Is the Δ Isobar only Important in Nuclear Matter?"

submitted to Phys. Rev. C (1985) 29 pp

G. de Guzman, T.T.S. Kuo, K. Holinde, R. Machleidt, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Effects of Pion Fold Pion Diagrams in the Energy Independent Nucleon Nucleon Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A443 (1985) 601-627

S. Furui, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"Finite Size Pion Effect on its Selfenergy"

Nucl. Phys. A437 (1985) 619-629

E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Description of Medium Heavy Nuclei"

Invited talk given at the XXIII. International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, January 21-26, 1985

E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler, B. Fladt:

"Microscopic Description of Odd Mass Nuclei in the Mass A = 130 Region"

Nucl. Phys. A437 (1985) 1

M. Ismail, Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff, M. Trefz:

"The Volume and Surface Contributions of the Ion-Ion Optical Potential"

J. Phys. G11 (1985) 763

H. Muether, A. Polls, P.K. Rath, Amand Faessler:

"Many-Body Terms in the Folded Diagram Expansion"

Nucl. Phys. A442 (1985) 68

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, E. Hammaren, Amand Faessler:

"VAMPIR-Calculations for 129Ba and 130Ce: Two Mechanisms of Backbending"

Nucl. Phys. A436 (1985) 417

G. Srobel, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez:

"Finite Meson Size Effects in Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts"

Nucl. Phys. A437 (1985) 605

T. Tomoda, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer:

"Neutrinoless Double β Decay and a new Limit on the Lepton Number Violation"

Phys. Lett. B157 (1985) 4-8

M. Trefz, Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff:

"Microscopic Description of Heavy Ion Scattering in the Nuclear Matter Picture"

Nucl. Phys. A443 (1985) 499

Z. Zhang, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Influence of Six Quark Bags on the NN Interaction in a Resonating Group Scattering Calculation"

Nucl. Phys. A443 (1985) 557-569

Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unified Theories and the Double Beta-Decay"

Invited talk given at XXIV. International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, January 20-25, 1986

Ed. by I. Iori 1986

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Force between Nucleons"

In 'Trieste 1984, Proceedings; Fundamental Nuclear Physics, Vol. 1' (1986) 645-658

Amand Faessler:

"The Baryon Baryon Interaction and the Quark Model"

In 'Maratea 1986, Proceedings; Physics of strong fields' (1986) 707-720

Amand Faessler:


In 'Heidelberg 1986, Proceedings; Weak and electromagnetic interactions in nuclei' (1986) 1046-1070

Amand Faessler:

"Nuclear Matter at High Densities and Temperature"

In 'Maratea 1986, Proceedings; Physics of strong fields' (1986) 707-720

Amand Faessler, Z. Bochnacki, R. Nojarov:

"Restoring Force for the 1+ Collective Mode in Deformed Nuclei"

J. Phys. G12 (1986) L47

Amand Faessler, S. Kuyucak, M. Wakai:

"IBA-Description of Backbending in Odd Mass Ce-Isotopes"

Nucl. Phys. A458 (1986) 381

Amand Faessler, R. Linden, N. Ohtsuka, F.B. Malik:

"Nucleus-Nucleus Potential; Theoretical Aspects in the 20-100 MeVu Range"

Invited talk at the International Conference on Heavy Ion Nuclear Collisions in the Fermi Energy domain, Caen/France, May 12-16, 1986

Journal de Phys. C4, Suppl. no. 8, Tome 47 (1986) 111

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov:

"Low-Energy Isovector Quadrupole Vibrations"

Phys. Lett. B166 (1986) 367

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov, S. Zubnik:

"A Possible Splitting of the Isovector Vibrational State due to Triaxiality"

Z. Phys. A324 (1986) 235

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"The Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in the Quark Cluster Model"

In 'Harrogate 1986, Proceedings; Nuclear physics, Vol. 1' (1986) 504

M.E. Barclay, L. Cleeman, A.V. Ramayya, Amand Faessler, J.H. Hamilton, C.F. Maguire, W.C. Ma, R. Soundranayagam, K. Zhao, A. Balanda, J.D. Cole, R.B. Piercey, S. Kuyucak:

"G-Factor Measurements in 68Ge and Evidence for Higher Multipole Forces"

J. Phys. G12 (1986) L295

P. Czerski, W.H. Dickhoff, Amand Faessler, H. Muether:

"Delta Isobars in Finite Nuclei and Nuclear Matter"

Phys. Rev. C33 (1986) 1753-1761

A. de Pace, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Isobar Contributions to the NN Interaction in the Skyrme Model"

Nucl. Phys. A457 (1986) 541-554

A. de Pace, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"The Skyrmion-Skyrmion Interaction and the Meson Exchange Mode for the NN Potential"

Z. Phys. A325 (1986) 229-237

E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer:

"Microscopic Prediction of the M1 Strength Distributions in Medium Heavy Nuclei"

Phys. Lett. B171 (1986) 347

E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler, B. Fladt:

"Microscopic Description of Even-Even Nuclei in the Mass A = 130 Region"

Nucl. Phys. A454 (1986) 301

M. Ismail, Amand Faessler, M. Trefz:

"Test of the Proximity Theorem from the Nucleus-Nucleus Potential Derived from a Realistic NN-Force"

J. Phys. G12 (1986) L157

M. Ismail, M. Rashdan, Amand Faessler, M. Trefz, H.M.M. Mansour:

"The Effect of Deformation on the Nucleus-Nucleus Optical Model Potential and how it Produces Pockets"

Z. Phys. A323 (1986) 399

S. Kuyucak, Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Nucleon Scattering in a Hybrid Quark σ Model with Center-of-Mass Corrections"

Phys. Lett. B169 (1986) 128-132

R. Nojarov, Z. Bochnacki, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Calculation of the Restoring Force for Scissor Isovector Vibrations"

Z. Phys. A324 (1986) 289

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, V. Ceausescu:

"Description of the Kπ = 1 Isovector State within a Generalized Coherent State Model"

Revue Romaine de Physique 31 (1986) 649

L. Satpathy, Amand Faessler, P. Sarangi:

"Bonding Potential and the Mechanism of Quasi Molecular States"

J. Phys. G12 (1986) 201

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, E. Hammaren, Amand Faessler, M. Kyotoku:

"Alignment and Electromagnetic Properties of the Yrast-Bands in 128Ba and 130Ce: an Analysis of the VAMPIR Wave Functions"

Nucl. Phys. A456 (1986) 317

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, M. Kyotoku, Amand Faessler:

"Selfconsistent Description of Non-Yrast States in Nuclei: the Excited VAMPIR Approach"

Nucl. Phys. A452 (1986) 493

G.L. Strobel, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez:

"Finite Meson Size Effects in Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts"

Czech. J. Phys. B36 (1986) 325-327

Nucl. Phys. A437 (1986) 605-618

T. Tomoda, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer:

"Neutrinoless ββ-Decay and a New Limit on the Right-Handed Current"

Nucl. Phys. A452 (1986) 591-620

T. Tomoda, Amand Faessler, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer:

"0 Neutrino ββ Decay and a Limit on the Right-Handed Leptonic Current"

In 'Harrogate 1986, Proceedings; Nuclear physics; Vol. 1' (1986) 513

Amand Faessler:

"The Baryon-Baryon Interaction and the Quark Model"

In 'Cape Town 1987, Proceedings; Quarks, gluons and hadronic matter' (1987) 267-293

Amand Faessler:

"The Double β Decay and Grand Unified Theories"

In 'Cape Town 1987, Proceedings; Quarks, gluons and hadronic matter' (1987) 225-240

Amand Faessler:

"Conclusions and Outlook"

Concluding lectures at the EHF-conference in Mainz, March 10-14, 1987

Nucl. Phys. B279 (1987) 335-359

Amand Faessler:

"Proton Anti-Proton Annihilation in the Quark Model"

In 'Bad Honnef 1987, Proceedings; Dynamics of collective phenomena in nuclear and subnuclear long range interactions in nuclei' (1987) 397-425

Amand Faessler:

"The Baryon Baryon Interaction and the Quark Model"

In 'Cape Town 1987, Proceedings; Quarks, gluons and hadronic matter' (1987) 267-293

Amand Faessler:

"The Nucleon Nucleon Interaction and the Quark Model"

Nucl. Energy 25 (1987) 138-150

Amand Faessler, M. Ismail, N. Ohtsuka, M. Rashdan, W. Wadia:

"U+U Potential in the Sudden and Adiabatic Approximation"

Z. Phys. A326 (1987) 501

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov:

"Are the Low-Lying Isovectors 1+ States Scissor Vibrations?"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 19 (1987) 167

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov, T. Taigel:

"Transverse Magnetic Dipole Excitations of 48Ti by Inelastic Electron Scattering"

Contr. to the Joint annual meeting of the nuclear divisions of German, Belgian, Danish and Holland Physical Societies, March 23-27, 1987, Groningen/Holland

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 4 (1987) F-8.5

Amand Faessler, T. Pfenninger, U. Straub, A.N. Mitra:

"Aspects of 'Scalar' Versus 'Vector' Confinement in qqq and 6q Systems"

Nucl. Phys. A466 (1987) 445-457

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"λ-Nucleon Scattering in the Quark Cluster Model"

Phys. Lett. B183 (1987) 10-14

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov:

"Theoretical Description of Low-Lying Kπ = 1+ States in Deformed Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C53 (1987) 2310

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, T. Tomoda:

"Suppression of the Two Neutrino Double β Decay"

Phys. Lett. B194 (1987) 11-14

P. Czerski, H. Muether, P.K. Rath, Amand Faessler, W.H. Dickhoff:

"Effective Operator for the Transition Density"

Nucl. Phys. A465 (1987) 189

A. de Pace, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Attraction in the Skyrme Model NN Central Interaction"

Phys. Lett. B188 (1987) 307-310

A. de Pace, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Polarization Effects in the Skyrme Model NN Interaction"

Z. Phys. A326 (1987) 33-39

M. El Shabshiry, Amand Faessler, M. Ismail:

"Effects of the Pauli-Blocking and Surface Contributions to the Optical Potential of the Ion-Ion Reaction Cross Section"

J. Phys. G15 (1987) L59-62

S. Furui, Amand Faessler:

"p anti-p → Hyperon Anti-Hyperon Transition Potential in the Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A468 (1987) 669-682

S. Furui, M. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"pp Annihilation at Rest into Mesons in the 3P0 Model"

Proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron'87), KEK, Tsukuba/Japan, April (1987) 483

H. Ito, Amand Faessler:

"Elastic E - D Scattering in Miscroscopic Meson Quark Cluster Model"

Nucl. Phys. A470 (1987) 626-652

Y. Kurihara, Amand Faessler:

"Contribution of Nucleon-Nucleon Correlation to the EMC Effect"

In 'Cape Town 1987, Proceedings; Quarks, gluons and hadronic matter' (1987) 433-446

Y. Kurihara, Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Nucleon Correlation with Quark Degrees of Freedom"

Nucl. Phys. A467 (1987) 621-635

Y. Kurihara, Amand Faessler:

"Six-Quark Components in Nuclei"

XI. Int. Conf. on Particle and Nuclei, Kyoto/Japan, April 1987

ed. S. Homma, Vol. 11

S. Kuyucak, Amand Faessler:

"Scalar-Isoscalar Two Pion Exchange Force in the Quark Model"

J. Phys. G13 (1987) L1-L6

M. Maruyama, S. Furui, Amand Faessler:

"p Anti-p Annihilation and Scattering in a Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A472 (1987) 643

M. Maruyama, S. Furui, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"p Anti-p Annihilation into Three Mesons in the p Wave Triplet Model"

Nucl. Phys. A473 (1987) 649-666

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"A Collective Model for Isovector Quadrupole Vibrations"

J. Phys. G13 (1987) 337

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, O. Civitarese:

"Spin and Orbital Contributions to Collective M1 Transitions in 46,48Ti"

Phys. Lett. B183 (1987) 122

N. Ohtsuka, R. Linden, Amand Faessler:

"Complex Microscopic Optical Potential and Medium Energy Elastic Scattering of 12C on 12C and 208Pb"

Phys. Lett. B199 (1987) 325

N. Ohtsuka, R. Linden, Amand Faessler, F.B. Malik:

"Real and Imaginary Parts of the Microscopic Optical Potential between Nuclei in the Sudden and Adiabatic Approximation and its Application to Medium Energy 12C - 12C Scattering"

Nucl. Phys. A465 (1987) 550

T. Pfenninger, Amand Faessler, K. Braeuer:

"Nucleon Nucleon Interaction with a New Model for Quark Confinement"

Nucl. Phys. A466 (1987) 495-508

A.A. Raduta, V. Ceausescu, Amand Faessler:

"Description of the Kπ = 1+ States within a Generalized Coherent Model"

Phys. Rev. C36 (1987) 2111

M. Rashdan, Amand Faessler, M. Ismail, N. Ohtsuka:

"The Temperature Dependence of the Hi Optical Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A468 (1987) 168

