Zentrum für Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen (ZMBP)

News ZMBP Selected Papers

New Publications at the ZMBP - Original Papers


Lummer M, Humpert, F, Steuwe C, Caesar K, Schüttpelz M, Sauer M, Staiger D (2011).

Reversible photoswitchable DRONPA-s monitor nucleocytoplasmic transport of an RNA-binding protein in…

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Caesar K, Thamm AMK, Witthöft J, Elgass K, Huppenberger P, Grefen C, Horak J, Harter K (2011).

Evidence for the localization of the Arabidopsis cytokinin receptors AHK3 and AHK4 in the…

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Witthöft J, Caesar K, Elgass K, Huppenberger P, Kilian J, Schliefenbaum F, Oecking C, Harter K (2011).

The activation of the Arabidopsis P-ATPase 1 by the brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 is independent of…

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Reichardt I, Slane D, El Kasmi F, Knöll C, Fuchs R, Mayer U, Lipka V, Jürgens G.

Mechanisms of Functional Specificity Among Plasma-Membrane Syntaxins in Arabidopsis. Traffic. 2011…

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El-Kasmi F, Pacher T, Strompen G, Stierhof YD, Müller LM, Koncz C, Mayer U, Jürgens G.

Arabidopsis SNARE protein SEC22 is essential for gametophyte development and maintenance of…

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Wolters H, Anders N, Geldner N, Gavidia R, Jürgens G.

Coordination of apical and basal embryo development revealed by tissue-specific GNOM functions. Dev…

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Lenz HD, Vierstra RD, Nürnberger T, Gust AA.

ATG7 contributes to plant basal immunity towards fungal infection. Plant Signal Behav. 2011 Jul…

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New Publications at the ZMBP - Reviews