Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

News ZMBP Selected Papers

New Publications at the ZMBP - Original Papers


Mosher S, Seybold H, Rodriguez P, Stahl M, Davies KA, Dayaratne S, Morillo SA, Wierzba M, Favery B, Keller H, Tax FE, Kemmerling B.

The Tyrosine-sulfated peptide receptors PSKR1 and PSY1R modify Arabidopsis immunity to biotrophic…

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New Publications at the ZMBP - Reviews


Bankaitis VA, Ile KE, Nile AH, Ren J, Ghosh R, Schaaf G (2012)

Thoughts on Sec14-like nanoreactors and phosphoinositide signaling. Adv Biol Regul, 52:115-21

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