K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Complex Mean Fields and Unnatural Parity Pairing in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Problem with Symmetry Projection before the Variation"

Ann. of Phys. (NY) 180 (1987) 1

T. Tomoda, Amand Faessler:

"Suppression of the Neutrinoless ββ Decay"

Phys. Lett. B199 (1987) 475-481

Amand Faessler:

"Strange Particles: a Probe of New Physics in Particles and Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A479 (1988) 3

Amand Faessler:

"Possible Test of Grand Unification in the Double β Decay"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 21 (1988) 183-205

Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Nucleon and Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in the Quark-Model"

Rev. Roum. Phys. (special volume dedicated to Prof. Ursu on his 60th anniversary) 33 (1988) 555

Rom. J. Phys. 33 (1988) 555-564

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Proton Anti-Proton Annihilation"

In 'Venice 1988, Proceedings; Intermediate energy nuclear physics' (1988) 133-163

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Baryon Baryon Interaction"

In 'Venice 1988, Proceedings; Intermediate energy nuclear physics' (1988) 430-436

Amand Faessler, G. Kyrchev, R. Nojarov:

"Boson Quasispin in the Generalised Bohr-Mottelson Model"

Nucl. Phys. A487 (1988) 37

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov:

"Purely Collective Versus RPA Rotational Vibrations"

Phys. Lett. B215 (1988) 439

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov, T. Taigel:

"Microscopic Study of the Quadrupole Rotational Vibrations"

Contrib. to the Joint annual meeting of the nuclear divisions of German, Belgian, Danish, Holland and Swedish Physical Societies, March 21-25, 1988, West-Berlin/Germany

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 6 (1988) 143

A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi, Amand Faessler:

"Quark Degrees of Freedom in the Electromagnetic Form-Factors of the Deuteron"

Published in the Proceedings of the International School of Intermediate Energy Nuclear Physics (Sixth Course), Venice/Italy, July 6-16, 1988

A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi, H. Ito, Amand Faessler:

"The Pion Pair Current in the Quark Cluster Model"

J. Phys. G14 (1988) 1037-1048

M.I. Cristu, S. Holan, Amand Faessler, A. Petrovici:

"Competition between β+- and β--Decays from the Transitional Nucleus 74As"

Z. Phys. A331 (1988) 287

S. Furui, Amand Faessler, S. Ono:

"λ Anti-λ Annihilation into Mesons in a Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A476 (1988) 637

H. Harter, P.O. Lipas, R. Nojarov, T. Taigel, Amand Faessler:

"Isovector States in 128-134Ba"

Phys. Lett. B205 (1988) 174

S. Kuyucak, J. Morrison, Amand Faessler, A. Gelberg:

"g-Boson Effects in the Neutron-Proton IBN from 1/N Expansion"

Phys. Lett. B215 (1988) 1

P.O. Lipas, H. Harter, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic IBA-2 Calculation of (e,e-) M1 Form Factors"

JYFL Annual Report, University of Jyväskylä/Finnland 1988

M. Maruyama, T. Gutsche, G. Strobel, Amand Faessler, E.M. Henley:

"Present Status of the Description of the ρπ Puzzle with Explicit Consideration of the Initial State Interaction"

Phys. Lett. B215 (1988) 223

M.A. Nagarajan, Amand Faessler, R. Linden, N. Ohtsuka:

"Causality and the Energy Dependence of Microscopic Nucleus-Nucleus Potential"

Nucl. Phys. A485 (1988) 360

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Symmetry Restoring Interactions for Kπ = 1+ Isovector Vibrations"

Nucl. Phys. A484 (1988) 1

N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler:

"Inclusion of the Δ Resonance in the Optical Potential between Two Nuclei and its Application to Medium-Energy 12C12C Scattering"

Z. Phys. A329 (1988) 89-102

N. Ohtsuka, R. Linden, Amand Faessler, A. Bohnet, J. Aichelin:

"Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach to Heavy Ion Collisions with Brueckner G-Matrix Cross Sections"

Contributed paper to the Int. Symp. 'Heavy Ion Physics and Nuclear Astrophysical Problems', Tokyo, July 21-24, 1988 (58)

N. Ohtsuka, M. Shabshiry, R. Linden, H. Muether, Amand Faessler:

"Complex Microscopic Optical Potential between Two Nuclei based on Dirac Brueckner Theory for Nuclear Matter"

Nucl. Phys. A490 (1988) 715

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler. T. Horibata:

"Microscopic Description of Low-Lying States in Even Ge and Se Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A483 (1988) 317

T. Pfenninger, Amand Faessler:

"Color Van der Waals Forces in the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction"

Nucl. Phys. A484 (1988) 476-492

A.A. Raduta, I. Irsu, Amand Faessler:

"The Description of the K = 1 Isovector M1 State within a Boson Expansion Formalism"

Nucl. Phys. A489 (1988) 20

M. Rashdan, Amand Faessler, N. Ohtsuka, R. Linden, W. Wadia, M. Ismail:

"The Effect of Nuclear and Coulomb Interactions on the Nuclear Shapes of Two Colliding 208Pb Nuclei"

Z. Phys. A330 (1988) 417

K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, H. Ito, G. Spitz:

"Off-Shell Behavior of the NN Interaction in a Six Quark Resonating Group Model of the Deuteron"

Few Body Systems 5 (1988) 45

Acta Phys. Austriaca 5 (1988) 45-58

U. Straub, Z. Zhang, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar:

"Binding Energy of the Dihyperon in the Quark Cluster Model"

Phys. Lett. B200 (1988) 241-245

U. Straub, Z. Zhang, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar, G. Luebeck:

"Hyperon Nucleon Interaction in the Quark Cluster Model"

Nucl. Phys. A483 (1988) 686-710

U. Straub, Z. Zhang, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar, G. Luebeck:

"Hyperon-Nucleon and Hyperon-Hyperon Interaction in the Quark Cluster Model"

Proceedings der Konferenz 'Quarks-88', Tiflis/UdSSR, May 17-21, 1988 (World Scientific, Singapore)

J. Suhonen, Amand Faessler, T. Taigel, T. Tomoda:

"Suppression of the β+-Decays of 148Dy, 150Er and 152Yb"

Phys. Lett. B202 (1988) 174

J. Suhonen, T. Taigel, Amand Faessler:

"pnQRPA Calculation of the β+/EC Quenching for Several Neutron-Deficient Nuclei in Mass Regions A = 94 - 110 and A = 146 - 156"

Nucl. Phys. A486 (1988) 91

J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler, T. Tomoda:

"The Δ(3/2,3/2) Contribution to the 0+2+ββ Decay Transitions"

Nucl. Phys. A490 (1988) 556-570

Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Nucleon and Hyperon Nucleon Interactions in the Quark Model"

Czech. J. Phys. B39 (1989) 933-942

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Heavy Ion Reactions with Medium Dependent Forces"

Nucl. Phys. A495 (1989) 103c-114c

Amand Faessler:

"Doppelter Beta-Zerfall und Vereinheitlichung der Kräfte"

Phys. Blätter 45 (1989) 321-325

Amand Faessler:

"Vom doppelten Beta-Zerfall zum Quark-Gluon-Plasma: Neues aus Kern- und Teilchenphysik"

Praxis d. Naturwissenschaften 7/38 (1989) 20

Amand Faessler:

"Double Beta-Decay, Nuclear Structure and Grand Unification"

Prepared for International Symposium on Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei (WEIN-89), Montreal/Canada, May 15-19, 1989

In 'Montreal 1989, Proceedings; Weak and electromagnetic interactions in nuclei' (1989) 211-220

Amand Faessler:

"Unification of the forces and the double β decay"

Prepared for 23rd Yamada Conference: Nuclear Weak Processes and Nuclear Structure, Osaka/Japan, June 12-15, 1989

In 'Osaka 1989, Proceedings; Nuclear weak processes and nuclear structure' (1989) 274-284

Amand Faessler:

"Baryon Anti-Baryon Annihilation in the Quark Model"

In 'Trieste 1989, Proceedings; Perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies' (1989) 637-669

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov, T. Taigel:

"Rotational Isovector Vibrations in Titanium Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A492 (1989) 105

Amand Faessler, M. Rashdan, M. Ismail, N. Ohtsuka, W. Wadia:

"Nuclear Shapes and Interaction Potentials of Two Colliding 208Pb at Finite Temperature"

Z. Phys. A333 (1989) 153

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"Baryon-Baryon Interaction in the Quark Model and the H-Dibaryon"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 24 (1989) 323-332

A. Bohnet, N. Ohtsuka, J. Aichelin, R. Linden, Amand Faessler:

"Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach to Heavy Ion Collisions with Brueckner G-Matrix Cross Sections"

Nucl. Phys. A494 (1989) 349

A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi, Amand Faessler:

"The Electromagnetic Form-Factors of the Deuteron in the Quark Cluster Model"

Nucl. Phys. A496 (1989) 621-666

A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi, Amand Faessler:

"The One-Gluon Exchange Current in the Quark Cluster Model of the Deuteron"

Phys. Lett. B225 (1989) 301-307

A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi, Amand Faessler:

"The One-Gluon Exchange Current and the Electromagnetic Properties of the Deuteron"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 24 (1989) 333-351

A. Drago, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler:

"Restrictions on the Chiral Angle in a Soliton Quark Model"

J. Phys. G15 (1989) L7-L12

T. Gutsche, M. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"Proton Anti-Proton Annihilation into Three Mesons in Flight in the 3P0 Model with a Planar Quark Diagram Topology"

Nucl. Phys. A503 (1989) 737-765

T. Gutsche, M. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"p Anti-p Annihilation into Two and Three Mesons in the Planar Quark Diagram Model"

Proc. IX Europ. Symp. on Antiproton-proton Interactions and Fundamental Symmetries, Mainz, September 5-10, 1988

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 8 (1989) 235-237

M. Ismail, M. Rashdan, Amand Faessler, R. Linden, N. Ohtsuka, W. Wadia:

"Relativistic Effects on the Optical Potential of Deformed U + U Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A496 (1989) 785

P.O. Lipas, M. Koskinen, H. Harter, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Magnetic Dipole Transitions and Spin Currents in Inelastic Electron Scattering"

Phys. Lett. B230 (1989) 1

M. Maruyama, T. Gutsche, G.L. Strobel, Amand Faessler:

"Relativistic Effects in p Anti-p Annihilation into Two Mesons"

Proc. IX Europ. Symp. on Antiproton-Proton Interactions and Fundamental Symmetries, Mainz, September 5-10, 1988

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 8 (1989) 222-224

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"The (e,e') Form Factors as a Test for the Collectivity of the Rotational Vibrations"

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Electron-Nucleus Scattering, Elba/Italy (World Scientific 1988) p 465 (1989), June 7-15, 1988 (ed. by A. Fabrocini et al. 1989)

G. Pantis, R. Linden, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler:

"Effects of 3α-like States in 12C to 12C - 12C Scattering"

Nucl. Phys. A499 (1989) 209

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Shape Coexistence at High Spins in the Nuclei 68Ge and 72Se"

Nucl. Phys. A504 (1989) 277

P.K. Rath, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, A. Watt:

"Study of Three-Nucleon Forces in the sd-Shell"

Nucl. Phys. A492 (1989) 127

K.W. Schmid, M. Kyotoku, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Small Amplitude Vibrations in Symmetry-Projected Quasi-Particle Mean Fields"

Ann. of Phys. (NY) 190 (1989) 182

K.W. Schmid, R.R. Zheng, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Beyond Symmetry-Projected Quasi-Particle Mean Fields: a New Variational Procedure for Nuclear Structure Calculations"

Nucl. Phys. A499 (1989) 63

F.G. Scholtz, G. Kyrchev, Amand Faessler:

"Exact and Analytic Solutions of the Generalized Bohr-Mottelson Model for Spherical Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A491 (1989) 91

F.G. Scholtz, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Electroexcitation of Rotational Vibrations in 164Dy"

Phys. Rev. Lett. B63 (1989) 1356

J.D. Vergados, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"Nonstatic Contributions to the 0+ 0+ββ Decay in the Presence of the Δ (3/2,3/2) Resonance"

Nucl. Phys. A492 (1989) 654-662

R.D. Viollier, Amand Faessler, F.G. Scholtz:

"Chiral Particles in d = (3 - 1)-Dimensions from Majorana-Weyl Spinors in d = (4 + 4)-Dimensions"

Mod. Phys. Lett. A4 (1989) 2705-2711

Y. Yamauchi, A. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Deuteron Threshold Electrodisintegration in a Microscopic Meson-Quark Cluster Model"

Nucl. Phys. A494 (1989) 401-437

R.R. Zheng, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Evidence for Unnatural Parity Pairing Correlations in some Light Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A494 (1989) 214

Amand Faessler:

"Double β Decay and its Relation to (π+,π-) Reaction"

