Diagnostik und Kognitive Neuropsychologie

Experience in Supervising Doctoral Researchers

This is to give a brief outline of the PIs’ experience in supervising doctoral researchers (including information about their further careers) and a list of Ph.D.-theses supervised by the respective PI within the last five years.

Number of former graduate students that now work as:

a) Postdoctoral Researchers:


b) Assistant Professors:


c) Professors:


List of Ph.D.-Theses Supervised by the Respective PI within the Last Five Years:


Graduate Students Supervised (since 2005)

Name Year Title of Thesis Topical Supervisor Referee/Advisor/Advisory Board Member

Currently Ongoing Ph.D.-Theses

Helena Storchak since 2016

Über akustische Halluzinationen bei depressiven Patienten

Vesna Milicevic since 2011
Neuro-kognitive Prozesse bei Schlafpatienten und Schlafgesunden




Completed Ph.D.-Theses

Gabriella Daróczy 2021 Linguistic and Numerical Influences on Word Problems X X
Parvin Nemati 2019 Self-Control and (Pre-)Academic Performance of Children and Young Adults in the Intercultural Context X X
David Rosenbaum 2019 Neuronale Korrelate depressiven Grübelns X X
Beatrix Barth 2018 Cortical self-regulation in adult ADHD using EEG, NIRS and EMG: a comparison study X X
Philipp Schröder 2018 Neuromodulation and number processing X X

Réka Vágvölgyi

2018 Exploring the cognitive and motivational background of functional illiterates X X
Christina Artemenko 2018 Neurocognitive Foundations of Arithmetic Processes in Adults and Children X X
Agnes Korczek 2018 From automatization to deliberation - cue-reactivity and executive control   X

Mojtaba Soltanou

2017 Cortical activation and regulation during numerical processes and arithmetic learning X X
Julia Bahnmüller 2017 Neurokognitive Grundlagen verkörperlicht räumlich-numerischen Lernens X X
Mirjam Frey
(geb. Wasner)
2017 Die Bedeutsamkeit fingerbasierter Repräsentationen auf numerische Fähigkeiten: Ergebnisse einer Intervention zu Beginn der Grundschule und Differenzierung struktureller Merkmale X X
Shadi Akbari 2017 The investigation of brain electrical activity during counting regular and irregular arrangements X X
Steson Koon-Siu Lo 2017 Thinking Digitally: Individual Differences in Mental Representations of Number and Computational Algorithms Associated with Exact Quantities   X
Julia Dietrich 2016 A systematic evaluation of the foundation of numerical development and math anxiety from a diagnostic perspective   X
Christoph Till 2015 Entwicklung der Vorstellungen von Grundschülerinnen und Grundschülern zu Risiko und Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit.   X
Ute Sprösser 2015 Einflussfaktoren auf Kompetenz, Sichtweisen und motivationale Variablen im Bereich von Statistical Literacy   X
Urszula Mihulowicz 2015 Magnitude and verbal representation of numbers: Evidence from right- and left-brain damaged patients. X X
Tanja Dackermann (geb. Link) 2015 Numbers, Space and Number Lines: Trainings in and Perspectives on the Mental Number Line Concept X X
Jan Zirk-Sadowski 2014 Bayesian settings of multivariate perspectives on numerical psychophysics and learning: within logic, decision-making and neuro-affective factors   X
Annekathrin Mann 2014 Substantiating and Specifying the Triple Code Model: Neurocognitive, Developmental, and Diagnostic Perspectives on Number Processing



Stefan Huber 2014 Towards a Common Model Framework for Number Comparison



Tim Rohe 2014 Causal inference in multisensory perception and the brain  


Johannes Rennig 2014 Neuronal and behavioral mechanisms of Gestalt perception  


Ursula Fischer 2013 Arithmetic Trainings and Embodiment How Specific Physical Movement Supports Numerical Development



Elise Klein
(Dr. in Psychology)1

2012 Neurocognitive Foundations of Mental Arithmetic – Bridging the Gap between Cognitive Functions, Neural Correlates and Anatomical Connections



Korbinian Möller 2010
The influence of the place-value structure of the Arabic number system on two-digit number processing – Representational, developmental, neuropsychological and computational aspects.



Beate Kajda 2010
Dyskalkulie und visuell-räumliche Fähigkeiten: Stehen visuell-räumliche Fähigkeiten in einem kausalen Zusammenhang mit Dyskalkulie


Helga Krinzinger 2010
The role of multi-digit number processing in the development of numerical cognition


Belinda Angela Pletzer 2010
Stress, sex and mathematical problem solving: an integrative approach, including endocrinological, behavioral and brain imaging data


Silvia Pixner 2009
How do children process two-digit numbers: Influences of verbal, visual-Arabic and spatial representations on two-digit number processing in children.



Elise Klein (Dr. med.)1

The exact vs. approximate distinction in numerical cognition may not be exact, but only approximate: How different processes work together in multi-digit addition


Titia Gebuis 2009
From quantity to number: A developmental perspective of number processing


Luca Ticini 2009
Neural Substrates of Spatial Awareness and Balance in Stroke Patients


Gavin Price 2008
Numerical Magnitude Representation in Developmental Disorders of ArithmeticReading: Behavioural and Brain Imaging Studies


Andre Knops 2006
On the structure and Neural Correlates of the Numerical Magnitude representation and it Influence in the Assessment of Verbal Working Memory


Guilherme Maia de Oliveira Wood 2005
Neuronal and Cognitive Correlates of Attentional and Automatic Semantic Number Processing Reading: Behavioural and Brain Imaging Studies



[1] Elise Klein appears twice. Prof. Dr. H.-C. Nuerk acted as topical (co-)supervisor in medicine. He will act both as referee and topical supervisor for her dissertation in psychology, for which she has recently been admitted.


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