Proceedings of the 18th INSX International symposium on physics with high-intensity hadron accelerators, organized by the Institute of Nuclear Studies in Tokyo/Japan

In 'Tokyo 1990, Proceedings; Physics with high intensity hadron accelerators' (1990) 361-372

Amand Faessler:

"The Double β Decay and Grand Unification"

Fizika 22 (1990) 255-264

Amand Faessler:


Nucl. Phys. A508 (1990) 617c-640c

Amand Faessler:

"Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure"

In 'Canberra 1990, Proceedings; Nuclear and particle physics' (1990) 238-298

Amand Faessler:

"Quantum Chromodynamics and the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

In 'Cape Town 1990, Proceedings; Phase structure of strongly interacting matter' (1990) 290-306

Amand Faessler, D.T. Khoa, M. Grigorescu, R. Nojarov:

"Low-Lying Magnetic Dipole Excitations in Actinide Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 65 (1990) 2978-2981

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov:

"Orbital Rotational Vibrations in the A = 130 Mass Region"

Phys. Rev. C (1990) 1243

Amand Faessler, R. Nojarov, F.G. Scholtz:

"Magnetic Dipole Electroexcitations in Rare Earth Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A515 (1990) 237-272

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"Baryon Baryon Interaction in the Strangeness -1 and -2 Sector in the Nonrelativistic Quark Cluster Model"

Ann. Phys. 47 (1990) 439-448

K. Braeuer, D. Drago, Amand Faessler:

"Baryons and a Nucleon Nucleon Potential in a Color Dielectric Quark Model with Plain Gluons"

Nucl. Phys. A511 (1990) 558-572

K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez, K. Shimizu:

"Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in a Quark Model with Pions"

Nucl. Phys. A507 (1990) 599-610

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, J. Suhonen, X.R. Wu:

"Suppression of the Two Neutrino ββ Decay: Particle Number Projected Results"

Phys. Lett. B251 (1990) 333-337

S. Furui, G. STroble, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"The Isospin Mixing Effect in p Anti-p Annihilation at Rest into π+π- and K Anti-K"

Nucl. Phys. A516 (1990) 643-661

F. Garcias, M. Barranco, Amand Faessler, N. Ohtsuka:

"Angular Momentum and Temperature Dependence of Fission Barriers with a Realistic Force"

Z. Phys. A336 (1990) 31-36

D.B. Ion, Amand Faessler:

"Detailed Balance Model for Spontaneous Pion Emission from Heavy Nuclei"

Fermilab Library Only (1990) 22 pp

W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation and Pionic Double Charge Exchange"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Particle and Nuclei, PANIC'90

Phys. Lett. B244 (1990) 155-160

D.T. Khoa, Amand Faessler, N. Ohtsuka:

"Exchange Part of the Real Heavy-Ion Optical Potential within the Double-Folding Model and the Nuclear Matter Approach"

J. Phys. G16 (1990) 1253-1270

M. Kyotoku, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Number-Projected RPA with Analytically Integrated Matrix Elements"

Phys. Rev. C41 (1990) 284

P.O. Lipas, M. Koskinen, H. Harter, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Spin Currents in ee - primeM - 1 Scattering"

(1990) 10 pp

M. Maruyama, T. Gutsche, G.L. Strobel, Amand Faessler:

"Relativistic Effects in Proton Anti-Proton Annihilation into Two Mesons"

Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) 716-731

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Low-Collective Scissors Mode"

Z. Phys. A336 (1990) 151-157

N. Ohtsuka, M. El Shabshiry, M. Ismail, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin:

"Does Photon Production in Heavy-Ion Collision Depend on the Equation of State?"

J. Phys. G16 (1990) L155-161

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Some New Aspects of the Shape Coexistence in the A = 70 Mass Region"

Nucl. Phys. A517 (1990) 108

P.K. Rath, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, A. Watt:

"A Practical Solution to the Problem of Spurious States in Shell Model Calculations"

J. Phys. G16 (1990) 245-253

U. Straub, Z. Zhang, K. Braeuer, Amand Faessler, S. Khadkikar, G. Luebeck:

"Hyperon Nucleon Interaction and the H-Dibaryon in the Quark Cluster Model"

Proceedings XII Few-Body Problems in Physics, Vancouver/Canada 1989

Nucl. Phys. A508 (1990) 385c-394c

U. Straub, Z. Zhang, Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Cluster Model and Hyperon Nucleon Scattering"

In 'Vancouver 1990, Proceedings; Science at the KAON factory, vol. 2' (1990) 6 pp

J. Suhonen, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"Confined Quarks and the Neutrinoless ββ-Decay"

Phys. Lett. B237 (1990) 8-13

Amand Faessler:

"Ist unsere Welt einfach?"

Naturwissenschaften 78 (1991) 145-153

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model, Deuteron Properties and Magnetic Moments"

Prepared for 5th Workshop on Perspectives in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies, Trieste/Italy, May 6-10, 1991

In 'Trieste 1991, Proceedings; Perspectives in nuclear physics at intermediate energies' (1991) 1-24

Chinese Journal of Physics 29 (1991) 533-552

Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unification and the Double β Decay"

In 'Predeal 1991, Proceedings; New trends in theoretical and experimental nuclear physics' (1991) 214-230

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 214-230

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Heavy Ion Collisions with Medium Dependent Forces"

In 'Brioni 1991, Proceedings; Heavy ion physics: today and tomorrow' (1991) 225-237

Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski, G. Pantis, J.D. Vergados:

"Double β Decay Matrix Elements"

Phys. Rev. C43 (1991) 21-24

D. Bonatsos, P.P. Raychev, Amand Faessler:

"Quantum Algebraic Description of Vibrational Molecular Spectra"

Chem. Phys. Lett. 179 (1991) 221-226

M. Centelles, X. Vinas, M. Barranco, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, D.T. Khoa, H. Muether:

"Relativistic Extended Thomas-Fermi-Calculations of Finite Nuclei"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) L193-199

K. Chaturverdia, X. Zhao, A.V. Ramayya, J.H. Hamilton, Amand Faessler et al.:

"Test of Microscopic Calculations of Multiple Band Structures and Large Deformations in 69Ge and 72Se"

Phys. Rev. C43 (1991) 2541

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, J. Suhonen, X.R. Wu:

"Suppression of the Two Neutrino ββ Decay in a Particle Number Projected Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation"

Nucl. Phys. A524 (1991) 404-424

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, J. Suhonen, X.R. Wu:

"Nuclear Structure Calculation of the Two Neutrino ββ Decay Transition 100Mo 100Ru"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 943-953

O. Civitarese, H. Muether, L.D. Skouras, Amand Faessler:

"Single β+ Decay in 26Mg: a Comparison between Shell Model and QRPA"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 1336

C.B. Dover, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler:

"The Case for Quasinuclear Anti-NN Bound States"

Phys. Rev. C43 (1991) 379-393

J. Jaenicke, J. Aichelin, N. Ohtsuka, D.T. Khoa, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang:

"Description of Heavy Ion Collisions with Medium Dependent Self-Consistent Mean Fields and NN-Collision Cross Section"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1991) 94

W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Study of the DCX (π+,π-) Ground State Transition on 76Ge"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 1665-1671

W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Description of the Ground State Pionic Double Charge Exchange Reaction on 128,130Te"

Nucl. Phys. A529 (1991) 605-632

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, S.W. Huang, M. Ismail, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin, M. El Shabshiry:

"Photon Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Nuclear Equation of State"

Nucl. Phys. A529 (1991) 363-386

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, S.W. Huang, M. Ismail, Amand Faessler, M. El Shabshiry, J. Aichelin:

"Photon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions and Nuclear Equation of States"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1991) 99

D.T. Khoa, W.v. Oertzen, Amand Faessler, Ermer, Clement:

"Pauli Exchange Effects in the Inelastic Scattering of 16O + 16O"

Phys. Lett. B260 (1991) 278-284

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, M.A. Matin, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, Y. Lotfy:

"Microscopic Study of Thermal Properties of the Nuclear Matter Formed in Heavy Ion Collisions"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1991) 105

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, M. Matin, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"In Medium Effects in the Description of Heavy Ion Collisions with Realistic NN Interactions"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1991) 106

G.Q. Li, T.K. Dao, T. Maruyama, S.W. Huang, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin:

"Subthreshold Pion Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions within the Quantum Molecular Dynamics Approach"

Nucl. Phys. A534 (1991) 697-719

G.Q. Li, T. Maruyama, D.T. Khoa, S.W. Huang, Y. Lotfy, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin:

"Microscopic Calculation of Pion Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions around 1 GeV/A"

Z. Phys. A340 (1991) 271-279

P.O. Lipas, H. Harter, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Koskinen:

"Boson Model M1 Form-Factors for Inelastic Electron Scattering 130,132,134Ba"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 971-986

Erratum-ibid. G17 (1991) 1943

T. Maruyama, S.W. Huang, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin:

"Lorentz Covariant Description of Intermediate Heavy Ion Reactions"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1991) 97

T. Maruyama, S.W. Huang, N. Ohtsuka, G.Q. Li, Amand Faessler, J. Aichelin:

"Lorentz Covariant Description of Intermediate-Energy Heavy-Ion Reactions in Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

Nucl. Phys. A534 (1991) 720-740

T. Maruyama, G.Q. Li, Amand Faessler:

"Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics and the Collisions 40Ca40Ca at E(LAB)/A = 1.05 GeV"

Phys. Lett. B268 (1991) 161-166

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, P.O. Lipas:

"M1 Strength and (e,e') Form Factors of 46,48Te within the RPA"

Nucl. Phys. A533 (1991) 381-410

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Calculations of Charge and Transition Charge Densities in Some Even Mass Ge Isotopes from Microscopic Nuclear Structure Wave Functions"

Z. Phys. A339 (1991) 71

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, S. Stoica:

"The Two Neutrino β Decay Rate within a Boson Expansion Formalism"

Nucl. Phys. A534 (1991) 149-172

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, S. Stoica, W.A. Kaminski:

"The 2νββ Decay Rate within a Higher RPA Approach"

Phys. Lett. B254 (1991) 7-12

M. Rashdan, Amand Faessler, W. Wadia:

"Thermal Properties of Finite Nuclei Based on a Realistic Interaction"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 1401-1406

J. Suhonen, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"The Neutrinoless Double Beta-Decay of 76Ge, 82Se, 86Kr, 114Cd, 128,130Te and 134,136Xe in the Framework of a Relativistic Quark Confinement Model"

Nucl. Phys. A535 (1991) 509-547

J. Suhonen, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"Calculation of the Neutrinoless ββ Decay of 76Ge Using of Quark Model with Harmonic Confinement"

Nucl. Phys. A529 (1991) 727-740

K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler:

"Center-of-Mass Corrections to the NΔ Mass Splitting in a Relativistic Quark Model"

J. Phys. G17 (1991) 1713-1725

K. Tsushima, T. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"Temperatur and Density Dependence of Quark Dynamical Properties"

Application of 'thermo field dynamics' to the SU(3) NJL model with instant on effects

Nucl. Phys. A535 (1991) 497-508

Y. Yamauchi, A. Buchmann, Amand Faessler, A. Arima:

"Quark Exchange Currents in Nuclei: Effective Operator Description"

Nucl. Phys. A526 (1991) 495-546

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model, Deuteron Form-Factors and Nuclear Magnetic Moments"

Few-Body Syst. Suppl. 6 (1992) 176-194

Amand Faessler:

"Quark Degrees of Freedom and the Magnetic Moments of Nuclei" (in German)

Phys. Bl. 48 (1992) 97-99

Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unification and the Double β Decay"

Prepared for International Symposium on Mesons and Light Nuclei V, Prague/Czechoslovakia, September 1-6, 1991

Few Body Syst. Suppl. 5 (1992) 55-70

Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unification, Nuclear Structure and the Double β Decay"

Prepared for 4th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: the Building Blocks of Nuclear Structure, Amalfi/Italy, May 18-22, 1992

In 'Amalfi 1992, Proceedings; The building blocks of nuclear structure' (1992) 125-141

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"Non-Relativistic Quark Cluster Model for the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

Comp. Nucl. Phys. 2 (1992)

G. Batko, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"Medium Effects on Antiproton Production"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1992) 135

E. Bender, K.W. Schmid, A. Petrovici, F. Gruemmer, Amand Faessler:

"Shape Coexistence in the Mass 70 Region"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 28 (1992) 129

D. Bonatsos, Amand Faessler, P.P. Rachev, R.P. Roussev, Y.F. Smirnov:

"B(E2) Transition Probabilities in the q-Rotator Model with SUq(2) Symmetry"

J. Phys. A25 (1992) 3275

D. Bonatsos, Amand Faessler, P.P. Rachev, R.P. Roussev, Y.F. Smirnov:

"An Exactly Soluble Nuclear Model SUq(3) Contains SUq(2) Contains SOq(2) Symmetry"

J. Phys. A25 (1992) L267-L274

O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler, M.C. Licciardo:

"Symmetry Breaking of the Galilean Invariance in Superfluid Nuclei and its Connection with Quadrupole Pairing Interactions"

Nucl. Phys. A542 (1992) 221-236

F. Doenau, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Studies of the Generator Coordinate Method (GCM) using the Tuebingen Complex VAMPIR Model"

Nucl. Phys. A539 (1992) 403

C.B. Dover, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"Production of Q Anti-Q G Hybrid Mesons in Anti-NN Annihilation"

Phys. Lett. B277 (1992) 23-26

C.B. Dover, T. Gutsche, M. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"The Physics of Nucleon - Anti-Nucleon Annihilation"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 29 (1992) 87-174

H. Elsenhans, Amand Faessler, H. Muether, N. Ohtsuka, L. Sehn, H.H. Wolter:

"Relativistic Features of the Effective Interaction in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A536 (1992) 750-766

E. Hammaren, P. Heikkinen, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic and Phenomenological Analysis of the Alaga-Rule for Dipole States"

Nucl. Phys. A541 (1992) 226

S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler, G.Q. Li, G. Batko, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"Subthreshold K+ Production in Heavy Ion Collisions: Influence of the Elementary Cross Section"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1992) 132

S.W. Huang, G.Q. Li, T. Maruyama, Amand Faessler:

"Anti-Kaon and Anti-Proton Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions with Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

Nucl. Phys. A547 (1992) 653-667

S.W. Huang, G.Q. Li, R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, D.T. Khoa, Y. Lotfy, M.A. Matin:

"Subthreshold K+ Production in 1 GeV/u Au + Au Collision"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1992) 116

S.W. Huang, G.W. Li, R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, M.A. Matin, D.T. Khoa, Y. Lotfy, Amand Faessler:

"Subthreshold Kaon Production in 1 GeV/u Au + Au Collisions within Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

Given at 20th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg/Austria, January 20-25, 1992

In 'Hirschegg 1992, Proceedings; Gross properties of nuclei and nuclear excitations' (1992) 236-238

J. Jaenicke, J. Aichelin, N. Ohtsuka, R. Linden, Amand Faessler:

"Intermediate-Energy Heavy Ion Collisions with G Matrix Potentials and Cross-Sections"

Nucl. Phys. A536 (1992) 201-220

W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Ground State Pionic Charge Exchange on 76Ge"

Bull. Acad. Science of Russia; submitted 1992

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, M.A. Matin, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, Y. Lotfy:

"Microscopic Study of Thermal Properties of the Nuclear Matter Formed in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A542 (1992) 671

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, M.A. Matin, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"Thermal Properties and Medium Effects in the Study of Heavy Ion Collisions with Realistic NN Interactions"

Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg (1992) 78

D.T. Khoa, N. Ohtsuka, M.A. Matin, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"In Medium Effects in the Description of Heavy Ion Collisions with Realistic NN Interactions"

Nucl. Phys. A548 (1992) 102

E. Lehmann, G.Q. Li, t. Maruyama, M.A. Matin, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, R.K. Puri, D.T. Khoa, Y. Lotfy:

"Relativistic Quantum Hadron Molecular Dynamics (RQHMD) for Heavy-Ion Collisions"

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations XX, Hirschegg/Austria (ed. H. Feldmeier) (1992) 254

E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, T. Maruyama, Amand Faessler, G. Batko, S.W. Huang:

"Relativistic Effects in the Transverse Flow"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1992) 127

G.Q. Li, S.W. Huang, T. Maruyama, T.K. Dao, Y. Lotfy, Amand Faessler:

"Kaon Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Equation of State, Momentum Dependence and Relativistic Effects"

Nucl. Phys. A537 (1992) 645-666

G.Q. Li, Y. Lotfy, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"Self-Consistent Quantum Molecular Dynamics Description of Photon Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Reactions"

J. Phys. G18 (1992) 291

G.Q. Li, Y. Lotfy, S.W. Huang, T. Maruyama, D.T. Khoa, Amand Faessler:

"Impact Parameter Dependence of Collective Flows at Particle Multiplicities in Heavy Ion Reactions"

J. Phys. G18 (1992) 681-705

G.Q. Li, R. Machleidt, Amand Faessler:

"Relativistic Description of Intermediate-Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions"

In 'Jackson Hole 1992, Proceedings; Advances in nuclear dynamics' (1992) 227-233

G.Q. Li, T. Maruyama, Y. Lotfy, S.W. Huang, T.K. Dao, Amand Faessler:

"Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics and η Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A537 (1992) 631-644

A.I. Machavariani, U. Straub, Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Spin Observables for Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering"

Nucl. Phys. A548 (1992) 592-612

T. Maruyama, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler:

"Chiral Phase Transition and Dynamical Properties of Quark at Finite Temperature and Density: Application of the 'Thermo Field Dynamics' to the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasino Model with Instanton Effects"

Nucl. Phys. A537 (1992) 303-326

G. Pantis, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski:

"Description of the 0νββ Decay of 48Ca, 76Ge, 100Mo, 128,130Te"

J. Phys. G18 (1992) 605-627

A. Petrovici, E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, F. Gruemmer:

"Shape Coexistence in the A = 70 Reach Including Neutron-Proton Interaction and Unnatural-Parity Correlations in the Mean Field"

Nucl. Phys. A549 (1992) 352

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Description of the Shape Coexistence in the A = 70 Mass Region"

Sovjet Journal of Phys. Part. and Nucl. 23(4) (1992) 402-429

R.K. Puri, S.W. Huang, M.A. Matin, Amand Faessler, E. Lehmann, D.T. Khoa, Y. Lotfy:

"Pion Production in Central Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions within the Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

GSI Scientific Report 109 (1992) 107

R.K. Puri, S.W. Huang, M.A. Matin, Amand Faessler, E. Lehmann, D.T. Khoa, Y. Lotfy:

"Medium Dependent Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions within the Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

Given at 20th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg/Austria, January 20-25, 1992

In 'Hirschegg 1992, Proceedings; Gross properties of nuclei and nuclear excitations' (1992) 273-277

U. Straub, Amand Faessler, G. Lalazissis, H. Velasquez, Z. Zhang:

"The Quark Model, the Baryon Baryon Interaction and Hypernuclei"

Prepared for International Workshop on Quark Cluster Dynamics, Bad Honnef/Germany, June 29 - July 1, 1992

In 'Bad Honnef 1992, Proceedings; Quark cluster dynamics' (1992) 267-272

J. Suhonen, O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler:

"Description of the 0+ 0+ Neutrinoless Double β Decay Transition in 76Ge: Particle Number Projected Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation"

Nucl. Phys. A543 (1992) 645-660

Y. Yamauchi, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler:

"Explicit Form of the Effective NN Potential from the Quark Cluster Model"

Few Body Syst. 12 (1992) 69-112

Amand Faessler:

"Description of Heavy Ion Collisions with Medium Dependent Forces"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1993) 229-246

Amand Faessler:

"HERA - the New Frontier for QCD"

Proceedings, Workshop Durham/UK, March 21-26, 1993

J. Phys. G19 (1993) 1427-1703

Amand Faessler:

"Realistic Forces and Heavy Ion Collisions"

In 'Bodrum 1993, Proceedings; Hot and dense nuclear matter' (1993) 299-319

Amand Faessler:

"The Quark Model and the Properties of Baryons and Nuclei"

Given at Conference on Many-Body Physics, Coimbra/Portugal, September 20-25, 1993

In 'Coimbra 1993, Proceedings; Many-body physics' (1993) 105-128

Amand Faessler, A. Buchmann, Y. Yamauchi:

"The Quark Model, Deuteron Form-Factors and Nuclear Magnetic Moments"

Int. J. Mod. Phys. E2 (1993) 39-185

D. Bonatsos, Amand Faessler, P.P. Raychev, R.P. Roussev, Y.F. Smirnov:

"The Rotational Limit of a Toy Interacting Boson Model with SUq(3) Symmetry"

submitted to J. Phys. G (1993)

N. Centelles, X. Vinas, M. Barranco, N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler, D.T. Khoa, H. Muether:

"Relativistic Extended Thomas-Fermi Calculations of Finite Nuclei with Realistic Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions"

Phys. Rev. C47 (1993) 1091-1102

M.K. Cheoun, A. Bobyk, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, G. Teneva:

"Neutron Proton Pairing in Light Nuclei and Two Neutrino Double β Decay"

Nucl. Phys. A561 (1993) 74-94

M.K. Cheoun, A. Bobyk, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, G. Teneva:

"Two Neutrino Double β Decay in Coupled QRPA with Neutron Proton Pairing"

Nucl. Phys. A564 (1993) 329-344

H.C. Chiang, E. Oset, T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, J.D. Vergados:

"Coherent and Incoherent (μ-,e-) Conversion in Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A559 (1993) 526-542

M. Dingfelder, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Electric Excitations in Backward Electron Scattering"

Proceedings of the International Summer School on Frontier Topics in Nuclear Physics, August 24 - September 4, 1993 in Predeal/Rumania

in Press (1993)

C.B. Dover, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler:

"Hybrid Mesons (Q anti-Q G) in N anti-N Annihilation"

Prepared for 13th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC'93), Perugia/Italy, June 28 - July 2, 1993

Perugia 1993, Particles and nuclei (1993) 516-518

F. Fernandez, A. Valcarce, U. Straub, Amand Faessler:

"The Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in Terms of Quark Degrees of Freedom"

J. Phys. G19 (1993) 2013-2026

T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler, C.B. Dover:

"Production of Q Anti-Q g Hybrids in N Anti-N Annihilation"

Nucl. Phys. A558 (1993) 63c-72c

E. Heinz, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, Amand Faessler:

"Visualisation of Phase Space Simulations of Heavy-Ion Reactions"

GSI Scientific Report, Darmstadt (1993) 114

S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler, G.Q. Li, D.T. Khoa, E. Lehmann, M.A. Matin, N. Ohtsuka, R.K. Puri:

"Quantum Molecular Dynamics and Particle Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1993) 105-114

S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler, G.Q. Li, R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, D.T. Khoa, M.A. Matin:

"Subthreshold K+ Production in 1 GeV/u 197Au + 197Au Collisions"

Phys. Lett. B298 (1993) 41-45

W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Pionic Charge Exchange for 76Ge in the Ground State"

Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 57 (1993) 1725-1728

Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk. Ser. Fiz. 57 N10 (1993) 72-75

E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, Amand Faessler, T. Maruyama, G.Q. Li, N. Ohtsuka, S.W. Huang, D.T. Khoa, M.A. Matin:

"Relativistic Versus Nonrelativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1993) 219-228

G.Q. Li, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang:

"Theoretical Description of Particle Production in Heavy Ion Reactions at Intermediate-Energies"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 31 (1993) 159-231

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"On the Search for the Scissors Mode"

Mod. Phys. Lett. A8 (1993) 1171

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, P. Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra, M. Grigorescu:

"Orbital and Spin M1 Excitations in Actinide Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A563 (1993) 349

E. Oset, H.C. Chiang, T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, J.D. Vergados:

"Coherent and Incoherent (μ-,e-) Conversion in Nuclei and Background from

μ- Decay in Orbit"

Prepared for 13th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC'93), Perugia/Italy, June 28 - July 2, 1993

Perugia 1993, Particles and nuclei (1993) 271-272

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Pair Structure of Realistic Many-Body Wave Functions"

Z. Phys. A347 (1993) 87

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Structure of Negative Parity States in 68Ge"

Z. Phys. A347 (1993) 15

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, B.R.S. Babu, L. Chaturvedi, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, S.J. Zhu, J. Kormicki, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, C. Baktash et al.:

"Negative Parity States in 68Ge: Theory and Experiment"

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 38 (1993) 1858

submitted to Phys. Rev. C to be published

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, D. Pantelica, A. Pantelica, F. Negoita, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, J. Kormicki, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee et al.:

"Structure of Odd-Odd 72As: Theory and Experiment"

Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 38 (1993) 2170

submitted to Phys. Rev. C to be published

A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of Nuclear Deformation on the 2νββ Decay"

Phys. Lett. B312 (1993) 13-17

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, D.S. Delion:

"Unified Description of the 2νββ in Spherical and Deformed Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A564 (1993) 185-203

P. Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"M1 spin strength distribution in 154Sm"

J. Phys. G19 (1993) 291-298

U. Straub, J. Nieves, Amand Faessler, E. Oset:

"Mesonic Decay of 5λHe with Quark Model Based Hypernuclear Wave Functions"

Prepared for 13th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei (PANIC'93), Perugia/Italy, June 28 - July 2, 1993

Nucl. Phys. A556 (1993) 531-551

In 'Perugia 1993, Paricles and nuclei' (1993) 682-684

Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unification, Nuclear Structure and the Double β Decay"

Nucl. Phys. A570 (1994) 39c-60c

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 289-314

Amand Faessler:

"Closing Talk"

Conference HYP'94, Vancouver, July 4-8, 1994

Amand Faessler:

"Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei"

Prepared for International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics (ISMEP'94), Beijing/China, August 22-26, 1994

In 'Beijing 1994, Proceedings; Medium energy physics' (1994) 13-31

Amand Faessler:

"Summary Talk"

Prepared for International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics (ISMEP'94), Beijing/China, August 22-26, 1994

In 'Beijing 1994, Proceedings; Medium energy physics' (1994) 415-431

Amand Faessler:

"Die Rätsel des Universums"

Publik Forum 23 (1994) 51

Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"The Quark Model and the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

In 'Langanke, K. (ed.) et al: Computational nuclear physics, Vol. 2' (1994) 155-173

G. Batko, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"Does the Reduction of the Mass in the Medium Enhance the Production of Anti-Protons in High-Energy Nuclear Reactions?"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) 461-468

A. Bobyk, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, G. Teneva:

"Proton Neutron Correlations, Particle Number Conservation and Double β Decay"

Given at International School on Nuclear Physics: 15th Course: Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics, Erice/Italy, September 8-17, 1993

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 331-332

D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, E. Ellinas, Amand Faessler:

"Discretization of the Phase Space for a Q Deformed Harmonic Oscillator with Q a Root of Unity"

Phys. Lett. B331 (1994) 150-156


D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, Amand Faessler:

"Quantum Algebraic Description of the Pairing Correlations in a Single j Nuclear Shell"

Talk given at 15th Hellenic Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Patras/Greece, May 6-7, 1994

J. Phys. A27 (1994) 1299-1306

D. Bonatsos, C. Daskaloyannis, Amand Faessler, P.P. Raichev, R.P. Roussev:

"Quantum Algebraic Description of Vibrational and Transitional Nuclear Spectra"

Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 497-500

M.K. Cheoun, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, G. Teneva:

"Two Neutrino (2ν) Double and Single β Decay by QRPA with Neutron-Proton Pairing"

Given at International School on Nuclear Physics: 15th Course: Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics, Erice/Italy, September 8-17, 1993

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 315-327

M.K. Cheoun, Amand Faessler, G. Teneva, F. Simkovic, A. Bobyk:

"Single and Double β Decay in Coupled QRPA"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994)

L.Y. Glozman, A. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Constituent Quark Model and a Possible JP = 0-, T = 0 Dibaryon"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) L49-L56

Y.L. Glozman, Amand Faessler:

"Quark Exchange Versus Meson Exchange in D (e,e' p) Δ"

Prepared for 14th International IUPAP Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics (ECFBP'14), Williamsburg/USA, May 26-31, 1994

In 'Williamsburg 1994, Proceedings; Few-body problems in physics' (1994) 620-623

L.Y. Glozman, U. Straub, Amand Faessler:

"The d (e, e' p) Δ Process as an Expamle of Quark Exchange Currents in Leading Order"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) 93-100

T. Gutsche, R.D. Viollier, Amand Faessler:

"Coupling the Scalar-Isoscalar 'q2 Anti-q2 Meson' to the Nucleon"

Phys. Lett. B331 (1994) 8-12

S.W. Huang, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri:

"A Resonance Model for πN YK and πΔ → YK Reactions for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

nucl-th/9412011 (1994)

T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, J.D. Vergados, E. Oset:

"A Discussion of the (μ-, e-) Conversion"

Given at International School on Nuclear Physics: 15th Course: Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics, Erice/Italy, September 8-17, 1993

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 335-336

T.S. Kosmas, J.D. Vergados, O. Civitarese, Amand Faessler:

"Study of the Muon Number Violating (μ-, e-) Conversion in a Nucleus by Using Quasiparticle RPA"

Nucl. Phys. A570 (1994) 637-656

E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, Amand Faessler, G. Batko, S.W. Huang, N. Ohtsuka, A.S. Raghwa, K. Tsushima:

"Relativistic Versus Non-Relativistic Transport Theories"

Prepared for International Workshop on Multiparticle Correlations and Nuclear Reactions, Nantes/France, September 6-10, 1994

In 'Nantes 1994, Proceedings; Multiparticle correlations and nuclear reactions' (1994) 169-181

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Promotion of the Scissors Motion by Consistent Interaction"

60th birthday of Prof. Dr. K. Dietrich, TU München

Nucl. Phys. A572 (1994) 17

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Exclusion of Spuriousity Through Effective Operators"

Phys. Rev. C49 (1994) 213

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Dingfelder:

"High-Energy Scissors Mode"

Nucl. Phys. A571 (1994) 93

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Dingfelder:

"Interplay between Magnetic and Electric Excitations at Backward Electron Scattering"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) L111-L115

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Neutron-Proton Interaction and the Structure of Bands in 72As"

Nucl. Phys. A571 (1994) 77

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, D. Pantelica, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya:

"High Spin States in 68As: Theory and Experiment"

submitted to Phys. Rev. C (1994)

R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang:

"Study of Nonequilibrium Effects and Thermal Properties of Heavy Ion Collisions Using a Covariant Approach"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) 1817-1828


R.K. Puri, N. Ohtsuka, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, M.A. Matin, D.T. Khoa, B. Batko, S.W. Huang:

"Temperature Dependent Mean Field and its Effect on Heavy-Ion Reactions"

Nucl. Phys. A575 (1994) 733-765

P. Sarriguren, E. Moya de Guerra, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"Spin and Deformation Dependent Orbital M1 Strength in Rare Earth Nuclei"

J. Phys. G20 (1994) 315

F. Simkovic, G. Teneva, A. Bobyk, M.K. Cheoun, S.B. Khadkikar, Amand Faessler:

"Two Vacua Particle Number Projected Random Phase Approximation"

Given at International School on Nuclear Physics: 15th Course: Neutrinos in Cosmology, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics, Erice/Italy, September 8-17, 1993

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1994) 329-330

K. Tsushima, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"The Role of the Δ(1920) Resonance for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Lett. B337 (1994) 245-253


A. Valcarce, A. Buchmann, F. Fernandez, Y. Yamauchi, Amand Faessler:

"Deuteron Properties and the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction in Terms of Quark Degrees of Freedom"

Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 2246

A. Valcarce, F. Fernandez, A. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Can one Simultaneously Describe the Deuteron Properties and the Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shifts in the Quark Cluster Model?"

Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 2246-2249

Y. Yan, T. Gutsche, R. Thierauf, Amand Faessler:

"Quasinuclear Anti-NN Bound States"

Prepared for International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics (ISMEP'94), Beijing/China, August 22-26, 1994

In 'Beijing 1994, Proceedings; Medium energy physics' (1994) 167-169

Z. Zhang, Amand Faessler, U. Straub, Y.L. Glozman:

"The Baryon Baryon Interaction in a Modified Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A578 (1994) 573-585

Amand Faessler:

"Double β Decay, Nuclear Structure and Proton Neutron Pairing"

Prepared for International Workshop on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Related Topics, Trento/Italy, April 24 - May 5, 1995

In 'Trento 1995, Proceedings; Double-beta decay and related topics' (1995) 339-364

Amand Faessler:

"The Nature of the Baryon Baryon Interaction in the Quark Model"

Prepared for 15th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Peniscola/Spain, June 5-9, 1995

Few Body Syst. Suppl. 8 (1995) 460-470

Amand Faessler:

"Closing Talk"

Nucl. Phys. A585 (1995) 279c-301c

E. Bender, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"sd-Shell Study with a Multiconfiguration Mixing Approach Designed for Large Scale Nuclear Structure Calculations"

Phys. Rev. C52 (1995) 3002-3012


A.J. Buchmann, G. Wagner, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler, Y.L. Glozman:

"The D - prime Dibaryon in the Nonrelativistic Quark Model"

PiN Newslett. 10 (1995) 60-66


M.K. Cheoun, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, G. Teneva, A. Bobyk:

"Total Gamow-Teller Strength, Ground State Correlations and Sum Rules in QRPA with Neutron-Proton Pairing"

Nucl. Phys. A587 (1995) 301

O. Civitarese, J. Suhonen, Amand Faessler:

"Suppression of Matrix Elements of the 2νββ Decay by the Competition between Spin Flip and Nonspin Flip like Excitations"

Nucl. Phys. A591 (1995) 195-208

M. Dingfelder, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"E2 Contributions to Backward (e, e') Cross Sections in Heavy Deformed Nuclei"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 34 (1995) 319-320

J. Escher, J.P. Draayer, Amand Faessler:

"On the Treatment of Intruder Levels in Strongly Deformed Nuclei in the Framework of the SU(3) Shell Model"

Nucl. Phys. A586 (1995) 73-99

L.Y. Glozman, Amand Faessler:

"Quark Exchange Versus Meson Exchange in D (e, e' p) Δ"

Phys. Rev. Lett. B348 (1995) 270-276

D.T. Khoa, Amand Faessler, N. Ohtsuka, D.H.E. Gross:

"Thermalization Effects in Heavy-Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A583 (1995) 353-356

T. Kubo, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, R.K. Puri, N. Ohtsuka, K. Tsushima, J. Zipprich, S.W. Huang:

"Heavy Ion Collisions and the Density Dependence of the Local Mean Field"

submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (1995) 13 pp


E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, Amand Faessler, G. Batko, S.W. Huang:

"Consequences of a Covariant Description of Heavy Ion Reactions at Intermediate-Energies"

Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 2113-2124


R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Dingfelder:

"Competing Electric and Magnetic Excitations in Backward Electron Scattering from Heavy Deformed Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C52 (1995) 3259-3276


R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang:

"Relativistic Effects in Heavy Ion Collisions at SIS Energies"

Z. Phys. A351 (1995) 59-69


R.K. Puri, E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, S.W. Huang:

"Sensitivity of Nuclear Equation of State towards Relativistic Effects"

J. Phys. G21 (1995) 583-588


A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Amand Faessler:

"Description of the Two Neutrino Double β Transition Rate within the Mozkowski Model"

Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 3008-3016

A. Sibirtsev, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler:

"K+ Production in P - C Collisions at Beam Energy 1.2 GeV"

nucl-th/9508044 (1995) 6 pp

F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler:

"Description of Low-Energy Pion Double Charge Exchange Reactions"

Prepared for Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Straz pod Ralskem/Czech Republic, July 3-7, 1995

Few Body Syst. Suppl. 9 (1995) 231-235

G. Teneva, F. Simkovic, A. Bobyk, M.K. Cheoun, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar:

"Two Vacua RPA and the Two Neutrino Double β Decay"

Nucl. Phys. A586 (1995) 249-264

R. Thierauf, T. Gutsche, Y. Yan, A. Muhm, Amand Faessler:

"Low-Energy Proton Anti-Proton Scattering in the Nonrelativistic 3P0 Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A588 (1995) 783-800

K. Tsushima, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"Resonance Model of πΔ → YK for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

J. Phys. G21 (1995) 33-42


A. Valcarce, A. Buchmann, F. Fernandez, Amand Faessler:

"Spin Orbit Force in a Quark Model Based Nucleon-Nucleon Potential"

Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 1480-1487

A. Valcarce, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez:

"Influence of the 5D0 Nucleon Δ Channel on the 1S0 Nucleon-Nucleon Phase Shift in a Quark Model"

Phys. Lett. B345 (1995) 367-371

G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Magnetic Moments of the Octet Baryons in a Chiral Quark Potential Model"

Phys. Lett. B359 (1995) 288-294


G. Wagner, L.Y. Glozman, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Constituent Quark Model Calculation for a Possible JP = 0-, T = 0 Dibaryon"

Prepared for International School on Nuclear Physics: 16th Course: Electromagnetic Probes and the Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei (Euroconference), Erice/Italy, September 15-23, 1994

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 34 (1995) 133-135

Nucl. Phys. A594 (1995) 263-293


Y. Yan, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"A Microscopic Quark Model of πN KΣ Reactions for Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Lett. B354 (1995) 24-33

Amand Faessler:

"Realistic Forces, Medium Dependence, Equation of State, Heavy Ion Collisions in QMD and Relativistic QMD"

Prepared for 1st Catania Relativistic Ion Studies: Critical Phenomena and Collective Observables (RIS'96), Accastello/Italy, May 27-31, 1996

In 'Castello 1996, Proceedings; Critical phenomena and collective observables' (1996) 179-199

Amand Faessler:

"Realistic Forces, Medium Dependence and Heavy Ion Collisions"

Prepared for International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Turn of Millennium: Structure of Vacuum and Elementary Matter, Wilderness/George, South Africa, March 10-16, 1996

In 'Wilderness 1996, Proceedings; Structure of vacuum and elementary matter' (1996) 183-191

Amand Faessler:

"Baryon Baryon Interaction in a Chiral Quark Model"

Prepared for International School of Nuclear Physics: 17th Course: Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice/Sicily, September 19-27, 1995

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 36 (1996) 337-347

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Stability of the Ground State of Nuclear Matter with a Bose Condensate of Light Dibaryons as a Consequence of Exicstence of Massive Neutron Stars"

13 pp, 6 fig

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko, B. Martemyanov:

"Dibaryons in Nuclear Matter"

submitted to Phys. Rev. D (1996)

Amand Faessler, A. Sibirtsev, K. Tsushima:

"Δ Production in Anti-p d Annihilation at Rest"

Talk given at 3rd International Conference on Nucleon - Anti-Nucleon Physics (NAN'95), Moscow/Russia, September 11-16, 1995

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 59 (1996) 1839-1841

Yad. Fiz. 59 (1996) 1903-1905


E. Bauer, T. Gutsche, A. Muhm, R. Thierauf, Y. Yan, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"The ρ Parameter of Low-Lying Proton Anti-Proton Scattering in the 3P0 Quark Model"

Phys. Lett. B386 (1996) 50-54

E. Bender, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"A Multiconfiguration Mixing Approach with Symmetry Projected Complex Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Determinants"

Nucl. Phys. A596 (1996) 1-29


A.J. Buchmann, U. Meyer, Amand Faessler, E. Hernandez:

"Exchange Currents in Photoproduction of the Δ(1232) and N(1440) Resonances"

Prepared for Workshop on Production, Properties and Interactions of Mesons (MESON'96), Cracow/Poland, May 10-14, 1996

Acta Phys. Polon. B27 (1996) 3161-3165

A.J. Buchmann, G. Wagner, K. Tsushima, L.Y. Glozman, Amand Faessler:

"The d' Dibaryon in the Nonrelativistic Quark Model"

Prepared for International School of Nuclear Physics: 17th Course: Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice/Italy, September 19-27, 1995

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 36 (1996) 383-394

D.R. Entem, A.I. Machavariani, A. Valcarce, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler, F. Fernandez:

"A Chiral Quark Model and the Spin Observables in Nucleon Nucleon Scattering"

Nucl. Phys. A602 (1996) 308-326

P. Fernandez de Cordoba, E. Marco, H. Muether, E. Oset, Amand Faessler:

"Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering in Nuclei at x > 1 and the Nucleon Spectral Function"

Nucl. Phys. A611 (1996) 514-538


P. Fernandez de Cordoba, E. Marco, H. Muether, E. Oset, Amand Faessler:

"Lepton Scattering on Nuclei at x > 1 and the Nucleon Spectral Function"

Presented at 13th International Seminar on High-energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP'96): Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, Dubna/Russia, September 2-7, 1996

nucl-th/9612029 (1996)

C. Fuchs, E. Lehmann, R.K. Puri, L. Sehn, Amand Faessler, H.H. Wolter:

"Realistic Forces in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies"

J. Phys. G22 (1996) 131

C. Fuchs, E. Lehmann, L. Sehn, F. Scholz, T. Kubo, J. Zipprich, Amand Faessler:

"Heavy Ion Collisions and the Density Dependence of the Local Mean Field"

Nucl. Phys. A603 (1996) 471-485

T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler, G.D. Yen, S.N. Yang:

"Consequences of Strangeness Content in the Nucleon for φ Meson Production in N anti-N Annihilation"

Prepared for 4th Biennial Conference on Low-energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP'96), Dinkelsbühl/Germany, August 27-31, 1996

In 'Dinkelsbühl 1996, Proceedings; Low energy antiproton physics' (1996) 311-316

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 56 (1997) 311-316

K. Itonaga, A.J. Buchmann, G. Wagner, Amand Faessler:

"Pionic Decay of a Possible D-prime Dibaryon"

Nucl. Phys. A609 (1996) 422-436


E. Lehmann, Amand Faessler, J. Zipprich, R.K. Puri, S.W. Huang:

"Study of In-Medium Effects on the Disappearance for the Sidewards Flow in Heavy-Ion Collisions"

Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 2134

B. Lopes-Alvaredo, E. Oset, M.J. Vicente-Vacas, S.W. Huang, P. Fernandez de Cordoba, Amand Faessler:

"Coherent, Semicoherent and Incoherent Pion Production in Heavy Ion Reactions"

Nucl. Phys. A611 (1996) 568-586

M. Maruyama, S. Furui, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"A Quark Rearrangement and Annihilation Model for Anti-P P Annihilation at Low-Energies"

In 'Villars-sur-Olon 1987, Proceedings; Physics at LEAR with low energy antiprotons' (1996) 415-420

A. Muhm, T. Gutsche, R. Thierauf, Y. Yan, Amand Faessler:

"P Anti-P Annihilation into Two Mesons in the Quark Annihilation Model Including Final State Interaction"

Nucl. Phys. A598 (1996) 285-317

R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Dingfelder:

"Angular and Energy Dependence of (e, e') Cross-Sections for Orbital 1+ Excitations"

submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (1996) 28 pp


R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler, M. Dingfelder:

"Orbital Response to Backward (e, e') Scattering at Low and High Excitation Energies"

Nucl. Phys. A600 (1996) 335

G. Pantis, F. Simkovic, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler:

"Neutrinoless Double β Decay within QRPA with Proton-Neutron Pairing"

Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 695-707


A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Shape Coexistence and Shape Transition in N = Z Nuclei from Krypton to Molybdenum"

Nucl. Phys. A605 (1996) 290

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, D. Pantelica, F. Negoita, B.R.S. Babu, A.V. Ramayya, J.H. Hamilton, J. Kromicki, L. Chaturvedi, W.C. Ma, S.J. Zhu, N.R. Johnson, I.Y. Lee, C. Bakatash, F.K. McGowan, M.L. Halbert, M. Riley, J.D. Cole:

"High Spin States in 68As: Experiment and Theory"

Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 2134

A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Amand Faessler:

"The Nuclear Deformation Versus the Spin-Flip Like Excitations and the Suppression of the 2νββ Decay Amplitude"

Nucl. Phys. A617 (1997) 176-194

J. Schwieger, F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler:

"The Pauli Principle, QRPA and the Two Neutrino Double β Decay"

Nucl. Phys. A600 (1996) 179-192


A. Sibirtsev, K. Tsushima, Amand Faessler:

"Δ Excitation in Anti-Proton - Deuteron Annihilation"

Z. Phys. A354 (1996) 215-218


F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler, G. Pantis, J.D. Vergados:

"The QRPA Study of Neutrinoless Double β Decay with and without Proton Neutron Pairing"

Prepared for 4th International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (TAUP'95), Toledo/Spain, September 17-21, 1995

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 48 (1996) 257-259

A. Szczurek, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"On the Flavor Structure of the Constituent Quark"

J. Phys. G22 (1996) 1741-1750


G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Exchange Current Contributions to the Octet Baryon Magnetic Moments"

Prepared for International School of Nuclear Physics: 17th Course: Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice/Italy, September 19-27, 1995

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 36 (1996) 69-70

Amand Faessler:

"Aspects of Nuclear and Low Energy Particle Physics with Storage Rings"

Nucl. Phys. A626 (1997) 517c-530c

Amand Faessler:

"Test of Grand Unification in Nuclei: the Double β Decay"

Prepared for Conference on Advances in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Thessaloniki/Greece, July 8-12, 1997

In 'Thessaloniki 1997, Proceedings; Advances in nuclear physics and related areas' (1997) 771-780

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Dibaryon Condensate in Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars: Exact Analysis in One-Dimensional Modes"

Ann. Phys. 254 (1997) 109-129

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Constraints to Coupling Constants of the ω- and σ-Mesons with Dibaryons"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1576-1581


Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko, B.V. Martemyanov:

"Nuclear Matter with a Bose Condensate of Dibaryons in Relativistic Mean Field Theories"

Talk given at 13th International Seminar on High-energy Physics Problems (ISHEPP'96): Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, Dubna/Russia, September 2-7, 1996

Phys. Lett. B391 (1997) 255-260


Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko, F. Simkovic, J. Schwieger:

"Dominance of Pion Exchange in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry Contributions to Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 (1997) 183-186


Amand Faessler, M.I. Krivoruchenko, B.V. Martemyanov:

"The Condensation of Dibaryons in Nuclear Matter and its Possible Signatures in Heavy Ion Collisions"

nucl-th/9706079 (1997)

A. Bobyk, Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski:

"Distortion of the Pion Wave Function and the DCX Reaction"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) 375-383

A. Bobyk, W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Pionic Double Charge Exchange Reaction with Distorted Pion Waves"

I.F. UMCS Report 1996 (Institute of Physics) (1997)

A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Dibaryon Condensate in Nuclear Matter and Neutron Stars: Exact Analysis in One-Dimensional Models"

Annals Phys. 254 (1997) 109-129


A.J. Buchmann, E. Hernandez, Amand Faessler:

"Electromagnetic Properties of the Δ(1232)"

Phys. Rev. C55 (1997) 448-463


A.J. Buchmann, G. Wagner, Amand Faessler:

"The d-prime Dibaryon in a Colored Cluster Model"

Invited talk at the 6th Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP'97), Big Sky/MT, May 27 - June 2, 1997

In 'Big Sky 1997, Proceedings; Intersections between particle and nuclear physics' (1997) 685-688


C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler:

"Reply on the Comment on Influence of the In-Medium Pion Dispersion Relation in Heavy Ion Collisions by J. Helgesson and J. Randrup"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1189

C. Fuchs, D.S. Kosov, Amand Faessler:

"Momentum Dependence of the Nuclear Selfenergy in the Relativistic Brueckner Approach"

nucl-th/9709072 (1997)

C. Fuchs, L. Sehn, Amand Faessler, D.S. Kosov, V.S. Uma Maheswari, Z. Wang:

"Treatment of Baryonic Resonances in the RQMD Approach Including Scalar-Vector Mean Fields"

Presented at 25th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitation: QCD Phase Transition (Hirschegg'97), Hirschegg/Austria, January 13-18, 1997

In 'Hirschegg 1997, Proceedings; QCD phase transition' (1997) 433-440


C. Fuchs, L. Sehn, E. Lehmann, J. Zipprich, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of the In-Medium Pion Dispersion Relation in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Rev. C55 (1997) 411-418

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1189-1190


C. Fuchs, L. Sehn, E. Lehmann, J. Zipprich, Amand Faessler:

"Reply to Comment on Influence of the In-Medium Pion Dispersion Relation in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1189-1190

C. Fuchs, Z. Wang, L. Sehn, Amand Faessler, V.S. Uma Maheswari, D. Kosov:

"Origin of Subthreshold K+ Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 606-609


T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler, G.D. Yen, S.N. Yang:

"Consequences of Strangeness Content in the Nucleon for φ-Meson Production in N Anti-N Annihilation"

Prepared for 4th Biennial Conference on Low-energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP'96), Dinkelsbühl/Germany, August 27-31, 1996

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 56 (1997) 311-316

T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic, J.D. Vergados:

"State by State Calculations of All Channels of the Exotic (μ-, e-) Conversion Process"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 526-534


T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, J.D. Vergados:

"The New Limits of the Neutrinoless (μ-, e-) Conversion Branching Ratio"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) 693-703


D.S. Kosov, C. Fuchs, B.V. Martemyanov, Amand Faessler:

"Constraints on the Coupling Constants of σ and ω Mesons to Δ Isobars"

nucl-th/9704012 (1997)

A. Machavariani, G.A. Emelyanenko, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Three-dimensional Field-Theoretical Construction of the Nucleon Nucleon Potential from Quark Degrees of Freedom"

Annals Phys. 253 (1997) 332-355

U. Meyer, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"On the Width of the d'-Dibaryon"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3295

U. Meyer, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Exchange Currents in Photoproduction of Baryon Resonances"

Phys. Lett. B408 (1997) 19-24


U. Meyer, Amand Faessler, S.B. Khadkikar:

"The Triaxial Rotation Vibration Model in the Xe - Ba Region"

Nucl. Phys. A624 (1997) 391

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 38 (1997) 241


I.T. Obukhovsky, K. Itonaga, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"On the Width of d'-Dibaryon"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3295-3306

I.T. Obukhovsky, K. Itonaga, G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Pionic Decay of a Possible d'-Dibaryon and the Short Range NN Interaction"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3295-3306


A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Aspects of Identical Bands in the A = 70 Mass Region"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 38 (1997) 161

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Microscopic Aspects of Identical Bands in 78Sr and 78Rb"

Z. Phys. A (1997) 19

A.A. Raduta, D.S. Delion, Amand Faessler:

"The Nuclear Deformation Versus the Spin Flip Like Excitations and the Suppression of the 2 Decay Amplitude"

Nucl. Phys. A617 (1997) 176-194

A.A. Raduta, A.H. Raduta, Amand Faessler:

"Positive and Negative Parity Bands in the Pear Shape Nuclei"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) 49

A.A. Raduta, A.H. Raduta, Amand Faessler:

"Phenomenological Description of Rotational Bands in the Pear Chaped Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C55 (1997) 1747

J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler:

"RQRPA, Nuclear Structure and Double Processes"

Prepared for 16th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN'97), Capri/Italy, June 22-28, 1997

In 'Capri 1997, Proceedings; Weak interactions and neutrinos' (1997) 191-194

J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas:

"Removal of Spurious Contaminations of the Incoherent to e- Matrix Elements"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 2830

J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas:

"Detailed Study of the Incoherent e- Conversion Rate: Elimination of Spurious Contaminations from the 1- Contribution"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 2830-2838

J. Schwieger, F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski:

"Double β Decay to Excited States in 76Ge within Renormalized QRPA"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1647-1653

L. Sehn, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs:

"Pauli Operator for Colliding Nuclear Matter"

J. Phys. G (1997), in press

L. Sehn, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler:

"Nucleon Selfenergy in the Relativistic Brueckner Approach"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 216-227


F. Simkovic, J. Schwieger, G. Pantis, Amand Faessler:

"A Large Hilbert Space QRPA and RQRPA Calculation of Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Found. Phys. 27 (1997) 1275


F. Simkovic, J. Schwieger, M. Veselsky, G. Pantis, Amand Faessler:

"Noncollapsing Renormalized QRPA with Proton-Neutron Pairing for Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Pyhs. Lett. B393 (1997) 267-273


K. Tsushima, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"A Study of the πB YK Reactions for Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Austral. J. Phys. 50 (1997) 35-43


J.M. Udias, R. Nojarov, Amand Faessler:

"M1 (e, e') Excitations in 30Si and 32S from the Quasi-Particle Random-Phase-Approximation"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) 1673-1683

V.S. Uma Maheswari, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, L. Sehn, D. Kosov, Z. Wang:

"High Energy Pions and Pion Charge Dependence in Heavy Ion Collisions"

submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (1997)

G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Radiative Decay of Decuplet Hyperons"

Phys. Lett. B (1997)

Z.S. Wang, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, V.S. Uma Maheswari, D. Kosov:

"Anisotropy of Subthreshold K+ Emission in Heavy Ion Reaction"

Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 4096-4099

Z.S. Wang, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, V.S. Uma Maheswari, D. Kosov:

"Kaon Flow in Heavy Ion Reactions"

submitted to Phys. Rev. C (1997)

Y. Yan, T. Gutsche, R. Thierauf, A. Muhm, Amand Faessler:

"Quasinuclear N Anti-N Bound States in the Quark Annihilation Model"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) L33-L40

Y. Yan, R. Tegen, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler:

"Sturmian Function Approach and Anti-NN Bound States"

Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 1596-1604

Z.Y. Zhang, Y.W. Yu, P.N. Shen, L.R. Dai, Amand Faessler, U. Straub:

"Hyperon Nucleon Interactions in a Chiral SU(3) Quark Model"

Nucl. Phys. A625 (1997) 59-70

J. Zipprich, C. Fuchs, E. Lehmann, L. Sehn, S.W. Huang, Amand Faessler:

"Influence of the Pion-Nucleon Interaction on the Collective Pion Flow in Heavy Ion Reactions"

J. Phys. G23 (1997) L1-L6


Amand Faessler:

"Grand Unification, the Double β Decay and the Pauli Principle"

Prepared for International Conference on Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics: Nonperturbative QCD Hadron Physics and Electroweak Nuclear Processes (QULEN'97), Osaka/Japan, May 20-23, 1997

Nucl. Phys. A629 (1998) 496c-506c

Amand Faessler:

"Quark Model, Chiral Symmetry, Deformation of the Nucleon and the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction"

Prepared for Workshop on the Structure of Mesons, Baryons and Nuclei, Cracow/Poland, May 26-30, 1998

Acta Phys. Polon. B29 (1998) 2367-2376

Amand Faessler:

"The Nature of the Nucleon Nucleon Interaction in the Quark Model"

Prepared for 25th Mazurian Lakes School of Physics: Symmetries in Micro and Macro Worlds, Piaski/Poland, August 27 - September 6, 1997

Acta Phys. Polon. B29 (1998) 197-210

Amand Faessler:

"Test of Physics beyond the Standard Model in Nuclei"

Prepared for 25th Mazurian Lakes School of Physics: Symmetries in Micro and Macro Worlds, Piaski/Poland, August 27 - September 6, 1997

Acta Phys. Polon. B29 (1998) 79-89

Amand Faessler:

"Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Oscillations and the Supersymmetric Model"

Prepared for International Conference on Symmetries in High-Energy Physics and Applications, Ioannina/Greece, September 30 - October 5, 1998

In 'Ioannina 1998, Proceedings; Symmetries in intermediate and high energy physics' (1998) 1-14

Amand Faessler:

"Is the Nucleon Deformed?"

Prepared for International Summer School on Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems, Predeal/Romania, August 24 - September 5, 1998

In 'Predeal 1998, Proceedings; Structure and stability of nucleon and nuclear systems' (1998) 481-493

Amand Faessler:

"Unification of the Forces and the Neutrino"

Prepared for International Summer School on Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems, Predeal/Romania, August 24 - September 5, 1998

In 'Predeal 1998, Proceedings; Structure and stability of nucleon and nuclear systems' (1998) 381-396

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Nuclear Matter with a Bose Condensate of Baryons in Relativistic Hartree Approximation"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 1458-1463


Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, M.I. Krivoruchenko, B.V. Martemyanov:

"Dibaryons in Nuclear Matter"

J. Phys. G24 (1998) 791-820


Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko, F. Simkovic:

"Bilinear R-Parity Violation in Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 055004


Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko, F. Simkovic:

"Pions in Nuclei and Manifestations of Supersymmetry in Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Phys. Rev. D58 (1998) 115004


Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko, F. Simkovic, J. Schwieger:

"Pion Exchange Currents in Neutrinoless Double β Decay and Limits on Supersymmetry"

Contributed to the Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP'97), Dubna/Russia, July 7-11, 1997

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 1229-1235

Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998) 1329-1335


Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic:

"Double β Decay"

J. Phys. G24 (1998) 2139-2178


V. Bednyakov, Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko:

"Super-Kamiokande Constraints on R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry"

Phys. Lett. B442 (1998) 203-208


V. Bednyakov, Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko:

"Present Status of R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 43 (1998)

A. Bobyk, W.A. Kaminski, P. Zareba, Amand Faessler:

"Effects of the Pion Wave Distortion on the Absorption/Emission Mechanism of the DCX Reaction on 56Fe"

Acta Phys. Polon. B29 (1998) 799-808

A.J. Buchmann, U. Meyer, Amand Faessler, E. Hernandez:

"N → Δ(1232) E2 Transition and Siegert's Theorem"

Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 2478-2488

A.J. Buchmann, G. Wagner, Amand Faessler:

"The d'-Dibaryon in a Colored Cluster Model"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 3340-3355


C. Fuchs, D.S. Kosov, Amand Faessler, Z.S. Wang, T. Waindzoch:

"Consequences of Covariant Kaon Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Lett. B434 (1998) 245-250


C. Fuchs, T. Waindzoch, Amand Faessler, D.S. Kosov:

"Scalar and Vector Decomposition of the Nuclear Self-Energy in the Relativistic Brueckner Approach"

Phys. Rev. C (1998), in press

E. Hammaren, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Unrestricted Symmetry-Projected Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Calculations for sd-Shell Nuclei"

Eur. Phys. J. A2 (1998) 371

R. Hofmann, Amand Faessler, T. Gutsche:

"Direct Test of the Scalar-Vector Lorentz Structure of the Nucleon- and Antinucleon-Nucleus Potential"

submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (1998)

W.A. Kaminski, P. Zareba, Amand Faessler:

"Fully Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation"

Ann. Phys. (NY) (1998) in preparation

D.S. Kosov, C. Fuchs, B.V. Martemyanov, Amand Faessler:

"Constraints on the Relativistic Mean Field of Δ Isobar in Nuclear Matter"

Phys. Lett. B421 (1998) 37-40

T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler, Z. Ren:

"Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation for the Inclusive -e Conversion"

submitted (1998)

T.S. Kosmas, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler:

"Muon Number Violating Processes in Nuclei"

Prepared for 1st International Workshop on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP'97), Dubna, Moscow Region/Russia, July 7-11, 1997

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 1161-1174

Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998) 1261-1274


T.S. Kosmas, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler:

"The Muon-to-Electron Conversion in Nuclei"

Prepared for International Summer School on Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems, Predeal/Romania, August 24 - September 5, 1998

In 'Predeal 1998, Proceedings; Structure and stability of nucleon and nuclear systems' (1998) 471-477

V.I. Kukulin, V.N. Pomerantsev, Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, E.M. Tursunov:

"Moscow Type Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials and Three Nucleon Bound States"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 535-554


Y.X. Liu, Amand Faessler, J. Schwieger, A. Bobyk:

"Pauli Principle and Pion Distortion in the p Wave Pionic Double Charge Exchange Reaction"

J. Phys. G24 (1998) 1135-1148

U. Meyer, Amand Faessler, S.G. Kovalenko, F. Simkovic:

"Double β Decay and Test of Physics beyond the Standard Model"

Prepared for Ringberg Euroconference: New Trends in Neutrino Physics, Tegernsee/Germany, May 24-29, 1998

In 'Tegernsee 1998, Proceedings; New trends in neutrino physics' (1998) 13-22

U. Meyer, A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler:

"Description of Even Even Triaxial Nuclei within the Coherent State and the Triaxial Rotation Vibration Models"

Nucl. Phys. A641 (1998) 321-334


N. Ohtsuka, Amand Faessler:

"Mean Field Potential for Non-Equilibrium Phase Space and its Effect on Heavy Ion Reactions"

Prog. of Theor. Phys. 99 (1998) 993-1000

G. Pantis, F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler:

"QRPA and RQRPA Calculations of Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay beyond the Point of Collapse"

Given at 1st International Workshop on Nonaccelerator Physics (NANP'97), Dubna, Moscow Region/Russia, July 7-11, 1997

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 1211-1217

Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998) 1311-1317

G. Pantis, F. Simkovic, J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler:

"Non-Collapsing QRPA for Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Prepared for Workshop on Calculations of Double-Beta-Decay Matrix Elements (MEDEX'97), Prague/Czech Republic, May 27-31, 1997

Czech. J. Phys. 48 (1998) 209-212

A.A. Raduta, Amand Faessler, R.K. Sheline:

"On the Phenomenological Description of the K = 01 Bands in some Rn and Ra Isotopes"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 1512

A.A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta, Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski:

"Description of the Decay within a Fully Renormalized RPA Approach"

Nucl. Phys. A634 (1998) 497-524

A.A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta, W.A. Kaminski, Amand Faessler:

"Toward a Full Renormalized RPA Approach and a New Proton Neutron Dipole Excitation in Some Even-Even Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A634 (1998) 497

Z. Ren, Amand Faessler, A. Bobyk:

"Relativistic Mean-Field Description of Proton-Halo in the first Excited (1/2)+ State of 17F"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 2752-2755

Z. Ren, Amand Faessler, Z.S. Wang:

"Incompressibility of Nuclear Matter and Nuclear Halos"

submitted to Nucl. Phys. A (1998)

J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler:

"RQRPA, Nuclear Structure and Double β Processes"

Prepared for 16th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos (WIN'97), Capri/Italy, June 22-28, 1997

Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 66 (1998) 191-194

J. Schwieger, Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas:

"RQRPA in ββ and μ- → e- Processes"

Prepared for Workshop on Calculation of Double-Beta-Decay Matrix Elements (MEDEX'97), Prague/Czech Republic, May 27-31, 1997

Czech. J. Phys. 48 (1998) 233-234

J. Schwieger, T.S. Kosmas, Amand Faessler:

"The Exotic μ- e- Conversion Rates by Explicit Renormalized Quasiparticle RPA Calculations"

Phys. Lett. B443 (1998) 7-15

J. Schwieger, F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler, W.A. Kaminski:

"Double β Decay to Excited States of Several Medium-Heavy Nuclei within the Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 1738-1743

L. Sehn, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs:

"Pauli Operator for Colliding Nuclear Matter"

J. Phys. G24 (1998) 135-141

F. Simkovic, G. Pantis, Amand Faessler:

"Two-Neutrino Double β Decay: a Study of Different Approximation Schemes"

Given at International School of Nuclear Physics: 19th Course: Neutrinos in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics, Erice/Italy, September 16-24, 1997

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 40 (1998) 285-294

F. Simkovic, G. Pantis, Amand Faessler:

"Two Neutrino Double β Decay: Critical Analysis"

To be published in the proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP'97), Dubna, Moscow Region/Russia, July 7-11, 1997

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998) 1218-1228

Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998) 1318-1328


F. Simkovic, G. Pantis, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler:

"Neutrinoless Double β Decay: Nucleon Current Aspects"

Prepared for International Summer School on Structure and Stability of Nucleon and Nuclear Systems, Predeal/Romania, August 24 - September 5, 1998

In 'Predeal 1998, Proceedings; Structure and stability of nucleon and nuclear systems' (1998) 435-449

M. Strohmeier-Presicek, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

" Decay Modes of the F0(1500) Resonance"

Phys. Lett. B438 (1998) 21-26


H. Toki, U. Meyer, Amand Faessler, R. Brockmann:

"Quark Mean Field Model for Nucleons in Nuclei"

Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 3749-3752

V.S. Uma Maheswari, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, L. Sehn, D.S. Kosov, Z. Wang:

"In-Medium Dependence and Coulomb Effects of the Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A628 (1998) 669-685


V.S. Uma Maheswari, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, Z.S. Wang, D.S. Kosov:

"Role of Isospin Dependent Mean Field in Pion Production in Heavy Ion Reactions"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 922-926


G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Radiative Decays of Decuplet Hyperons"

Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 1745-1750


G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann, Amand Faessler:

"Exchange Currents in Octet Hyperon Charge Radii"

Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 3666-3669


Z.S. Wang, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, V.S. Uma Maheswari, D.S. Kosov:

"The Role of the Coulomb Interaction in the Flow and the Azimuthal Distribution of Kaons from Heavy Ion Reactions"

Nucl. Phys. A628 (1998) 151-160


Z.S. Wang, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, V.S. Uma Maheswari, T. Waindzoch:

"Radial Flow of Kaon Mesons in Heavy Ion Reactions"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 3284-3291


Z.S. Wang, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, T. Gross-Boelting:

"Kaon Squeeze-Out in Heavy Ion Reactions"

submitted to Elsevier Preprint (1998)

C.H. Yu, C. Baktash, M.J. Brinkmann, H.G. Jin, D. Rudolp, C.J. Gross, M. Devlin, D.R. LaFosse, F. Lerma, D.G. Sarantites, G.N. Sylvan, S.L. Tabor, I. Birriel, J.X. Saladin, D.F. Winchell, V.Q. Wood, R.M. Clark, P. Fallon, I.Y. Lee, A.O. Macciavelli, J.C. Wells, A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Lifetime Measurements of Normally Deformed and Superdeformed States in 82Sr"

Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 1

Amand Faessler:

"Neutrino Oscillations and Supersymmetry"

Given at 33rd Zakopane School of Physics: International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Zakopane/Poland, September 1-9, 1998

Acta Phys. Polon. B30 (1999) 405-418

Amand Faessler:

"Heavy Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter"

Proceedings, International School of Nuclear Physics, Italy, September 17-25, 1998

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 42 (1999) 371P

Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann, U. Meyer, A. Valcarce, F. Fernandez, E. Hernandez:

"Deformation of the Nucleon and Nucleon Nucleon Interaction in the Quark Model"

Prepared Symposium on Physics of Multiparticle Systems: New Methods in Theory and Experiment, Moscow/Russia, September 29, 1998

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 62 (1999) 1125-1130

Yad. Fiz. 62 (1999) 1198-1203

Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas, S. Kovalenko, J.D. Vergados:

"Constraints on R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry from Muon Electron Nuclear Conversion"

hep-ph/9904335 (1999)

Amand Faessler, V.I. Kukulin, I.T. Obukhovsky, V.N. Pomerantsev:

"The New Mechanism for Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction"

submitted to Phys. Rev. C (1999)

V. Bednyakov, Amand Faessler, S. Kovalenko:

"On Present Status of R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry"

hep-ph/9904414 (1999)

L.V. Bravina, I.N. Mishustin, J.P. Bondorf, Amand Faessler, E.E. Zabrodin:

"Microscopic Study of Freezeout in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions at SPS Energies"

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 044905


L.V. Bravina, E.E. Zabrodin, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs:

"Can Shadowing Mimic the QCD Phase Transition?"

Phys. Lett. B470 (1999) 27-32


L.V. Bravina, E.E. Zabrodin, M.I. Gorenstein, S.A. Bass, M. Belkacem, M. Bleicher, M. Brandstetter, C. Ernst, Amand Faessler, W. Greiner, S. Soff, H. Stoecker, H. Weber:

"Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Effects in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions"

Talk given at 14th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (QM'99), Torino/Italy, May 10-15, 1999

Nucl. Phys. A661 (1999) 600-603


X.S. Chen, W.M. Sun, F. Wang, Amand Faessler:

"Quantization of Gauge Theory for Gauge Dependent Operators"

hep-ph/9908197 (1999)

Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler, T. Morii:

"Relativistic Harmonic Oscillator Model and Electroproduction of Low Lying Resonances"

Nucl. Phys. A651 (1999) 209-221

Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Nucleon Form-Factors in a Relativistic Quark Model"

Europ. Phys. J. A6 (1999) 203-210

Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"A Relativistic Description for Heavy Mesons"

accepted by Nucl. Phys. A

Y.B. Dong, K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann:

"Spin Content of the Nucleon in a Relativistic Quark Model"

J. Phys. G25 (1999) 1115-1122

Y.B. Dong, K. Shimizu, Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann:

"Description of the Electroproduction Amplitudes of the Proper Resonance in a Relativistic Quark Model"

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 035203

C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, Z.S. Wang, T. Gross-Boelting:

"Chiral Kaon Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Talk given at the International School on Nuclear Physics: 20th Course: Heavy Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter (Erice'98), Erice/Italy, September 17-25, 1998

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 42 (1999) 197-206


T. Gross-Boelting, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler:

"Covariant Representations of the Relativistic Brueckner T Matrix and the Nuclear Matter Problem"

Nucl. Phys. A648 (1999) 105-137


T. Gross-Boelting, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler:

"Dirac Structure of the Nucleus-Nucleus Potential in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Talk given at the International School of Nuclear Physics: 20th Course: Heavy Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter (Erice'98), Erice/Italy, September 17-25, 1998

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 42 (1999) 65-74


T. Gutsche, R. Vinh Mau, M. Strohmeier-Presicek, Amand Faessler:

"Radiative Proton - Anti-Proton Annihilation and Isospin Mixing in Protonium"

Phys. Rev. C59 (1999) 630-641


O. Haug, Amand Faessler, J.D. Vergados, S. Kovalenko:

"Neutrino Oscillations and R-Parity Violating-mssm: Consequences for Trilinear Couplings '(λI33) and Neutrino Masses"

Prepared for Neutrino Mixing: Meeting in Honor of Samoil Bilenky's 70th birthday, Turin/Italy, March 25-27, 1999

In 'Turin 1999, Proceedings; Neutrino mixing' (1999) 138-149

R. Hofmann, Amand Faessler, T. Gutsche:

"Can one Directly Test the Scalar Vector Lorentz Structure of the Nucleon and Anti-Nucleon - Nucleus Potential?"

J. Phys. G25 (1999) 1043-1045


A. Kercek, T. Gutsche, Amand Faessler:

"Protonium Annihilation into Two Mesons in the Quark Annihilation Model"

J. Phys. G25 (1999) 2271-2287

S.M. Kiselev, M.I. Krivoruchenko, B.V. Martemyanov, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs:

"D-prime Production in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Nucl. Phys. A650 (1999) 78-96


V.I. Kukulin, V.N. Pomerantsev, Amand Faessler:

"The Complete Version of Moscow NN Potential"

nucl-th/9903056 (1999)

V.I. Kukulin, V.N. Pomerantsev, Amand Faessler:

"Generalized Orthogonality-Condition Model for the NN Interaction"

Phys. Rev. C59 (1999) 3021-3034

A.I. Machavariani, Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann:

"Field-Theoretical Description of Electromagnetic Δ Resonance Production and Determination of the Magnetic Moment of the Δ+(1232) Resonance by the epe'n'π'γ' and γpn'π'γ' Reactions"

Nucl. Phys. A646 (1999) 231-257

I.T. Obukhovsky, Amand Faessler, G. Wagner, A.J. Buchmann:

NN Decay of a Possible d' Dibaryon and the Quark Pair Creation Model"

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 035207

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler:

"Neutron-Proton Pairing Correlations in Medium Mass NZ Nuclei"

Nucl. Phys. A647 (1999) 197-216

A. Petrovici, K.W. Schmid, Amand Faessler, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya:

"Shape Coexistence Phenomena in Medium Mass Nuclei"

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 43 (1999) 485-535

B.H. Sa, Amand Faessler, A. Tai, T. Waindzoch, C. Fuchs, Z.S. Wang, W. Hui:

"J/ψ Normal and Anomalous Suppressions in a Hadron and String Cascade Model"

J. Phys. G25 (1999) 1123-1133


R. Sahu, F. Simkovic, Amand Faessler:

"Deformed HF Calculation for 76Ge and 76Se Double-Beta Decay"

J. Phys. G25 (1999) 1159-1168

K. Shimizu, Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler:

"Diquark Correlations in the Nucleon"

Nucl. Phys. A657 (1999) 283-302

K. Shimizu, Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler, A.J. Buchmann:

"Relativistic Treatment of Constituent Quark Model"

submitted (1999)

F. Simkovic, G. Pantis, J.D. Vergados, Amand Faessler:

"Additional Nucleon Current Contributions to Neutrinoless Double β Decay"

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 055502


M. Strohmeier-Presicek, T. Gutsche, R. Vinh Mau, Amand Faessler:

"Glueball Quarkonia Content and Decay of Scalar-Isoscalar Mesons"

Phys. Rev. D60 (1999) 054010


Z.S. Wang, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, T. Waindzoch:

"λ Collective Flow in Heavy Ion Reactions"

Nucl. Phys. A645 (1999) 177-188

Erratum-ibid. A648 (1999) 281


Z.S. Wang, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, T. Gross-Boelting:

"Kaon Squeezeout in Heavy Ion Reactions"

Eur. Phys. J. A5 (1999) 275-283


Amand Faessler:

"Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Oscillations and the Supersymmetric Model"

Springer Tracts in Modern Physics 163 (2000) 1

Amand Faessler:

"Is the Nucleon Deformed?"

Prepared for International School of Nuclear Physics, 21st Course: Electromagnetic Probes and the Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice/Sicily, September 17-25, 1999

Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 44 (2000) 197-210

Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, M.I. Krivoruchenko:

"Dilepton Spectra from Decays of Light Unflavored Mesons"

Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 035206


Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas, S. Kovalenko, J.D. Vergados:

"Exotic μe Conversion in Nuclei and R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry"

Nucl. Phys. B587 (2000) 25-44

Amand Faessler, T.S. Kosmas, G.K. Leontaris:

"Symmetries in Intermediate and High-Energy Physics"

Proceedings, conference dedicated to the 60th birthday of Prof. John D. Vergados, Ioannina/Greece, September 30 - October 5, 1998

Springer Tracts in Modern Physics (2000) 163

Amand Faessler, F. Simkovic:

"Test of Physics beyond the Standard Model in Nuclei"

Presented at 2nd International Conference on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP'99), Dubna/Russia, June 28 - July 2, 1999

Phys. Atom. Nucl. 63 (2000) 1165-1176

Yad. Fiz. 63N7 (2000) 1240-1251


L.V. Bravina, Amand Faessler, C. Fuchs, E.E. Zabrodin:

"Microscopic Study of Energy and Centrality Dependence of Transverse Collective Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions"

Phys. Rev. C61 (2000) 064902


X.B. Chen, X.S. Chen, Amand Faessler, T. Gutsche, F. Wang:

"Positive Strangeness Contribution to the Nucleon Magnetic Moment in a Relativistic Chiral Potential Model"

submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2000)

X.B. Chen, X.S. Chen, Amand Faessler, T. Gutsche, F. Wang:

"Robust Prediction of a Positive Nucleon Strangeness Magnetic Moment in the Relativistic Chiral Potential Model"

hep-ph/0003158 (2000)

X.S. Chen, X.B. Chen, Amand Faessler, T. Gutsche, F. Wang:

"Renormalization of Quark Axial Current in the Chiral Potential Model"

submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2000)


Y.B. Dong, Amand Faessler, K. Shimizu:

"Study of Heavy Mesons with a Relativistic Approach"

Nucl. Phys. A671 (2000) 380-395

C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler, T. Gross-Boelting, L. Sehn:

"Nuclear Matter in the Relativistic Brueckner Approach"

Prepared for 28th International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Hadrons in Dense Matter (Hirschegg'2000), Hirschegg/Austria, January 16-22, 2000

In 'Hirschegg 2000, Proceedings; Hadrons in dense matter' (2000) 295-299

T. Gaitanos, H.H. Wolter, C. Fuchs, Amand Faessler:

"Can we Determine the Nuclear Equation of State from Heavy Ion Collisions?"

To be published in the proceedings of Bologna'2000: Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, Bologna/Italy, May 29 - June 3, 2000

nucl-th/0009029 (2000)

T. Gutsche, M. Strohmeier-Presicek, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"Strong Decays of Tenor Mesons"

submitted to Phys. Rev. C

T. Gutsche, M. Strohmeier-Presicek, Amand Faessler, R. Vinh Mau:

"Possible Intrusion of a Glueball-Configuration in the Scalar-Isoscalar Meson Spectrum"

Prepared for Meson'2000 Workshop, Cracow/Poland, May 19-23, 2000

Acta Phys. Polon. B31 (2000) 2657-2660


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